As we kick off the FSC US Forest Management (FM) Standard revision process, FSC US is looking for several consultants to apply their knowledge and experience. We have identified areas of work needed to address issues identified by stakeholders, in combination with requirements embedded in the revised FSC Principles & Criteria (Version 5) and associated International Generic Indicators. Materials, analysis and recommendations developed by these consultants will inform the efforts of the FM Revision Working Group in the following areas:
•Protections for Indigenous Peoples and their rights, including adapting terminology used in the revised Principles & Criteria, assessment of the prevalence of customary rights in the US context, assessment of the standard’s alignment with UNDRIP and ILO Convention 169, and development of a Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) Toolkit, including consultation with Tribes, stakeholders and experts.
•Family Forest indicators and guidance and associated terminology used in the standard, including direct engagement with family woodland owners and consultation with other stakeholders and experts.
•FSC US Region boundaries and regional requirements, and revision of the High Conservation Value Framework, including consultation with stakeholders and experts.
Interested individuals should contact Amy Clark Eagle (, Director of Science & Certification, for more information and to receive a copy of the Scope(s) of Work.