Keep US Posted Calls on PRC to Curb USPS Postage Hikes (
As stamps increase yet again with additional rate hikes planned in the coming months, Keep US Posted, an alliance consisting of consumer interests, industry groups, newspapers, nonprofits and businesses, is calling on USPS regulators to take action.
The Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) is accepting comments in response to concerns from Congress about the multiple postage hikes planned in Louis DeJoy’s “Delivering for America” plan. In its comments, Keep US Posted urged the Postal Regulatory Commission to fulfill its role as a watchdog for the public, rather than allow unnecessary postage rate increases to keep happening. The organization points out that several factors, including the new postal reform law (The Postal Service Reform Act), have changed the financial outlook for USPS and demand that the Postal Regulatory Commission review DeJoy’s proposed rate increases again.
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