Domtar’s EarthChoice Ambassadors: Making the Domtar Difference
There are many factors that make up the Domtar difference. One of them is our EarthChoice Ambassador (ECA) program. ECA is an employee engagement program that began in 2010 to promote sustainable principles throughout the company.
Our ECA members are committed to promoting sustainable practices by focusing on our customers, employees, company and communities. By identifying and sharing innovative methods, educating and encouraging sustainable habits and leading by example, this group helps push our sustainability message throughout our organization.
Currently, we have 26 ECA teams in four countries and are on track to have chapters in place at all Domtar facilities by 2020. In 2017 alone, our EarthChoice Ambassadors put in more than 6,000 hours of volunteer work.
“One of my favorite projects that I’ve been involved in was our park and baseball field cleanup during EarthWeek this year,” says Jackie Lundy, administrative assistant at Domtar’s Johnsonburg Mill and ECA captain. “Over 80 volunteers worked throughout the day to prepare the grounds, fields and park for the summer season. I was impressed with the number of volunteers that turned out, how well they all worked together and the amount of work that was done. Even more impressive, though, was the dedication of our employees and leadership to making our community better for people of all ages.”
Other examples of the Domtar difference, also known as “The ECA Effect,” made by our ECA program include:
•Park cleanups in various Domtar communities
•Care packages to provide diapers to needy families
•Earth Day and Earth Week celebrations
•Book drives and giveaways with First Book and Classroom Central
•Tree planting events
•Recycling program development
•School-supply drives
“As the market continues to get tighter for talent, no longer are candidates just talking about opportunity and salary,” said Erin Boswell, Domtar’s talent acquisition manager. “When my team talks to candidates and asks them what attracts them to Domtar, we hear a common theme as it relates to the community involvement and opportunities Domtar provides. Our ECA program is a big part of supporting this and is a great perk we are proud to sell when speaking with potential employees and interns.”
EarthChoice Ambassador Captains
Behind each of our ECA programs and the many other events that take place each year are EarthChoice Ambassador Captains.
“At the beginning of the ECA program, I managed the projects at our first two locations, but once the teams started to grow and more facilities adopted the program, I knew I needed help,” says Heather Stowe, Domtar’s corporate social responsibility manager and creator of the Domtar ECA program. “That’s when we created the ECA Captain role.”
Our 26 ECA Captains are the local leaders at each of our EarthChoice Ambassador chapters. They manage meetings within their local chapters, brainstorm ideas with fellow members and turn ideas into reality within their communities.
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