LESSEAU® Double Winner at Interclean Amsterdam 2024

LESSEAU®, the pioneering touchless dispensing and solid hand wash technology brought to you through a partnership between Diversey – A Solenis Company and Slimstones B.V., earned the prestigious Amsterdam Innovation Award in the Sustainability & Environment category. Notably, LESSEAU was also named the Overall Winner of the Amsterdam Innovation Award, marking a significant achievement for sustainability and innovation in the cleaning and hygiene industry. Compared to liquid hand washing soap, LESSEAU hand wash bars contain 95% less water and are significantly smaller, lighter and have zero plastic packaging. The Amsterdam Innovation Award, granted every two years to the most innovative products, services or solutions, represents an exceptional accomplishment. LESSEAU’s triumph in the Sustainability & Environment category and its recognition as the Overall Winner underscore its commitment to revolutionizing hand hygiene platforms by eliminating single-use plastics and promoting sustainability across the industry.
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Bertelsmann Closes Once-Iconic Offset Paperback Manufacturers (OPM) Book Printing Plant (piworld.com)

The final chapter has been written for Offset Paperback Manufacturers (OPM), based in Dallas, Pa., with the end of May closure of what, in its heyday, was reportedly the largest paperback book manufacturing plant in the world — employing nearly 1,000 unionized workers, within a 24/7 operation, and capable of producing more than 250 million books per year. Founded in 1972, several generations of local families were employed at the OPM Back Mountain facility, but the employee head counts had dwindled over the years with various rounds of cutbacks and retirements. CapEx investments were also not being made at OPM to replace what was an aging fleet of offset presses and ancillary equipment, which impacted OPM's efficiency and operating cost structure.
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AAP StatShot Report Covering First Quarter of the 2024: Overall Industry Was Flat

Total revenues across all categories for the first quarter of the year were up 0.2% as compared to the first three months of 2023, coming in at $3 billion. Trade (Consumer Books) sales were down 2.8% during the first three months of the year, coming in at $2.1 billion. In terms of physical paper format revenues during the first quarter, in the Trade (Consumer Books) category, Hardback revenues were down 4.9%, coming in at $733.2 million; Paperbacks were down 3.4%, with $756.1 million in revenue; Mass Market was down 25.7% to $31.0 million; and Special Bindings were down 7.8%, with $48.5 million in revenue. eBook revenues were down 1.5% as compared to the first three months of 2023, for a total of $255.6 million. Digital Audio was up 15.3% for the first three months, coming in at $243.6 million in revenue. Physical Audio was down 29.1% coming in at $2.1 million.
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Amazon Prevails In Privacy Battle Over Alexa Ad Targeting (mediapost.com)

Siding with Amazon, a federal appellate court refused to revive a class-action complaint alleging that the company wrongly targets ads to consumers based on their interactions with Alexa-enabled devices. In an unsigned opinion issued Thursday, a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld U.S. District Court Judge Barbara Rothstein's ruling that Amazon notified users about its practices in a privacy policy. “The district court correctly found that Amazon disclosed the relevant conduct in its privacy notice,” Circuit Judges Danielle Forrest, Patrick Joseph Bumatay and District Court Judge James Donato wrote.
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BPIF Printing Outlook Q2 2024

The UK’s printing and printed packaging industry has performed positively in terms of output and order growth in Q1, though lacking any dramatic improvements. However, the confidence outlook has undoubtedly taken a step up for Q2 – and orders and output are expected to grow more strongly. The BPIF has published its latest Printing Outlook report, the Q2 2024 edition shows that output and orders growth didn’t quite match the expectations for Q1, but we have now had two consecutive quarters of growth, which is more than we have had since 2022. Printing industry activity is expected to experience a stronger pick-up in Q2.
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Update on the Brazilian Merger Review Process for the Sale of Terphane to Oben Group

Tredegar announced that, as part of the Brazilian merger review process regarding the sale of Terphane to Oben Group, the General Superintendence of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense issued a non-binding opinion recommending the rejection of the transaction. Following this first stage of the two-stage Brazilian merger review process for complex transactions, the case will now be submitted to the CADE Tribunal, in accordance with the customary Brazilian merger review process. Once the case is submitted to the Tribunal, the parties are given a full opportunity to present evidence in favor of clearing the transaction. The SG Opinion is not binding and the final decision regarding the transaction will eventually be rendered by the Tribunal, which will begin its independent analysis now. John Steitz, Tredegar’s president and chief executive officer, said, “We remain confident that the sale of Terphane to Oben Group will be a positive development for the flexible packaging films market in Brazil. Tredegar has been fully cooperative with SG-CADE and will continue to cooperate with the CADE Tribunal to address any concerns. During the Tribunal’s review, Tredegar and Oben will detail their views on the market, its dynamics and the positive effects that would result from the transaction.”
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International Paper Publishes 2023 Sustainability Report

For more than 125 years, IP has championed the sustainable management of natural resources. As part of its commitment to build a better future, IP advances its Vision 2030 goals and targets in order to deliver sustainable outcomes through our businesses. "Guided by Vision 2030, our sustainability framework, IP has continuously worked alongside customers and strategic partners to become a leader in renewable fiber-based solutions and to help facilitate a low carbon, circular economy," said Sophie Beckham, Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer, International Paper. International Paper reported pursuant to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and also responded to CDP's (Carbon Disclosure Project) Climate Change, Forest and Water Security questionnaires to transparently disclose risks and opportunities in those core areas of sustainability.
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Metsä Board, Adara Pakkaus and Marvaco win Excellence in Flexography Award

Metsä Board’s Twisty Ice Cream Boxes by Adara Pakkaus have been bestowed a 2024 Excellence in the Flexography Award’s Self Promotion Category. The Excellence in Flexography Awards is the premier awards programme for the flexographic industry in the United States. By collaborating with industry leaders, Metsä Board re-designed a favorite of the frozen food aisle: ice cream cone packaging. The team investigated different stages of the value chain, ranging from material production to ink usage and logistics, showcasing new possibilities using carefully selected lightweight fresh fibre materials and flexographic printing methods to achieve excellent usability and unparalleled halftone graphics in extreme high 188 lpi print resolution. The team included packaging designers at Futupack, packaging manufacturer Adara Pakkaus, flexo printing plates supplier Marvaco, ink supplier Siegwerk and ECG printing specialist Dr Kai Lankinen, who consulted on the project.
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ANDRITZ to deliver a complete OCC line including a reject treatment system to Indah Kiat, Indonesia

International technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from lndah Kiat Pulp & Paper TBK to supply a complete old corrugated containers (OCC) line including a reject treatment system to the mill in Karawang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. The new OCC line will have a design capacity of 2,000 bdmt/d and process a mixture of OCC, mixed waste and up to 30% American OCC as raw material to produce testliner. Based on the latest technology available, it will provide high pulp quality at cost-efficient and resource-saving operation. The collaboration between lndah Kiat Pulp & Paper TBK and ANDRITZ will support Indah Kiat’s stable and sustainable growth, driving the company’s production to new heights. Start-up of the new line is scheduled for the end of 2024.
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Hugues Simon to succeed Mario Plourde as President and CEO of Cascades

Cascades Inc. announces the appointment of Mr. Hugues Simon as its new President and CEO. Currently President of the Wood Products business at Resolute Forest Products, Mr. Simon will assume his new role no later than July 1, 2024. The appointment follows an extensive succession planning and recruitment process, supported by an international firm, in anticipation of Mario Plourde’s planned retirement. After more than 11 years at the helm of the Company, Mr. Plourde will support the new President and CEO during a transition period lasting until December 2024, after which he will act as a Special Advisor. A graduate in administration from the Université de Sherbrooke, Hugues Simon has over 30 years of experience in key positions in the manufacturing sector, including as President, of the Wood Products business at Resolute Forest Products. Previously, Mr. Simon was President of BarretteWood Inc., where he worked from 2012 to 2020.
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Walmart Releases Q1 FY25 Earnings

First Quarter Highlights • Consolidated revenue of $161.5 billion, up 6.0%, or 5.8% (cc)1, including a benefit of ~1% from an additional selling day • Consolidated gross margin rate up 42bps due to improvements across segments, led by Walmart U.S. • Consolidated operating income up $0.6 billion, or 9.6%; adjusted operating income up 13.7%1 , due to higher gross margins and growth in membership income • Global eCommerce sales grew 21%, led by storefulfilled pickup & delivery and marketplace
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IAE Rolls Out ‘Greenwash Prevention Toolkit’ (mediapost.com)

The Institute for Advertising Ethics (IAE), which in February announced it was expanding its curriculum and certification program to include so-called "greenwashing" prevention, this morning unveiled a new "Greenwash Prevention Toolkit" to help individuals and companies in the ad industry avoid the practice. The toolkit includes a new "Environmental Advertising Integrity Checklist," a guide on "Prevention Mechanisms," and a template for planning strategies over windows ranging from 30-days to one year.
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DS Smith launches “Customer Innovation Hub” in Madrid to facilitate collaboration with customers and develop sustainable fibre-based packaging solutions

The customer focused innovation centre will help brands and manufacturers to meet increasing consumer demand for sustainable products and contribute towards a circular economy. The state-of-the-art technology and the synergies established in the centre will provide the opportunity for customers and visitors to explore and share sustainable packaging solutions in an interactive environment. The learning experience will allow for flexible exploration around sustainable and circular ready packaging for brands and manufacturers in the Iberian region and with a focus on a variety of sectors from e-commerce and FMCG, to automotive and industrials. Customers and visitors have access to state-of-the-art digital tools such as 360º cameras and LED screens, and virtual and augmented reality experiences. 3D technology is installed to reveal market-ready solutions in real time and demonstrate the developmental processes behind innovative new customized prototypes.
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Resolute and Greenpeace Parties Announce the Conclusion of Long-Running Litigations

Resolute Forest Products, Greenpeace, Inc., Greenpeace Fund, Inc., and Greenpeace International announced that they have resolved Resolute Forest Products, Inc. et al. v. Greenpeace International et al., No. 3:17-cv-02824-JST (N.D. Cal. 2016). Resolute Forest Products and Greenpeace Canada also announced that they have resolved Resolute Forest Products, Inc. et al. v. Greenpeace Canada et al. (Ontario Superior Court of Justice). All parties are pleased that they have turned the page on these long-running litigations. The Greenpeace parties have no knowledge of illegal operations in off-limit areas by Resolute. Greenpeace, Inc., Greenpeace International and Greenpeace Canada state that their criticism was always directed at Resolute’s legal operations in certain forests that Greenpeace believes require more protection. Greenpeace states that it will continue to advocate for protection of the environment. Resolute states that it is committed to the sustainability of the boreal forest and prosperity of its communities. Resolute and Greenpeace agree everyone should be part of this discussion and to raise concerns with each other in an attempt to resolve factual disagreements.
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Koehler Paper Has Launched a Feasibility Study for Wind Energy in the Rhine Port of Kehl

Koehler Paper and Badische Stahlwerke (BSW), a steel producer, have teamed up with the Rhine port of Kehl to study the feasibility of harvesting wind energy at the port facilities. They hope to find out if building wind turbines is a feasible solution to suppling their own energy at the companies' sites in Kehl. Energy cost in Germany have risen drastically in the last two years – a huge challenge for energy intensive companies like Koehler Paper and Badische Stahlwerke, especially given the intense international competition faced by both companies. At the same time, both companies need to source a significant quantity of electricity from renewables to meet the climate goals of the German national government and the government of the state of Baden-Württemberg, as well as the self-imposed climate goals of the companies themselves. A species protection assessment and an environmental impact study have already been commissioned. Wind measurements are now scheduled to start in June. The feasibility study also includes an analysis of noise emissions and economic viability. The feasibility study is scheduled to last through the summer of 2025, and should indicate whether the site is suitable for wind turbines.
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Give your feedback on amendment proposals to the PEFC Sustainable Forest Management standard for EUDR alignment

Stakeholders globally are invited to give their feedback on the proposed amendments to the PEFC Sustainable Forest Management standard (ST 1003) to achieve alignment with the EUDR requirements. Deadline for comments is 13 July 2024. To ensure that PEFC-certified raw material coming out of PEFC-certified forests is EUDR compliant, the PEFC SFM Working Group has added and amended a number of requirements to the PEFC Sustainable Forest Management standard (ST 1003). Now we need your feedback on these new and amended requirements. The public consultation is open now and you have until 13 July 2024 to give your comments. Please note, we will only accept comments on the new and amended requirements, any comments given on requirements outside this scope will not be considered.
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Metsä Group completed the sale of its Russian subsidiaries to VLP Group

Metsä Group has on 13 May 2024 completed a transaction in which the ownership in the group’s Russian subsidiaries Metsä Svir LLC, Metsä Forest St. Petersburg LLC, Metsä Forest Podporozhye LLC and Metsä Board Rus LLC has transferred to VLP Group. The parties have agreed not to disclose the purchase price of the transaction. VLP Group operates in forestry and forest industry mainly in Vologda region, Russia. Metsä Group held a minority ownership in VLP Group during 2003–2017. In 2022 Metsä Group stopped its business operations in Russia, including the operations of the Svir sawmill, wood procurement and paperboard sales. As result of the completed transaction Metsä Group does not hold any assets in Russia anymore.
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Tetra Pak commits to taking action for nature

Ahead of the United Nation’s International Day of Biodiversity on 22nd May, Tetra Pak has announced the launch of its ‘Approach to Nature’ - a comprehensive framework that defines the company’s contribution to halting and reversing nature loss and enhancing water security. The approach aligns with global targets, including those outlined in the Biodiversity Plan that calls for action to halt biodiversity loss and put nature on a path to recovery for the benefit of all life on earth.1 A report from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) shows that nature is deteriorating at rates unprecedented in human history, largely due to human activity.2 Global food systems are identified as the main drivers of nature loss,3 with wide-reaching impacts that threaten global economies, livelihoods and food security.4 Recognising this complex interdependency and building on a thorough evaluation of nature-related impacts and dependencies, Tetra Pak’s ambitious new ‘Approach to Nature’ aims to manage the impacts of the company’s value chain on nature and to support the restoration of ecosystems.5
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World corrugated packaging market returns to growth trajectory (smithers.com)

Smithers anticipates major changes as $231.7 billion world corrugated packaging market returns to growth trajectory. Global containerboard and corrugated board demand are facing a series of challenges and shifts in market dynamics across the next five years. These are expertly profiled, and quantified in the new market data report – The Future of Global Corrugated Packaging to 2029 – from Smithers. Published today, its in-depth analysis of capacity changes, pulp pricing, and end-user demands shows that in 2023, global containerboard production was 183.4 million metric tons, a -4% decline on 2022. These were converted into around 165 million tons of corrugated board, a decrease of more than -7% on 2022; with value reaching $224.4 billion. This reflects the end of the period of disruption in world supply that began in 2020 with Covid-19, which was characterized by disruption to global logistics impacting demand, price fluctuations leading to high inventories, and subsequent destocking.
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GreenFirst Reports Financial Results for the First Quarter of 2024

Highlights • Q1 2024 net loss from continuing operations was $13.4 million compared to net loss of $21.6 million in Q4 2023. • Average lumber prices for Q1 2024 were higher than Q4 2023, with an average selling price of $626/mfbm compared to $601/mfbm in Q4 2023. • The valuation provision for lumber and log inventory was decreased to $1.0 million from $4.3 million at the end of Q4 2023, generating a $3.3 million credit to lumber cost of sales in Q1 2024. • Our lower duty rate has positively impacted the Company’s earnings and free cash flow since August 1, 2023. • There continues to be downward pressure on newsprint and paper products prices in North America.
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Mondi takes another slice of sustainable packaging by teaming up with Scan Sverige

Mondi has collaborated with Scan Sverige to create a polypropylene (PP) based mono-material packaging, that is designed for recycling. HKScan Sweden, having over a century experience in responsible Swedish food production, uses Mondi’s WalletPack for its Pärsons brand’s range of sliced ham, salami, and plant-based products, starting from March 2024. Mondi’s WalletPack is a PP based solution which is designed for recyclability. This packaging is purposefully developed with recycling in mind, aligning with our customer’s goals, and NPA's missions as an approved producer responsibility organisation dedicated to advancing circular and traceable material recycling. WalletPack can be effectively sorted by Site Zero, Europe’s largest and most advanced plastic recycling facility located in Sweden and is thereby contributing to a circular economy. It replaces the previous solution, which was an unrecyclable multi-material pack that consisted of PET-PE and PA-PE laminates.
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Diversey Launches New Oxivir® Three 64 Next-Generation AHP® Concentrate Disinfectant Cleaner

