Association of American Publishers Comments on American Booksellers Association Whitepaper, “American Monopoly: Amazon’s Anti-Competitive Behavior is in Violation of Antitrust Laws”

The following is a statement from Maria A. Pallante, President and CEO, Association of American Publishers: “The American Booksellers Association newly released whitepaper, American Monopoly: Amazon’s Anti-Competitive Behavior is in Violation of Antitrust Laws, provides a clear outline of the longstanding, anti-competitive behavior that has enabled Amazon to gain a dominant position in the publishing industry. As AAP noted in comments filed with the FTC in 2019, the fact is that no publisher can avoid distributing through Amazon and, for all intents and purposes, Amazon dictates the economic terms, with publishers paying more for Amazon’s services each year and receiving less in return. At the same time Amazon’s approach to its bookstore enables widespread counterfeiting, defective products, and fake reviews that both degrade the consumer experience and diminish the incentives of authors and publishers to create new works and bring them to the marketplace. We thank the American Booksellers Association for making a clear, concise, and powerful case for government officials to step in quickly and decisively to exercise corrective measures and appropriate governance of this dominant platform.”
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Unit Sales of Print Books Soared 36.5% Last Week (

Unit sales of print books hit a new high for the week ended March 13, 2021, compared to the similar week in 2020. According to NPD BookScan, units jumped 36.5% last week over the week ended March 14, 2020. A portion of the gain was due to some weakness in 2020 caused by the early impact of the pandemic; unit sales fell 6.2% compared to the similar week in 2019. But, for the most part, the unit sales gain was driven by continued solid demand for print books. Large unit gains, as has been the case for most of 2021, occurred in all the major segments, and the increase was also helped by the release of two adult nonfiction books that hit the top two slots on the overall bestseller list. Nicole Lepera’s How to Do the Work was #1, selling more than 53,000 copies, while Dana Perino’s Everything Will Be Okay was second, selling nearly 51,000 copies. A third new nonfiction title also had a solid first week, with The Code Breaker by Walter Isaacson landing in fifth place on the overall list, selling over 41,000 copies. Overall, print unit adult nonfiction sales increased 27.6% over the comparable week in 2020.
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Amcor creates Australia’s first soft plastic food wrapper made with recycled content

Today a lack of both collection and processing infrastructure makes it difficult to keep waste out of landfill and meet consumer demands for more sustainable packaging. The prototype KitKat wrapper (pictured) demonstrates the opportunity to close-the-loop on recycling soft plastics and has been created by a coalition of companies with a shared vision to resolve the challenge of plastic waste in the environment. Partnering together, Nestlé, CurbCycle, iQ Renew, Licella, Viva Energy Australia, LyondellBasell, REDcycle, Taghleef Industries and Amcor leveraged their individual expertise to collect and process soft plastic waste, turn it back into oil using advanced recycling technology and create the prototype KitKat wrapper.
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Crown Celebrates Global Recycling Day

Today marks Global Recycling Day, which recognizes the importance recycling plays in protecting the planet and brings the world together to prioritize sustainability. Led by the Global Recycling Foundation, the annual milestone implores the public to see opportunity rather than waste and to be thoughtful about what we throw away. This mission aligns with our own goals and responsibilities as a major manufacturer of metal packaging—a primary product that is infinitely recyclable and supports a sustainable supply chain. Within our Twentyby30 sustainability program, our approach to recycling is twofold: We are working to raise consumer and industry recycling rates in our major markets, and alongside those efforts, are aiming to improve the recycled content averages across our products. These efforts recognize that metal packaging carries tremendous recycling power—a recycled beverage can, for example, returns to a store shelf in as few as 60 days—and contributes to the circular economy. In addition, the lifespan of aluminum beverage cans in particular is considered cyclical because when made with recycled material, their production reduces greenhouse gas emissions by about 90% when compared to cans made from primary materials With the knowledge that recycling 100% of aluminum cans could power four million homes for a full year, the value of this manufacturing efficiency becomes even clearer.
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Solenis to Increase Prices on Wet Strength Product Lines Across Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA)

Solenis, a leading global producer of specialty chemicals, will increase prices by up to 20 percent on all wet strength resins in EMEA, effective immediately or as contracts allow. The price increase is necessary due to lack of raw material availability, escalating key raw material costs and a surge in freight costs that has led to additional pressure on our global supply chain. “We are unable to absorb the impact of the increased costs that we are currently experiencing but we will continue to work in partnership with our customers to help mitigate the increases,” said Jose Santolaya, director, EMEA marketing and product management.
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All Research is Creative

Agencies and clients agree that research-driven customer insights play an important role in the development of effective marketing and creative campaigns. At the same time, I’ll bet relatively few think of research as a creative process or discipline. The fact is, all research is (or should be) creative. The best researchers approach their work with an open and creative mindset that skillfully uncovers the information to successfully drive creative development. The constraints of time and budget—facts of life in the business world—should never be an excuse for missing out on insights that support business growth and lead to game-changing creative campaigns. much more at:
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American Forest & Paper Association Releases February 2021 Packaging Papers Monthly Report

Total packaging papers & specialty packaging shipments in February decreased two percent compared to February 2020. They were up one percent when compared to the same two months of 2020. The operating rate was 84.5 percent, essentially flat (-0.2 pts.) from February 2020 and up 0.6 points year-to-date. Mill inventories at the end of February increased 4,000 short tons from the previous month and were up 14,000 short tons compared to February 2020.
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American Forest & Paper Association Releases February 2021 Printing-Writing Monthly Report

According to the report, total printing-writing paper shipments decreased 29 percent in February compared to February 2020. U.S. purchases of total printing-writing papers decreased 24 percent in February compared to the same month last year. Total printing-writing paper inventory levels decreased one percent when compared to January 2021. U.S. purchases of uncoated free sheet (UFS) papers in February decreased 19 percent compared to last February while the inventory level remained essentially flat (-0.1 percent) compared to January 2021. UFS imports increased 39 percent while exports decreased 32 percent in January 2021. Coated free sheet (CFS) paper shipments decreased 32 percent compared to February 2020 while the inventory level decreased two percent compared to January 2021. CFS imports and exports both decreased compared to January 2020, down 26 percent and three percent respectively. U.S. purchases of coated mechanical (CM) papers in February decreased 38 percent compared to last February while the inventory level decreased three percent compared to January 2021. CM imports decreased 22 percent while exports increased 24 percent in January 2021. Uncoated mechanical (UM) paper shipments decreased 31 percent compared to February 2020 while the inventory level decreased six percent compared to January 2021. UM imports and exports both decreased compared to January 2020, down 14 percent and 47 percent respectively.
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Cedar Graphics, Inc. of Hiawatha Has Acquired Select Business Assets of J & A Printing, Inc. (

Cedar Graphics, Inc. of Hiawatha has acquired select business assets of J & A Printing, Inc. currently under the ownership of Scott Cadwallader. Printing, finishing and mailing services for J & A customers will transition immediately to the Cedar Graphics plant in Hiawatha, Iowa. J & A’s production facility in Hiawatha is not part of this acquisition. Cedar Graphics is a family and Iowa-owned business focusing on offset and digital printing, packaging, and direct mail for the education, manufacturing, retail, healthcare, and banking industries. Cedar Graphics’ unique mix of advanced UV offset presses, digital printing, and marketing services will make for a smooth transition for J & A’s customers who will now have access to these increased print capabilities.
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S&P Global Affirms Net-Zero Commitment by Endorsing ‘Say on Climate’ Initiative

S&P Global announced its support for the principles outlined in the Say on Climate initiative, reinforcing the Company's existing pledges to support the transition to a global net-zero economy. The initiative is a disclosure-based plan focused on emissions with the goal of advocating for sustainable business practices and corporate climate action plans. It will be presented to shareholders for a vote in S&P Global's 2021 and 2022 proxy statements. "Say on Climate's principles complement our belief in the importance of transparency and disclosure as well as the market-leading steps we have taken towards becoming net-zero by 2040," said Ewout Steenbergen,Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of S&P Global. "We are working collaboratively with organizations in the private, public and nonprofit sectors to ensure that S&P Global meets our science-based targets and emissions reductions goals."
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Four Expectations of the Post-Pandemic Consumer (And How to Meet Them) []

There’s a lot to look forward to in 2021. With wide-spread vaccination on the horizon, relative relief from the global pandemic is close at hand. But even with a new layer of safety added to the retail shopping experience, one factor remains irrevocably changed — the consumer. The numbers back this. More than 65% of consumers intend to continue new buying behaviors acquired due to the pandemic during the post-vaccine era, according to one recent study. Another survey reveals that 56% of consumers plan to use BOPIS (buy-online-pickup-in-store) after the pandemic ends. While retailers ready themselves to meet the post-pandemic consumer online and in-store, one thing is clear. Retail success in the post-pandemic era isn’t so much about where you serve your customers as it is about how you create authentic, personalized omnichannel experiences that transcend the limits of your digital and physical touchpoints and create lasting brand loyalty.
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Bookstore Sales Fell 16.6% in January (

Bookstore sales fell 16.6% in January compared to the first month of 2020, according to preliminary estimates released by the U.S. Census Bureau. Sales in the month were $797 million, down from $956 million in January 2020. The 16.6% drop was only a slight increase over the 15% decline bookstore sales posted in December compared to December 2019, and is another sign that sales declines could be levelling off. February is typically the slowest month for bookstore sales—in 2020, sales in the month were $573 million—and last year's sales began to tank in March as the pandemic set in. Bookstore sales finished 2020 with a 28% decline compared to 2019.
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Indian Trees outside Forests national standard submitted for endorsement

The Network for Certification and Conservation of Forests (NCCF) submitted their national Trees outside Forests certification standard to PEFC for endorsement in January 2020. The public consultation, which is your chance to give your feedback on this national standard, will run from 31 March until 30 May. This is the first time NCCF, the PEFC national member for India, has applied for PEFC endorsement of its NCCF Trees outside Forests Certification Standard. Trees outside Forests (TOF) certification was one of the innovative developments of the 2018 PEFC Sustainable Forest Management standard.
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Tredegar Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 Results

Fourth quarter 2020 net income from continuing operations was $6.5 million compared to net income from continuing operations of $1.0 million in the fourth quarter of 2019. Net income from ongoing operations, which excludes special items and discontinued operations, was $9.7 million in the fourth quarter of 2020 and $9.9 million in the fourth quarter of 2019. Full year 2020 net loss from continuing operations was $16.8 million compared to net income from continuing operations of $58.5 million in 2019. Net income from ongoing operations was $50.8 million in 2020 and $47.6 million in 2019.
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Worzalla’s “Reel It In For Reading” Raises $1,500 for Portage County Literacy Council

Worzalla congratulated the winners of their “Reel It In For Reading” ice fishing competition and announced their $1,500 donation to support the Portage County Literacy Council (PCLC). Worzalla’s donation will go towards PCLC’s one-on-one tutoring and small group instruction programs. The winners of the inaugural Reel It In For Reading ice fishing competition are: First-place winner, Zach Fuller of Iola, won $200 and an additional $100 for being the Worzalla associate with the largest catch. Fuller’s catch, a 103-pound sturgeon caught at Lake Winnebago, measured 71.3 inches. Fuller says that the sturgeon he caught is one of just 15 males over 100 pounds since the 1930s, when data first began being recorded. Second-place winner, Kyle Weeks of Iola, won $150. Third-place winner, James Liebe of Stevens Point, won $100.
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RRD Wins 3M 2020 Supplier of the Year Award

R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company was honored with the 2020 3M Supplier of the Year Award in recognition of the company’s contribution to improving 3M’s competitiveness. This year,3M recognized 20 suppliers supporting the U.S. and Canada, among thousands in its global supply base, for world-class performance in providing products and services. These suppliers were identified and rated based on actions taken to improve 3M’s competitiveness and overall supplier performance. A virtual awards ceremony was held Feb. 4, 2021.
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Mondi Gronau starts production of more than one million medical face masks per day in Germany

Mondi has started up new production lines for melt-blown nonwoven fabric and medical face masks at its site in Gronau, Germany to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Mondi Gronau has over 50 years of experience in the production and processing of films, nonwovens and elastic components for hygiene products. Last year Mondi announced it would start up production lines to produce both the important base material, melt-blown nonwoven fabric, as well as the medical face mask themselves. With the new lines, Mondi is building up a local value chain in Germany to address the needs of the pandemic. The fully integrated production with two highly automated high-speed machines allows the output of 700 high-quality medical face masks per minute. This is approximately seven times higher than the standard face mask production line and will produce at least one million medical grade masks a day. The masks are certified as a medical product by the German Johner Institute as well as meeting the German standards OEKO-TEX and Dermatest.
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News Corp and Facebook Reach Agreement in Australia

