Holmen’s Interim Report January-June 2022
*Operating profit for January-June 2022 was SEK 3 984 million (January-June 2021: 1 747). Excluding the item affecting comparability of SEK +266 million, operating profit increased by SEK 1 972 million to SEK 3 719 million. This was due to price increases in every product area, while cost inflation was limited by our high level of wood and energy self-sufficiency.
*Compared with the first quarter, operating profit for the second quarter increased by SEK 484 million to SEK 2 101 million, excluding the item affecting comparability, due to further price increases.
*Profit after tax for January-June amounted to SEK 3 125 million (1 373), which corresponds to earnings per share of SEK 19.3 (8.5).
*A total of SEK 1 862 million of ordinary and extraordinary dividends was paid in April. Thanks to strong cash flow, net debt has decreased by roughly SEK 300 million since year-end.
details at: https://www.holmen.com/en/newsroom/press/press-releases/2022/holmens-interim-report-january-june-2022/