Domtar Becomes a U.S. Army PaYS Partner
We’re proud to announce we recently became a U.S. Army PaYS partner. The Partnership for Your Success (PaYS) program provides job opportunities for veterans after their military service ends. As a PaYS partner, we are committed to guaranteeing job interviews for veterans in the program whose skillsets match our job openings. If a veteran’s skillset matches a job opening at one of our U.S. locations, they’ll be guaranteed an interview. If they are chosen to advance, they would then progress through our normal hiring process. Paper & Packaging President Steve Henry and U.S. Army Lt. Col. Julian Milligan formalized our PaYS partner agreement with their signatures at an event at our Fort Mill, South Carolina, offices. Employees, veterans and Fort Mill Mayor Guynn Savage helped mark the occasion, which also featured a special recognition of our employee veterans.