News Corp announced that it has reached a multi-year agreement to provide access to trusted news and information to millions of Facebook users in Australia through its Facebook News product. The agreement involves News Corp Australia and includes The Australian national newspaper, the news site, major metropolitan mastheads like The Daily Telegraph in New South Wales, Herald Sun in Victoria and The Courier-Mail in Queensland and regional and community publications. In parallel Sky News Australia has also reached a new agreement with Facebook which extends and significantly builds on an existing arrangement. The three-year deal follows an agreement reached in October, 2019 in which News Corp publications in the United States receive payments in exchange for access to additional stories for Facebook News.
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Sonoco ThermoSafe and Unilode Sign Agreement for Maintenance, Repair and Handling of Pegasus ULD® Containers

Sonoco ThermoSafe and Unilode Aviation Solutions announce a partnership for the maintenance, repair and handling of Sonoco ThermoSafe’s passive bulk temperature-controlled containers at several key locations. This cooperation will play an important role in enabling the safe and efficient transport of pharmaceuticals and other temperature-sensitive products around the world. Sonoco ThermoSafe’s Pegasus ULD® is the world’s first FAA and EASA-approved passive bulk temperature-controlled container for pharmaceutical use, which enables it to speed through international ground handling and customs processes at the lowest possible cost. Engineered with composite materials, the Pegasus ULD® offers a lighter solution that is substantially more damage-resistant than traditional metal containers. Additionally, the Pegasus ULD® contains a fully integrated, FAA-approved telemetry system, providing real-time, cloud-based data on payload and ambient temperature and key environmental factors, precisely synchronized with GPS location.
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Investing in Two New State-of-the-Art Packaging Facilities in Poland and Italy

DS Smith has announced a £100 million of combined investment in two new packaging sites in Italy and Poland in response to increased customer demand. The investment follows significant growth over the past three years and supports our ambitious plans for further organic growth. With the sustainable paper-based packaging market expected to grow significantly as a result of increased adoption of e-commerce and continued expansion in traditional food and drink markets, the new sites will provide much needed capacity. We arewell positioned to respond to these trends with 85% of the Group’s overall offering focused on consumer goods. Through its focus on recyclable, paper-based packaging, it can also respond to market requirements for solutions to replace single-use plastic.
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Mayr-Melnhof Group Results 2020

The Group's consolidated sales reached EUR 2,528.4 million and were therefore close to the previous year's level (2019: EUR 2,544.4 million). A volume-related increase in sales in the packaging division was offset by a price-related decrease in the cartonboard division. EBITDA increased by 2.4% or EUR 9.3 million to EUR 398.9 million (2019: EUR 389.6 million), the EBITDA margin to 15.8% (2019: 15.3%) ). At EUR 231.4 million, the operating result was 9.4% or EUR 23.9 million below the previous year (2019: EUR 255.3 million). Financial income of EUR 1.7 million (2019: EUR 1.4 million) was offset by financial expenses of EUR -7.9 million (2019: EUR -8.4 million). The “other financial result - net” changed to EUR -3.2 million (2019: EUR 2.8 million), primarily due to changes in the foreign currency result. At EUR 222.1 million, earnings before taxes were therefore 11.6% below the previous year (2019: EUR 251.1 million). Income taxes amounted to EUR 59.8 million (2019: EUR 60.9 million), resulting in an effective Group tax rate of 27.0% (2019: 24.3%).
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Metsä Group’s new textile fibre is Kuura

The Kuura textile fibre is produced in Äänekoski, Finland, at Metsä Spring and Itochu’s jointly-owned demo plant. The joint demo phase project, which is built around the Äänekoski demo plant, aims to demonstrate the feasibility of a novel production process and textile fibre product, from both a technical and economic standpoint. This advanced direct dissolution method saw its beginnings in a collaboration with universities and research institutions over a decade ago. The demo phase began in late 2020 and it is estimated to last approximately two years. “We are testing a novel way of producing textile fibres from undried pulp, based on safer and more environmentally friendly chemicals. Our project has now reached a point where we can shift our focus more on investigating the fibre’s market potential and its suitability in different applications. Our partner ITOCHU, which has operated in the textile industry for over 100 years already, plays a key role in this. The launch of the Kuura brand supports ITOCHU work at the customer front,” says Niklas von Weymarn, CEO of Metsä Spring.
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The Big Reveal: Introducing the Arandell Catalog

We know what you’re thinking – why the heck would a catalog printer print their own catalog? There are three key reasons: 1) To Introduce the New Arandell Brand - Over the last few years we’ve been on quite a journey as an organization. 2) To Show What’s Possible with the Modern-Day Catalog - Nothing against the massive 100+ page behemoths you’re used to seeing, as they can still be effective, but most of today’s cataloging brands opt for a ”look book” approach—coffee table pieces that reinforce their company values. 3) To Put Ourselves in Our Customers’ Shoes - At Arandell our goal is to not just be a catalog printer for our clients but a true partner.
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Sun Chemical Brings Increased Sustainability to its Market Leading SunWave Lumina LED UV Sheetfed Inks

Emphasising its ongoing commitment to sustainability and underlining its position as a technology leader in low energy UV curing, Sun Chemical today announces significant upgrades to its market leading SunWave Lumina UV sheetfed inks for commercial printing. The new, improved inks are available now in the European market. The modified formulations no longer require EU “health hazard” labelling. They also meet the exacting environmental standards of Nordic Swan Ecolabeling and are fully compliant with EuPIA raw material guidelines. Furthermore, SunWave Lumina UV inks are deinkable according to INGEDE (International Association of the Deinking Industry) Method 11 criteria, which assesses the recyclability of printed products. Featuring class-leading lithographic and low-energy-curing performance on all sheetfed press types, the inks are designed for Process Standard Offset printing to ISO12647 and they consistently deliver outstanding levels of productivity at very high print quality, and with excellent dot gain. The latest highly reactive UV resin system offers exceptional curing with UV LED and low energy mercury lamps in both single and double-sided printing.
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Trust, Integrity and Transparency in Mercer Peace River’s Forest Management

People hold unique connections to the forest, whether they be spiritual, social, physical, or economic. As Mercer knows, it is important to acknowledge these connections amongst our many stakeholders and to do all that we can to ensure the forest is managed sustainably so that everyone can remain connected to their forest in their own way. Operating in the Northern Boreal Forest region of Alberta, Mercer Peace River (MPR) holds two 20-year renewable government Forest Management Agreements (FMAs), along with three other deciduous (hardwood) timber allocations, totalling approximately 2.7 million hectares of Alberta forest. These agreements come with many responsibilities; one primary responsibility is to manage the forest sustainably and ethically. As part of our forest management process, we consult and engage with Indigenous communities and with many government, commercial, and public forest stakeholders to ensure that our plans are responsive, diversified and inclusive.
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Lecta to Increase Specialty Paper Prices by 10% from April 1, 2021 in Select Markets

Lecta announces a price increase on all its Specialty paper grades of 10% effective for deliveries from 1 April 2021 for all European and Overseas markets. The increase is necessary due to the sustained increase in prices of pulp and chemicals along with the sharp increase of freight costs. This follows Lecta’s previous announcement made on Thermal paper grades.
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Co-creating Beyond Fossils packaging solutions

The packaging industry is experiencing an unprecedented change: there is a strong push from both consumers and regulators for more sustainable solutions. As a result, brand owners have set ambitious targets for increasing the share of recyclable and fibre-based packaging. In order to achieve these targets, they need the help of the entire packaging value network; this is a huge opportunity for everyone involved. “The ultimate purpose of packaging is to protect the product during delivery and keep the contents safe to use. With many foods, for example, this means that packaging needs to offer protection against moisture or grease. Today these properties are typically achieved using plastic structures, but we are now working on fibre-based solutions that can satisfy these requirements, while offering additional benefits for climate and recycling,” says Janne Varvemaa, Director, Products and Technology at UPM Specialty Papers.
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S&P Global Shareholders Overwhelmingly Approve Proposed Merger with IHS Markit

S&P Global announced that its shareholders overwhelmingly voted to approve the Company's proposed transaction with IHS Markit at a special meeting of the Company's shareholders. Approximately 99% of votes cast were in favor of the transaction. "We are pleased with the strong support of our shareholders for our planned combination with IHS Markit," said Douglas Peterson, President and Chief Executive Officer of S&P Global. "Today's shareholder approval is an important milestone in the process of bringing together our two world-class organizations to continue building on our respective strengths in information, data science, research and benchmarks. We are confident we will drive meaningful growth and create value for our customers, employees, shareholders and other stakeholders as one company."
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Consumer sentiment rises to highest level in a year (

Consumers’ spirits are getting a boost from the anticipation of COVID-19 stimulus checks and the growing number of vaccinations. The initial reading of consumer sentiment rose to 83 in early March from 76.8 in February according to an index produced by the University of Michigan. It was the index’s highest level in a year. “The gains were widespread across all socioeconomic subgroups and all regions, although the largest monthly gains were concentrated among households in the bottom third of the income distribution as well as those aged 55 or older,” said Richard Curtin, chief economist, Surveys of Consumers, University of Michigan.
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March Starts with 34% Pop in Print Unit Sales (

Fueled by huge gains for a host of Dr. Seuss titles, as well as solid results for several new books, unit sales of print books soared 34.2% in the week ended Mar. 6, 2021, over the comparable week in 2020, at outlets that report to NPD BookScan. Unit sales jumped 57.9% in juvenile fiction over the week ended Mar. 8, 2020, as Dr. Seuss titles took eight of the top 10 spots on the category list. The Cat in the Hat led the way, selling about 105,000 copies in the week, compared to 22,000 copies in the first week of March last year. Green Eggs and Ham followed, selling about 90,000 copies, trailed by One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (88,000); Oh, the Places You’ll Go! (74,000); and Fox in Socks (64,000). Interest in these books was heightened by the announcement by Dr. Seuss Enterprises that it will stop printing six other Dr. Seuss titles written between 1937 and 1976 because of concerns that they “portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong.”
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TC Transcontinental Packaging Wins FPA Sustainability Award for its Compostable Coffee Packaging

TC Transcontinental Packaging is thrilled to announce that it has won the Gold Award for Sustainability in the 2021 Flexible Packaging Achievement Awards Competition for the Maxwell House Canada 100% compostable coffee pod lidding and mother bag films. These breakthrough sustainable films are certified BPI (Biodegradable Products Institute) industrial compostable which leaves zero waste, provides an environmentally friendly solution to the popular single serve pod, and responds to the demand for sustainable packaging without sacrificing product freshness, performance and convenience. “At TC Transcontinental, the development of sustainable products is firmly rooted in our long history of social responsibility. This award underscores our leadership position in crafting commercialized, sustainable packaging solutions, and is one of many recognitions for our work in this space including the award-winning recycle ready pouch for loose tea, compostable structure for closed-loop collection, and also compostable whole-bean packaging for coffee. It is gratifying to see how our values of performance, teamwork and innovation have culminated in the development of such an outstanding array of sustainable products,” said Thomas Morin, President of TC Transcontinental Packaging.
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Words That Work: 3 Copywriting Formulas

I know. “Copywriting” and “formulas” sound like they don’t even belong in the same sentence, let alone the same concept. As someone who used to enjoy English class and all but cry their way through chemistry, I fully support words and numbers playing in separate sandboxes. But in marketing and advertising, there are in fact copy formulas you can use to disrupt and drive consumers to buy what you sell. The best formulas are easily remembered, quickly mastered, and can be used by novice and experienced writers alike. Knowing them can help you create copy that’s twice as effective, in about half the time. Formulas can also offer a boost when writer’s block sets in or help validate your work when you need a final gut check. Oh, and the reason they’re called formulas? Because they work! FORMULA #1: AIDA = Attention, Interest, Desire, Action; FORMULA #2: THE FOUR Cs = Clear, Concise, Compelling, Credible; FORMULA #3: FAB = Features, Advantages, Benefits.
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Ulta Beauty Announces Fourth Quarter Fiscal 2020 Results

For the Fourth Quarter of Fiscal 2020 *Net sales decreased 4.6% to $2.2 billion compared to $2.3 billion in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2019 due to the impact of COVID-19. *Operating income decreased to $224.3 million, or 10.2% of net sales, compared to $287.8 million, or 12.5% of net sales, in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2019. Adjusted operating income was $254.7 million, or 11.6% of net sales. *Net income was $171.5 million compared to $222.7 million in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2019. Adjusted net income was $193.4 million compared to $219.5 million in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2019. For the Full Year of Fiscal 2020 *Net sales decreased 16.8% to $6.2 billion compared to $7.4 billion in fiscal 2019 due to the impact of COVID-19. *Operating income decreased to $236.8 million, or 3.9% of net sales, compared to $901.1 million, or 12.1% of net sales, in fiscal 2019. Adjusted operating income was $352.5 million, or 5.7% of net sales. *Net income was $175.8 million compared to $705.9 million in fiscal 2019. Adjusted net income was $264.0 million compared to $688.3 million in fiscal 2019.
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Ulta Beauty Announces CEO Transition

Following a thorough succession planning process, the company announced leadership changes to drive continuity and continued momentum, all effective in June. Dave Kimbell, president, will succeed Mary Dillon as chief executive officer and will be nominated to stand for election to the company’s board of directors at the 2021 annual stockholders meeting. Dillon will transition to the role of executive chair of the board of directors. Kecia Steelman, currently chief store operations officer, will be elevated to the role of chief operating officer.
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Tilly’s, Inc. Announces Fiscal 2020 Fourth Quarter and Full Year Results