Diversey has added Oxivir® Three 64 to its leading Oxivir product line. Oxivir Three 64 is a new one-step, hospital disinfectant cleaner that is bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal all in three minutes at a 1:64 dilution. With more than 70 disinfectant claims, it now leads Diversey’s concentrate lineup of Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide® (AHP®) dilution control products, making it fast, effective, responsible and sustainable. Like other members of the Diversey Oxivir family, Oxivir Three 64 in use has the best possible safety rating (category IV). Designed for healthcare environments, the solution is tough enough to clean and disinfect surfaces and equipment in one pass while being gentle on staff and surfaces. It is nonirritating to skin and eyes, requires no personal protective equipment and is compatible with most common healthcare surfaces and equipment. In addition to being effective as a one-step, multi-surface, multipurpose disinfectant cleaner, Oxivir Three 64 is an EPA-approved soft surface sanitizer.
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All papers certified – a remarkable milestone for responsible sourcing and climate action

Paper is by far the highest volume raw material component in UPM Raflatac self-adhesive labels, and therefore we have no room for compromises in sustainability. At the end of 2023 we reached a remarkable milestone when we achieved our target of 100% certified paper six years ahead of time. In practice it means that all papers we source from year 2024 onwards, whether used as a face paper or a release liner in our labeling materials, are certified under a credible third-party forest certification scheme. Purchasing only certified paper is one of our 2030 responsible sourcing and climate targets. We believe that third-party forest certification is one of the key ways to ensure the sustainability of our paper supply chain, along with supplier assessment, related development activities, and continuous risk monitoring and management. As our paper face and liner materials come from a large number of paper supplier sites, reaching this goal required systematic work and close collaboration with our suppliers. Increasing the share of certified papers was discussed in annual negotiations with the suppliers who supported our target by lowering and removing the hurdles of this development.
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DeJoy agrees to pause some USPS facility changes until 2025 (federalnewsnetwork.com)

The Postal Service is putting an early step in its network modernization plan on hold, after a bipartisan group of senators told the agency to slow down implementation. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy told Sen. Gary Peters (D-Mich.) in a letter last week that USPS will pause the movement of mail processing operations at facilities across the country. Nearly 60 USPS facilities — out of 427 — have initiated Mail Processing Facility Reviews to determine whether the agency should move some of its mail processing operations to larger regional hubs. DeJoy told Peters USPS will put these changes on hold “at least” until Jan. 1, 2025. “Even then, we will not advance these efforts without advising you of our plans to do so, and then only at a moderated pace of implementation,” DeJoy wrote in a May 9 letter.
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U.S. Postal Service Recommends New Prices for Parcel Select

The U.S, Postal Service filed notice with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) for Parcel Select price changes to take effect July 14, 2024. The proposed adjustments were approved by the Postal Service Governors this week. If favorably reviewed by the Commission, the new rates include an average 25-percent increase for Parcel Select service. Parcel Select is a shipping solution for high volume shippers to enter packages for regional delivery through the U.S. Postal Service’s network. As a strategic part of the Delivering for America 10-year plan, these proposed changes will support the Postal Service in creating a revitalized organization capable of achieving our public service mission – providing a nationwide, integrated network for the delivery of mail and packages at least six days a week – in a cost-effective and financially sustainable manner over the long term, just as the U.S. Congress has intended.
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Vermont Passes Privacy Law That Would Allow Suits By Consumers (mediapost.com)

Vermont lawmakers early Saturday morning passed a comprehensive privacy bill that would limit the amount of data that companies can collect, impose restrictions on online ad targeting, and allow consumers to bring private lawsuits in some circumstances. If enacted, the bill would require companies to enable consumers to opt out of targeted advertising -- meaning ads served based on non-sensitive data collected across distinctly branded sites or apps. The measure also would explicitly obligate companies to honor opt-outs made through mechanisms like the Global Privacy Control, which transmits opt-out requests to every site consumers visit.
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Trucking Industry Commends Senate Passage of Diesel Emissions Reduction Act

The trucking industry applauded the Senate’s passage of the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) of 2023, which would reauthorize the DERA program through fiscal year 2029 at $100 million annually. The bill will now be considered by the House of Representatives. DERA provides federal grants and rebates to help finance the voluntary replacement or retrofits of heavy-duty diesel vehicles and engines. By helping to upgrade tens of thousands of vehicles over nearly two decades, DERA is responsible for saving more than 520 million gallons of fuel. Replacing older vehicles is critical to protecting the environment because advancements in clean diesel engine technology have resulted in substantially lower emissions. In fact, it would take 60 of today’s trucks to emit what just one truck did in 1988. A newly manufactured truck produces half the CO2 emissions of one manufactured in 2010.
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Sonoco ISCC PLUS Certification Promotes Flexible Packaging Circularity

Sonoco Products Company is pleased to announce that Sonoco Flexible Packaging has received ISCC PLUS certification from the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification System within their EnviroFlex™ Recycled Content portfolio. This certification brings third party validation of resin sourcing practices at Sonoco’s Morristown, Tennessee facility. With this certification, Sonoco continues to build credibility as the market leader in high performing laminations containing recycled materials. The ISCC PLUS certification is a voluntary commitment to increase transparency and to ensure the traceability of recycled material throughout the entire supply chain via mass balance. With this certification, Sonoco can provide customers with verifiable materials that contribute to the circular economy, help them meet sustainability commitments, and more broadly support expansion of the recycling infrastructure. The EnviroFlex Recycled Content line of packaging is a portfolio of custom oxygen, moisture and grease barriers, ideal for a broad range of applications. This line is intended to bring circular practices to flexible packaging while maintaining the highest level of performance and machinability.
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Sun Chemical Recognized by FTA for Sustainability Excellence

Sun Chemical was recognized during the 2024 Flexographic Technical Association (FTA) Excellence in Flexography Award Competition for its SunUno Solimax AP, a multi-purpose ink series which enhances packaging sustainability. “Sun Chemical is fully committed to the development of sustainable printing solutions and SunUno Solimax AP is an example of one of our unique offerings that promotes the environmental objectives of packaging printers and their brand owner customers,” said Nikola Juhasz, Ph.D., Global Technical Director of Sustainability, Sun Chemical. “This FTA award is a deeply appreciated recognition of the work we are doing to improve sustainability across all aspects of our business and further inspires us on our journey towards developing the next innovation.” A highly versatile ink series, SunUno Solimax AP provides a single platform that can cover multiple end-use applications and is TÜV Austria-certified as “OK Compost” for compostable packaging. The multipurpose solvent-based inks are designed for printing on a wide range of plastic films intended for both external surface/reverse printing and lamination with adhesives.
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BC Council of Forest Industries comments on mill closures and curtailments

Linda Coady, President & CEO of the BC Council of Forest Industries (COFI) made the following statement in response to ongoing mill closures and curtailments in BC: “Escalating closures and curtailments of lumber, pulp and paper mills in BC mean the provincial government needs to move faster to stabilize timber supply. Additional transition measures are needed within the next 60 days to address current challenges in approval and permitting systems, and changing land use policies that are leading to dramatic declines in harvest levels. Each time a mill closes in BC, there is a substantial direct impact on employees and their families, with further consequences for local communities as well as across supply chains. The loss of high paying jobs, local tax revenue and relocation to new employment opportunities have lasting effects in rural communities. It also creates uncertainty regarding the future of critical forest sector infrastructure and capacity in BC.
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UPM Raflatac introduces new wave for plastic packaging: The world’s first RecyClass certified paper label for rigid HDPE and PP

UPM Raflatac has announced the launch of its innovative New Wave paper label material compatible with recycling. It is the first RecyClass certified paper label material to obtain a Letter of Compatibility for use on rigid high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and polypropylene (PP) containers. The test results confirm the compatibility even for natural and white material streams, which require the highest purity of recyclate from the recycling processes. This groundbreaking new label material represents a major step forward in the recycling of rigid plastic packaging, helping brand owners continue to make the shift towards enhanced circularity. At the moment, New Wave is the only RecyClass-recognized label solution for rigid natural and white HDPE and PP material streams. The New Wave label material is designed to provide functionality for the full life cycle of products, primarily home and personal care products such as soap bottles or washing detergent containers. It supports the purity of recycled materials by washing off cleanly at just 40°C using plain water with no chemicals required.
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The Cases Against Book Bans (publishersweekly.com)

Amid a three-year nationwide surge in book bans, 2024 began on a hopeful note for freedom-to-read advocates, with legal victories in book-banning lawsuits in Iowa, Florida, and Texas. But after some early successes, several cases are poised to enter a critical next phase. As the wheels of justice grind on, PW rounded up the status of some of the more closely watched book-banning suits. Perhaps no lawsuit has generated more attention than the challenge to HB 900 in Texas, which, among its provisions, would have forced booksellers in the state to rate books for sexual content as a condition of doing business with Texas public schools. In January, a three-judge panel of the Fifth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals upheld district court judge Alan D. Albright’s decision to block the most odious parts of the law. But a subsequent order from the Fifth Circuit has delivered something of wake-up call for freedom-to-read advocates. In another closely watched case featuring library books, federal judge Sharon Gleason is weighing whether to order dozens of books taken from library shelves in the Mat-Su Borough School District in Alaska returned while a lawsuit challenging their removal is heard.
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Ensocoat™ 60th anniversary – a piece of board-making history

Ensocoat™, Stora Enso’s flagship luxury packaging and graphical board, is celebrating its 60th anniversary. Since its inception in 1964, Ensocoat has evolved to become the go-to choice for brand owners seeking premium packaging material, and its journey is a testament to Stora Enso's commitment to quality consistency and improvement. Throughout its long history, Ensocoat has continuously adapted to meet growing market demand for performance. In this article, we explore Ensocoat's journey and the quality standards that have made it the most luxurious paperboard to date. Ensocoat is produced at Stora Enso’s Imatra site in Finland on Board Machine (BM) 2. Brown kraftliner production on this line began in 1956, but BM 2 was designed from the outset to produce white packaging board to meet growing market demand. In 1963, a new mineral coating machine was introduced at the mill to produce board with a better printing surface. Around the same time, the mill’s birch pulp production capacity was increased, thus creating new opportunities for product development. The first production run of a mineral-coated speciality board was in 1964, signifying the initial steps in the development of Ensocoat.
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5 Eye-Catching Direct Mail Ideas (piworld.com)

The very first thing that direct mail needs to do in the mailbox is catch people’s attention. Many times, customers need help to create the most effective direct mail. We can help them by making suggestions on ways to create an eye-catching mail piece. There are many options out there for you to choose from. Five Eye-Catching Ideas: 1. Foil Stamping: In a study by the Foil and Specialty Effect Association they wanted to determine what would make products stand out on a shelf with similar products. 2. Embossing: When you bring lift to your mailer with embossing you are able to add dimension and pop. 3. Texture: There are many options for adding texture to paper. You can purchase paper that comes textured such as laid, linen, vellum and mottled. 4. Smell: Adding scent can be really fun. Scent can easily trigger good as well as bad memories. 5. Ink: There is a wide variety of reactive inks now that can really catch the eye.
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Infographic: 5 Reasons Catalogs Work (jschmid.com)

Over the last several years, we’ve seen catalogs come and go. And we’ve seen many retailers jump into the game, spend a LOT of money (we’re talking tens of millions of dollars) and then abandon the model after a couple of seasons. This literally breaks my heart and makes me want to scream! Why does this happen? Here is my very quick opinion. These brands have a combination of the following: 1. A flawed merchandise concept that is not unique, delivered with out-of-date benefits or sent to an audience the brand knows nothing about. 2. Bad math that doesn’t take into account mail efficiencies, an understanding of their own database, mailing to bad names at the wrong time or how the catalog model fits into a cross-channel world. 3. A lack of understanding of how to create a landscape of words and imagery that truly sell off the page and drive activity to either a website or store.
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U.S. Postal Service Reports Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2024 Results

The U.S. Postal Service today announced its financial results for the second quarter of fiscal year 2024 (Jan. 1, 2024 - Mar. 31, 2024). The net loss for the quarter under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) totaled $1.5 billion, compared to a net loss of $2.5 billion for the same quarter last year. GAAP results for the quarter were negatively impacted by $1.4 billion of expenses attributed to the amortization of unfunded retiree pension liabilities, offset by a workers' compensation non-cash benefit of $224 million driven by actuarial revaluation and discount rate changes; these factors are not controllable by the Postal Service. Controllable loss, as defined below, for the quarter was $317 million, compared to a controllable loss of $498 million for the same quarter last year. These results were favorably impacted by increased revenue and lower transportation costs, partially offset by the continued effect of inflation on operating expenses. Total operating revenue was $19.7 billion for the quarter, an increase of $410 million, or 2.1 percent, compared to the same quarter last year.
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E-commerce Spend Grows to $331.6 billion, as Consumers Trade Down to Cheaper Goods Online

Adobe released online shopping data for the first four months of 2024, covering the period from Jan. 1 to Apr. 30, 2024. Based on Adobe Analytics data, the report provides the most comprehensive view into U.S. e-commerce by analyzing commerce transactions online, covering over one trillion visits to U.S. retail sites, 100 million SKUs and 18 product categories. Adobe Analytics is part of Adobe Experience Cloud, relied upon by over 85% of the top 100 internet retailers in the U.S.* to deliver, measure and personalize shopping experiences online. Consumers spent $331.6 billion online from Jan. 1 to Apr. 30, 2024, up 7% year-over-year (YoY). The growth has been supported by stable spend in discretionary categories including electronics and apparel, along with a continued surge in grocery shopping online. Adobe expects the first half of 2024 to drive over $500 billion in spend online, representing 6.8% YoY growth.
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Maryland Enacts Privacy Law Opposed By Ad Industry (mediapost.com)

Maryland Governor Wes Moore on Thursday signed a privacy law that imposes tough new restrictions on online data collection and ad targeting. Major ad industry groups had urged Moore to veto the measure, which the groups said includes “the most onerous and restrictive approach to data privacy in the United States to date.” “The bill’s limitations on data collection are likely to result in significant degradation of beneficial products and services for Maryland consumers and harm local businesses,” the Association of National Advertisers, American Association of Advertising Agencies, Interactive Advertising Bureau, American Advertising Federation and Digital Advertising Alliance wrote in a letter sent to Moore last month.
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Quad leads the way in environmental responsibility

Sustainability initiatives run across departments throughout Quad, integrating seamlessly to fuel its production solutions. In 2022, 79% of the paper purchased by Quad was third-party certified by organizations like FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council), SFI® (Sustainable Forestry Initiative) and the PEFC™ (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification). To limit the environmental impact of its manufacturing processes, Quad recycles more than 98% of solid waste across its U.S facilities. Quad is continually looking for new ways to create sustainable impact. In April, the company made a five-year commitment to participate in We Energies’ Renewable Pathway Program, which will provide enough renewable energy to offset the power used at its Franklin, Wisc., plant—where more than 50% of the company’s U.S. packaging manufacturing takes place.
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SupremeX Announces Results for the First Quarter of 2024

First Quarter Financial Highlights and Recent Events • Total revenue of $73.3 million, down from $88.4 million in the first quarter of 2023, but up sequentially from $72.3 million in the fourth quarter of 2023. • Envelope segment revenue of $53.4 million, versus $64.5 million a year ago and $50.6 million three months ago. • Packaging and Specialty Products segment revenue of $19.8 million, versus $24.0 million last year and $21.7 million in the fourth quarter of 2023. • Net earnings of $3.5 million, or $0.14 per share, versus $9.5 million, or $0.37 per share, in the first quarter of 2023, and $0.7 million, or $0.03 per share in the fourth quarter of 2023.
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Sylvamo First Quarter Results Meet Expectations

Financial Highlights - First Quarter vs. Fourth Quarter *Net income of $43 million ($1.02 per diluted share) vs. $49 million ($1.16 per diluted share) *Adjusted operating earnings1 of $45 million ($1.07 per diluted share) vs. $49 million ($1.16 per diluted share) *Adjusted EBITDA2 of $118 million (13% margin) vs. $117 million (12% margin) *Cash provided by operating activities of $27 million vs. $167 million
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Suzano Announces First Quarter 2024 Results

HIGHLIGHTS• Pulp sales of 2,401 thousand tons (-2% vs. 1Q23).• Paper sales1 of 313 thousand tons (12% vs. 1Q23).• Average net pulp price in export market: US$624/ton (-13% vs. 1Q23).• Average net paper price1 of R$6,713/ton (-9% vs. 1Q23). • Pulp cash cost ex-downtime of R$812/ton (-13% vs. 1Q23). • Leverage of 3.5 times in USD and 3.6 times in BRL. • Cerrado Project completes 94% of physical progress and 87% of financial progress up to April 2024.
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Canfor Announces Permanent Closure of Polar Sawmill and Suspension of Planned Reinvestment in Houston, BC

After thorough analysis of the persistent shortage of economically available timber and challenging operating conditions in northern British Columbia, Canfor Corporation announced the permanent closure of its Polar sawmill in Bear Lake, BC and the suspension of its planned reinvestment in Houston, BC. This follows the announcement by our subsidiary company, Canfor Pulp, that one line of production will be indefinitely curtailed at the Northwood Pulp Mill. The Polar sawmill, with a production capacity of about 300 million board feet annually, has been curtailed since January 2024. The permanent closure will impact approximately 180 employees.
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Mativ Announces First Quarter 2024 Results

