Give your feedback on the Luxembourg forest certification system
PEFC invites stakeholders around the world to comment on the revised national forest certification system of Luxembourg, following its submission to PEFC for re-endorsement. To give your feedback, head to our Online Consultation Tool.
PEFC Luxembourg joined the PEFC alliance back in 2002 and first achieved endorsement of its system in 2005. The national system was re-endorsed in both 2010 and 2014, and there are now over 35,000 hectares of PEFC-certified forest area in the country.
We need your comments! The deadline is 14 January 2019.
Find out more about the system
In order to give you a better understanding of the revised system, join us at 15.00 CET, 7 December 2018 for an explanatory webinar. Sign up now!
The PEFC endorsement process
The 60-day global public consultation is a vital part of the PEFC endorsement process. It is your chance to comment and provide feedback on any aspect of the national system.
The PEFC Registered Assessor that carries out the assessment will use the information received from this consultation to help determine the compliance of the national system with our international requirements.
Once the national system has successfully passed the assessment, the PEFC General Assembly votes on its endorsement. A two-thirds majority is required for a system to be endorsed.
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