Fiscal 2020 Fourth Quarter Results Overview *Total net sales were $177.9 million, an increase of $5.4 million or 3.2%, compared to $172.5 million last year. Total comparable net sales, including both physical stores and e-commerce, increased by 2.5% compared to last year. *Operating income was $14.1 million, or 7.9% of net sales, compared to $8.5 million, or 4.9% of net sales, last year. The $5.6 million increase in operating income was primarily due to the combined impact of the factors noted above. Fiscal 2020 Full Year Results Overview *Total net sales were $531.3 million, a decrease of $88.0 million or 14.2%, compared to $619.3 million last year primarily as a result of the various periods of store closures, reduced store operating hours, and restrictions on customer traffic into physical stores resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. *Operating loss was $(3.0) million, or (0.6)% of net sales, compared to operating income of $28.5 million, or 4.6% of net sales, last year. The decrease in operating results was primarily attributable to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Company's business as noted above.
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Public consultation: Indonesian forest certification system

Stakeholders from around the world are invited to give feedback on the revised national forest certification system for Indonesia. Deadline for comments is 7 May. The Indonesian Forestry Certification Cooperation (IFCC), the PEFC national member for Indonesia, revised the country’s national forest certification system following the entry into force of the revised 2018 PEFC Sustainable Forest Management standard. The revised IFCC Forest Certification Scheme is one of the first national systems submitted to PEFC for endorsement that includes a Trees Outside Forests (TOF) standard. TOF certification was one of the innovative developments of the 2018 PEFC Sustainable Forest Management standard.
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Amcor wins two Flexible Packaging Association achievement awards

Amcor dual-chamber pouch secures Gold achievement award for technical innovation - The Amcor dual-chamber pouch is a specialty multi-chamber pouch with a breathable membrane separating the chambers. The innovative packaging format consists of a peelable device chamber and non-peelable desiccant chamber. The desiccant is kept separate from the device by a vented film allowing the headspace in the two chambers to equilibrate. This leading solution is ideal for moisture sensitive applications such as drug-coated products which may be adversely affected by ambient moisture content. The non-peelable chamber also can be used to house other scavenging technologies including oxygen. Versions of the Amcor dual -chamber pouch are available for both irradiation and ETO sterilization. Shield Pack® clear high-barrier aseptic IBC liner garners Gold achievement award for technical innovation - Amcor’s innovative designers were faced with a challenge: The up-to-300 gallons of aseptic product within a bulk package could not be examined until dispensing occurred due to the bulk package’s metallized structure. Providing extended shelf life and a high barrier were key, while also targeting the clarity manufacturers want. Shield Pack® clear high-barrier aseptic IBC liner provides clarity and durability that distribution demands, while the multi-layer structure safeguards against moisture, oxygen and environmental contamination. This exciting technology extends distribution range, reduces transit failures, improves product quality and color, all while delivering other important attributes, including extended shelf-life, durability and the clear packaging format manufacturers want.
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Intertape Polymer Group Reports 2020 Fourth Quarter and Annual Results

Fourth Quarter 2020 Highlights (as compared to fourth quarter 2019): • Revenue increased 18% to $344.1 million primarily due to an increase in volume/mix primarily driven by increased demand in products with significant e-commerce or building and construction end-market exposure, including wateractivated tapes, protective packaging, and certain other tape products. • Net earnings attributable to the Company's shareholders ("IPG Net Earnings") increased $5.5 million to $17.1 million primarily due to an increase in gross profit, partially offset by increases in SG&A and income tax expense. Fiscal Year 2020 Highlights (as compared to fiscal year 2019): • Revenue increased 4.7% to $1,213.0 million primarily due to an increase in volume/mix primarily driven by increased demand in products with significant e-commerce or building and construction end-market exposure, including wateractivated tapes, protective packaging, and certain other tape products. • IPG Net Earnings increased $31.5 million to $72.7 million primarily due to an increase in gross profit and a gain resulting from a fair value adjustment to the Company's contingent consideration related to the Nortech Acquisition(2) , partially offset by an increase in SG&A.
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Ahlstrom-Munksjö, Virgis Filter S.P.A and Webasto partner for an innovative filtration solution to protect indoor environments from COVID-19

Ahlstrom-Munksjö has established a viable partnership with Italian filter producer Virgis S.P.A for the distribution of an innovative HEPA filtration solution produced by Webasto. The innovative solution makes indoor environments safer against COVID-19 as well as other viral and bacterial organisms. The launch of the high-efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA) devices HFT300 and HFT600 in Europe in 2020 has rapidly met the demand for increased protection in vehicles and buildings. The main purpose of these filter devices is to protect the passengers and the operators in emergency vehicles, school buses and public transportation vehicles. The first units were primarily installed in ambulances in Germany and the U.S., as well as in public buses in the Netherlands and school buses in the U.S. The promotion of this innovative solution for private sectors such as offices, restaurants and museums has also started.
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10 Important Advantages of Direct Mail Marketing Campaigns (

From building trust with your customers to providing that feeling of excitement when opening the mailbox, here is a list of our top 10 advantages and benefits of direct mail marketing. Marketing is complex and marketing is evolving: Display, Social, Mobile, SMS, MMS, Personalized TV. However, some of the best results tied to improving brand awareness, customer retention and overall sales come from tried and true strategies such as direct mail. Here is a list of our top 10 advantages and benefits of direct mail marketing. Mail Remains Physical; People Enjoy Receiving Mail; Direct Mail Benefits from being Cost Effective; Personalized Data-Driven Marketing Benefits; Direct Marketing is a Multichannel Experience; Build Effective Brand Trust with Direct Mail; Direct Mail is Easy; Simplicity of Execution in Direct Mail Marketing; More Chances to be Creative
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PEFC response to Greenpeace report “Destruction: Certified”

PEFC notes the concerns voiced by Greenpeace in a recent report, namely that ‘[c]ertification on its own has not helped companies meet their 2020 commitments to exclude deforestation from their supply chains’ and cautions that certification was never designed – and never claimed – to do so on its own. “Forest certification is an important part of the toolbox needed to stop deforestation, protect biodiversity, safeguard livelihoods, and provide society with wood as a sustainable, renewable raw material,” said Ben Gunneberg, CEO of PEFC International. “Forest certification is not designed to solve issues like deforestation by itself. This is because many of the factors causing deforestation are outside forestry, such as the demand for land for agricultural production. We need to employ multiple tools, ensure the support of all stakeholders, and work collaboratively to achieve our common objective: safeguarding our forests,” added Mr Gunneberg.
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Trucking Industry Applauds Introduction of DRIVE Safe Act

American Trucking Associations applauded the introduction of the DRIVE Safe Act in both the U.S. House and Senate by a group of bipartisan legislators. The legislation addresses the economy’s growing shortage of professional truck drivers by expanding job opportunities for younger members of the trucking workforce, while also strengthening safety training and technology safeguards for select candidates looking to participate in interstate commerce early in their careers. While 49 states permit individuals to obtain a commercial driver’s license and operate large commercial vehicles before they turn 21, federal regulations prohibit those same drivers from crossing state lines until they turn 21. These restrictions bar a vital population of job seekers from interstate trucking, exacerbating the driver shortage as qualified candidates are lost to other industries. The DRIVE Safe Act would allow certified CDL holders already permitted to drive intrastate the opportunity to participate in a rigorous apprenticeship program designed to help them master interstate driving, while also promoting enhanced safety training for emerging members of the workforce.
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Pregis announces new film converting, equipment assembly facilities to support growth of its Sharp Packaging Systems brand

Pregis announces its new film converting facility in Elkhorn, Wisconsin, and new machinery assembly facility in Germantown, Wisconsin to meet growing e-commerce demands for its Sharp Packaging Systems® by Pregis brand of poly bagging solutions. Production has been moved from nearby East Troy, doubling the number of converting lines. The facility converts multilayer coextruded polyethylene film (which has been blown at its Sussex, Wisconsin facility), into pre-opened bags supplied on a roll or in a box. The bags are used with Sharp Packaging bagging equipment at fulfillment centers to package and ship a broad variety of soft goods, pharma/nutraceuticals, and other non-fragile products. The high-output equipment only requires a small number of operators, enabling packers to social distance. To support the increased demand for equipment, Pregis is also moving its equipment assembly operations from the current Sussex, Wisconsin facility to a new location in Germantown, Wisconsin in Q2. This move enables more efficient assembly layout, double the production space to support current and future growth, and allows additional space for further expansion of its poly converting capacity at the current Sussex facility.
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KP Tissue Releases Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 Financial Results

KPLP Q4 2020 Business and Financial Highlights • Revenue was $385.0 million in Q4 2020 compared to $348.1 million in Q4 2019, an increase of $36.9 million or 10.6%. • Adjusted EBITDA was $36.2 million in Q4 2020, including $4.5 million of TAD Sherbrooke start-up costs, compared to $46.0 million in Q4 2019, a decrease of 21.3%. • Successful start-up of new TAD Sherbrooke paper machine, project completed on time and on budget. • Announced the $240 million Sherbrooke Expansion Project. • Declared a quarterly dividend of $0.18 per share to be paid on April 15, 2021. KPLP Full Year 2020 Business and Financial Highlights • Revenue was $1,516.0 million in 2020 compared to $1,357.2 million excluding the divested Mexico business in 2019, an increase of $158.8 million or 11.7%. • Adjusted EBITDA was $197.8 million in 2020, up from $145.0 million in 2019, an increase of 36.4%.
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GP’s Leaf River, Miss., Facility Becomes First Pulp Mill and Brewton, Ala., Containerboard mill recognized as first paper mill to Earn EPA ENERGY STAR Certification

Efforts to reduce water use, use energy efficiently and streamline resources used to ship products across the U.S. earned employees and GP facilities a variety of awards from the EPA. Georgia-Pacific facilities received several awards and certifications, including the ENERGY STAR® Top Project for 2020, an ENERGY STAR® Certification, the SmartWay Excellence Award and a 2020 Energy Star Challenge Achiever for Industry by the EPA. Georgia-Pacific’s Brewton Containerboard mill has been named a 2020 Energy Star Challenge Achiever for Industry by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a program developed by the agency to recognize individual facilities for volunteering to reduce energy intensity by 10% within five years.
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Sustainable forestry supports groundbreaking biochemicals business

Expected to start up by the end of 2022, our state-of-the-art biochemicals biorefinery in Leuna, Germany, will produce a range of 100% wood-based biochemicals that enable a switch from fossil-based products to sustainable alternatives in a number of end-uses such as plastics, textiles, cosmetics, and industrial applications. The Leuna plant will use hardwood trees native to Germany, where the share of mixed forests has increased, as they are more resilient to the effects of climate change and help to maintain biodiversity. According to Andreas Meggendorfer, Senior Manager Sourcing and Supply Chain Biochemicals at UPM, the new business will now be able to find use cases for hardwood, where industrial applications have so far been limited.
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Toshiba and UPM Raflatac join forces to bring out a perfectly matched linerless printing experience

Toshiba and UPM Raflatac are pleased to announce they have entered into a European-wide collaboration. By joining forces, the companies are creating a compelling linerless print solution with Toshiba’s latest linerless printer technology and UPM Raflatac’s high performance linerless OptiCut™ label portfolio. Through this collaboration, Toshiba and UPM Raflatac will provide a ready-to-use solution for linerless printing. Their customers can now take advantage of the tested and approved combination of Toshiba’s BV420D-GL linerless printer and UPM Raflatac’s OptiCut linerless label material to have a perfectly matched printing experience. With e-commerce being one of the fastest-growing sectors, the need for efficient and reliable processes to ensure all shipments are labeled correctly is increasing. The Toshiba-UPM Raflatac collaboration brings together deep technological know-how and expertise that support clients by creating sophisticated print applications for them.
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Midwest Print Provider Expands into Folding Cartons with the Xeikon 3500 (

Based in the Kansas City suburb of New Century, Kansas, Stouse is a trade-only specialty print provider. It supplies applications such as labels, decals, magnets and signs to promotional products distributors, commercial printers and marketing and advertising agencies. The company opened its doors as a screen and flexographic printer in 1977 and has since grown into a market leader with 40+ years of consistent sales growth. At any point in time, there are some 3,000 active jobs in the shop. The Xeikon 3500 is a proven performer in the Xeikon solution line-up as a wide web press for packaging, producing output as wide as 20.3 inches (516 mm) with a resolution of 1200 dots per inch (dpi). It can print on an exceptionally wide range of substrates without pre-coating/treatment. With no frame limitation, folding cartons can be run without concern for length restrictions.
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Why You Should Start Sending Postcards Again — Even If You’re Not Traveling (