Mativ First Quarter 2024 Highlights (Continuing Operations) *Sales of $500.2 million increased 10.6% sequentially versus Q4 2023, and decreased 8.9% versus the prior year, reflecting sequential volume recovery *GAAP loss was $(28.0) million, GAAP EPS was $(0.52), which included organizational realignment, integration and purchase accounting expenses
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Cascades Reports Results for the First Quarter of 2024

Q1 2024 Highlights *Sales of $1,109 million (compared with $1,138 million in Q4 2023 and $1,134 million in Q1 2023); *Operating income of $9 million (compared with operating loss of $(24) million in Q4 2023 and operating loss of $(80) million in Q1 2023); *Net loss per common share of ($0.20) (compared with ($0.57) in Q4 2023 and ($0.75) in Q1 2023); *Net debt1 of $2,020 million as of March 31, 2024 (compared with $1,882 million as of December 31, 2023). Net debt to EBITDA (A) ratio1 of 3.8x, up from 3.4x as of December 31, 2023; *On April 12, 2024, the Corporation entered into a $175 million delayed draw unsecured term loan credit facility to manage upcoming maturities; *Total capital expenditures, net of disposals, of $41 million in Q1 2024, compared to $46 million in Q4 2023 and $137 million in Q1 2023. The Corporation's 2024 forecasted net capital expenditures of approximately $175 million is unchanged.
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Berry Announces Second Quarter 2024 Results

Second Quarter Highlights *GAAP: Net sales of $3.1 billion; Operating income of $208 million; Earnings per share of $0.98 *Second quarter volume and earning results in-line with expectations; Strong April volumes provides confidence for low-single digit volume growth outlook in 2H *Increased cost savings program target by 18% or an additional $25 million *Continued progress in portfolio optimization with two divestitures closed; proceeds could exceed $2 billion in cash from strategic divestitures over the next year ($1 billion from previously announced merger and $1 billion from future portfolio optimization opportunities)
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YETI Reports First Quarter 2024 Results

First Quarter 2024 Results: *Sales and adjusted sales both increased 13% to $341.4 million, compared to $302.8 million during the same period last year. *Gross profit increased 20% to $194.8 million, or 57.1% of sales, compared to $161.9 million, or 53.5% of sales, in the first quarter of 2023. The 360 basis point increase in gross margin was primarily due to lower inbound freight costs and lower product costs. *Operating income increased 71.0% to $25.8 million, or 7.6% of sales, compared to $15.1 million, or 5.0% of sales during the prior year quarter. *Net income increased 50% to $15.9 million, or 4.6% of sales, compared to $10.6 million, or 3.5% of sales in the prior year quarter; Net income per diluted share was $0.18, compared to $0.12 in the prior year quarter.
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News Corp Reports Third Quarter Results for Fiscal 2024

Fiscal 2024 Third Quarter Key Financial Highlights: *Third quarter revenues were $2.42 billion, a 1% decrease compared to $2.45 billion in the prior year, reflecting a $21 million, or 1%, negative impact from foreign currency fluctuations. Adjusted Revenues were flat compared to the prior year *Net income in the quarter was $42 million, compared to net income of $59 million in the prior year
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Bucks County Papers Sold To O’Rourke Media Group (mediapost.com)

Times Publishing Newspapers Inc., owner of several magazine-style newspapers in the Bucks County, Pennsylvania area, has been acquired by O’Rourke Media Group of Gilbert, Arizona. Terms were not disclosed. The properties, which appear 11 times per year via the U.S. Postal Service, include the Doylestown Observer, Fairless Focus, Langhorne Ledger, Morrisville Times, Newtown Gazette, Northampton Herald, New Hope News, Lower Southampton Spirit, Warwick Journal,and the Yardley Voice , according to the New Hope Free Press.
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Tredegar Reports First Quarter 2024 Results

First Quarter Financial Results Highlights *Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization from ongoing operations for Aluminum Extrusions was $12.5 million in the first quarter of 2024 versus $14.6 million in the first quarter of last year and $8.0 million in the fourth quarter of 2023. *EBITDA from ongoing operations for PE Films was $6.9 million in the first quarter of 2024 versus $1.8 million in the first quarter of 2023 and $4.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2023. Sales volume was 10.0 million pounds in the first quarter of 2024 versus 7.4 million pounds in the first quarter of 2023 and 8.5 million pounds in the fourth quarter of 2023. *EBITDA from ongoing operations for Flexible Packaging Films (also referred to as "Terphane") was $2.0 million during the first quarter of 2024 versus $1.4 million in the first quarter of 2023 and $2.3 million during the fourth quarter of 2023. Sales volume was 22.0 million pounds in the first quarter of 2024 versus 19.8 million pounds in the first quarter 2023 and 22.8 million pounds in the fourth quarter of 2023. See the Status of Agreement to Sell Terphane section of this report for information on the sale of Terphane.
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Amcor and AVON launch AmPrima™ Plus refill pouch in China

Amcor and AVON announced the launch of the AmPrima™ Plus refill pouch for the AVON Little Black Dress classic shower gels in China. The recycle-ready packaging will result in an 83% reduction in carbon footprint, and 88% and 79% reduction in water consumption and renewable energy respectively when it's recycled.* In alignment with AVON’s ambition to use 100% reusable, recyclable or compostable packaging material for its products by 2030, Amcor’s research and development teams partnered with AVON to design and develop their first refill pouch with recycle-ready material. The AmPrima refill pouch is designed to provide a more sustainable packaging solution that also delivers the barrier properties, stiffness, graphics performance and run speeds matching unrecyclable alternatives, while also providing convenience to consumers. “Amcor’s AmPrima product range offers packaging options to help major brands, like AVON, reach their sustainability goals,” said Roawin Luo, Global Director of Product Management at Amcor.
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Give the Gift of a Printed Book This Graduation Season

Paper plays a major role in every student’s life during graduation season. It’s in the programs handed out to students and families at end-of-school award ceremonies and graduations. It’s in the greeting cards and beautifully wrapped presents that celebrate this scholarly achievement. It’s in the decorations at parties and receptions. And, of course, it’s there in the classic diploma that proves you’re ready for the next big adventure in life. Unlike electronic files and digital photos, paper mementos are tangible reminders of the many years of school that culminate in graduation season. In fact, paper helps deliver some of the most definitive experiences of our lives. Paper certificates, childhood artwork, printed photos and special collections, such as baseball cards or comic books, are often among our most treasured possessions, and they tend to take on even greater importance as we age. If your loved one is celebrating this graduation season, why not continue the paper theme by giving printed books as graduation gifts? Whether you choose a classic title or something more contemporary, a printed book with a meaningful handwritten message can make a great gift that your graduate will treasure for years to come.
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Drytac appoints Anne Sierakowski as Product Manager

Drytac is delighted to announce the appointment of Anne Sierakowski to the role of Product Manager in North America. Effective 1st May 2024, Anne will play a key role in product strategy development at Drytac. This will include assessing the market landscape for major trends and emerging technologies, as well as conducting research to understand core customer needs and requirements. “We are absolutely delighted to welcome Anne to the Drytac team,” says Glen Fitzgerald, Director of Sales, Americas at Drytac. “She brings a wealth of experience to the role which will benefit both our team and customers across the market. “Anne will be supporting us with both new products and existing solutions, working closely with customers and our many partners to ensure we are delivering the best possible solutions.”
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Lecta introduces new thermal and metallized papers with recycled fiber

​​Lecta once again demonstrates its firm commitment to innovation and sustainability by drawing on its extensive technical know-how in the manufacture of thermal and metallized papers to develop new, high-quality products made with recycled fiber. The new thermal paper products are Termax Recy TFXr30 and Termax Recy TFXr100, both phenol-free and Ineris-certified. Thermal papers made from 30% and 100% recycled fibers, respectively, both have excellent print quality in high-speed thermal printers, very good image resolution and good rigidity for label applications, mainly in the retail and logistics industries. Lecta's new metallized paper products are Metalvac Recy 70 EWS and Metalvac Recy 100 EWS. Metallized papers for high wet-strength labels for returnable bottles, containing a 70 and 100% recycled fibers, respectively, both demonstrate good printability in flexo and offset and perform excellently in labeling trains, even in moist and cold conditions, as well as in their subsequent storage in refrigerators, ice buckets, coolers and freezers. With a reverse side suitable for good glue receptivity and good flatness, they offer excellent results in bottling lines even at high speeds.
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The New York Times Company Reports First-Quarter 2024 Results

Meredith Kopit Levien, president and chief executive officer, The New York Times Company, said, "2024 is off to a strong start, as our results reflect the power of our strategy to be the essential subscription for every curious person seeking to understand and engage with the world, and as our world-class news and lifestyle products continue to attract huge and deeply engaged audiences. Our first quarter financial performance illustrates that our news-based, multi-product, multi-revenue subscription strategy continues to work as designed, and is on track to drive continued growth in revenue and earnings as well as generate healthy free cash flow in 2024.
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Two Pulitzer Prizes For Penguin Random House

Two authors from Penguin Random House, Jayne Anne Phillips and Cristina Rivera Garza, were awarded a Pulitzer Prize this year. They won in the “Fiction” and “Memoir or Autobiography” categories. Since the Pulitzer Prize was introduced in 1917, a total of 137 Penguin Random House authors have received the famous award. It is the continuation of a fine tradition that goes back more than 100 years. When this year’s Pulitzer Prize winners were announced at Columbia University in New York on Monday, Penguin Random House authors were once again among the honorees: Jayne Anne Phillips and Cristina Rivera Garza were honored in the “Fiction” and “Memoir or Autobiography” categories. The Pulitzer Prize is one of the most prestigious literary prizes in the United States, and is given in the categories of “Fiction,” “History,” “Biography,” “Memoir or Autobiography,” “Poetry,” and “General Nonfiction.”
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Tetra Pak launches homogenizer range incorporating Circle Green stainless steel with lower carbon footprint

Tetra Pak announces the expansion of its homogenizer portfolio, offering machines with Outokumpu Circle Green®1 stainless steel, a material that boasts a carbon footprint up to 93% lower when compared to the global industry average for stainless steel2. This innovative material will be available as an option for all models in Tetra Pak’s homogenizer line in Europe from June, before rolling out globally later in the year. With approximately 7% of the world's carbon dioxide emissions stemming from the global steel industry3, innovating with new forms of stainless steel plays an important role in reducing overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In the food and beverage (F&B) industry, everything from dairy beverages to table sauces relies on homogenisation as part of its production process.
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The Expanding Reach of Print Personalization (piworld.com)

If one clear trend is dominating marketing, it’s personalization. In fact, personalization is now considered essential for any brand that wants to stand out with consumers and successfully nurture customer relationships. A recent study by Salesforce found that 73% of shoppers expect brands to understand their unique needs and expectations.1 The best way to demonstrate this understanding of individuality among consumers is by creating marketing messages that apply to the recipient and are engaging in their presentation. Personalized print took a big stride forward with the advent of variable data printing capabilities. At one time, simply adding the customer’s name to printed materials was impressive. Today, marketers are using much more sophisticated approaches than simple text substitution.
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Making a Difference: The Environmental Benefits of Recycling Paper

By diverting paper from landfills and reintroducing it into the production cycle, recycling paper benefits the environment by conserving resources and reducing the need for virgin materials. This can lead to significantly reduced demand for timber from forests. The resulting recycle paper materials are used to produce everything from newspaper and tissue to cardboard and magazines – benefitting both the forests and you, the environmentally conscious individual. The production of paper from recycled fibers consumes considerably less energy and water compared to paper made from virgin materials. Recycling paper requires less processing, reducing the energy-intensive steps involved in harvesting, pulping, and bleaching raw wood pulp. Additionally, it conserves water resources by minimizing the need for extensive irrigation in forestry operations and the paper manufacturing process.
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Diversey Introduces New Mechanical Ware Washing Solutions Under the SURE® Brand, Reinforcing Commitment to Sustainability

Diversey has launched two new mechanical ware washing products with significant sustainability profiles. As part of the successful SURE® brand, these products meet the stringent requirements for a EU Ecolabel and have been assessed by the Cradle to Cradle Innovation Institute. The rinse aid has achieved Gold-level certification across all five Cradle to Cradle criteria, while the detergent has received Gold for Material Health. These certifications recognize them as free from harmful chemicals and safer for both people and the environment. Developed for professional kitchens, SURE Machine Dishwash Detergent effectively tackles tough grease and dried-on food, while SURE Machine Dishwash Rinse Aid ensures quick and spot-free drying. As a result, customers can trust that they are choosing cleaning solutions that are both effective and environmentally responsible.
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Paxton Media Group Acquires ‘Kernersville News (mediapost.com)

Paxton Media Group (PMG) has acquired Kernersville (North Carolina) News, a twice-weekly newspaper published by the Carter/Owensby-Harrell family since its launch in 1938. The terms were not disclosed. “It is time for the family to move on,” the family says. Kernersville News joins almost 20 other Paxton newspapers in North Carolina, which are managed by group publisher Jana Thomasson.
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Pennsylvania To Study Whether Notices Should Still Be Placed In Print Newspapers (mediapost.com)

Pennsylvania is the latest state that could stop jurisdictions from paying newspapers for publishing their legal notices. The State Senate whip, Sen. Ryan Aument (R), is calling for a study to assess the cost of paid public notices. This would include all locales statewide. That study, he wrote, “will go a long way to helping the Legislature decide if continued advertising in print newspapers is still the best method to ensure this important information reaches the public.”
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Simon & Schuster Acquires Dutch Publisher Veen Bosch & Keuning (publishersweekly.com)

Simon & Schuster has acquired Veen Bosch & Keuning, the largest Dutch book publishing house. The acquisition includes all of VBK's imprints in the Netherlands and Belgium, as well as its sister companies, the audiobook producer Thinium, and Bookchoice, a subscription-based platform for e-books and audiobooks. Financial terms of the cash acquisition, which is still subject to review, were not disclosed. The move marks the first major instance of a promised international expansion of S&S, which CEO Jonathan Karp alluded to last year following the acquisition of S&S by private equity firm KKR. The acquisition is also S&S's first of a non-English-language publisher, and provides the company a new foothold in the European market, where "the companies aim to provide a better avenue to sell, produce, and distribute... titles in Europe and to publish more S&S titles locally," as per a release.
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Kaskinen BCTMP mill aims for fossil free production by the end of 2030

Metsä Board's BCTMP mill in Kaskinen produces high-quality pulp for Husum mill in Sweden and domestic board mills. The next goal of the modern mill is fossil free production. According to the VP of Kaskinen mill, there is a lot of long-standing and strong expertise in the Kaskinen team, which will contribute to the mill's development. On the west coast of Finland Kaskinen is home to one of Europe’s largest and most modern bleached chemi-thermomechanical pulp mills. The mill is now aiming for fossil free production by the end of 2030, in line with Metsä Group's targets. "In 2018, the mill's capacity was increased, and since then there have been several smaller investments and improvements made to our processes which has moved the mill forward. Our position at Metsä Board is pivotal, as our pulp is used in the production of folding boxboards. A significant part of our pulp goes to the Husum mill in Sweden, where recent investments have been made to increase production volumes of folding boxboard.
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Regenerative forestry is progressing rapidly

Finnish forest owners have enthusiastically welcomed the measures implementing Metsä Group’s regenerative forestry principles. Of wood trades completed during Metsä Group’s campaign in February–April 2024, approximately 40 per cent were agreed in accordance with the Metsä Group Plus management model. In terms of cubic volume of wood trades, the share was over 50 per cent during the campaign. Metsä Group’s parent company Metsäliitto Cooperative is owned by more than 90,000 Finnish forest-owners, who own around half of Finland’s private forests. The measures we carry out jointly with forest-owners significantly improve the natural state of forests. The Metsä Group Plus forest management model pays increasingly close attention to forest biodiversity and forest nature in the implementation of forest work. The model includes measures that improve the state of forest nature and are more comprehensive than current established practices and certificate requirements.
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Sappi signs milestone 175GWh per annum renewable energy Power Purchase Agreement with Enpower Trading

In a positive move to reduce its carbon footprint, Sappi Southern Africa has concluded a milestone 175GWh per annum renewable energy Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Enpower Trading, a NERSA-licensed private electricity trading company. Sappi’s decision to partner with Enpower Trading aligns seamlessly with its broader sustainability goals and is a significant move towards attaining its Science Based Target (SBTi) objectives. By implementing this renewable energy solution at its multiple South African operations, it is expected that Sappi SA and Sappi Limited’s Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions will be reduced by 6% and 4% respectively. The power supplied to Sappi will be sourced from SolarAfrica Energy’s Sun Central PV project. SolarAfrica Energy, an integrated energy solutions provider, is executing one of the largest solar farms in South Africa – the 1GW Sun Central PV project is located southeast of De Aar in the Northern Cape.
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Chicago’s ‘Reader’ To Return To A Weekly Print Schedule (mediapost.com)

The Chicago Reader, an alternative nonprofit newspaper, is returning to weekly print production. The first weekly issue will be on June 5. The paper had reverted to a bi-weekly schedule in June 2020. The increased schedule reflects several imperatives. For one, “Chicago’s creative, civic, and cultural concerns don’t reproduce on a biweekly basis, nor do they circulate equitably from behind an online paywall,” writes Solomon Lieberman, CEO & Publisher of the Reader Institute for Community Journalism, which publishes the Reader.
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Gannett Sells ‘The Farmington Daily Times’ To Ballantine (mediapost.com)

Ballantine Communications Inc. has signed a deal to acquire The Farmington (New Mexico) Daily Times from Gannett, effective June 1. Terms have not been disclosed. Ballantine plans to merge the Tri-City Record, which it founded last year to cover the Aztec, Bloomfield and Farmington communities., with the Farmington Daily Times, the latter reports. Gannett has sold numerous papers to local owners. Gannett purchased the Daily Times in 2015.
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From Plastic to Paper: The Eco-Conscious Evolution of North American Packaging Trends

In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the packaging industry. First in the UK and Europe, and now US and Canadian brands are moving towards paper-based packaging solutions. This transition reflects a growing corporate commitment to environmental sustainability, increased regulations and penalties for using plastic, and a desire to meet consumer demand for packaging that is both sustainable and easier to recycle, knowing it is not going into landfills. All of these motivators drive a growing movement to support a more circular economy, which is one based on the reuse and regeneration of materials or products, especially as a means of sustainably continuing production. One of the primary reasons behind the shift towards paper-based packaging is a heightened awareness of environmental issues, particularly the impact of plastic pollution on the planet. Paper-based packaging offers several environmental benefits, making it an attractive alternative to plastic.
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Supremex Announces the Acquisition of Forest Envelope Group

Supremex Inc. announced the acquisition of the assets of Forest Envelope Group. Founded over 40 years ago, Forest Envelope is a regional leader in specialty envelope manufacturing located in Bolingbrook, Illinois in the Greater Chicago area. The transaction was concluded for a total consideration of approximately US$1.8 million, on a cash-free and debt-free basis, subject to customary adjustments, financed through the Company’s existing credit facility. “The acquisition of Forest Envelope is an excellent fit with our current operations in the U.S. Midwest region,” said Stewart Emerson, President and CEO of Supremex. “Forest Envelope has a solid reputation for providing high-quality products, top-tier customer service and on-time delivery. Given its close proximity to our existing plants in Naperville and Chicago, we intend to integrate Forest Envelope’s activities into these facilities over the next 90 days. The transition should be seamless for customers and, in fact, provide them access to additional capacity and a significantly broader product offering. We expect this tuck-in operation to rapidly yield synergies within our U.S. Envelope network.”
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Logo Evolution or Logo No Go?

