Global learning company Houghton Mifflin Harcourt has partnered with King-Devick Technologies, Inc. to bring the King-Devick Reading Acceleration Program (K-D RAP), a new, proven-effective approach to strengthening literacy skills by teaching the physical act of reading, to students in elementary classrooms. HMH will market, sell and distribute K-D RAP to schools nationwide, while King-Devick technologies’ (KDT) specialists will provide educators with product training and technical support.
K-D RAP is an in-school, web-based system that allows students to practice accurate and efficient eye movements that often are not fully developed when students learn to read. The student’s task is to read aloud dynamically presented single-digit number targets quickly while speed settings are adjusted and increased with ongoing practice.
KDT is also home to the King-Devick Test in association with Mayo Clinic, the well-known sideline concussion screening test, and KDT is the only company in Mayo Clinic’s 150 year history with which the Clinic has co-branded.
Peer-reviewed studies have shown that K-D RAP provides simple in-school eye movement practice that significantly improves oral reading fluency and comprehension with elementary students. More notably, K-D RAP provides the greatest benefits to students who need it the most. In as little as six weeks, below-level students who completed K-D RAP increased from the 26th to 40th national percentile rank in reading fluency and from the 40th to the 56th percentile rank in reading comprehension, in a study published in January this year by the Journal of Child Neurology.
read more/source: http://www.hmhco.com/media-center/press-releases/2017/july/king-devick-technologies-partnership#sthash.YfZY7YYP.dpbs