Mondi is recognised with Triple A score from CDP
Leading global packaging and paper manufacturer Mondi has secured a place on CDP’s prestigious ‘Triple A List’ for tackling climate change as well as acting to protect forests and water security. Mondi has been recognised for leading on corporate environmental ambition, action and transparency worldwide. CDP’s annual environmental disclosure and scoring process is widely recognised as the gold standard of corporate environmental transparency. In 2020, over 515 investors with over US$106 trillion in assets and 150+ major purchasers with US$4 trillion in procurement spend requested companies to disclose data on environmental impacts, risks and opportunities through CDP’s platform. Over 9,600 responded – the highest ever. Mondi is one of only 10 companies that has achieved a triple ‘A’, out of the 5,800+ companies that were scored based on data submitted through CDP’s questionnaires in 2020.