Redesigning a logo is a monumental task not meant for the faint-hearted. From the font choices to the use of graphics to choices of color and style, this critical piece of a brand identity conveys much about your brand at a glance. So, it’s important to spend time and attention consideration for each choice. Recently, a UK brand made history with a logo update. What made it noteworthy? In 2006, the Guinness Book of World Records recognized Lyle’s Golden Syrup as the world’s oldest unchanged brand packaging, making their redesign the end of a 140-year-old reign. Feedback on the redesigned packaging was not kind, with commenters comparing the new logo to a poorly designed Starbucks knockoff.
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S&P Global Announces Successful Completion of Visible Alpha Acquisition

S&P Global announced the successful completion of its acquisition of Visible Alpha, the financial technology provider of deep industry and segment consensus data, creating a premium offering of fundamental investment research capabilities on S&P Global Market Intelligence's Capital IQ Pro platform. Visible Alpha will be operated within the S&P Global Market Intelligence division. "Visible Alpha and its innovative team are an outstanding complement to S&P Global's culture and capabilities," said Adam Kansler, President of S&P Global Market Intelligence. "The integration of Visible Alpha into S&P Capital IQ Pro demonstrates another transformative leap for our platform and reflects our combined commitment to providing customers with the highest quality investment research, estimates and analytics in the market."
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Gannett Announces First Quarter 2024 Results

First Quarter 2024 Highlights: • Total revenues of $635.8 million decreased 5.0% compared to the first quarter of 2023, reflecting improvement on revenue declines of 8.4% in the fourth quarter of 2023 compared to the prior year fourth quarter • Net loss attributable to Gannett of $84.8 million includes an impairment charge of approximately $46.0 million related to the exit of our leased facility in McLean, Virginia during the first quarter of 2024 • Adjusted EBITDA(3) totaled $57.6 million, a decrease of 8.4% compared to the first quarter of 2023
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Firecrown Media Acquires Railroad Fan Magazines From Kalmbach Media (mediapost.com)

Firecrown Media has acquired Trains magazine and several other railroading publications from Kalmbach Media, Trains reports. The terms were not disclosed. Also included are Classic Trains, Model Railroader, Classic Toy Trains, FineScale Modeler, and Astronomy. Firecrown owns numerous transportation brands, including Flying, Plane & Pilot, Boating, Yachting, and the supply chain site FreightWaves.
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Savvas Introduces Newest Edition of its Award-Winning myPerspectives Program With Powerful Interactive Resources for Teachers and Students

Savvas Learning Company announced the newest edition of its award-winning, standards-aligned myPerspectives English Language Arts (ELA) program, enhanced with powerful interactive resources that provide students with exciting multimedia content and give teachers valuable tools to monitor students’ progress in real-time. Building on its highly successful, evidence-based approach that improves student outcomes, myPerspectives © 2025 for grades 6-12 offers greater opportunities for student engagement, increased options for differentiated teaching, and more reading and writing support to help every student achieve their potential.
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EV mandates for the trucking industry are disconnected from reality.

The best approach to decarbonization provides the greatest environmental benefit at the lowest possible cost. Current regulations do neither while unleashing inflationary consequences that will be felt for decades to come. EV mandates for the trucking industry are an enormous mistake for many reasons validated by a new study from the American Transportation Research Institute. The report, Renewable Diesel – A Catalyst for Decarbonization, provides data using the U.S. Department of Energy's GREET model that proves renewable diesel (RD) has a much smaller carbon footprint over its lifecycle than do battery-electric trucks, and that widescale adoption of RD in trucking can be achieved at a fraction of the cost of electrification. To be clear: the trucking industry is not opposed to battery-electric vehicles (BEV). Some fleets are testing them, and the initial results are mixed at best. What's abundantly clear from early adopters of this technology is that the hurdles to widescale adoption are so massive and undeniable that target and timelines mandated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) can be described as nothing more than utterly disconnected from reality.
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Pactiv Evergreen Reports First Quarter 2024 Financial Results

First Quarter 2024 Financial Highlights: Net Revenues of $1,252 million for the first quarter of 2024 were down 13% compared to $1,431 million in the first quarter of 2023 and down 2% compared to $1,274 million in the fourth quarter of 2023. Net Income of $10 million for the first quarter of 2024 compared to a net loss of $133 million in the first quarter of 2023 and net income of $22 million in the fourth quarter of 2023.
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Arkema acquires Dow’s flexible packaging laminating adhesives business

Arkema has agreed to acquire Dow’s flexible packaging laminating adhesives business, one of the leading producers of adhesives for the flexible packaging market, generating annual sales of around US$250 million. The proposed acquisition will significantly expand Arkema’s portfolio of solutions for flexible packaging, enabling the Group to become a key player in this attractive market. Dow’s flexible packaging laminating adhesives business offers a broad range of high-quality solutions in food and medical applications, where flexible packaging is the optimal solution in terms of efficiency, as well as for industrial lamination (window films, photovoltaic backsheets, etc.).
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Modern Litho CEO Darrell Moore Retires After 30 Years of Leadership

Modern Litho, a leading Midwest-based commercial and publication printer, today announced that Darrell Moore will be retiring as Chief Executive Officer, effective May 1, 2024. Moore has been with Modern Litho for 30 years, serving as CEO for the past 20 years. Under his leadership, Modern Litho has expanded its capabilities in digital printing, wide format printing, direct mail services and more to meet evolving customer needs. “It has been an immense honor to lead Modern Litho over the past two decades,” said Moore. “I am incredibly proud of what our team has accomplished in solidifying Modern Litho as a premier printing service provider not only in Missouri but across the country.” As President of Modern Litho-Print Co. and leader of the holding company Modern Litho, Inc., Moore has overseen a multi-decade period of growth and technological advancement for the organization. Through both organic growth and strategic acquisitions, the company has grown to be recognized as one of the leading sheet-fed printing companies in the United States.
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Quad introduces new creative agency: Betty

Quad/Graphics, Inc. is introducing ​​Betty, a new creative agency named after the late Betty Quadracci, fearless trailblazer and co-founder of Quad. The new offering will integrate all of Quad’s creative business lines to uniquely combine its boutique tactics, unmatched 24/7 global production power and commitment to delivering smart, scalable ideas, powered by an in-house network of talented strategists, creatives, content makers, and production and post-production experts.​ Betty’s robust solutions include: *Brand Strategy and Design: *Campaign Ideation: *Premedia, Retail and Adaptive Design: *Content Creation. All former Quad Creative, Periscope and Content Studios leadership and staff are ​​moving to Betty, including Cari Bucci-Hulings​,​ who has assumed the role of President, and Mike Caguin, its Chief Creative Officer. Favorite Child will retain its name as Quad’s brand design practice while remaining part of the larger Betty agency.​
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GV Group is Growing in the USA

GV Group, one of the leading sustainable and technologically advanced book printing companies in Europe and the USA, is expanding its presence in North America. The group has signed and agreement to acquire a majority stake in P.A. Hutchison (PAH), a historic company founded 113 years ago by Philip Alvord Hutchison - the current president's great-grandfather. PAH is based in Pennsylvania, USA, specialized in the production of textbooks and educational materials. With this new acquisition, GV Group is taking another step in its international development journey. This journey began in 2021 with the acquisition of Lake Book Manufacturing, based in Melrose Park, Illinois, which also initiated growth in the American educational publishing market. For GV Group, the US educational market is strategic: the new acquisition will further expand the range of services and products offered to current and prospective customers.
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ND Paper Acquires Water Quality Center

Nine Dragons, Inc. (ND Paper) and Billerud Wisconsin LLC (Billerud) closed on an Asset Purchase Agreement, whereas ND Paper will own and operate Billerud’s Wisconsin Water Quality Center (WQC) and associated landfill and F&E landfill assets. The Water Quality Center is essential component of the Biron facility. The agreement ensures the mill’s uninterrupted production and ND Paper’s Biron facility will remain an integral part of the Wisconsin Rapids community. Five employees are responsible for operating the facility and will be joining the ND Paper team.
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U.S. Consumer Time Spent With Media Fell For First Time In 2023 (mediapost.com)

The good news -- or bad news, depending on how you look at it -- is that consumer time spent with media continues to expand. The really bad news for the ad industry is that ad-supported media's share continues to decline, in both the U.S. and worldwide. Those are among the findings in the 2024 edition of an annual Global Consumer Media Usage Forecast released this morning by PQ Media. While total weekly time spent with media actually declined 0.4% to 76.69 hours in the U.S., and inched up only 0.3% to 56.15 hours worldwide, PQ forecasts it will rebound again this year and continue expanding for the foreseeable future.
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SEE Reports Q1 2024 Results

Net sales of $1.33 billion decreased 1% as reported, with EMEA decreasing 6%, APAC decreasing 3% and the Americas up less than 1%. Net earnings were $83 million, or $0.57 per diluted share, as compared to net earnings of $63 million, or $0.44 per diluted share. The current year results were impacted by $29 million of Special Items expense, including $22 million of restructuring and other associated costs related to the cost take-out to grow program ("CTO2Grow Program"). The prior year results were impacted by $44 million of Special Items expense, $30 million of which related to the Liquibox acquisition. Income tax expense was $36 million, resulting in an effective tax rate of 30.0% in the quarter. This compares to an income tax expense of $34 million in the prior year period, or an effective tax rate of 35.0%. The lower effective tax rate is primarily driven by lower accruals for uncertain tax positions in the current year.
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RRD Celebrates 160 Years of Innovation and Excellence

R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company celebrates its 160th anniversary this year, commemorating a legacy of innovation and excellence. “It is an honor to celebrate RRD’s 160th anniversary and to reflect on our rich history while recognizing who RRD is and what we stand for today,” said Tom Quinlan, President and Chief Executive Officer at RRD. “Our tagline for the celebration is 'Innovation & Excellence Since 1864.' Innovation is the change — it’s what has kept RRD growing and evolving for well over a century. And, excellence is the constant — it’s what is woven through the fibers of our organization and the way our people approach everything we do.”
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Clearwater Paper Announces Closing of the Augusta Paperboard Manufacturing Facility Acquisition

Clearwater Paper Corporation announced the successful completion of its strategic acquisition of the Augusta, Georgia bleached paperboard manufacturing facility from Graphic Packaging International, LLC (“Graphic Packaging”). Terms of the acquisition were first announced on February 20, 2024. “I am pleased that we have finalized the acquisition of Graphic Packaging’s Augusta, Georgia, paperboard manufacturing facility. The Augusta mill is a great fit with our strategy and improves our position as a premier, independent paperboard supplier to North American converters. I look forward to welcoming the Augusta team to Clearwater Paper as we work together to build a more scaled paperboard business to service our customers,” said Arsen Kitch, President and Chief Executive Officer.
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Canfor Reports Results for First Quarter of 2024

Overview • Q1 2024 operating loss of $86 million; shareholder net loss of $65 million, or $0.54 per share • Sustained pressure on global lumber markets and pricing, especially for Southern Yellow Pine (“SYP”) • Solid earnings from Europe; US South results directly impacted by weak SYP lumber pricing; Western Canadian results remained challenging despite uplift in Western Spruce/Pine/Fir lumber pricing • Modest uptick in NBSK pulp unit sales realizations, 7% increase in pulp production quarter-over-quarter • Ongoing constraints accessing economically viable fibre in British Columbia impacting lumber and pulp operating rates in the near-term and through the balance of 2024
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Sustana shares with Paper360 the De Pere Mill Optimization for Production of Dry bales

In a strategic move, Sustana has acquired fiber drying equipment for its De Pere, Wisconsin facility. Since its establishment, the De Pere mill has specialized in the production of wet lap fiber, with the capability of producing 450 tons per day of quality sustainable fiber. However, growth potential has long been hindered by the challenges inherent in handling a product with roughly 50% water content. Now, with the integration of dryer equipment, Sustana is poised to propel production into a new era of excellence within the recycled fiber market.
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WestRock Reports Second Quarter Fiscal 2024 Results

Second Quarter Highlights and other notable items: *Net sales of $4.73 billion *Net income of $16 million, Adjusted Net Income of $101 million; net income included $81 million of restructuring and other costs, net *Earnings of $0.06 per diluted share (“EPS”) and Adjusted EPS of $0.39 *Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA of $618 million *Consumer Packaging Adjusted EBITDA margin increased 70 bps to 18.0% *Achieved over $160 million in cost savings; expect to significantly exceed previously announced fiscal 2024 target of $300 to $400 million
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Twin Rivers Paper Company Completes Sale of Pine Bluff Unbleached Kraft Mill

Earlier today we notified our employees that we have completed the sale of Twin Rivers’ unbleached Kraft paper mill in Pine Bluff, Arkansas to American Kraft Paper Industries, an affiliate of the global industrial group American Industrial Acquisition Corporation (AIAC). Our press release, which will be published this afternoon, is included for your reference. The sale of Pine Bluff is aligned with Twin Rivers’ strategy of prioritizing the growth of our core specialty papers business and product offering and investing in our Madawaska and New York assets. Twin Rivers Paper is pleased to continue serving your needs for all paper grades made at our Madawaska and New York mills. If Angela Swenson has been your account lead for Madawaska or New York grades, a Twin Rivers account manager will be contacting you immediately to ensure your ongoing needs are fully met.
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Sam’s Club Deploys AI-Powered Exit Technology at 120+ Locations

Sam’s Club announced significant progress in its rollout of technology that resolves a key member concern – waiting in line for receipt verification to exit the club. The retailer’s first-of-its-kind application of artificial intelligence and computer vision technology has been successfully deployed in more than 120 clubs since first unveiling it at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in January. Sam’s Club’s rapid deployment of its exit technology represents the largest-scale implementation of member-facing AI-powered technology in the retail industry. The retailer’s announcement of reaching the milestone of deploying at 20% of its clubs in the first quarter comes as other retailers have struggled to deploy similar technology at scale, with some abandoning efforts, just starting initial pilots or having no plans to enhance customer experiences through checkout and store exit technologies.
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Amazon.com Announces First Quarter Results

*Net sales increased 13% to $143.3 billion in the first quarter, compared with $127.4 billion in first quarter 2023. Excluding the $0.2 billion unfavorable impact from year-over-year changes in foreign exchange rates throughout the quarter, net sales increased 13% compared with first quarter 2023. *Operating income increased to $15.3 billion in the first quarter, compared with $4.8 billion in first quarter 2023. *Net income increased to $10.4 billion in the first quarter, or $0.98 per diluted share, compared with $3.2 billion, or $0.31 per diluted share, in first quarter 2023. *Operating cash flow increased 82% to $99.1 billion for the trailing twelve months, compared with $54.3 billion for the trailing twelve months ended March 31, 2023.
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U.S. Ad Market Expands For 11th Month In March (mediapost.com)