Ah, the age old practice of letter writing. If you're a fan of putting pen to page, there's also a good chance you also enjoy sending postcards home whenever you travel. It might be a while before you can send postcards from far off places again, but that doesn't mean you can't keep in touch with friends and family via snail mail in the meantime, as many us remain separated by the pandemic. With that, I'm here to sing the praises of sending your loved ones postcards and greeting cards, both the artistic and the playful, whether it's to celebrate an occasion or just because. And luckily, there's no shortage of beautiful cards available to buy online. Although the pandemic has been lonely at times, it has inspired me to send more mail. In fact, I'd say that one of the best things I've done during the pandemic is starting to write to a pen pal. These days, the excitement of opening my mailbox to find a letter from a friend or note from my pen pal brings me joy in ways I might not have appreciated pre-pandemic.
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Resolute Sets Target to Reduce GHG Emissions by 30%

Resolute Forest Products Inc. announced its commitment to reduce absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (scope 1 and 2) by 30% against 2015 levels by 2025. This new target builds on the company's 83% reduction in absolute GHG emissions from year-2000 levels, two-thirds of which reflect reductions in emission intensity. By achieving its target, the company will have reduced its emissions by nearly 700,000 metric tons of CO2 equivalents per year compared to its 2015 level. Some of the more recent projects on which the company is relying to achieve its commitment include: *an efficiency enhancement at the Saint-Félicien (Quebec) pulp mill to improve production capacity and reduce fossil-fuel use by up to 20%; *a modernization of the cogeneration turbine at the Coosa Pines (Alabama) pulp mill to reduce purchased electricity use by 6%; and *the installation of a sophisticated heat recovery unit at the Thunder Bay (Ontario) pulp and paper mill to recover waste heat and, as a result, decrease the use of fossil fuels by over 20%.
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Independent authority RecyClass certifies Huhtamaki blueloop laminate Tubes

Huhtamaki Flexible Packaging Europe now offers three different tube laminate structures, for use in oral care and cosmetic products, which have been certified to be fully recyclable. The Huhtamaki team, together with partners Plastuni Lisses, member of the Somater Group, and Zalesi, have developed polyethylene (PE) based tubes that have been certified as fully recyclable within the high-density polyethylene (HDPE) container stream by RecyClass, the cross-industry initiative that works to advance plastic packaging recyclability and to establish a harmonized approach towards recycled content calculation and traceability in Europe. “The new recyclable blueloop laminates are a perfect example of effectively implementing sustainable design principles and contributing to the development of the circular economy,” says Jens Pilzecker, Head of Global Tube Laminates at Huhtamaki’s Flexible Packaging segment. “With these laminate structures we help our customers take a big step forward in addressing their sustainability targets as they can now package products in fully recyclable high-barrier tubes. In addition, this innovation is in line with our target of designing 100% of our products to be recyclable, compostable or reusable by 2030.”
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UPM Biomedicals and CELLINK form collaboration for groundbreaking 3D bioprinting developments

UPM Biomedicals is excited to announce its collaboration with bioconvergence company CELLINK. The partnership brings together UPM’s expertise for producing non-animal derived, nanocellulose biomaterials with CELLINK’s years of experience in method development for 3D bioprinting, offering new groundbreaking solutions to this growing life sciences market. Advances in 3D printing in the past decade have been outstanding, and the technology is becoming more widely used for various cutting-edge applications. 3D bioprinting is already important in areas such as cancer research, where tumour models can be printed to test their response to different treatments. More recently scientists have been exploring the use of this technology in a clinical setting, with the possibility of printing tissues or organs that can then be transplanted into patients. Using non-animal derived raw materials, such as UPM’s nanofibrillar cellulose, for bio-ink formulations makes transplants into humans much more effective, reducing the possibility of an immune response or rejection.
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Kohl’s Updates Investor Presentation Highlighting Progress on Strategy and Plans to Drive Continued Momentum

Kohl’s Corporation released an updated investor presentation detailing progress on its strategy and initiatives to drive continued momentum. The presentation also provides an overview of the capabilities and skills of the Kohl’s Board of Directors and a comparison to the slate put forward by Macellum Advisors GP, LLC, Legion Partners Holdings, LLC, Ancora Advisors, LLC, and 4010 Capital, LLC which seek control of Kohl’s. Highlights of the presentation include: Well-positioned in a retail industry undergoing profound change: *Kohl’s strengthened its financial and competitive position during a period of profound change in the retail industry. *The Company’s investments in omnichannel and operations helped Kohl’s successfully navigate the pandemic. *Kohl’s continues to actively and thoughtfully strengthen its foundation to differentiate itself and support future growth.
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Barnes & Noble Education Sees More Losses in Q3 (

Barnes & Noble Education continues to face tough times due to the pandemic, with the significantly reduced number of students on campus colleges leading to lower sales at its stores. The company reported sales for the third quarter ended December 31, 2020, of $411.6 million, down 18.1% compared to the previous year. The company saw a net loss of $48.3 million, up dramatically from a net loss of $1.7 million in the same period in 2019. In retail, the company's largest division, sales in the third quarter dropped to $70.3 million, down 15.5% compared with the prior year. Comparable store sales fell 19.9% for the quarter, with comparable textbook sales declining 8.1% and merchandise down 45.8%. Sales in the wholesale division were $39.5 million for the quarter, down 41.1% compared with the previous year.
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Vietnam takes a big step towards certified forests through PEFC endorsement

The Vietnam Forest Certification Office (VFCO) is our latest member that has achieved PEFC endorsement of its national forest certification system. “Realising that our national standards meet and even exceed the global sustainability benchmark in sustainable forest management strengthens our belief that we are on the right track to build an accessible national forest certification system. PEFC endorsement has recognized all our national collective efforts,” said Dr. Nguyen Quoc Tri, Director General of the Vietnam Administration Forest. The certification of 12,000 hectares of Acacia and Rubber plantation by VFCS before the endorsement by PEFC has shown the substantial determination of Vietnamese stakeholders to make the national system work.
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Atlantic Joins the Alliance to End Plastic Waste

Atlantic Packaging is proud to announce that they have joined the Alliance to End Plastic Waste (the Alliance), a non-profit organization committed to ending plastic waste in the environment. In their capacity as an Alliance member, Atlantic will be collaborating with over 80 member companies, project partners, allies and supporters around the world to address this global issue. The Alliance’s mission is to develop, accelerate and deploy innovative and impactful solutions, engage communities around the world, and to catalyze investments.
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Smurfit Kappa announces €40 million investment in North Wales

Smurfit Kappa has approved transformational investment plans for its Mold plant in North Wales, that will further expand capacity at the facility, make it the largest box factory in the UK and allow the company to meet the growing demand for sustainable packaging. The investment in state-of-the-art equipment will reduce CO2 per tonne emissions by 15% at the plant. Commenting on the announcement, Smurfit Kappa UK and Ireland CEO, Eddie Fellows, said, “This investment in North Wales will increase our capability, flexibility and speed of response to deliver unrivalled, innovative packaging solutions to customers across the UK and Ireland. We are determined to meet the future needs of our customers in a sustainable way. It is vital that our investment has benefits for the local community and the environment.”
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Supremex Announces Expansion Into US Packaging Market to Support E-Commerce Packaging Growth

Supremex Inc. announces the bolt-on acquisition of Vista Graphic Communications, LLC, an Indianapolis, Indiana based provider of print and folding carton packaging. “This turn-key operation brings us closer to our growing e-commerce customer base in the U.S. and provides us with much needed print and converting capacity to meet existing and growing demand for our customized patent-protected e-commerce packaging solutions,” said Stewart Emerson, President & CEO of Supremex. “Vista is strategically located, employs a skilled workforce, and with modest planned equipment additions we can quickly build a fully-integrated e-commerce packaging hub.” Vista Graphic Communications, LLC is a printing and packaging solutions manufacturer focused on highly customized folding cartons and micro flute packaging. The Company was founded by Tim Rolfsen in 1985, runs two full production lines, including 40” litho presses, die-cutting and gluing, and serves clients primarily in the medical, dental and publishing markets.
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Solenis to Expand Price Increase on Polyacrylamide Polymers and Retention Aids in EMEA

Solenis will increase prices by 10 to 15 percent on all polyacrylamide polymers, coagulants and retention aids across the EMEA region, effective immediately, or as customer contracts allow. Originally announced last month, Solenis readjusted the price increase and also included coagulants to the list of products affected. The increase is necessary due to the major impact on key feedstock costs, and also from raw material shortages that are tighter than anticipated.
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The Staying Power of Catalogs (

Catalogs are a tried-and-true instrument in a marketer’s toolbox delivering an in-depth product experience right to any home or office door. With the rise of the digital age, many thought that e-commerce would supplant catalogs, but the opposite has been true. Catalogs continue to hold their own as a marketing channel operating steadily alongside its digital brethren. Catalogs originated as a method to communicate product availability and highlight new goods. Now a company’s website functions in the same capacity and in real-time. Catalogs of today have evolved to serve as a means of inspiration, allowing consumers to visualize products in real-life situations with thoughtful detail and narratives. They also allow brands more room to tell their story and gain consumer trust. This can occur because, unlike the more frenzied pace of online shopping, catalog readers spend between 15 minutes to 30 minutes turning the pages and catalogs are retained for several weeks as a reminder to place an order, shop online, or visit a store. The staying power of catalogs owes itself in part to online shopping, as the two have formed a symbiotic relationship. A printed catalog allows companies to bridge the physical and digital marketing space that can still be targeted and measured.
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HH Global: Delivering the next phase of growth

Following the successful acquisition of InnerWorkings in October 2020, HH Global is poised to deliver the next phase of growth. As such today Robert MacMillan announced the new executive leadership team effective from 1 April 2021: Board of Directors: Robert MacMillan as Executive Chairman; Mike Perez as Group CEO; Edward Parsons as Chief of Staff to the Chairman; Kristian Elgey as Interim Group CFO and Chief Commercial Officer; Steve Nunn and Craig Bingon as Non-Executive Directors. In addition, Raphael de Botton and Amer Khatoun - representatives from investor partners Blackstone - continue to sit on the Board of Directors. Group Management Board: Alan Bittle as Regional CEO, APAC; Nadia Pelekanos as Regional CEO, Central Europe, India, Middle East & Africa; Michael Keen as Regional CEO, Europe; Scott Martin as Regional CEO, Americas; Helen Babbe as Chief of Staff to the CEO; Kristian Elgey as Interim CFO and Chief Commercial Officer; Jason Hanavan as CFO, Americas; Lee Humphreys as CEO of Digital; Kevin Dunckley as Chief Sustainability Officer.
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SFI forest certification system submitted for endorsement

The Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) submitted their forest certification system to PEFC for re-endorsement earlier this month. The public consultation, which is your chance to give your feedback on this revised system, will run from 12 March to 11 May 2021. SFI, a PEFC national member in North America, revised their forest certification system, which covers both the United States (USA) and Canada, following the entry into force of the revised 2018 PEFC Sustainable Forest Management standard. To provide you with additional information about this revised system, we are holding a webinar on 22 March, at 14:00 CET. The webinar is free to attend, and everyone is welcome.
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Amcor announces new partnership with Alliance to End Plastic Waste

Amcor and the Alliance share the belief that collaboration and collective action are critical to eliminating plastic waste. Alliance membership also aligns with Amcor’s 2025 Sustainability Pledge to develop all its packaging to be recyclable or reusable by 2025.This new partnership is the latest example of Amcor’s commitment to better waste management and recycling infrastructure. Ron Delia, Amcor CEO, said, “Amcor’s extensive innovation capabilities are delivering packaging designed to achieve the commitment to make all our packaging recyclable or reusable by 2025. But keeping waste out of the environment also requires collaboration across the global value chain for better waste management and recycling infrastructure, and to educate consumers. AEPW serves as a crucial forum for that collaborative effort across parties aligned on the need to deliver more sustainable outcomes. I am excited that Amcor is taking up this leadership role within the Alliance and we look forward to working with the other Alliance members to advance on our shared ambitions for responsible packaging.”
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The Target Report: So Many Books, So Little Time* (

Books endure. We discard newspapers the day after, magazines stick around a bit longer, junk mail not at all, but books we keep. After we read a book, we shelve them, we show off our book collection as backdrops in our Zoom calls, we stack books in corners, we store them in boxes, we might drop them off at a used bookstore, we might even make books into works of art, but we almost never just toss them out. Printed books endure. Book printing company Grafica Veneta, located in the Italian province of Padua, a half hour drive from the causeway to Venice, announced the acquisition of a majority ownership stake in Lake Book Manufacturing. The acquired company is close by Chicago’s O’Hare airport, likely an enabling factor in the decision by an Italian book manufacturer to invest in a US-based partner. The owner of Lake Book, Dan Genovese, noted that his family’s Italian heritage also played a part in the decision to seek and accept an international investment in the company, especially one based in Italy. Both companies are positioned to manufacture a wide range of book products for the publishing trade, with capabilities ranging from one-color to full-color text, paperback and hardcover editions, along with fully decorated book jackets.
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Paper Excellence announces restart date of Powell River machine (

