Eco-Products and OZZI Join Forces to Expand Access to Reusable Containers and Systems

Eco-Products® and OZZI® are partnering on a new multiprong initiative to make reusable foodservice containers more accessible to businesses, colleges, hospitals and other institutions — an effort that could help foodservice operators meet their sustainability goals, help keep waste out of landfills and reduce costs.

This multipronged initiative features several innovative solutions. The initiatives include Veda™, introduced in October, a new line of durable and reusable containers from Eco-Products; free guidance from the company’s Product & Zero Waste Specialists on how to convert to reusables; and collection and tracking solutions for reuse systems provided by the team at OZZI.

OZZI is offering a new financing option that lowers the initial costs for foodservice establishments looking to invest in the OZZI Machine — a fully automated collection solution that supports container retention rates up to 97%.
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