The U.S. ad market expanded for its 11th consecutive month in March -- rising 4.3% over March 2023 -- according to the latest monthly installment of Guideline's U.S. Ad Market Tracker. Smaller ad categories outpaced the growth of the top categories by a margin of nearly four-to-one. While the top 10 increased spending only 1.9% over March 2023, all other categories expanded 7.9%. March's growth was also due to a massive increase in digital vs. traditional media ad spending.
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Trucking Fleet Manager Testifies to Congress on Challenges of Vehicle Electrification

Taki Darakos, PITT OHIO’s fleet manager who oversees the acquisition and maintenance of 1,550 company-owned tractors and box trucks, testified before Congress on the technological, operational, and financial challenges fleets face as federal and state regulations mandate the adoption of battery-electric trucks. “After meticulous evaluation and planning with our truck manufacturer, we put into service our first battery-electric trucks,” Darakos said. “Although battery-electric trucks show promise in certain applications, they are not ready for broad deployment due to technology limitations.” PITT OHIO is a freight transportation provider that operates in 14 states out of 25 terminals and employs more than 3,500 people. As the Vice President of Vehicle Maintenance and Fleet Service at PITT OHIO, Darakos shared his extensive, real-world experience with the House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit.
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Sonoco Reports First Quarter 2024 Results

Summary: *Generated $166 million of operating cash flow and $80 million of Free Cash Flow *Achieved net income attributable to Sonoco of $65 million; higher productivity of $51 million partially offset price/cost pressures and lower volumes *Completed the sale of Protective Solutions on April 1, 2024, as part of our strategy to simplify our portfolio and used the majority of the $82 million cash proceeds to pay down debt *Entered a Virtual Power Purchase Agreement (“VPPA”) to contract a significant portion of Sonoco’s expected U.S. electricity consumption in 2025 and support Sonoco’s emissions reduction goals
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Novolex Announces Strategic Investment In Reusable Packaging Innovator OZZI

Novolex® announced a strategic investment in Rhode Island-based reusable systems and container brand OZZI®. As a part of this investment, Eco-Products®, a Novolex business unit and leader in circular solutions for the foodservice industry, will help accelerate the growth of OZZI. The OZZI family of products and solutions includes O2GO® containers, cups, and cutlery; OZZI Drop N’Go Collection Systems; the OZZI Automated Collection Machine; and a Kitchen Collection of racks, baskets, and other equipment to support washing, sanitizing, drying, and storing returned reusables. The O2GO containers have been third-party tested and are certified to perform for more than 1,000 washes. Reusables are well-positioned for closed-system foodservice environments where consumer convenience and proximity to dedicated return receptacles optimize product return and reuse. OZZI products and solutions are specifically designed for such closed-system environments, including colleges and universities, corporate campuses, military bases, and hospitals where the company has emerged as a leading solution partner at more than 400 campus dining environments.
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Silgan Announces First Quarter 2024 Results

Silgan Holdings Inc. reported first quarter 2024 net sales of $1.32 billion and net income of $55.2 million, or $0.52 per diluted share, as compared to first quarter 2023 net sales of $1.42 billion and net income of $72.0 million, or $0.65 per diluted share. Adjusted net income per diluted share for the first quarter of 2024 was $0.69, after adjustments increasing net income per diluted share by $0.17. Adjusted net income per diluted share for the first quarter of 2023 was $0.78 after adjustments increasing net income per diluted share by $0.13.
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Quad reports first quarter 2024 results

• Realized Net Sales of $655 million in the first quarter of 2024 compared to $767 million in 2023, and recognized a Net Loss of $28 million or $0.60 Diluted Loss Per Share for the first quarter of 2024. • Achieved Non-GAAP Adjusted EBITDA of $51 million in the first quarter of 2024 compared to $60 million in the first quarter of 2023, and reported $0.10 Adjusted Diluted Earnings Per Share for the first quarter of 2024. • Completed restructuring actions that are expected to generate $60 million of cost savings in 2024. • Announced In-Store Connect, a new retail solution that aims to advance the in-store shopping experience by creating digital interactions throughout physical retail environments. • Launched Household FusionTM, a first-of-its-kind postal optimization program created to offset continued U.S. Postal Service rate hikes and further differentiate Quad as a market innovator. • Introduced the next evolution of the Company’s media agency, Rise, which brings together its full range of media and owned data services under one brand.
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S&P Global Reports First Quarter Results

The Company reported first quarter 2024 revenue of $3.491 billion, an increase of 10% compared to the first quarter of 2023. First quarter GAAP net income increased 25% to $991 million and GAAP diluted earnings per share increased 28% to $3.16 as higher net income was driven primarily by strong growth in Ratings and Indices, and lower merger-related costs. Excluding the impact of Engineering Solutions (ES), revenue growth would have been 14% year over year. Adjusted net income for the first quarter increased 24% to $1,258 million and adjusted diluted earnings per share increased 27% to $4.01. “S&P Global's first quarter results are a testament to the value we create for our customers around the world, as well as the strength of our global franchise, our world-class team, and our commitment to innovation.
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UPS Releases 1Q 2024 Earning

UPS announced first-quarter 2024 consolidated revenues of $21.7 billion, a 5.3% decrease from the first quarter of 2023. Consolidated operating profit was $1.6 billion, down 36.5% compared to the first quarter of 2023, and down 31.5% on an adjusted basis. Diluted earnings per share were $1.30 for the quarter; adjusted diluted earnings per share of $1.43 were 35.0% below the same period in 2023. For the first quarter of 2024, GAAP results include a total charge of $110 million, or $0.13 per diluted share, comprised of after-tax transformation and other charges of $75 million and a non-cash, after-tax impairment charge of $35 million, driven by plans to consolidate certain acquired brands within the company’s healthcare portfolio.
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Walmart Health Is Closing

Back in 2019, we launched Walmart Health centers. During our five-year journey, we made meaningful impacts with patients while continuing to learn, pivot and evolve. While our mission to help people save money and live better remains, today we are sharing the difficult decision to close Walmart Health and Walmart Health Virtual Care. Through our experience managing Walmart Health centers and Walmart Health Virtual Care, we determined there is not a sustainable business model for us to continue. The decision to close all 51 health centers across five states and shut down the virtual care offering was not easy. We understand this change affects lives – the patients who receive care, the associates and providers who deliver care and the communities who supported us along the way. This is a difficult decision, and like others, the challenging reimbursement environment and escalating operating costs create a lack of profitability that make the care business unsustainable for us at this time.
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Grainger Reports Results for the First Quarter 2024

First Quarter Highlights *Delivered sales of $4.2 billion, up 3.5%, or 4.9% on a daily, organic constant currency basis *Achieved operating margin of 15.8%, down 80 basis points *Generated $661 million in operating cash flow and returned $360 million to Grainger shareholders through dividends and share repurchases. Grainger reported results for the first quarter of 2024 with sales of $4.2 billion, up 3.5%, or 4.9% on a daily, organic constant currency basis, and diluted EPS of $9.62, up 0.1% compared to the first quarter of 2023.
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Publishers, Authors and Booksellers File Amicus Brief Supporting Plaintiffs in Suit Challenging Iowa Censorship Law

On April 19, 2024, the Association of American Publishers, joined by the American Booksellers for Free Expression, Authors Guild, Inc., Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, Educational Book and Media Association, Freedom to Learn Advocates, Half Price Books, Records, Magazines, Inc., Independent Book Publishers Association, National Press Photographers Association, National Writers Union and Sisters in Crime, filed an amicus brief in Iowa in support of the plaintiffs in two lawsuits, filed in November 2023, challenging provisions of SF 496, a 2023 law that violates constitutional standards by censoring books for students in a vague and overbroad fashion. The lawsuits, Penguin Random House, LLC. v. Robbins and GLBT Youth in IA Schools, Etc. v. Reynolds, were filed in November 2023 by plaintiff groups that include publishers, renowned authors, educators, and students.
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U.S. Ad Market Expands For 11th Month In March (mediapost.com)

The U.S. ad market expanded for its 11th consecutive month in March -- rising 4.3% over March 2023 -- according to the latest monthly installment of Guideline's U.S. Ad Market Tracker. Smaller ad categories outpaced the growth of the top categories by a margin of nearly four-to-one. While the top 10 increased spending only 1.9% over March 2023, all other categories expanded 7.9%. March's growth was also due to a massive increase in digital vs. traditional media ad spending.
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Google Delays Cookie Deprecation Date Once Again (mytotalretail.com)

Google has once again delayed the death of the third-party tracking cookie in its Chrome browser. This is the third reprieve Google has given cookies since it first promised to phase them out in 2020. The next year, it pushed the date back to 2023 and then delayed it again to 2024. In its latest postponement, Google said in a blog, “we envision proceeding with third-party cookie deprecation starting early next year.” The search giant seemed on its way to phasing out cookies earlier this year after it cut off access to 1 percent of cookies in January. However, how and when Google would phase out a greater percentage of cookies was never clear, multiple ad industry insiders said. Total Retail's Take: This is interesting news for retailers, and particularly their marketing teams, which rely on third-party cookies to identify and track customer behavior on their websites.
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ATA Truck Tonnage Index Decreased 2% in March

American Trucking Associations’ advanced seasonally adjusted For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index declined 2% in March after increasing 4% in February. In March, the index equaled 113.4 (2015=100) compared with 115.7 in February. “Tonnage in March suggests that truck freight volumes remain lackluster, and it is clear the truck freight recession continued through the first quarter,” said ATA Chief Economist Bob Costello. “In the first three months of 2024, ATA’s tonnage index contracted 0.8% from the previous quarter and declined 2.4% from a year earlier, highlighting ongoing challenges the industry is navigating.” February’s increase was revised down slightly from our March 19 press release.
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Two Sides Global Campaign Reports Increasing Greenwashing As Organisations Focus On Sustainability

Two Sides has challenged over 2,650 organisations found to be communicating greenwashing messages to their customers. Over 1,180 organisations have, so far, removed misleading anti-paper statements. Economic pressures remain the driver for much of Greenwashing, and many organisations that have relied on paper to communicate with their customers are increasingly transitioning their customers from traditional paper-based services to digital platforms in a bid to reduce costs. The switch to digital is often justified by misleading and unsubstantiated environmental marketing messages such as; “Go Green – Go Paperless” or “Choose e-billing and help save a tree,” – but this is just Greenwashing.
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Lacerta Group LLC Launches Hot N’ Sealed: Tamper-Resistant Packaging

Lacerta Group LLC has announced the launch of Hot N’ Sealed, a new microwaveable food packaging line for prepared foods. Available in three sizes, Hot N’ Sealed packaging is perfect for side dishes, individual meals, and family meals. Standout features include: *Easy-to-open, tamper-resistant closure so your food travels safely *A leak-resistant PET lid provides clarity, highlighting quality ingredients and boosting shelf appeal *Strong materials and smart design to preserve food freshness. A recent boom in grocery delivery and grab-and-go markets has spurred a new host of prepared food products at food retailers across North America. Food producers and grocery chains have expanded their food options and need strong, tamper-resistant packaging to ensure a positive customer experience.
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Sonoco Releases 2023 Corporate Sustainability Report Detailing Progress on Sustainability Initiatives

Sonoco Products Company released its 2023 Corporate Sustainability Report which highlights progress made in support of its environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives. *Achieved 8% year-over-year (YOY) decrease in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions driven by projects across our facilities globally geared towards energy and emissions reduction *Continued our commitment to GHG reduction through a Virtual Power Purchase Agreement (VPPA) with ENGINE *Co-founded the Poly Coated Paper Alliance (PCPA), an industry collaboration focused on widespread recycling of poly-coated paper in the U.S. *Redesigned our iconic stacked chip package to allow for greater recyclability *Introduced our EnviroFlex® Paper solution for curbside recyclable flexible packaging. *Launched our Doing Safety Differently initiative
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Amcor launches 30%-recycled content packaging for Huggies Eco Protect diapers

Amcor together with Kimberly Clark, has launched packaging for its Eco Protect diapers with 30% recycled materials in Peru. The bags contain post-consumer recycled content and provide a more sustainable packaging solution for the hypoallergenic diapers made with certified, plant-based fibers. The new Huggies Eco Protect diapers packaging is designed and produced by Amcor for Kimberly Clark with a shared goal of contributing to a circular economy. The bag has been developed using recycled plastic film that has been processed to be reused as a raw material maintaining performance and minimizing impact on visual appeal.
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Amcor Launches First-Ever One-Liter Carbonated Soft Drink Stock Bottle Made from 100% Post Consumer Recycled Material

Amcor is launching a one-liter polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle for carbonated soft drink (CSD) use that is made from 100% post consumer recycled (PCR) content. This first-of-its-kind stock option will support customers as they strive to meet sustainability commitments and requirements. As the industry leader in packaging innovation, Amcor Rigid Packaging (ARP) is adding this one-liter CSD 100% PCR bottle to an expanding stock portfolio of responsible packaging made from recycled content.
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Aptar Reports First Quarter 2024 Results

AptarGroup, Inc. reported strong first quarter results driven by continued growth of the company’s proprietary drug delivery systems, increased injectables sales and an improving picture for consumer dispensing technologies in North America. Reported sales increased by 6% and core sales, excluding currency and acquisition effects, increased by 5%. Aptar reported net income of $83 million for the quarter, a 52% increase over the prior year. Reported earnings per share increased 50% to $1.23 and adjusted earnings per share increased 31% to $1.26. “We are off to a great start for the year. Strong sales growth in our Pharma business and continued margin expansion in our Beauty and Closures businesses helped us achieve double-digit earnings per share growth over the prior year quarter. Our Pharma segment continued to see healthy market demand and our proprietary drug delivery systems continued to show robust growth after growing more than 30% in the prior year quarter. Additionally, North America showed positive momentum across all three segments. Our teams remain focused on cost management and improved operational leverage, and were able to decrease selling, general and administrative (SG&A) expenses as a percentage of sales over the prior year quarter,” said Stephan B. Tanda, Aptar President and CEO, commenting on the first quarter results.
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Crown Holdings, Inc. Reports First Quarter 2024 Results

Net sales in the first quarter were $2,784 million compared to $2,974 million in the first quarter of 2023 reflecting higher beverage can shipments in Americas and European Beverage and favorable foreign currency of $10 million, offset by the pass through of $130 million in lower material costs and lower volumes in most other businesses. Income from operations was $245 million in the first quarter compared to $269 million in the first quarter of 2023. Segment income in the first quarter of 2024 was $308 million compared to $320 million in the prior year first quarter driven by improved results in global beverage offset by lower volumes in most other businesses and $12 million in higher corporate costs which includes $8 million of costs related to a facility fire.
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Inteplast BOPP Films, VerdaFresh Collaborate on High Barrier Film Solutions

Inteplast BOPP Films, manufacturer of biaxially oriented polypropylene films, and VerdaFresh, a provider of sustainable food packaging solutions, have collaborated on a high barrier flexible film that will extend food shelf life and reduce packaging waste. Paul Marquard, general manager and vice president of BOPP Films, said that this project supports eliminating food waste through sustainable packaging. “Alongside VerdaFresh, we’re developing packaging and film solutions that meet the demand for sustainable yet economical barrier packaging. Our oriented films, with their high moisture barrier, perfectly complement VerdaFresh’s coating technology and ensure superior oxygen protection. Together, we’re addressing the critical need to protect products and extend shelf life while embracing sustainability and functionality,” said Marquard.
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New Greenhouse Fabric, Claro, Introduced as ECP’s Breakthrough in Sustainable Greenhouse Fabric Technology

ECP (Engineered Coated Products) Division of IPG (Intertape Polymer Group), a leading manufacturer of polyolefin products, proudly unveils Claro™ Greenhouse Fabrics, an innovative woven polyethylene fabric designed to revolutionize greenhouse farming. Claro is 100% PVC-free and sets a new standard for longevity, durability, performance, and environmental responsibility in the agricultural industry. Engineered to meet the evolving demands of modern agriculture practices, Claro is woven from highly stabilized clear HDPE tapes and finished with LDPE coating. This unique construction offers a range of HDPE products with varying properties to suit different agricultural needs.
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MM Group Reports Results for the First Quarter of 2024

Peter Oswald, MM CEO, comments: “The MM Group recorded a decline in both Group sales and adjusted operating profit in the 1st quarter of 2024 compared to the previous year’s value, due to the earnings performance in the Board & Paper division. The destocking in the supply chain has been largely completed, leading to a significant recovery of volumes sold in Board & Paper. However, pressure on margins continued as expected, as price increases will only compensate for the recent rise in production costs from the 2nd quarter onwards. In contrast, the Packaging division recorded a slight increase in results compared to the previous year, even though the margin was below the strong level of the 3rd and 4th quarter of 2023. Against this background, the profit & cash protection programme, which has already been successfully implemented, and the measures to intensify market penetration will be systematically continued in 2024.
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Metsä Board’s comparable operating result in January–March 2024 was EUR 32 million