The company confirmed that it plans to restart Number 11 Paper Machine at Catalyst Powell River, on or around May 1st. Paper Excellence says this restart reflects the recent recovery in global paper markets and its “long-term commitment to the Powell River facility.” A total of 200 jobs will return with the startup of the paper machine. The machine was curtailed last spring after an external malware attack, and the COVID-19 pandemic simultaneously impacted the mill’s paper production as well as global paper demand.
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Pearson’s 2020 Full Year Results

In 2020, sales decreased by £472m in headline terms to £3,397m (2019: £3,869m) with underlying performance reducing sales by £386m, portfolio changes reducing sales by £55m and currency movements decreasing revenue by £31m. Stripping out the impact of portfolio and currency movements, revenue was down 10% in underlying terms. Our statutory operating profit was £411m in 2020 compared to a profit of £275m in 2019. The increase in 2020 is largely due to the gain on sale of PRH and the reduction in restructuring costs, which were more than enough to offset the impact of COVID-19 and portfolio changes on trading profits. Net debt to adjusted EBITDA was 0.8x (2019: 1.3x). Net debt reduced from £1,016m in 2019 to £463m at the end of 2020. Excluding leases, net debt reduced from £374m in 2019 to net cash of £159m in 2020.
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Mill in Powell River scheduled to reopen (

Powell River’s paper mill is scheduled to resume production in May, according to mayor Dave Formosa. Speaking at the city council meeting on March 4, Formosa said he wanted to announce that the Catalyst Paper Corporation mill in Powell River will be starting up one paper machine. “We’re looking for that to happen in May,” said Formosa. “They are anticipating four- to six-week lead time so certain workers will be called back to the operation to start getting the facility ready to fire up one machine. “They will be making a new product that has not been made here before. It’s a brown, heavy paper that will line boxes, so it’s a box liner, which happens to have a good market. That’s good news.” Formosa said the mill is hoping to start up a second machine once it gets enough orders for the thermo-mechanical pulp (TMP) operation. He said that is where the mill would take pulp from the TMP operation, dry it on the paper machines onto rolls, and then sell it into Asia as a raw material.
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FedEx Commits to Carbon-Neutral Operations by 2040

FedEx Corp. announced an ambitious goal to achieve carbon-neutral operations globally by 2040. Key steps toward reaching the carbon neutral goal include: • Vehicle Electrification. By 2040, the entire FedEx parcel pickup and delivery (PUD) fleet will be zero-emission electric vehicles. • Sustainable Customer Solutions. FedEx will work with customers to offer end-to-end sustainability for their supply chains through carbon-neutral shipping offerings and sustainable packaging solutions. • Sustainable Fuels. FedEx will continue to invest in alternative fuels to reduce aircraft and vehicle emissions. • Fuel Conservation and Aircraft Modernization. FedEx will build on its successful FedEx Fuel Sense initiatives designed to reduce fuel consumption in its aircraft.
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Tribune Publishing Revenue Drops, Losses Rise In 2020 (

Tribune Publishing Company, which is now in the process of being acquired by Alden Global Capital, increased its digital revenue by 57%, or $16.5 million, in 2020 YoY, and the number of its digital-only subscribers by 30.5% to 436,000. But those gains only partly offset an overall revenue decline to $746 million, versus $945 million in 2019, and a loss from continuing operations of $46.8 million, up from $7.1 million in the prior year, according to financial results released on Thursday. The overall hit was also mitigated, in part, by a 14.5% reduction in operating expenses, or $138.1 million.
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Graphic Packaging International Launches Cap-It™ to Support Beverage Customers on Plastic-to-Paper Journey

Paper-based packaging leader, Graphic Packaging International emphasizes its commitment to supporting beverage brands on their plastics reduction journey with its latest recyclable paperboard packaging solution, Cap-ItTM. Cap-It is an innovative clip with neck rings for multipack polyethylene terephthalate (PET) or recycled (rPET) bottles. The paperboard clip, made of renewable materials, is an alternative to traditional shrink film packaging, increasing overall pack recyclability to 100 percent.
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Why a successful digital-first brand from Hearst is exploring print (

A successful digital-first brand from Hearst that has seen immeasurable growth with not only its website, but its printed bookazines and cookbooks, is launching a quarterly print magazine. Delish in print will be sold at the newsstands, but will also be an integral part of the subscription model the brand has in place for its online footprint. An all-access subscription of $20 annually will not only get you everything online, but also the 96 page (plus covers) printed magazine as part of the memebership. Dan Fuchs, formerly of HGTV magazine and O, The Oprah Magazine, is the VP/Chief Revenue Officer of the new quarterly print publication. I spoke with Dan recently and we talked about this exciting new venture into the world of print for a digital-only entity. Dan said it’s an exhilarating time for a brand that has been successful online and in the world of print, with its special bookazines and cookbooks, to have a quarterly magazine coming out in print. Opportunities and more growth will surely follow. And with Editorial Director, Joanna Saltz, as his partner, Dan is looking forward to the future of Delish in all its exciting extensions.
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Costco Wholesale Corporation Reports Second Quarter and Year-to-Date Operating Results for Fiscal 2021 and February Sales Results

Net sales for the quarter increased 14.7 percent, to $43.89 billion, from $38.26 billion last year. Net sales for the first 24 weeks increased 15.8 percent, to $86.23 billion, from $74.49 billion last year. Net income for the quarter was $951 million, or $2.14 per diluted share, which includes $246 million pretax, or $0.41 per diluted share, in costs incurred primarily from COVID-19 premium wages. Last year’s second quarter net income was $931 million, or $2.10 per diluted share. Net income for the first 24 weeks was $2.12 billion, or $4.76 per diluted share, compared to $1.77 billion, or $4.00 per diluted share, last year. For the four-week reporting month of February, ended February 28, 2021, the Company reported net sales of $14.05 billion, an increase of 15.2 percent from $12.20 billion last year. For the twenty-six week period ended February 28, 2021, net sales were $93.16 billion, an increase of 15.4 percent from $80.76 billion last year.
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Wiley Reports Third Quarter Fiscal 2021 Results

*Research Publishing & Platforms rose 3% as reported and 1% at constant currency, with strong growth in open access and inorganic contributions from acquisitions offsetting anticipated subscription revenue pressure. *Academic & Professional Learning declined 2% as reported and 4% at constant currency mainly due to COVID-19 impact on test prep and in-person corporate training, and a decline in print book revenue, which offset continued growth in digital content and courseware. *Education Services increased 25% as reported and 24% at constant currency, driven by organic revenue growth of 13% from strong online enrollment and new student starts, and the two-month inorganic contribution from mthree (+$8 million). *GAAP EPS of $0.39 declined from $0.63 in the prior year, reflecting restructuring charges of $0.28 per share, primarily related to a previously disclosed reduction in Wiley’s real estate footprint.
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Backlist Drives Print Book Unit Gains Higher Through February (

Driven by strong backlist sales, unit sales of print books rose 26% last week over the week ended February 29, 2020, at outlets that report to NPD BookScan. It was the largest week-over-week gain compared to 2020 so far this year, helping unit sales finish the first two months of 2021 with a 21.2% increase over the first two months of 2020. Last week’s 26% increase was accomplished without the release of a major new hit. The top-selling new book last week was Believe It by Jamie Kern Lima, which sold 29,000 copies, landing it in third place on the overall bestseller list. The top title last week was Charlie Mackesy’s The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse, published in October 2019, which had a huge sales spike in the week, selling nearly 97,000 copies.
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Double certification FSC and PEFC – 2020 estimation

FSC and PEFC are different forest certification schemes and there are some forest areas around the world that choose to hold both types of certification. For this reason, FSC and PEFC agreed in 2016 to publish mutually approved estimates of forest area certified under both schemes on a yearly basis for statistical purposes. According to the latest data from mid-2020, forest area holding both FSC and PEFC/PEFC-endorsed certification is approximately 95 million hectares, an increase of 3% since mid-2019. Please note that the data include only the forest area certified by FSC or PEFC-endorsed systems from 2016 to 2020, excluding any other schemes. The list includes only countries where forest area is certified under both schemes and the data should be regarded as best estimates.
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DWC Prints Joins Two Sides

DWC Prints has joined Two Sides North America, the non-profit organization that promotes and encourages the responsible production, use, and sustainability of print, paper, and paper-based packaging. “We welcome DWC Prints to our Two Sides network. As a print brokerage service, they help us reach many print buyers who often need the facts about the great sustainability story of print and paper. Small to medium-sized businesses such as DWC Prints are a key part of our network and our education efforts,” said Phil Riebel, Two Sides North America President.
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Berry Global Issues 2020 Impact Report, Highlighting Continued Focus on Corporate Sustainability

Berry Global Group, Inc. released its 2020 Impact Report and GRI Index against its Impact 2025 strategy. In addition to this year’s report, Berry has increased its sustainability transparency by adding a comprehensive Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Appendix, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Response (SASB), and document aligning to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG). Throughout the report, Berry spotlights its sustainability achievements from its 2020 fiscal year. In step with Berry’s efforts and commitments to promote a more circular economy, the Company has invested heavily in increased access to recycled content and is helping its customers achieve the growing needs of their consumers. Through its success in package light-weighting, integration of post-consumer resin (PCR), design for circularity, and use of bio-resins, Berry continues to collaborate with customers to meet and exceed their sustainability goals. Notable highlights of progress regarding Berry’s environmental sustainability goals include: *Record percentage of PCR used *Secured access to 600 million pounds of PCR content by 2025 *Increased focus of lifecycle assessments *Announcement of closed loop program with Georgia-Pacific Recycling *Over 165,000 MWh of renewable energy purchased *Reduction in absolute water usage by two percent *ISCC Plus certification for seven sites in 2020, ensuring traceability of circular resins *Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by seven percent
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Media for Cold Weather Applications

Designed for year-round use, including cold weather applications, REBEL® Removable multi-print media from Mactac® increases business opportunities for print service providers (PSPs). Rated for 32-degrees Fahrenheit and higher, Mactac’s REBEL Removable 500 series is known for its printability on multiple print platforms, including UV and solvent screen printing, solvent, eco-solvent and latex printing, UV inkjet and offset printing. It is available in bright white, matte, and clear finishes and comes with a 90# Superflat™ liner. It is ideal for point-of-purchase and promotional signage, decals, windows, indoor floor applications and more, and has a 2-year removability after application on most surfaces. The series’ high-performance films, including the popular matte white RB528R, offer 99-percent opacity built into the facestock, eliminating pigment interference to ensure pure adhesion to the application substrate.
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RRD Launches Full Suite of 3D Solutions to Bring New Dimensions to Interactive Customer Experiences

R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company announced a suite of 3D solutions to help manufacturers and retailers create rich user experiences and accelerate go-to-market speed. Designed to leverage the power of emerging technologies, such as 5G and spatial web for the Internet of Everything (IoE), RRD’s end-to-end 3D suite features modeling, animation, rendering, and interactive experiences, which enables simulations and digital prototyping that maximize the potential of augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR). RRD’s 3D solutions enable benefits in multiple areas, such as: *Simulating the in-store shopping experience: 3D solutions can help bridge the gap between e-commerce and brick-and-mortar, especially when options are limited due to social distancing measures. RRD’s solution, coupled with our AR/VR capabilities, can help retailers create highly engaging and measurable immersive experiences. *Optimizing global supply chains: 3D can also help improve business processes and decrease time-to-market. For example, 3D renderings and digital prototyping can eliminate the need for product photography, which can result in major cost savings. These solutions can help product companies build “digital twins” of actual products to aid in planning go-to-market strategies. Simulated product and packaging testing can eliminate the need for large spending on physical prototypes. *Transforming e-learning: both product training and standard operating procedure training are readily transformed with RRD’s 3D suite. Immersive and interactive training improves output quality and contributes toward superior employee and customer experiences.
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Paper-based Packaging: A Natural Fit for a Circular Economy

With ecommerce reaching its largest ever share of total retail sales in 2020 and continuing to grow, attention to the types of packaging used for product returns also is increasing as brands, retailers and others across the supply chain seek reverse logistics solutions that contribute to a more sustainable, circular economy. Regardless of whether businesses provide return packaging as a customer service, allow in-store or other local return options that enable bulk return shipping or encourage customers to repackage returns themselves, the sustainability of the packaging material itself comes down to three basic questions: What is it made of, how is it made and what happens to it once shipping is complete? When we rely on verifiable data rather than unsubstantiated claims to answer these questions, paper-based packaging made in North America stands out as a sound environmental choice. One of the most frequent unsupported claims about corrugated cardboard and other paper-based packaging is that its use causes deforestation and destroys forests, but the data tell a different story. Read more at:
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Finland’s first educational activity book teaching preschoolers about recycling is out

