Hood Container Joins Box to Nature Residential Box Recycling Program Aiming to Recapture More Fiber for Industry

Hood Container has joined Box to Nature program – Paper and Packaging Board’s (P+PB) residential recycling program. Developed by P+PB in collaboration with participating paper and corrugated manufacturing companies and industry partners, Box to Nature is an initiative where box manufacturers work with e-commerce brands to print a graphic on their boxes that encourages consumers to recycle.

The Box to Nature graphic provides specific instructions on how to easily recycle (empty, flatten, recycle), and features a QR code that directs them to Box2Nature.org where they will find memorable, easy-to-recall messages to encourage recycling habits. When the message was tested before launching the program, 75% of consumers indicated they would be more likely to recycle their e-commerce box after exposure to the graphic.

The goal is to increase the estimated 40% residential box recycling rate 1 (The Recycling Partnership) and recapture more fiber to make new paper-based products. Brands also get a positive lift in perception among consumers due to the association with their choice to use sustainable, recyclable paper-based packaging.
more at: https://hoodcontainer.com/hood-container-joins-box-to-nature-residential-box-recycling-program-aiming-to-recapture-more-fiber-for-industry/

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