January–March 2024 (compared to 1–3/2023): *Sales were EUR 483.7 million (542.1). *The comparable operating result was EUR 31.5 million (88.7), or 6.5% of sales (16.4). Operating result was EUR 23.0 million (88.4). Events in January–March 2024: *Demand for Metsä Board’s fresh fibre paperboards picked up notably from the previous quarter. The average price of folding boxboard decreased. *Demand for market pulp was boosted by paper and paperboard producers’ higher capacity utilisation rates in Europe. The average prices of market pulp improved, especially in Europe.
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Metsä Board to modernise Simpele board mill

Metsä Board, part of Metsä Group, has made an investment decision to renew the folding boxboard machine at Simpele, which will improve the quality of folding boxboard and increase production efficiency. The investment will enable the replacement of fossil fuels in paperboard production, and supports Metsä Board's target of fossil free production at all its mills by the end of 2030. The renewal will increase the mill's production capacity by around 10,000 tonnes, which will bring the annual production capacity of Simpele folding boxboard to around 310,000 tonnes. The Simpele mill produces high quality lightweight folding boxboard, mainly for food and pharmaceutical packaging. The investment will start immediately and is expected to be completed in the second half of 2025. The investment value is approximately EUR 60 million, divided over the period 2024–2026.
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Metsä Group’s comparable operating result in January–March 2024 was EUR 70 million

January–March 2024 (1–3/2023): *Sales were EUR 1,457 million (1,634). *Operating result was EUR 58 million (276). Comparable operating result was EUR 70 million (276). Events during the first quarter of 2024: *The average sales prices of Metsä Group’s long-fibre pulp increased in Europe and decreased slightly in China compared with the previous quarter. *Demand for market pulp increased in Europe and North America. In China, demand remained at a good level. *Demand for Metsä Group’s paperboards picked up substantially from the previous quarter. The average price of folding boxboard declined.
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New regulation on packaging and packaging waste is one step closer to enter into force

On April 24th, the European Parliament adopted the provisional agreement on the new packaging and packaging waste regulation #PPWR. The regulation is important for the transition to a circular plastics economy. Trioworld already today offers packaging alternatives that meets the legislations, such as film that is thinner and thus contains less material, products that are designed for recycling and contains recycled or bio-based content. All without compromising on performance and quality. An important change, compared to the legislation we have today on packaging and packaging waste, is that the legislation goes from a directive to a regulation. Thereby the new legislation will ensure that all 27 Member States within EU fulfil their obligations at the same time and in the same way. With the same requirements for all market players a necessary harmonization will take place. That will lead to more investments in innovative and more sustainable packaging solutions.
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Leading the Edge: Sheridan Elevates Printing Capabilities With New Edge-Colouring Technology

Sheridan, a leading provider of printing solutions for the publishing industry, is proud to announce the installation of the DIGI-B Digital Edge-Colouring T3-OPX machine at its Sheridan Worzalla facility. This cutting-edge digital finishing system represents a significant advancement in meeting the growing demand for edge printing capabilities, particularly in the trade market. The DIGI-B Digital Edge-Colouring T3-OPX machine is equipped to handle the intricate requirements of edge printing, delivering stunning results that captivate readers and enhance the visual appeal of printed materials. With the ability to print 4-color in a single pass, this finishing system offers unparalleled efficiency and versatility, allowing Sheridan to meet the diverse needs of its publishing clients with precision and speed.
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Total U.S. Boxboard Production Decreased 2 Percent in Q1 2024

The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) released its Q1 2024 Boxboard report. According to the report, total boxboard production in Q1 decreased 2% compared to Q1 2023. The boxboard operating rate in Q1 2024 was 89.2%, up 1.3 points from the same quarter last year. *Solid Bl. Folding - Domestic production increased 3% compared to Q1 2023. *Solid Bleached Boxboard unmade orders were up 22% compared to the end of the previous quarter and decreased 14% compared to March 2023. *Uncoated Recycled Boxboard production remained essentially flat (-0.3%) compared to Q1 2023.
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Total U.S. Containerboard Production Increased 7 Percent in Q1 2024

The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) released its Q1 2024 Containerboard Quarterly report. According to the report, total containerboard production in Q1 increased 7% compared to Q1 2023. U.S. operating rates for all major grades of conatainerboard in Q1 2024, except Semichemical Medium, increased compared to Q4 2023 while total production was down 0.7% (Q1 had 1 less day than Q4). Unbleached Kraft Liner production for export surged more than 41% over its year-ago levels. The Q1 2024 export total was higher than any quarter in 2023. Despite the significant increase in exports, domestic new supply was up 3.7% from Q1 2023 due to the increase in domestic production, as well as a 12.6% increase in imports of containerboard. New supply declined slightly from Q4. Mill inventories ended the quarter at 429,400 short tons, lower than at the end of 2023, but higher than any other month last year.
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Clearwater Paper Reports First Quarter 2024 Results

*Net sales of $496 million, down 6% from the first quarter of last year *Net income of $17 million, or $1.02 per diluted share, down $7 million from the first quarter of last year *Reduced net debt by $33 million, repurchased $1 million of outstanding shares with $6 million remaining under program. “Despite the significant weather event that impacted the quarter, we delivered solid results that came in at the higher end of our expectations through strong operational execution,” said Arsen Kitch, president and chief executive officer. “Our Lewiston team did a tremendous job repairing damaged equipment under very difficult conditions and resuming operations."
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Billerud Interim report January–March 2024

The first quarter result was a clear sequential improvement. As we expected, the improvement was mainly derived from stronger sales volumes and stronger price positions within liquid packaging board. We also experienced favorable product mix changes in both regions. Despite headwinds of higher costs for energy, logistics and fiber in Europe, the Group’s EBITDA margin strengthened to 11% in the quarter. Net sales for the first quarter declined by 9% to SEK 10,423 million (11,495). Currency changes had a positive impact of 2%. The organic* and currency-neutral net sales declined by 9%, mainly due to lower sales prices and reduced sales volumes. The Group’s sales volumes totaled 921 ktons (943), negatively impacted by curtailments of production in North America.
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Norske Skog Q1 2024 results

Norske Skog’s EBITDA in the first quarter of 2024 was NOK 76 million, a decrease from NOK 760 million in the fourth quarter of 2023. The fourth quarter EBITDA was significantly influenced by business interruption insurance of NOK 625 million at Norske Skog Saugbrugs. The first quarter EBITDA was negatively impacted by deconsolidation of Norske Skog Tasman of NOK 46 million and lower European CO2-allowance prices of NOK 32 million. Demand for publication paper is stabilising, but further capacity closures are still required. Containerboard demand is increasing but still experiences excess capacity. “We are very satisfied with the demand for our publication paper products in the first quarter. We have invested close to EUR 500 million into containerboard and energy projects over the past three years, and we still maintain a very strong balance sheet and cash position. We are highly satisfied with the production ramp-up at Bruck. The feedback from our customers on product quality is positive, and this is promising for our plan to deliver a total of 760 000 tonnes of packaging paper from Bruck and Golbey into the market in the coming years. Along with the Saugbrugs management team, we have continued to identify future opportunities for Saugbrugs industrial site, and we hope to announce further details during the second quarter,” says Geir Drangsland, CEO of Norske Skog.
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UPM Interim Report Q1 2024

Massimo Reynaudo, President and CEO, comments on the results: “In Q1, recovering demand and continued successful margin management resulted in improved earnings compared to previous quarters. The destocking that characterised last year was over for all our businesses and most of them improved their performance from Q4. In addition, our transformative growth investments, UPM Paso de los Toros and OL3, delivered good contribution to earnings. Our sales were EUR 2,640 million and our comparable EBIT was EUR 333 million, broadly at similar levels as in the comparison quarters. Our operating cash flow was solid at EUR 335 million and our net debt decreased to EUR 2,312 million during the quarter.
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Five Publishers Join Lawsuit to Stop Iowa Book Banning Bill (publishersweekly.com)

After a federal judge blocked key parts of SF 496, Iowa’s anti-LGBTQ book banning law, last December, five more publishers—including all four remaining Big Five publishers—have now joined Penguin Random House on the joint lawsuit against the state as plaintiffs, to help defend against the state’s bid to lift the block on appeal. In a release this week, Hachette, HarperCollins, Macmillan, Simon & Schuster, and Sourcebooks announced that they have joined the initial plaintiffs, which included PRH, the Iowa State Education Association (ISEA), four renowned authors (Laurie Halse Anderson, John Green, Malinda Lo, and Jodi Picoult), and a group of teachers and students. “We as publishers are uniting in our unwavering commitment to stand with educators, librarians, students, authors, and readers against the unconstitutional censorship measures being imposed by the state of Iowa," the publishers said in a joint statement.
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Postmedia Launches New App

Postmedia today announced the launch of a new app offering subscribers an integrated, streamlined and personalized experience, with seamless access to their preferred content across Postmedia’s brands. “Our readers have told us what they want and need in their online news and information experiences, and we’re delivering with the launch of our new app.” said Duncan Clark, Chief Content Officer at Postmedia. “The app combines a personalized experience with local curation and access to breaking news, as part of an intuitive design that makes it easier than ever to engage with our journalism.” Postmedia brands now available on both iOS and Android include: Montreal Gazette, Vancouver Sun, Calgary Herald, Ottawa Citizen, Edmonton Journal, The London Free Press, Regina Leader-Post, Saskatoon StarPhoenix, Windsor Star, National Post and Financial Post.
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Greif Prepares For Opening of New Manufacturing Facility in Dallas, Texas

Greif, Inc. is finalizing construction on their new bulk corrugated manufacturing facility in Dallas, Texas. Scheduled to open later this spring, the new facility will significantly expand Greif's capacity in the bulk corrugated business and create opportunities in the South and Southwest regions of the United States, as well as Mexico. The Greif CorrChoice Dallas plant will primarily make triple wall sheets and jumbo boxes and will have capabilities that include inline gluing and stitching. These products will serve the industrial and agricultural industries.
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Ahlstrom introduces a new dual-layer filtration technology for longer lifetime and reduced size of air intake filters

The quality of air intake is a substantial factor in the overall performance of today’s engines. An efficient air intake filtration supports optimal operation, preventing particulate contaminants from entering the engine while optimizing fuel consumption and reducing engine wear. In this context, a longer filter lifetime is a key benefit as it ensures continuous removal of contaminants while extending service intervals and minimizing environmental impact. Ahlstrom introduces a new dual-layer filter media technology, available globally, that represents a leap forward in filtration and is a perfect solution to comply with future market needs. The dual-layer design offers up to double dust holding capacity compared to the single-layer design, as each layer serves a distinct purpose to optimize the overall retention of particles in the depth of the material. In automotive engine air intake applications, the technology has proven to extend by over 50% the filter lifetime in the same configuration. It also offers the possibility to reduce both size and weight of the filter element in vehicles where these parameters are important.
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Metsä Group collaborates with ANDRITZ on textile fiber mill pre-study

Metsä Group has entered into an extensive cooperation with international technology group ANDRITZ to conduct a pre-study for the first possible commercial mill producing the Kuura textile fiber. This new type of textile fiber, developed by Metsä Group’s innovation company Metsä Spring, is made from Finnish wood. The primary objectives of this collaboration are to develop a pulp pre-treatment method, smart ways to integrate textile fiber production into the various departments of a bioproduct mill, and automation for Kuura production. The pre-study is the first planning stage for a potential commercial mill project to process softwood pulp into a new type of man-made cellulosic fiber (MMCF). The Kuura concept produces a sustainable, high value-added product without the use of fossil fuels.
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New Force Magnetics Co. Announces Change of Ownership

New Force Magnetics and Master Magnetics, Inc. − a Colorado company − were acquired by a newly formed investment company now known as Master Magnetics Inc (a Delaware corporation) on April 1, 2024. Beginning on April 22, 2024, New Force Magnetics will operate as a new business unit under Master Magnetics Inc. Katie Fink will continue to provide the same level of customer service to which you are accustomed, operating under her new title, New Force Business Unit Manager. Jack Nellessen continues his employment with the company Chief R & D Strategist. Our new product offerings will expand to include not only the current flexible magnetics sheeting and strip and magnetic receptive products, but an entire array of neodymium, ceramic, ALNICO, and samarium cobalt magnets and magnetic assemblies for consumer, commercial and industrial use.
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O-I Packaging Solutions, along with Revino, announce the introduction of returnable, reusable glass wine bottles to advance​ the​​ ​sustainability of wine packaging​, first rolling out in Oregon and extending soon to the west coast​​. O-IPS, a global manufacturer of sustainable glass packaging, will locally produce more than 2.4 million reusable glass wine bottles as part of Revino’s return system. Revino was founded to revive the reusable glass bottle ecosystem for beverage producers and consumers. “Glass packaging for wine is made from pure and natural resources that are inert, infinitely recyclable and reliably preserve the integrity of the wine it packages,” said Randy Burns, Chief Sustainability and Corporate Affairs Officer for O-I Glass. “By extending the use phase of the glass packaging through return and refill winery partnerships, Revino is maximizing the sustainability of packaging for environmentally conscious wine producers.” ​​On average, a reusable glass bottle can be reused 25-50 times before being retired and recycled into new glass packaging.
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Berry and Glatfelter Announce Regulatory Milestone in Proposed Transaction for Spin-Off and Merger of Berry’s Health, Hygiene and Specialties Global Nonwovens and Films Business with Glatfelter

Berry Global Group, Inc. and Glatfelter Corporation announced the achievement of a regulatory milestone in the proposed transaction involving the combination of a majority of Berry’s Health, Hygiene and Specialties segment to include its Global Nonwovens and Films business (“HHNF”) with Glatfelter, with the expiration of the required waiting period under the Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) Antitrust Improvements Act. As previously announced on February 7, 2024, Berry and Glatfelter entered into a definitive agreement under which Berry will spin-off and merge its HHNF business with Glatfelter in a Reverse Morris Trust transaction. The transaction will create a leading, publicly-traded company in the specialty materials industry. The transaction is expected to close in the second half of calendar 2024 and is subject to approval by Glatfelter shareholders and completion of customary closing conditions.
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International Paper Announces Agreement to Acquire DS Smith

International Paper and DS Smith Plc announced that they have reached agreement on the terms of a recommended all-share combination (the "Combination"), creating a truly global leader in sustainable packaging solutions. The terms of the Combination value each DS Smith share at 415 pence per share1, and will result in IP issuing 0.1285 shares for each DS Smith share, resulting in pro forma ownership of 66.3 percent for IP shareholders and 33.7 percent2 for DS Smith shareholders, implying a transaction value of approximately $9.9 billion3. The Combination is expected to close by the fourth quarter of 2024. "Combining with DS Smith is a logical next step in IP's strategy to drive profitable growth by strengthening our global packaging business," said Mark S. Sutton, Chairman and CEO of IP. "DS Smith is a leader in packaging solutions with an extensive reach across Europe, which complements IP's capabilities and will accelerate growth through innovation and sustainability. We are confident this combination will drive significant value for our employees, customers, and shareholders."
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Aptar Closures’ new Future Disc Top Supports Beauty Packaging Demands for Recyclability, E-Commerce, and Consumer Convenience

As a global leader in the development of value-added dispensing closure solutions, Aptar Closures continues to deliver on its commitment to design for recyclability while providing convenience and safety to end-consumers. One of the most recent introductions to the market is Future Disc Top, a fully recyclable* closure that was also made to withstand the rough e-commerce journey to provide peace of mind to brands and consumers. Ideal for the beauty and personal care categories, Future Disc Top stands out on several fronts. Made entirely from polyethylene (PE), which is one of the most commonly recycled packaging materials in the world today, it allows brand owners to deliver more recyclable packaging for a wide range of products. This is the first of its kind in the market, helping to solve the problem of mixed-material packaging, where only the container itself can be recycled. To ensure full recyclability, Future Disc Top should be paired with a suitable PE or PET bottle. Notably, a version made from post-consumer recycled (PCR) content is also available, further demonstrating Aptar Closures’ commitment to providing strong solutions aligned to circular economy principles, and to helping brands deliver on their sustainability promises.
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PPWR: The Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation Explained

As a leading provider of sustainable packaging solutions, we fully support the European Union’s aim of promoting packaging circularity and reducing the impact of packaging on the environment. To help our customers navigate new rules shaping the future of packaging in the EU, we have outlined the latest information on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), its importance, objectives, and the differences between existing rules and the key measures proposed. What is the PPWR? Currently, the main regulatory framework for packaging and its end of life in the European Union is the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWD), adopted in the 1990s and revised several times since. In 2022, the European Commission decided to take a more ambitious approach to packaging and packaging waste as part of the EU Green Deal and Circular Economy Action Plan. The EU’s aim is to further reduce the environmental impact of packaging in the context of its ambition to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
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Coveris to acquire Polish packaging specialist (printweek.com)

