BillerudKorsnäs’ has been recognised for its leadership in response to climate change and has been awarded a position on the Climate A-list by CDP. CDP is a non-profit organisation that works to transform the way the world does business, thus preventing damaging climate change.
The CDP Climate A-list was produced at the request of 827 investors representing joint assets of US$100 trillion. A total of 193 companies, or 9% of all companies that submitted its climate disclosures were included on the list, which reflects global leadership in actions to mitigate climate change.
“It is very rewarding that our work is recognised around the world. This is the second consecutive year that we are included on CDP’s Climate A-list; in addition BillerudKorsnäs was earlier this autumn also included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index Europe. Sustainability is integrated into our business, thus taking a holistic approach, which is key to success. For example, in 2015 we succeeded through systematic efforts reducing our own greenhouse gas emissions by 9%, in addition to this our renewable packaging materials and solutions can contribute positively by replacing fossil materials, says Henrik Essén, Senior Vice President Communication and Sustainability.
CDP, formerly Carbon Disclosure Project, is an international, non-profit organisation providing a global system to measure, disclose, manage and share vital environmental information.
Read CDP’s annual global climate change report here;
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