Email, First-Party Data Seen As Critical As Cookies Disappear, Brands Say (

Brands preparing for the end of the third-party cookie see one possible solution in email, judging by “Life after the third-party cookie,” a study by Lytics, done in conjunction with Sapio.

Of the companies polled, 51% plan to spend more on email, and many see first-party data as critical to this effort. In general, 92% say first-party data is more important than ever.

The most popular ways of using first-party data are to:
*Create personalized content on websites — 56%
*Predict customer behavior — 54%
*Create more personalized emails — 48%

Almost half believe the end of third-party cookies will have a great impact on their marketing ROI. This includes 55% of financial-services marketers; 46% of beauty brands, 54% of media companies and 57%. of advertisers with budgets between $10 and $20 million.
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