UPM, Arla Finland and K Group have teamed up with Oppi&ilo to create Finland’s first educational activity book designed to teach Finland’s 60,000 preschoolers about recycling. The Kierrätyskaverit (“Recycling friends”) activity book aims to make recycling a fun, easy and inspiring part of their daily lives. The 32-page book is distributed free of charge, containing a variety of creative tasks to inspire preschoolers to discover the secrets of recycling and the circular economy. Four tips for teaching children about recycling 1. Explore together: What kind of different packages can you find at home? What kind of recycling instructions are there on the labels? 2. How should you sort your afternoon snack waste? Check the wastebin after you snack and sort the trash correctly. 3. Could you reduce your water consumption? Think together: How much water do you consume – and why? 4. Head out for a trip into nature. What do you see there? Can you find something that does not belong there?
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U.S. Postal Service Announces Next Phase of Organizational Changes Begun in August 2020

Postmaster General and CEO Louis DeJoy today provided details of the next phase of organizational changes he first announced in August 2020, designed to improve efficiency, drive success and better serve Postal Service customers. The next phase of these organizational changes includes the following: *District Consolidation Plan: The existing 67 Postal Service Districts will be consolidated to 50 Districts. New District territories will closely align to state boundaries. *Centralization of Marketing functions: The Marketing functions previously performed at the Area and District levels will be centralized into the Chief Customer and Marketing organization, including Consumer and Industry Affairs and the Bulk Mail Entry Units (BMEUs). *Realignment of Logistics and Processing Operations: To ensure alignment with Retail and Delivery Operations, and Logistics and Processing Operations, a thirteenth division will be created. Processing operations is organized into 2 regions, each geographically aligned with two retail and delivery areas; and divided into 6 or 7 divisions for a total of 13 divisions.
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Public consultation: Chinese forest certification system

Stakeholders from around the world are invited to give feedback on the revised national forest certification system for China. Deadline for comments is 30 April. Give your feedback now! The China Forest Certification Council (CFCC), the PEFC national member for China, revised the country’s national forest certification system following the entry into force of the revised 2018 PEFC Sustainable Forest Management standard. The revised China Forest Certification Scheme is also the first national system submitted to PEFC for endorsement that includes a Trees Outside Forests (TOF) standard. TOF certification was one of the innovative developments of the 2018 PEFC Sustainable Forest Management standard.
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Amcor partners with to build sustainable recycling systems in Latin America

Amcor has partnered with, a nonprofit founded by global consultancy McKinsey & Company, to develop recycling and waste management solutions that can be applied across communities in Latin America. Amcor is supporting’s “Rethinking Recycling” initiative in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which has worked with 5,000 households, trained more than 120 workers and helped communities to recycle a third of their waste. Before the initiative, there was no formal recycling system and only a minority of the population regularly sorted their waste. The project aligns with Amcor’s 2025 Sustainability Pledge and commitment to collaborate with partners globally to promote better waste management and recycling infrastructure.
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Arrow Systems and Sihl Form Flexible Packaging Partnership

Arrow Systems, Inc. has announced a partnership with Sihl Group to pair the Arrowjet Aqua 330R with the Sihl ARTYSIO line of flexible packaging materials. This partnership allows customers looking for ways to digitally print and pack flexible packaging inline in a single production step up to 12.75’’ wide with water based, pigment inkjet. “We feel that the flexible packaging space is one that has enormous growth potential," says Shaan Patel of Arrow Systems, Inc. “We understand that the majority of customers in this space are currently outsourcing their flexible packaging needs because, in the past it has been too costly or difficult to produce them in-house. We believe that the combination of the Sihl materials with our pigment inkjet press will allow more customers to begin producing their own short run flexible packaging.”
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Smurfit Kappa’s Vitop plant the first to be certified ISCC PLUS

Although Bag-in-Box is already a very sustainable packaging, by enabling considerable plastic and CO2 reduction, Smurfit Kappa is continuing to focus effort on raw material innovations, especially by incorporating recycled or bio-based resins to our taps and bags, where the food safety regulations allow it. One of the main steps of this initiative has been recently achieved with the ISCC PLUS certification. The Vitop facility in Alessandria, Italy, that produces the best-selling Vitop® original taps for Bag-in-Box is proud to be the first plant in the Bag-in-Box industry to be ISCC Plus certified. The certification recognises that Vitop’s industrial processes and standards comply with the chain of custody of these bio-based and recycled resins. ISCC is a globally applicable sustainability certification system and covers all sustainable feedstocks, including bio-based and recycled resins and plastic packaging.
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Konica Minolta Announces Leadership Changes to Support Digital Transformation Initiatives

Konica Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. announced leadership changes to support the company’s internal and customer-focused digital transformation strategy. The changes are designed to augment its Digital Experience-as-a-Service (DX-as-a-Service) and Internet of Things (IoT) strategy to add continuous value to its clients and dealer partners. Patrick Banno, currently the Head of the IoT Business Center in the U.S., will lead the North American business as President and CEO. He is replacing Rick Taylor, who will progress to serve in an independent advisory role to ensure a seamless continuation of the company’s strategies. Sam Errigo, currently serving as Executive Vice President, Sales and Business Development, has been promoted to Chief Operating Officer. Sam will lead the company’s strategy for operational excellence while enhancing digital agility to support a dynamically changing business environment and expansion into new markets.
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Mittera expands West Coast presence with acquisition of Creel Printing

Mittera has announced its acquisition of select business assets of Creel Printing currently operating in Las Vegas, Nevada. Creel, originally a third-generation family printer founded in 1953, was recently returned to the Creel family after being purchased by LSC in July 2017. Customers of Creel printing will gain access to Mittera’s expanded platform of web, digital and sheetfed printing capabilities, as well as digital, creative, and integrated marketing solution services. “As our industry continues to change, it is critical that print companies continue to evolve to best serve their customers. Finding ways to join with former competitors to offer customers more valuable services with a smaller equipment footprint is the future of our industry. We are excited to partner with Allan and the Creel team to offer their clients a more diverse set of communication solutions while maintaining the exceptional levels of service that have made Creel one of the leaders in the print space for decades.” said Jon Troen, Chief Executive Officer of Mittera. Mittera’s capabilities span full-color web and sheetfed printing, variable digital production, large-format printing, integrated publishing and digital solutions, web-based storefronts, photography and design studio offerings, marketing and print automation, and more. Mittera currently operates in 13 states strategically located throughout the nation. Key members of the Creel team will join Mittera to ensure a seamless customer experience. The Creel production facility in Las Vegas is not being acquired and will be shut down in the coming months.
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URBN Reports Q4 Results

Urban Outfitters, Inc. announced net income of $29 million and $1 million for the three months and year ended January 31, 2021, respectively. Total Company net sales for the three months ended January 31, 2021, decreased 6.9% over the same period last year to $1.09 billion. Comparable Retail segment net sales decreased 7% due to negative retail store net sales as stronger conversion rates could not offset the reduced store traffic caused by the coronavirus pandemic and related occupancy restrictions. Lower store net sales were partially offset by strong double-digit growth in digital channel sales. By brand, comparable Retail segment net sales increased 6% at Free People and decreased 6% at Urban Outfitters and 11% at the Anthropologie Group. Wholesale segment net sales decreased 7%. For the year ended January 31, 2021, total Company net sales decreased 13.4% over the same period last year. Comparable Retail segment net sales decreased 11%, driven by negative retail store net sales due to mandated store closures as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and lower store productivity once opened, partially offset by strong double-digit growth in digital channel sales. Wholesale segment net sales decreased 40%.
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Nordstrom Reports Fourth Quarter 2020 Earnings

Fourth Quarter Summary: •Total Company net sales decreased 20 percent compared with the same period in fiscal 2019, slightly exceeding Company expectations for a low-twenties percentage decrease. •Digital sales increased 24 percent compared with the same period in fiscal 2019 and represented 54 percent of the business. •Top performing merchandise categories included home, active and beauty. •For the Nordstrom brand, net sales decreased 19 percent compared with the same period in fiscal 2019. For the Nordstrom Rack brand, net sales decreased 23 percent. •Gross profit, as a percentage of net sales, of 33 percent decreased 160 basis points compared with the same period in fiscal 2019, primarily due to deleverage from lower sales volume and higher markdowns, partially offset by planned expense savings.
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Zanders Paper continues restructuring process by filing for insolvency

After a successful year of transformation in 2019, Zanders Paper posted a strong first quarter of 2020; then the coronavirus pandemic hit the global economy and led to a significant decline in sales of specialty papers for consumables. The various effects of this challenging situation could not be compensated completely by the German company despite the increased operating profitability and the fundamentally good set-up and positioning. Taking these circumstances into account, the Zanders Paper management has decided to carry out the continuation of the long-term restructuring of the company within the framework of insolvency proceedings and today filed an application to this effect with the competent district court in Cologne. This is done to protect the interests of all stakeholders including but not limited to the employees, creditors, customers and the City of Bergisch Gladbach. This gives Zanders Paper a breathing room to further rebuild and shape the company for the future. During the opening insolvency proceedings, which are expected to last two to three months, business operations will be continued by the insolvency administrator.
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Fort Dearborn Company Announces the Acquisition of Hammer Packaging Corporation

Fort Dearborn Company today announced that it has acquired Hammer Packaging Corporation. The combined organization takes advantage of Hammer’s state-of-the-art technology to enhance Fort Dearborn’s leadership position in the decorative label and packaging marketplace by further expanding the company’s geographic footprint, capacity and capabilities. With two facilities located in West Henrietta, NY and Rochester, NY, Hammer Packaging has a strong reputation for delivering innovation and quality product to a loyal and valued customer base. The combination will increase both companies’ capabilities to provide an even higher level of product and service offering to customers. The company’s product offering includes: cut & stack, in-mold, pressure sensitive, roll-fed, shrink and stretch sleeve labels as well as flexible packaging.
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Smurfit Kappa first FTSE 100 company to gain five stars in recognition of its support of United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals

Smurfit Kappa is proud to announce that its support of and contribution to the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been recognised by Support the Goals. The company is the first FTSE 100 company to receive a five star rating. The SDGs are a universal call for action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. Agreed in 2015 by world leaders, these goals can only be achieved with the support of businesses. Support the Goals is a global initiative that was established to rate and recognise those businesses that support the SDGs to work towards a more sustainable future. A five star rating is only awarded to companies who are actively involving their suppliers in their efforts towards reaching these goals. For most businesses, a significant amount of their environmental and social impact comes from the supply chain, therefore it is vitally important to help suppliers understand and support the SDGs.
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Sun Chemical Forms New Food and Nutrition Group

Sun Chemical has formed a Food and Nutrition Group. The recently formed group will extend existing Sun Chemical and DIC Corporation expertise in color and algae cultivation to provide coloring solutions and nutraceutical ingredients to the dietary supplement, food and beverage industries. The Food and Nutrition Group was developed as part of DIC Corporation’s vision of transforming portfolios to achieve continued future growth. The group will leverage Sun Chemical’s advanced research and development coloring expertise to support new product development initiatives for both natural and synthetic food color. The research and development team at DIC Corporation headquarters is actively working with venture capital groups in developing bio-based nutraceutical ingredients, and Sun Chemical is committed to grow the new business group and will make additional investments to accelerate its growth.
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AF&PA Releases New Guide to Further Advance Paper Recycling: ‘Design Guidance for Recyclability for Paper-based Packaging’

Building on the sustainability success of paper based packaging and recycling, the American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) today released a new tool, The Design Guidance for Recyclability, a data-driven resource to aid packaging designers and brands in the design and manufacture of packaging to meet recyclability goals. The guide provides data on how certain non-fiber elements, such as coatings and additives, impact the recyclability of paper-based packaging. Key findings include: *Non-fiber elements may present a recycling “challenge” when they slow down the mill’s pulping process, plug screening systems or leave residue on finished paper or paperboard. However, innovations in packaging design and materials, as well as improvements in recycling technology, have made these treatments easier to recycle than historically. *Being a “challenge” does not mean “not recyclable.” Each non-fiber element applied to each kind of packaging was rated by some mills as not a “challenge.” The Design Guidance for Recyclability is available for free download at:
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Hawesville Mill Uses Technology, Culture to Advance Sustainability

Our pulp and paper mills, including our Hawesville Mill in Kentucky, have been using wood fiber, water and basic chemistry to make useful, recyclable products for more than a century. As technology has advanced, our processes have become more efficient and more sustainable. Today, Domtar’s environmental teams use technology to improve visibility to standards and to act early to prevent problems. The Hawesville Mill offers lessons in collaboration and innovation while keeping an eye on the environment. Technology has modernized the tracking of hundreds of data points that alert mill leaders to potential environmental problems and deviations from designed operating conditions. Technology also helps us improve efficiency in our manufacturing processes.
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Four reasons to use paper-based eCommerce packaging