Following its recent acquisitions of packaging sites in Hungary, Poland, and Czech Republic, Coveris’ acquisition of Hadepol Flexo will mark the company’s fourth acquisition in CEE and the continuation of its strategy to invest in selected geographies and markets. With this deal, Coveris said it has achieved its strategic goal to better balance the operations footprint and become a leader in the CEE markets. The acquisition is subject to customary regulatory clearance and is expected to close towards the middle of Q2 2024. Founded in 1994, Hadepol Flexo operates two production facilities located in Rypin, Poland and specialises in paper and film-based packaging for bakeries and supermarkets, mainly for the domestic market.
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Sun Chemical Collaborates with Cardbox Packaging

Sun Chemical announces its ongoing collaboration with packaging solutions company, Cardbox Packaging. Sun Chemical is supplying Cardbox with SunPak® FSP EcoPace sheetfed, low migration inks for high productivity, high speed folding carton printing and for its SunHub compact ink dispenser at their Austria site. In 2023, Cardbox became the first printer worldwide to install the Heidelberg XL106 packaging printing machine that runs at 21,000 sheets per hour, and it is on this machine they now employ the inks. The ongoing collaboration enables Cardbox to validate new products with Sun Chemical before they go to market, while Cardbox may be amongst the first folding carton packaging converters in the world to showcase and produce solutions for high productivity and sustainable packaging printing powered by the new technologies. Meeting the challenges to further increase productivity means trouble-free printing at the highest possible printing speeds, even on the more problematic carton boards. Sun Chemical worked with Cardbox during the development stage of the new ink range to understand the print demands of high quality, high productivity, high speed printing, as well as to verify the effectiveness of the products across different substrates and job design formats before they went to market.
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Label Traxx acquired by Amtech (labelandnarrowweb.com)

Amtech, LLC, an industrial software solutions provider to the packaging industry, has completed its acquisition of Label Traxx and its software suite for the label printing and flexible packaging segments. According to Amtech, the combination further solidifies Amtech’s position as a sought-after industrial software platform to the packaging industry. The combined company will provide software solutions to more than 750 customers and 1,200 manufacturing sites spanning packaging end markets across the globe, including in North America, Latin America and Europe. Label Traxx provides a comprehensive software suite with end-to-end capabilities including ERP, MES, MIS, CRM, and other solutions that are complementary to Amtech. The company serves a diverse, global customer base spanning more than 500 manufacturing sites that supply a wide variety of end markets.
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ANDRITZ invites to “TissueTalk” webinar: competitive edge in tissue production through digitalization and AI

ANDRITZ automation and digitalization experts invite you to join them for a webinar to dive into the future of tissue production – from cutting-edge operational methodologies to artificial intelligence for a more efficient, sustainable, and autonomous tissue production. April 24, 2024 at 11:00 AM GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Major topics presented: How can digital trends revolutionize tissue production and how can digital integration in plant life cycles be done? What does operational excellence mean and how can it be implemented in new and existing mills? How to reach significant reductions in raw material and energy consumption and thus minimize the environmental footprint? How can the strategy for OT cyber security look like? *Competitive edge in tissue, by Georg Krogger, Director Capital Automation and Digitalization Sales *Metris – simplify operations, by Daniel Schuck, Vice President Digital Solutions *Metris – improve operator experience, by Neeraj Nagpal, Director Digital Products & Solutions *A lifetime of operational excellence, by Erich Gatterer, Director Business Development and Sales, Automation and Digitalization
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New services for forest owners to support biodiversity

This spring, UPM launched a new service package, UPM Nature Management Services, to provide Finnish forest owners with more options to enhance biodiversity. The first nature management services to be offered are assisting forest owners in applying for an environmental subsidy and a controlled burning service. More new services will be available later this year. The environmental subsidy (Metka, forestry incentive scheme in Finland) allows forest owners to apply for compensation to protect a valuable habitat in their forest. UPM will help forest owners to determine the eligibility of the habitat and apply for the subsidy on their behalf. UPM also provides help with other conservation options such as METSO (voluntary conservation scheme for forest owners). Controlled burning, in turn, can provide habitats for species that have become endangered as a result of effective fire suppression. As part of this service, UPM investigates on behalf of the forest owner whether the forest stand is eligible for a Metka subsidy and prepares the application before the actual work. The service also includes the controlled burning itself.
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WestRock’s FENIX™ Bio Locking Tag Earns USDA Certified Biobased Product Label

WestRock Company announced that its FENIX™ Bio Locking Tag has earned the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Certified Biobased Product Label. The FENIX™ Bio Locking Tag represents a renewable alternative to petroleum-based products, using up to 88% fewer fossil fuel-based plastics than traditional plastic options. These plant-based horticulture tags enable WestRock customers to achieve plastic-reduction goals while ensuring critical functionality in greenhouse, nursery and retail environments. “WestRock is very proud to receive a certification from the USDA recognizing the role our products play in ensuring a more sustainable future,” said Sam Shoemaker, president of Consumer Packaging at WestRock. “Our teams are committed to pioneering technological advances and innovative product solutions to help our customers reach their sustainability goals.”
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Metsä Board inaugurates Europe’s largest and most modern folding boxboard machine in Husum, Sweden

Metsä Board, part of Metsä Group, inaugurated its upgraded folding boxboard machine in Husum, Sweden, on the 11th of April. In 2016, Metsä Board started up a new folding boxboard machine, BM1, in Husum with a capacity of 400,000 tonnes/year. An investment of EUR 230 million was completed in 2023 to increase the annual capacity of the BM1 folding boxboard machine to respond to the growing demand for sustainably produced packaging materials that support the circular economy. With an increased annual capacity of 600,000 tonnes of folding boxboard, the BM1 is Europe's largest and most modern of its kind and is run with 98% renewable energy. “With the investment in the folding boxboard capacity at Husum, Metsä Board is well positioned to meet the growing demand for fibre-based packaging materials. We are dedicated to supporting our customers with high quality and resource-efficient solutions that help replace fossil-based materials and support the circular economy,” says Mika Joukio, CEO, Metsä Board.
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HMH’s Innovative, Integrated Solutions Recognized in 2024 EdTech Cool Tool Awards

Learning technology company HMH announced that three of its solutions have been honored in EdTech Digest’s 2024 EdTech Cool Tool Awards. HMH Read 180 was named the winner in the literacy/reading category. HMH was also named a finalist for two of its integrated solutions – English 3D and HMH Math 180. Presented by EdTech Digest, the EdTech Awards recognize people for outstanding contributions in transforming education through technology to enrich the lives of learners everywhere. HMH Read 180 was named winner in “Literacy/Reading Solution”: HMH Read 180 represents a blended learning solution meticulously designed to elevate literacy proficiency and cultivate a growth mindset in Grades 3--12. Functioning as an intervention program, it extends essential support to all students reading below grade level, encompassing those with disabilities, special education requirements, and multilingual learners.
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Postmedia Reports Second Quarter Results

Revenue for the quarter was $97.3 million as compared to $111.8 million in the same period in the prior year, representing a decrease of $14.5 million (13.0%). The revenue decrease was primarily due to decreases in advertising revenue of $11.3 million (20.8%) and circulation revenue of $4.1 million (11.1%), partially offset by increases in parcel revenue of $2.4 million (20.5%). Net loss in the quarter ended February 29, 2024 was $20.1 million, as compared to a net loss of $20.8 million in the same period in the prior year. The decrease in net loss was primarily the result of decreases in depreciation and restructuring expenses, as well as a decrease in foreign exchange losses, partially offset by an increase in operating loss before depreciation, amortization and restructuring, and a decrease in gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment, assets held-for-sale and other assets.
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IPG’s Danville Manufacturing Plant Awarded TRUE Zero Waste Certification by Green Business Certification Inc.

IPG (Intertape Polymer Group) announced that its Danville, VA manufacturing plant, which produces carton sealing tape, stretch film, air pillows, and polyethylene (PE) tape, was awarded TRUE Zero Waste Certification under the TRUE (Total Resource Use and Efficiency) rating system. Administered by Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI), TRUE helps facilities measure, improve, and recognize zero waste performance by encouraging the adoption of sustainable waste management and reduction practices, which contribute to positive environmental, health and economic outcomes. The Danville, VA facility is the first IPG manufacturing plant to obtain this certification. The IPG Danville team has implemented numerous recycling initiatives over the years and now has a diversion rate of 97.5%. In 2023, the plant diverted over 16 million pounds of material from the landfill, mostly through recycling efforts. By implementing the TRUE Zero Waste program, the plant has enhanced its already robust culture of zero waste.
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Royle Printing Celebrates Success in the 2024 Graphics Excellence Awards

We are thrilled to announce our remarkable success in the 2024 Graphics Excellence Awards (GEA) competition hosted by The Great Lakes Graphics Association (GLGA). This prestigious recognition highlights our unwavering dedication to excellence and innovation in the printing industry. We’re proud to share that we’ve received not just one but two prestigious awards in this year's competition. Our team is pleased to receive a Best of Division Award for Texas Parks & Wildlife’s Special Anniversary Issue and an Award of Excellence for Destination Madison’s Visitor Guide, reaffirming our commitment to delivering top-notch quality and service to our clients. The judging process, which took place from March 13-15, 2024, was conducted by a panel of independent judges carefully selected for their extensive expertise in printing, packaging, and print production. The GEA competition stands as one of the largest regional printing competitions in the nation, making this achievement all the more meaningful.
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Production Inkjet Printing Delivers Flexibility, Cost Savings

Despite the popularity of digital platforms, print is still alive and well – and it’s ripe for innovation. Nowhere is that more evident than with production inkjet printing. Offset printing continues to occupy the largest segment in the printing technology space, but production inkjet printing is growing in popularity among book printers, direct mail providers and marketers looking for cost-effective ways to create customized content and/or respond dynamically to consumer demand. “Print buyers are interested in smaller print runs with hundreds or thousands of pieces instead of tens of thousands or more. And they want variable data and customization capabilities so they can run more targeted campaigns and niche promotions,” says Meredith Collins, channel marketing manager for Domtar Paper. “Advancements in production inkjet printing mean you can now do all of that with greater flexibility.”
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HEINZEL GROUP Reports Results for 2023

HEINZEL GROUP announces its performance for the year 2023, showcasing resilience in a complex market environment. The company reports a healthy €135,0 million of Operating Cash Flow and a simultaneous 6% reduction in CO2 emissions compared to the previous year, underscoring its dedication to both economic performance and sustainability. HEINZEL GROUP achieved net sales of €2,214.9 million in 2023, with an EBITDA of €116.5 million. Notable successes of 2023 include the startup of unbleached pulp production at Heinzel Pöls as well as the preparation of the integration of Steyrermühl operations acquired from UPM in Austria. Sebastian Heinzel, CEO of HEINZEL GROUP, commented, "In 2023 we have demonstrated resilience in challenging market conditions, especially in the containerboard segment, and we have laid the groundworks for future successes.” The Steyrermühl mill has become part of HEINZEL GROUP on January 1, 2024. The rebuilding of PM6 machine there remains well on track, with production of kraft papers slated to commence in May 2024.
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Energy drinks buzz with new designs and sustainable packaging

Beverage makers such as Rockstar and Celsius are innovating to keep their current consumers and reach new ones — and packaging manufacturers are along for the ride. When energy drink manufacturers work with packaging supplier WestRock on projects such as rethinking their multipacks, they have a few requests. “We see the ongoing ask of us as suppliers to do things better, faster, cheaper, more sustainable,” said John Perkins, vice president of global packaging systems at WestRock. It may seem like a laundry list, but it’s critical in the buzzing sector that is energy drinks. Established companies, like Monster and Red Bull, are revamping portfolios and packaging designs.
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Marketers Embrace Technology to Strategically Integrate Print and Digital

A study released today by R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company (RRD) reveals that 91% of marketers with print marketing programs are embracing strategic integration of print and digital channels in 2024. Of those, 51% describe their print and digital marketing channels as “closely integrated and tightly coordinated.” The Print Impact Report, the company’s latest annual printing industry report, compares how 300+ marketing decision makers are planning, executing, and adjusting their strategies as well as integrating technologies into print marketing campaigns. The Print Impact Report found marketers are embracing technology to support their print campaigns, with 31% of marketers planning to use AI to support their print marketing efforts and 32% already using the technology. The study also found that 39% of marketers have adopted web-to-print technology, citing the following main advantages: reduced costs through on-demand printing (50%), personalization and customization of the message (37%), improved efficiencies and streamlined workflow (36%) and enhanced brand consistency (31%).
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Change in Stora Enso’s Group Leadership Team

Stora Enso appoints Tuomas Hallenberg as Executive Vice President of the Forest division and a member of the Group Leadership Team (GLT). He will join Stora Enso during the fourth quarter of 2024 and report to President and CEO of Stora Enso, Hans Sohlström. In this role, Hallenberg will succeed Per Lyrvall who will retire at the end of the first quarter 2025. Tuomas Hallenberg has long and diverse experience in forest business leadership. He is currently working as Senior Vice President, Property Development and Renewables, for Metsähallitus (the Finnish national forest company managing forest land and territorial water areas exceeding 12 million hectares). Prior to that, he has held several leadership roles at Metsähallitus since 2014. Between 1998 and 2014, Tuomas held various leadership and management roles at UPM, mainly in the wood sourcing and forest operations. He has a Master of Science degree in Forestry and a Master of Business Administration degree.
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A Fork in the Road: Walmart Bets on Associates, Automation

At Walmart Distribution Center 6020 in Brooksville, Florida, we’re used to pioneering new technology. In fact, 6020 was Walmart’s first high-tech DC. Once again, innovation is afoot in our facility, where associates have been working alongside a new autonomous forklift system that’s bolstering their skills and bettering their jobs while building our business. After a 16-month proof of concept, I’m proud to announce Walmart is taking another step into the future, rolling 19 autonomous forklifts across four high-tech DCs, with the potential for more as we evaluate the benefits to our associates and operations. I believe these benefits will be wide ranging. And I should know – I’ve seen them firsthand.
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Wisconsin Brands Johnsonville, Leinenkugel’s Link Up For Beer Brats (mediapost.com)

Two Midwest summer mainstays joined forces on a new product bringing together two flavors long associated with each other. Wisconsin brand beer Leninenkugel’s and sausage company Johnsonville partnered on the Summer Shandy Beer Brat, a grilling sausage infused with the flavor of Leinenkugel’s Summer Shandy (a shandy is a style of beer mixed with lemonade). The beer brats will be available for sale through late July at participating retailers across 19 states in the Midwest, Pacific Northwest, and Southeast. Johnsonville is also making it available for sale to consumers outside these regions through its website, while supplies last. It’s a partnership with an air of inevitability, bringing together two brands often served alongside each other.
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Groundbreaking study confirms FSC standards are vital for thriving wildlife in tropical forests

A new study reveals compelling evidence that forests certified by the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) in Gabon and the Republic of Congo harbour a higher abundance of larger mammals and critically endangered species, such as gorillas and elephants, compared to non-FSC certified forests. The research was led by Utrecht University with support from WWF and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), and was published in Nature on 10 April 2024. It underscores the effectiveness of measures implemented in FSC-certified forest concessions to safeguard wildlife. By meticulously counting individual animals and strategically positioning camera traps, the research conducted by Joeri Zwerts confirmed that certified concessions notably harbor a larger population of large mammals – 2.7 times more for mammals over 100 kg, such as gorillas and forests elephants, and 2.5 times more for mammals from 30–100 kg, such as leopards and chimpanzees – when compared to non-FSC-certified areas. In addition, the encounter rates observed of large mammals in FSC-certified forests were comparable to published data from recently monitored protected areas in the Congo Basin region.
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Now the jointly owned biorefinery for biofuel has opened

The jointly owned biorefinery, owned by SCA and St1, is now inaugurated. When fully operational in Gothenburg, the refinery will contribute an annual production of around 200,000 tons of renewable fuel. Mikael Källgren, Business Area Manager for Renewable Energy at SCA, notes that the inauguration marks a new milestone for SCA. The facility is the first where SCA produces renewable vehicle fuel, and SCA's share in the facility is 25 percent. The partnership and production at the facility also mean that SCA's pulp mills will be able to supply tall oil, a by-product from pulp production, for further processing at the new factory. The factory has undergone a start-up phase since the beginning of the year and has now commenced operations to produce sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), biodiesel (HVO), bio-naphtha, and bio-LPG. The inauguration of the refinery in Gothenburg also marks the culmination of a long process where an idea and vision have transformed into a state-of-the-art facility.
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Georgia-Pacific Investing More than $150 Million to Grow Consumer Tissue Business

Georgia-Pacific today announced an investment of more than $150 million to rebuild a paper machine at its mill in Wauna, Oregon. This investment will rebuild a 1965-vintage paper machine into a world-class machine to make paper for Angel Soft® and strategic private label bath tissue. This modernization project helps position the mill and the overall business to continue to be competitive in the market. Engineering and related work has begun, and startup of the machine is scheduled for 2026. At peak construction, 500 construction and contract-related workers are expected to be onsite at the mill. “We are excited to invest in our market leading Angel Soft® bath tissue and strategic private label brands we support," said Vivek Joshi, president of Georgia-Pacific's retail tissue, towel and napkin business. "This investment will allow us to grow these brands and continue to serve our loyal consumers with the great quality they have come to expect.”
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Canfor Announces Restructuring to Position Alabama Operations for the Future

