The Quebec government and Cascades invest $11.3 million in two energy efficiency projects
With two major projects at its Cabano plant supported by the Quebec government, Cascades will significantly decrease its heavy-fuel oil consumption. These investments will result in an annual reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) equivalent to taking 4,000 light duty vehicles off the road! Ministers Pierre Arcand and Jean D'Amour, and Cascades President and Chief Executive Officer Mario Plourde, have confirmed that the two energy efficiency projects represent a total investment of $11 .3 million in the Cascades Containerboard Packaging–Cabano plant. The government of Quebec will contribute financial aid in the amount of $5 .2 million for the two projects, while Cascades will invest $6 .1 million. The projects consist in modifying two residual forest biomass boilers. click Read More below for additional detail