An alarming new study on click fraud should sober up both publishers and advertisers.
Large percentages of clicks qualified as invalid traffic (IVT) in June 2023, according to Q2 2023 Global Click Fraud Benchmarks, a study by Pixalate.
For starters, there was a 17% invalid click rate for all open programmatic advertising across desktop web, mobile web, and mobile in-app in June. In addition, there was a 21% invalid click rate for desktop web open programmatic advertising, a 16% invalid click rate for mobile web open programmatic ads and 13% invalid click rate for mobile app open programmatic ads.
However, the 729×90 Leaderboard ad size drove an invalid click rate of 26% on mobile apps, twice that of the total mobile app invalid click average (13%). Moreover, 20% of all invalid clicks on mobile apps are now generated by click farms, the study says.
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