Canfor Corporation announced that it will optimize its footprint in southern Alabama by permanently closing its Jackson facility and expanding production at its Fulton facility with a second shift. These steps, together with the previously announced construction of a new, state-of-the art greenfield sawmill in Axis, will grow the Company’s regional manufacturing platform by 100 million board feet of production capacity and consolidate operations at modern facilities that are well positioned to be competitive for the long-term. “Canfor is working to optimize our operational footprint in southern Alabama to ensure we have wellcapitalized and highly efficient manufacturing facilities,” said Lee Goodloe, President, Canfor Southern Pine. “To this end, we are making the difficult decision to close the aging Jackson mill at the end of June, while expanding production at our nearby Fulton facility. We recognize this decision impacts our Jackson employees and community. However, we expect the majority of our employees will have an opportunity at either our expanded operation in Fulton, which will add a second shift, or in Axis once the new facility opens later this year.”
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2.8 million acres and counting…

World Land Trust is one of the most successful environmental organizations in the world, protecting vulnerable areas of land from deforestation and destruction. As a global non-profit that safeguards the world’s most threatened habitats and wildlife species, the success of World Land Trust (WLT) lies in the amount of land it protects, and in 2023, over 177,200 acres (71,710 hectares) were protected from deforestation and development. This brings the total amount of land saved since the charity’s foundation over 30 years ago to over 2.8 million acres – that’s equivalent to the size of Jamaica. WLT form partnerships with local environmental groups and NGOs, giving them the financial and technical assistance to protect and manage the protected areas. WLT understands the value of people who know the area and the importance it has in the lives of the communities that live there.
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U.S. Postal Service Recommends New Prices for July 2024

The U. S. Postal Service filed notice with the Postal Regulatory Commission of mailing services price changes to take effect July 14, 2024. The new rates include a 5-cent increase in the price of a First-Class Mail Forever stamp from 68 cents to 73 cents. The proposed adjustments, approved by the governors of the Postal Service, would raise mailing services product prices approximately 7.8 percent. If favorably reviewed by the commission, the price changes would include: U.S. Postal Service Recommends New Prices for July 2024: Product - Current Price - Planned Price: *Letters (1 oz.) - 68 cents - 73 cents; *Letters (metered 1 oz.) - 64 cents - 69 cents *Domestic Postcards - 53 cents - 56 cents; *International Postcards - $1.55 - $1.65; *International Letter (1 oz.) - $1.55 - $1.65.
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DS Smith announces agreement with Jonsac for the sourcing of sustainable paper bags for e-commerce customers

The partnership will see the two companies collaborate to accelerate the transition from plastic to paper bags within the e-commerce marketplace in Europe at scale, and the solutions will be available to customers across all DS Smith markets in Europe. DS Smith and Jonsac will provide an product range to meet customer requirements while looking ahead at the types of packaging solutions that will be valuable for the ecommerce sector in the future, in line with key market requirements and fast changing consumer trends. The bags will be 100% fibre-based and recyclable, and DS Smith customers will benefit from the opportunity to order consignments at high-volume in support of their ecommerce activities. The new agreement between the companies represents an addition to an existing arrangement where Jonsac supply paper bag packaging solutions to DS Smith customers within the Nordics region.
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Metsä Group starts pre-engineering project for Muoto™ wood fibre packaging products

After promising results from the ongoing demonstration phase, Metsä Group has decided to conduct, in parallel with the demo phase, a pre-engineering project related to a possible first commercial-scale factory. Muoto™ packages are renewable and recyclable bioproducts that can be utilised in, e.g., takeaway, berry, tray, and combo packaging. Metsä Group’s innovation company Metsä Spring has decided to start a pre-engineering project for the first commercial factory producing the new packaging solution, Muoto™. Muoto products are wood-based alternatives to plastic packaging. Pre-engineering is a key planning phase, after which Metsä Group will have the conditions of factory planning in place to consider deciding on the factory investment, and it is expected to be completed in early 2025. Based on the outcome of pre-engineering and the continued work in the demo phase, mainly using a unique demo plant in Äänekoski, Finland, Metsä Group will assess the possibility of starting this new business and investing in a factory to support that business. Metsä Group has already decided that the possible factory would be located at its Rauma site in Finland.
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UPM Raflatac’s RafCycle™ recycling service wins 2024 Innovator Award from the Sustainable Packaging Coalition

UPM Raflatac’s RafCycle™ recycling service recently won the 2024 Innovator Award for Innovation in a Recovery Technology or Practice at the Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC) Impact event. ”This award is a testament to our ongoing commitment to contributing to the circular economy. By collecting and recycling the release liner waste through RafCycle service, we help businesses in the label industry meet their sustainability goals. This is true not only for our customers, but their customers as well,” said Michael Garretson, Manager, RafCycle, UPM Raflatac Americas. The SPC Innovator Awards recognize meaningful contributions and advancements towards more sustainable packaging. The awards showcase the outstanding collaboration behind extraordinary advancements in sustainability. Recognized as the original label release liner recycling service, RafCycle by UPM Raflatac has over 400 partners worldwide.
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O’Rourke Media Group Buys Pennsylvania Newspapers (mediapost.com)

O’Rourke Media Group, based in Gilbert, Arizona, has acquired Times Publishing Newspapers in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Times Publishing publishes Doylestown Observer, Fairless Focus, Langhorne Ledger, Morrisville Times, Newtown Gazette, Northampton Herald, New Hope News, Lower Southampton Spirit, Warwick Journal and Yardley Voice. These newspapers are delivered through the post office to over 120,000 households, 11 months per year. O’Rourke Media Group operates newspapers, websites and other publications in Delaware, Virginia and Vermont.
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Sonoco and ENGIE Announce 140 Megawatt Virtual Power Purchase Agreement

Sonoco Products Company and ENGIE North America announced that they have entered into a Virtual Power Purchase Agreement (“VPPA”) for production from ENGIE’s Big Sampson Wind Project (“Big Sampson”), a wind power project currently under construction in Crockett County, Texas. Under the VPPA and subject to certain conditions, Sonoco and ENGIE have agreed to contract for an estimated 140 megawatts of electricity per year, representing approximately 48% of Sonoco’s U.S. electricity consumption in 2025 and approximately 52% of the expected output capacity of Big Sampson, for a term of 15 years commencing upon Big Sampson’s entry into commercial operation. The VPPA represents another step in Sonoco’s integrated approach to corporate sustainability. The Company aims to reduce global Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 25% by 2030 from a 2020 baseline through various corporate initiatives, including improved packaging design, installing energy-efficient equipment and procuring renewable energy sources. The VPPA is an example of these efforts, with renewable energy credits acquired under the VPPA expected to help reduce Sonoco’s baseline carbon emissions by approximately 14%.
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SCA first with electric timber truck in the forest

For two years, SCA has operated the world's first electric timber truck for timber transports between SCA’s timber terminal Gimonäs and Obbola paper mill. "It's going very well. We have also tried using the truck to collect timber in the forest, and it was a very successful trial. Therefore, we felt it was time to take the next step in electrifying our heavy transports together with Scania," says Mikael Sundelin, Head of Business Development at Industrial Supply, SCA Skog. "Our new electric timber truck has a better range and will drive to timber storage areas in the forest where it loads the timber for further transport to one of our timber terminals. We expect the truck to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 170 tons per year compared to a regular timber truck," says Anton Ahlinder, Business Developer at Industrial Supply, SCA Skog.
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Research shows food and beverage companies committed to plastic reduction, prompted by consumer demand

Today’s food and beverage (F&B) companies are poised to minimise plastic as a favoured2 packaging material, as recent research has unveiled that three out of the top five commitments made by business leaders to address sustainability challenges include the reduction of plastic usage.3 Tetra Pak’s research examined F&B manufacturers’ attitude to sustainability, now and in five years' time.4 Half of the surveyed businesses pinpointed consumer demand as the main catalyst behind implementing new sustainable solutions within the manufacturing and processing arena. This echoes the sentiment found in a separate Tetra Pak consumer study on packaging.5 It found the intention to buy among almost three out of four respondents (74%) would increase if a brand talked about environmental topics,6 while 42% believe that an “environmentally sound package” justifies a higher price,7 providing the industry with a reassuring case for adopting a business model that reduces environmental impact.
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Ahlstrom launches LeafSaver, an innovative solution for the collection and ambient temperature preservation of plants, fungi, insects, and parasites

In the dynamic landscape of biological research, efficient preservation of nucleic acid samples is crucial for unlocking insights into the genetic makeup of various organisms. However, this task can prove challenging, particularly in the case of plant specimens where degradation can occur rapidly. For this purpose, Ahlstrom, a global leader in life sciences and molecular diagnostics, announces the extension of its specimen collection cards portfolio with the addition of LeafSaver, a card designed for the collection, transport, and storage of plants, fungi, insects, and parasites. Unlike traditional preservation methods, which often require freezing or refrigeration, Ahlstrom LeafSaver allows DNA preservation directly on the card at ambient temperature. This eliminates the need for specialized storage conditions, simplifying logistics, bringing sustainability benefits and reducing costs associated with cold chain transportation. The card can also be shipped by regular mail without the need for plastic wrapping, such as a plastic envelope or bag.
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Pixelle Renames Industry-Leading Book Paper Brand

Pixelle Specialty Solutions announced a new name for their popular bulking book papers brand. 1864 Trade Book and 1864 End Leaf, the print medium of choice for book publishers and book manufacturers for more than a century, will be renamed Authors Trade Book and Authors End Leaf, respectively. The new branding is effective immediately. “Our premium trade book and end leaf papers have graced the pages of countless bestsellers, classics, and memoirs,” said Ross Bushnell, President and Chief Executive Officer. “We’re committed to consistently delivering the highest-quality book papers in all the same basis weights, shades and bulks, but now with a new name more fitting for our customers.”
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Lawmakers Unveil Privacy Bill That Would Restrict Behavioral Advertising (mediapost.com)

Bipartisan lawmakers on Sunday unveiled a discussion draft of a sweeping privacy bill that could restrict companies' ability to serve targeted ads to consumers. The proposed American Privacy Rights Act of 2024, introduced by Senate Commerce Committee Chair Maria Cantwell (D-Washington) and House Energy And Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Washington), would require companies to allow consumers to opt out of targeted advertising based on non-sensitive data that is linkable to individuals or devices. The measure would also prohibit companies from transferring consumers' “sensitive” data for targeted advertising without their explicit consent.
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Schumann Printers Welcomes the Arrival of New ECS Eagle and ECS Ospray Inkjet Devices

We're thrilled to announce our latest investment in the ECS Eagle and ECS Ospray inkjet devices. These two devices recently landed at our facility, and will be up and running soon. They are poised to help transform print production in our bindery with mailing applications. They will set new standards for efficiency, quality, and versatility. Read below more about what makes these inkjet devices exceptional. ECS Ospray Inkjet Print Head Features: *Enhanced Speed: *Optimized Design: *Cost-Effective Printing: *User-Friendly Features: *Versatile Applications. ECS Eagle Inkjet Print Head Features: *Unmatched Speed: *Superior Quality: *Seamless Printing: *Cost-Effective Imaging: *Unrivaled Versatility:
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The European Deforestation-free products Regulation (EUDR)

Starting from December 2024, the European Union Deforestation-free products Regulation (EUDR) will be implemented. This new legislation aims to prevent the sale of seven commodity products – soy, beef, palm oil, wood, cocoa, coffee, and rubber – that are major drivers of deforestation, if sourced from areas affected by deforestation or forest degradation practices. By promoting the consumption of “deforestation-free” products and reducing the EU’s impact on global deforestation and forest degradation, the new EUDR is expected to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss. The EUDR will require us to provide evidence that every quantity of pulp we purchase from outside the EU comes from areas free from deforestation. To comply with the Regulation, wood must have been harvested from land that was not subject to deforestation and without inducing forest degradation after December 31, 2020.
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Lane Press Installs New Osako Tener Saddle Stitch System to Increase Finishing Capacity

Lane Press, a leading magazine printing company based in Vermont, announced that it is increasing its finishing throughput with the installation of a new Osako saddle stitch binding system. Installation of the Osako Tener Alpha Saddle Stitcher is currently underway, and the unit is expected to be fully operational by mid-April. The state-of-the-art binder is rated to produce 12,500 books per hour and includes automation capabilities that reduce setup and make-ready times. With these combined attributes, Lane Press expects the Osako to substantially increase its bindery production capacity. This will be Lane’s fourth high-speed saddle stitch binder, complimenting two perfect binding lines.
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UPM Raflatac Receives APR Design® for Recyclability Recognitions for Three Types of BOPP Label Solutions

UPM Raflatac, a global supplier of innovative and sustainable self-adhesive paper and film products, has been formally recognized by the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) for three types of biaxially-oriented polypropylene (BOPP) label products for HDPE and PP package recycling. These include Undecorated BOPP with hotmelt adhesive, Undecorated BOPP with RW85C, and Metalized undecorated BOPP with general purpose acrylic adhesive. APR Design® for Recyclability Recognition provides third-party validation that a package or packaging component’s design is compatible with the North American recycling system. This process has now confirmed that UPM Raflatac’s BOPP products, as stated above, have met the highest criteria for recyclability according to the APR Design® Guide. UPM Raflatac’s latest recognitions are all for HDPE and PP recycling.
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RRD Expands Label Capacity to Enhance Efficiency and Support eCommerce

R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company announced it is expanding its labels production capacity with the installation of four new presses in ISO 9001:2015 certified facilities across the U.S. The presses will deliver faster total throughput, enhancing efficiency and flexibility to support clients’ diversified needs. All presses are expected to be fully operational by midyear 2024. *Two ETI flexo presses will be outfitted to vertically integrate face and liners paper to create pressure sensitive label stock. *One Mark Andy P9 flexo press will produce variable image labels. *One Mark Andy digital hybrid press will be installed to allow RRD to serve clients in a more rapid environment to address their ever-changing needs. This expansion comes amid a booming eCommerce market which, according to Statista, eCommerce revenue is expected to grow by 51% in the U.S. between 2024 and 2029, with expectations to surpass one trillion U.S. dollars. With this sustained growth comes increased demand for variable imaged labels, enabling RRD to provide end-to-end solutions to a range of clients of many sizes and locations.
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IP – Further statement regarding possible offer for DS Smith plc

International Paper Company is pleased to provide an update on its possible offer for DS Smith plc, pursuant to which International Paper would acquire the entire issued and to be issued share capital of DS Smith. International Paper confirms that significant progress has been made in reciprocal due diligence as facilitated by the DS Smith Board and Management, and that it is now in a position to provide shareholders with more detail on the type and quantum of synergies it believes would arise from the Combination. Corrugated packaging solutions is a core component of DS Smith's business. Due diligence has confirmed International Paper's belief that the Combination will significantly strengthen the combined packaging business and customer offerings – with packaging representing 84% of International Paper's current sales, approximately $1.5 billion (£1.2 billion1) of which is driven from European sales.
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HMH Named Finalist in Nine 2024 CODiE Award Categories

Learning technology company HMH has been named a finalist in nine categories for the 2024 CODiE Awards, including “Best Suite of Connected/Integrated Solutions” for its comprehensive core, intervention, assessment and professional learning offerings. Presented by the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), the CODiE Awards honor excellence in leading technology products and services, with awards given to products demonstrating innovation, vision and overall industry impact. “At HMH, we are focused on simplifying educators’ lives and creating meaningful learning experiences that improve outcomes for all students,” said Jack Lynch, President and CEO, HMH. “We believe that transformative edtech prioritizes human connection and community by extending teachers’ capabilities so they can focus on what matters most—their students. We are honored to be recognized for our comprehensive and connected solutions.”
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Amazon is Working to Reduce Overreliance on its Signature Brown Boxes (mytotalretail.com)

Every year, the U.S. goes through enough cardboard boxes for shipping to pave a one-mile-wide road from New York City to Los Angeles three times, or build a mile-high cardboard wall around the entire continental U.S. Getting rid of overreliance on Amazon.com's signature brown box is a key goal of the retail giant and its consumer partners, reports CNBC. In 2022, 11 percent of Amazon orders worldwide were sent in original manufacturer packaging. The company has yet to release its 2023 figure for the initiative designed to get rid of Amazon’s signature brown box, called the Ships in Product Packaging program. Total Retail's Take: The abundance of packaging needed to keep up with consumers' e-commerce purchases only continues to grow; however, more retailers and brands are now working to address the issue. Amazon initially launched the Ships in Product Packaging program in 2023 for vendors, and in February 2024 opened it to sellers. It identifies products that might work, contacts vendors and then, to ensure that packages won’t be damaged during delivery, Amazon works with those companies to test product packaging. Some companies that sell on Amazon say they will no longer develop new products that can’t be shipped without additional Amazon boxing.
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