Monadnock Announces Hemp Envi Performance Board
Monadnock Paper Mills, Inc., the oldest continuously operating paper mill in the United States, is pleased to announce the expansion of its alternative fiber offerings with Monadnock Hemp Envi™ Performance Board. Monadnock developed the tree-free bright white premium board with a continued focus on both performance and sustainability. Recyclable Hemp Envi Performance Board is crafted in the United States, Forest Stewardship Council Certified (FSC® C018866), and composed of 30 percent hemp fiber and 70 percent post-consumer waste (PCW) recycled fiber. “Hemp is an exceptionally strong agricultural fiber that has been used in papermaking for centuries, so who better than our 200-year old company to reimagine its use for the needs of 21st-century brands,” said Julie Brannen, Director, Sustainability Solutions, Monadnock.