The choices you make about your products' eCommerce packaging have implications that travel far beyond their customers' journey. The moment of unboxing is often the first physical interaction an eCommerce brand has with a new customer – and that moment has the potential to make a significant and lasting impact. It's crucial for brands navigating today's competitive online climate to win over new shoppers and convert them into repeat customers. That's why the people responsible for making decisions about product packaging must educate themselves about these materials. Paper is the Sustainable Choice - Compared to other materials, paper creates a minimal impact on the planet. Consumers Prefer Paper - Modern online shoppers are increasingly conscious of – and interested in – how businesses operate on a sustainability level, bringing packaging to the forefront of the many factors considered when deciding what brands to shop with. Creativity Elicits Enthusiasm - Contrary to plastic void fill options (commonly bubble wrap or air pillows), colorful and printed tissue paper-based interior packaging alternatives create endless possibilities to tell a brand's story while creating a unique and memorable unboxing experience. Adaptive, Efficient, and Innovative - Fortunately, an array of paper-based packaging options that serve an aesthetic purpose also offer protective advantages, adding operational efficiency to the fulfillment process – like Seaman Paper's robust portfolio of multipurpose paper-based products.
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Neenah Grows in Technical Products and adds to its Specialty Coatings Platform with Agreement to Acquire ITASA

Neenah, Inc. announced the signing of a definitive agreement to acquire Global Release Liners, S.L., the parent company of Industrias de Transformacion de Andoain, S.A., from Magnum Capital and other minority shareholders for €205 million in cash. Closing is expected to occur in early April and is subject to customary conditions. ITASA is a leading global coater and converter of release liners used in fast-growing hygiene, tapes, industrial, labels, composites and various other end markets. With COVID-impacted sales of $120 million in 2020, Neenah expects sales of approximately $140 million in 2021 and consistent, pre-synergy mid-teen EBITDA margins. ITASA has historically grown sales by more than 8 percent annually and serves global markets from its operations in Spain, Mexico and Malaysia.
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Domtar Corporation Completes Sale of Personal Care Business

Domtar Corporation announced that it completed the previously disclosed sale of its Personal Care business to affiliates of American Industrial Partners for $920 million. This divestiture is a significant milestone in the Company’s strategic transformation to become a leading paper, pulp and packaging company. "The sale of The Personal Care business is part of our ongoing effort to strategically optimize our portfolio and allows us to strengthen our balance sheet, enhance liquidity and buy back shares," said John D. Williams, President and Chief Executive Officer. "I want to thank the employees for their hard work and dedication throughout the process, and for their contributions over the years." The Company plans to use $600 million of the proceeds to reduce debt and $300 million to repurchase shares.
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Chico’s FAS, Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2020 Results

For the fourth quarter, the Company reported a net loss of $79.1 million, compared to a net loss of $4.3 million, for the thirteen weeks ended February 1, 2020 ("last year's fourth quarter"). The fourth quarter net loss includes $35.9 million, in significant after-tax non-cash charges, including a deferred tax asset valuation allowance of $32.1 million, within the Company's income tax provision (benefit). See tabular details in the Summary of Significant Non-Cash Charges table below for further details. Last year's fourth quarter includes after-tax accelerated depreciation charges of $0.8 million. For fiscal 2020, the Company reported a net loss of $360.1 million, compared to a net loss of $12.8 million, for the fifty-two weeks ended February 1, 2020 ("fiscal 2019"). The net loss for fiscal 2020 includes $199.6 million, in significant after-tax non-cash charges. See tabular details in the Summary of Significant Non-Cash Charges table below for further details. The net loss for fiscal 2019 includes after-tax accelerated depreciation charges of $8.1 million, and the after-tax impact of severance and other related net charges of $2.1 million.
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Target Corporation Reports Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2020 Earnings

The Company's total comparable sales grew 20.5 percent in the fourth quarter, reflecting comparable stores sales growth of 6.9 percent and digital sales growth of 118 percent. Total revenue of $28.3 billion grew 21.1 percent compared with last year, driven by sales growth of 21.0 percent and a 28.7 percent increase in other revenue. Operating income was $1.8 billion in fourth quarter 2020, up 53.2 percent from $1.2 billion in 2019. Full-year sales increased 19.8 percent to $92.4 billion from $77.1 billion last year, reflecting a 19.3 percent increase in comparable sales combined with sales from non-mature stores. Full-year revenue of $93.6 billion grew 19.8 percent compared with 2019, reflecting sales growth of 19.8 percent and an 18.2 percent increase in other revenue.
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UPM rewarded its employees for good performance by paying EUR 51 million in incentives

UPM's goal is to develop, encourage and reward every employee in their work. UPM paid a total of EUR 51 million as short-term incentives to employees in 2020. The incentives were paid for the good 2019 results and for personal success in one's own work. The figures are outlined in the Annual Report that was published today. Over the last five years, UPM has paid nearly EUR 300 million in incentives to its employees. The incentives are mainly determined by the financial indicators, of which EBITDA is the most important. In addition, every employee can earn one-third of the incentive by the achievement of personal and/or team performance targets. Last year, UPM employees earned on average of 5.6%, or approximately EUR 3,200, additional income from the company's incentive schemes.
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Abercrombie & Fitch Co. Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year Results

*Net sales of $1.1 billion down 5% as compared to last year, reflecting the adverse impact of COVID-19. *Digital net sales increased 34% to $639 million reflecting robust growth in every month of the quarter. *Gross profit rate improved 230 basis points to 60.5% on higher average unit retail and slightly lower average unit cost. *Operating income of $116 million and $131 million on a reported and adjusted non-GAAP basis, respectively, as compared to $122 million and $125 million last year, on a reported and adjusted non-GAAP basis, respectively. A summary of results for the full year ended January 30, 2021 as compared to the full year ended February 1, 2020: *Net sales of $3.1 billion down 14% as compared to last year, reflecting the adverse impact of COVID-19. *Digital net sales increased 39% to approximately $1.7 billion. *Gross profit rate improved by 110 basis points to 60.5% on higher average unit retail and flat average unit cost. *Operating loss of $20 million and operating income of $52 million on a reported and adjusted non-GAAP basis, respectively. This compares to operating income last year of $70 million and $83 million on a reported and adjusted non-GAAP basis, respectively.
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Consumer Spending On Media Soared, While Ad Spending Collapsed in 2020 (

As far as the media marketplace goes, 2020 was a tale of two economies. While advertising and marketing spending experienced one of its worst years after -- decline 7.1% in the U.S. and 6.8% worldwide -- consumer spending on media actually soared, rising 5.6% and 6.1%, respectively. That's the finding of a MediaPost analysis of two reports released by media industry economists PQ Media, including today's "Consumer Spending On Media" report, and November 2020's Advertising & Marketing Spending Forecast. While the comparisons are not exactly apples-to-oranges, because of the ways PQ categories consumer media, they offer some directional insights on where the economic engines of the media industry are last year, now and for the years ahead.
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It’s in the bag! Tesco partners with Mondi to close the loop for shopping bags from retailer’s own paper waste

Leading global packaging and paper group Mondi and Tesco Central Europe have launched a new partnership, in which Mondi will purchase the retailer’s warehouse corrugated waste to create recycled paper for the retailers' shopping bags. Tesco is working towards a net zero emission goal, in line with its sustainability targets to remove, reduce, reuse and recycle wherever possible and Mondi is able to contribute to this vision with its customer-centric approach, EcoSolutions. This is the first time Tesco has collaborated directly with a paper producer to turn its paper waste into a renewable resource in line with their circular economy goals. Mondi uses the retailer’s corrugated waste to produce the EcoVantage grade, in which recycled and fresh fibres are combined to achieve a recyclable and high performing shopping bag. With the EcoVantage paper produced at Mondi’s mill in the Czech Republic, this collaboration shows how suppliers can work with retailers across the value chain to develop circular systems and turn waste back into a valuable resource.
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WestRock Announces Chief Executive Officer Succession Steven C. Voorhees to Step Down as Chief Executive Officer; Board of Directors Elects David B. Sewell as Successor

WestRock Company announced that Steven C. Voorhees has decided to step down from his position as president and chief executive officer and a director of the Company for health reasons, effective March 15, 2021. In addition, the Company’s Board of Directors announced that, following a comprehensive search as part of the Company’s long-term succession processes, it has elected David B. Sewell to succeed Voorhees as WestRock’s president and chief executive officer at that time. Sewell has been appointed to the Board of Directors, effective as of when he assumes his new role, and Voorhees will be available to support a smooth transition. Sewell, age 52, brings with him more than 25 years of commercial, marketing, and general management experience. He joins WestRock from The Sherwin-Williams Company, a global leader in the manufacture, development, distribution and sale of paint, coatings and related products, where he most recently served as president and chief operating officer responsible for global operating segments that generated $18.4 billion in sales and are supported by 60,000 team members.
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PRINTING United Alliance and Idealliance Officially Merge (

PRINTING United Alliance and Idealliance today announced that the two organizations have officially merged. Under the guidance and direction of the board of directors at each organization, which are comprised of representative printer and supplier members across the industry; and with the overwhelming support and approval from Idealliance members, PRINTING United Alliance and Idealliance can together bring even more resources and service offerings to its collective membership and the printing industry at large. The merger is a unique opportunity during a challenging time to further collaborate and utilize the strengths of each organization to continue serving the printing industry across market segments. “Idealliance has developed the expertise to build and rollout its traditional color management programs, new standards in training and education, and is a respected leader in this space,” said Ford Bowers, CEO, PRINTING United Alliance.
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Gap Inc. Donates 3.5 Million Masks and Face Coverings

With the help of our trusted non-profit partners, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Good360 and others, Gap Inc.’s portfolio of purpose-led lifestyle brands are sending 3.5 million masks and face coverings to non-profit community organizations serving those with the greatest needs across the U.S. ​Last month, Old Navy donated 1 million masks to Boys & Girls Clubs of America, one of the brand’s longtime nonprofit partners, to support local Clubs as they continue to provide safe spaces for kids and teens. Old Navy is committed to serving American families in need and will now provide an additional 1 million masks to Baby2Baby, local This Way ONward partners, and Boys & Girls Clubs of America to further reach underserved communities. Through The Imagine Mission, Old Navy is working to create a better future for future generations.
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Print Units Rose 10.9% in Mid-February (

Unit sales of print books rose 10.9% in the week ended Feb. 20, 2021, over the comparable week in 2020, at outlets that report to NPD BookScan. The adult fiction category had a solid week, with unit sales up 20.5% over the week ended Feb. 22, 2020. A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas was the top title, selling nearly 95,000 copies in its first week. In second and third place on the adult fiction list were two Kristin Hannah titles: The Four Winds, which sold more than 46,000 copies, and Firefly Lane, which sold more than 20,000 copies. YA fiction print unit sales jumped 47.7% over 2020, as E. Lockhart’s We Were Liars remained #1 on the category list, selling more than 15,000 copies. Adam Silvera’s They Both Die at the End was second, selling just over 11,000 copies. Stamped by Jason Reynolds continued to lead the YA nonfiction list as the category posted a 55.4% increase over 2020.
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BPIF Printing Outlook Q1 2021 (

The recovery in the UK printing and printed packaging industry suffered a setback in Q4 and is now expected to see a decline on the volume of orders and output in Q1. The Covid-19 outbreak hit at the end of Q1, Q2 bore the brunt of the impact and whilst Q3 exhibited a recovery, of sorts, Q4 experienced a halt on that recovery path. Unfortunately forecasts for Q1 suggests that the Covid-19 resurgence and resulting mix of lockdown measures and post-Brexit disruption will be a drag on recovery for many businesses. The latest Printing Outlook survey reveals that 29% of printers managed to increase their output levels in the final quarter of 2020. One-third (33%) were able to hold output steady, whilst 38% were adversely affected by a decline in output. The resulting balance (the difference between the ups and the downs) was -9, only just below the -8 reported in Q3 and just much in-line with the Q4 forecast (-7). Output has yet to return to the positive zone.
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Metsä Spring invests in Montinutra, a startup that commercialises wood extract

Metsä Group’s innovation company Metsä Spring Ltd has made an equity investment in Montinutra Ltd, a startup converting forest industry side streams into high-value bioactive products. The financing round totals approximately EUR 1 million, and Metsä Spring is participating in the round with current and new private investors. Montinutra intends to produce valuable ingredients for the cosmetics, food and beverage, and pharmaceutical industries using forest industry side streams as its raw material. Metsä Group has two spruce sawmills in Finland, which may provide sawdust for the production. The company focus is first set clearly on SprucegumTM, an extract obtained from spruce sawdust. Sprucegum™ has potential for personal care, cosmetics and foodstuffs as an emulsifying and stabilising ingredient, for example. In addition, health beneficial Qusitol® obtained from sawdust, too, has shown potential for the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS).
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Kruger Products successfully starts up TAD tissue plant in Sherbrooke and announces $240 million expansion project

KP Tissue Inc. and Kruger Products L.P. announced the completion of construction and successful start-up of their state-of-the-art Sherbrooke manufacturing facility featuring Canada’s largest and most modern through-air-dry (TAD) tissue machine. The new facility also comprises three converting lines which have been successfully commissioned. Kruger Products also announced a further investment of $240M to expand the Sherbrooke operation with new production lines as well as the construction of a new tissue manufacturing facility over the next three years. This investment is part of the Company’s broader focus on expanding its business and continuing to offer high quality tissue products to customers across North America. The investment announced today is supported by the Government of Québec through Investissement Québec (“IQ”) which is investing $165M in loans.
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Canadian Forest Sector Welcomes New Federal Advisory Body on Net-Zero Emissions

