Flint Group in Europe commits to ink systems free of Nitrocellulose to enhance flexible packaging recycling

Flint Group, a leading supplier of inks and coatings for the global print and packaging industry, has reinforced its commitment to Nitrocellulose-free (NC-free) ink systems in Europe. This initiative actively supports flexible packaging recycling in alignment with the newly updated Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR).

PPWR mandates that by 2030, all packaging must be 100% recyclable, setting clear targets for recycled content. It also underscores the importance of ensuring that every component of the packaging value chain integrates seamlessly with recycling infrastructure.

In a newly published blog, Flint Group highlights the latest regulatory guidelines and explains how conventional Nitrocellulose (NC)-based inks degrade during mechanical recycling with the potential to contaminate recyclate.

Paul Winstanley, Vice President of Technology & Product Management at Flint Group, said: “The recycling infrastructure represents a significant investment that must function efficiently to achieve the circularity goals of initiatives such as PPWR, and whilst NC-based printing inks are recyclable, NC-free solutions offer improved compatibility with the mechanical recycling process. Additionally, under PPWR, producers – including packaging printers – are subject to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes, which impose fees based on how easily their packaging materials can be recycled. Therefore, the ink industry is proactively developing new solutions to improve the ability to recycle packaging materials.
more at: https://www.flintgrp.com/news-and-events/news/flint-group-europe-commits-to-nc-free-ink-systems/

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