Harnessing Solar Power at Resolute’s Florida Tissue Operations
At Resolute, we continue to deliver on our strong commitment to climate change mitigation and green energy projects that optimize the use of renewables. Our two Florida tissue mills – Sanford and Hialeah – are taking advantage of the Sunshine State’s favorable climate to participate in ™, a community program offered by Florida Power & Lighting (FPL) that helps local homes and businesses access emissions-free energy.
FPL operates dozens of solar energy centers across the state, increasing the use of solar power on the energy grid and helping to offset the use of other non-renewable energy resources.
Resolute began participating in SolarTogether in July 2021. We anticipate a total annual reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of about 7,000 metric tons (7,716 short tons) of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) in 2022 for our two Florida tissue mills. “This innovative program is helping Resolute achieve our sustainability targets,” said Patrice Minguez, president of Resolute Tissue. “Not only are we purchasing green energy to power our Florida operations, we are proud to support Florida’s clean energy revolution.”