Preparing Your Company for CCPA Compliance: Special Webinar June 17th, 3:00 E.T.
Enforcement of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) begins on July 1st. Are you fully prepared? If not, your company risks being subject to non-compliance fines from California’s regulators. You can avoid this, of course, by being fully prepared. Join ACMA’s expert and diverse panel, including an attorney, a service provider, and a merchant, as they will provide all you need to know within the course of the can’t-miss, free webinar, "California Consumer Privacy Act: Are You Fully Prepared?" Who Should Not Miss This Presentation: Online/direct/catalog merchants who do business not only in California but the growing number of states aiming to follow California’s privacy blueprint, as well as their suppliers, consultants and other advisors. This event is open to both ACMA members and non-members. What You Will Learn: • How to identify any non-compliance risks • How a catalog/online merchant has prepared for the July 1st compliance date • Steps a service provider is taking to support its clients' compliance • Which other states to be on the lookout for. click read more below to register