Metsä Group intensifies its research and development activity
Metsä Group is expanding the operations of its innovation company Metsä Spring that was established in June 2018. So far, Metsä Spring has been mainly involved in development activities outside the current business areas of Metsä Group. From now on, it will also support research and development related to Metsä Group’s current business areas. Research and development cooperation will be increased both within Metsä Group and with different research institutions and stakeholders. A wider innovation ecosystem plays a central role in the Metsä Group model. With this change, the company aims to strengthen its position even further in different networks and carry out research and development cooperation actively with various partners. “Metsä Group has to be able to continuously renew itself. We improve Metsä Group’s readiness to react to a changing operating environment and be better positioned in the forefront of development. We must find new development areas that promote sustainable bioeconomy. At the same time, we must be able to develop our current products so that they can be used for a wider range of end uses,” says Ilkka Hämälä, President and CEO of Metsä Group.