Environment and Climate Change Minister Jonathan Wilkinson announced the appointment of members of the federal government’s Net-Zero Advisory Board. We have the unique opportunity to go beyond net-zero and can do this by: *Sequestering carbon and reducing land-based emissions through climate smart forestry and sustainably managing forests in the face of worsening pest, drought, and catastrophic fire risks; *Locking carbon into long-lived wood products and innovative wood building construction; *Building on our successful track record of reducing greenhouse gas emissions at our mills. Carbon emissions at Canadian forest product mills have been reduced by nearly 70% since the early 1990s and we can do more. *Using what would otherwise be wood waste to further green our operations and providing lower-carbon materials and biofuels to help other industries decarbonize.
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Packaging Corporation Of America Announces Conversion Of Jackson, AL Mill Paper Machine To High-Performance Virgin Linerboard

Packaging Corporation of America announced that it has discontinued production of uncoated freesheet (UFS) grades on the No. 3 paper machine at its Jackson, AL mill and will begin preparing for the permanent conversion of the machine to linerboard. As previously disclosed, in order to meet strong packaging demand and maintain appropriate inventory levels, the machine temporarily began producing linerboard in the fourth quarter of 2020 and continued producing linerboard in the first quarter of 2021. The mill will now begin preparations to permanently convert the 365,000 ton-per-year No. 3 UFS paper machine to a 700,000 ton-per-year high-performance, virgin kraft linerboard machine, in a phased approach, over the next 36 months. Plans are for the machine to run at its current containerboard production rate for the next 12 to 15 months until the scheduled first phase outage is taken in the second quarter of 2022.
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ACMA: Please Take Brief Poll on Your Use of the Mail – USPS Postcards

Dear Industry Member: The Postal Service is conducting a survey on the potential use of a larger size First Class Mail postcard and has asked ACMA and others to pass it on to our industries. The USPS says your feedback “will provide great insights for us to consider during the decision-making process.” SURVEY LINK: The survey began February 24th and will remain open until Wednesday, March 10th.
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AAP December 2020 StatShot Report

The Association of American Publishers (AAP) today released its StatShot report for December 2020 reflecting reported revenue for all tracked categories, including Trade (Consumer Books), K-12 Instructional Materials, Higher Education Course Materials, Professional Publishing, and University Presses. Total revenues across all categories for December 2020 were down 8.5% as compared to December 2019, coming in at $1.1 billion. Year-to-date sales were flat, with an increase of 0.1% as compared to calendar 2019, with a total of $14.8 billion. Trade (Consumer Books) sales were up 9.5% in December, coming in at $796.1 million. For January-December 2020 Trade sales were up 9.7% as compared to the same period last year, coming in at $8.6 billion. In terms of physical paper format revenues during the month of December, in the Trade (Consumer Books) category, Hardback revenues were up 14.2%, coming in at $312.5 million; Paperbacks were up 2.4%, with $248.1 million in revenue; Mass Market was down 1.6% to $25.9 million; and Board Books were up 6.2%, with $16.7 million in revenue.
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Trade Publishing Segment Shines in a Flat 2020 (

In a result no one in publishing would have predicted last spring when Covid-19 first hit the U.S., book publishing sales finished 2020 flat with 2019 based on year-end figures supplied by 1,354 publishers to AAP’s StatShot program. The two major trade categories, adult books and children/young adult, had gains of 12% and 6.4%, respectively, while the two big educational segments saw declines. With many public schools teaching remotely for long stretches of last year, sales of K-12 instructional materials fell 19.6% in 2020 compared to 2019. Sales of higher educational course materials declined 4.3% last year as many colleges and university turned to hybrid instruction, which changed buying habits by students.
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Transcontinental Inc. announces its results for the first quarter of fiscal 2021

Revenues decreased by $83.1 million, or 11.8%, from $705.8 million in the first quarter of 2020 to $622.7 million in the corresponding period of 2021. This decline is mainly attributable to lower volume in the Printing Sector due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the sale of the paper packaging operations, which occurred toward the end of the first quarter of the previous year. This decrease was partially mitigated by the solid organic growth in revenues in the Packaging Sector and the revenues generated by the acquisition of Artisan Complete Limited in the Printing Sector. Operating earnings increased by $6.4 million, or 15.7%, from $40.8 million in the first quarter of 2020 to $47.2 million in the first quarter of 2021. The increase in operating earnings is explained by the organic growth in the Packaging Sector. In addition, in the Printing Sector, initiatives to optimize operational efficiency and the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy offset a majority of the decrease in volume. Net earnings attributable to shareholders of the Corporation increased by $21.3 million, from $6.4 million in the first quarter of 2020 to $27.7 million in the first quarter of 2021. This increase is mostly explained by the income tax expense related to the sale of the paper packaging operations in the first quarter of 2020, higher operating earnings and the decrease in net financial expenses resulting from a reduction in net indebtedness and a lower weighted average interest rate.
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Supremex Announces Strong Q4 and 2020 Year End Results

Fourth Quarter Financial Highlights and Recent Events * Total revenue increased by 11.1% to $54.6 million, from $49.2 million in the fourth quarter of 2019. * Envelope segment revenue was up 13.2% to $40.5 million, from $35.7 million in the fourth quarter of 2019. * Packaging and specialty products segment revenue increased by 5.4% to $14.2 million, from $13.4 million. * EBITDA1was $4.6 million, down from $6.8 million in the fourth quarter of 2019 resulting primarily from a non-cash asset impairment charge of $2.8 million and a restructuring expense of $1.8 million. * Net Earnings at $0.3 million, down from $2.3 million in the fourth quarter of 2019 from the above mentioned non-recurring items. Fiscal Year Financial Highlights * Total revenue increased by 6.7% to $204.6 million, from $191.7 million in 2019. * Envelope segment revenue was up 6.8% to $146.5 million, from $137.1 million in 2019. * Packaging and specialty products segment revenue was up 6.5% to $58.1 million, from $54.5 million. * EBITDA1 was $27.2 million, which include a fourth quarter non-cash asset impairment charge of $2.8 million and restructuring expenses of $1.8 million, up $1.9 million from $25.3 million in 2019. * Net Earnings were $7.5 million, which include the above mentioned non-recurring items, increased $0.4 million from $7.1 million in 2019.
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Clearwater Paper Reports Fourth Quarter and Year End 2020 Results

For the fourth quarter of 2020, Clearwater Paper reported net sales of $453 million, a 4.0% increase compared to net sales of $435 million reported in the fourth quarter of 2019. Net income for the fourth quarter of 2020 was $23 million, compared to net income in the fourth quarter of 2019 of $2 million. On a non-GAAP basis, Clearwater Paper reported adjusted net income in the fourth quarter of 2020 of $25 million, compared to fourth quarter 2019 adjusted net income of $6 million. For the full year 2020, Clearwater Paper reported net sales of $1.9 billion, a 6.1% increase compared to net sales of $1.8 billion for 2019. Net income for the full year was $77 million in 2020, compared to a net loss for 2019 of $6 million. On a non-GAAP basis, Clearwater Paper reported adjusted net income for 2020 of $89 million, compared to 2019 adjusted net income of $4 million.
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Lecta Introduces Adestor PET Laser MW

For durable, high strength labelling to withstand extreme conditions. Lecta expands its portfolio of Adestor pressure-sensitive products for the industrial, logistics and healthcare industries with the launch of Adestor PET Laser MW. The new Adestor PET Laser Matt White facestock provides excellent performance for outdoor labelling and durable applications (high resistance to water, chemicals and fluctuating temperatures). This new product is HP Indigo certified and ideal for use with variable data printing technologies.
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One Large Pie, Extra Sustainability: Dispelling Pizza Box Recycling Myths

Whether delivery or takeout, as a weekday reprieve from cooking or festive food for a weekend celebration, people love their pizza. Over the course of a year in the U.S., people consume an estimated 3 billion pizzas. And during February’s Super Bowl game, Domino’s pizza in the U.S. typically sells around 2 million pizzas. The love for pizza has longevity, too. According to a Reader’s Digest poll, the single food that most Americans would want to eat for the rest of their lives is pizza. While we can debate Hawaiian versus pepperoni and turn our noses up at anchovies, there’s no agreeing to disagree on this: Pizza boxes can be recycled. There’s proof. Mired in myth, and confused by cheese and grease, people have been burying the pizza box in their trash bins, assuming it cannot be recycled. Allow me to set the record straight – it can!
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Greater Resources Required to Mount an Aggressive Fight to Overturn Postal Rate Hike

Dear Industry Executive: We have heard from some companies about their willingness to underwrite our strong opposition to the PRC’s granting of additional rate authority to the US Postal Service. We still need additional funding. Otherwise, we’re in for draconian rate hikes throughout the next decade that could push all of us out of the mail. What Your Pledge Will Help Us Do: 1. A branded digital campaign to activate and engage catalog merchants, industry employees, suppliers, and the millions of catalog shoppers who rely on and benefit from our industry. We will launch a simple constituent outreach tool for widespread use to motivate elected officials with template-driven email and text tools. The tool will also provide all details, op-eds and other materials to both whip up support and be an online destination that will drive pick-ups, retweets and interest beyond catalog-only interests. 2. Aided by the digital campaign, an aggressive effort to convince lawmakers in Washington to pass sensible postal reform legislation that addresses the massive congressionally-imposed cost overhangs that plague the postal system and are the causal factor in the PRC’s ruling. 3. File a lawsuit in the US Court of Appeals challenging the Postal Regulatory Commission’s (PRC) overreach that clearly exceeds its authority to make such sweeping and fundamental changes to the rate-setting system.
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L Brands Reports Record Fourth Quarter 2020 Results

Full-year operating income was $1.580 billion compared to $258.4 million last year, and net income was $844.5 million compared to a net loss of $366.4 million last year. Net sales were $11.847 billion for the year ended Jan. 30, 2021, compared to $12.914 billion for the year ended Feb. 1, 2020. Comparable sales for the full year increased 21 percent, consisting of a 45 percent increase at Bath & Body Works and a 1 percent increase at Victoria’s Secret. Full year 2020 sales in the direct channel increased 109 percent at Bath & Body Works and 31 percent at Victoria’s Secret.
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Verso Corporation Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 Financial Results

Net sales for the three months ended December 31, 2020 declined by $273 million or 47% compared to the three months ended December 31, 2019 as a result of significant declines in sales volume and unfavorable price/mix. Operating loss was $118 million for the three months ended December 31, 2020, a decrease of $128 million when compared to operating income of $10 million for the three months ended December 31, 2019. Net sales for the twelve months ended December 31, 2020 declined by $1,085 million or 44% compared to the twelve months ended December 31, 2019 as a result of significant declines in sales volume and unfavorable price/mix. Operating loss was $128 million for the twelve months ended December 31, 2020, a decrease of $91 million when compared to operating loss of $37 million for the twelve months ended December 31, 2019.
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Best Buy Reports Fourth Quarter Results

Domestic Segment Q4 FY21 Results: Domestic revenue of $15.40 billion increased 11.2% versus last year. Domestic GAAP gross profit rate was 20.9% versus 21.2% last year. International Segment Q4 FY21 Results: International revenue of $1.54 billion increased 14.0% versus last year. International GAAP gross profit rate was 21.6% versus 22.6% last year.
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Cascades’ 2020 Fourth Quarter Financial Results and Full Year Financial Results

Q4 2020 Highlights • Sales of $1,284 million (compared with $1,275 million in Q3 2020 (+1%) and $1,227 million in Q4 2019 (+5%)) o Operating income of $109 million (compared with $73 million in Q3 2020 (+49%) and operating loss of $(1) million in Q4 2019) o Operating income before depreciation and amortization (OIBD)1 of $181 million (compared with $154 million in Q3 2020 (+18%) and $76 million in Q4 2019 (+138%)) o Net earnings per share of $0.72 (compared with $0.51 in Q3 2020 and net loss per share of $(0.27) in Q4 2019). 2020 Annual Highlights • Sales of $5,157 million (compared with $4,996 million in 2019 (+3%)) o Operating income of $366 million (compared with $261 million in 20192 (+40%)) o Operating income before depreciation and amortization (OIBD)1 of $665 million (compared with $550 million in 20192 (+21%)) o Net earnings per share of $2.04 (compared with $0.77 in 20192)
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Gannett Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 Results

Fourth Quarter 2020 Consolidated Results • Fourth quarter revenues of $875.4 million rose 25.2% as compared to the prior year quarter reflecting the acquisition of Legacy Gannett. ◦ Same store pro forma revenues (as defined and reconciled on Table No. 5 below) decreased 16.3%, due to unfavorable impacts resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and general trends adversely impacting the publishing industry. This is an improvement of 330 basis points over the third quarter 2020 trend. • Digital advertising and marketing services revenues reached $223.3 million in the fourth quarter, or 25.5% of total revenues. • Net loss attributable to Gannett of $122.2 million in the fourth quarter reflects a $74.3 million non-cash loss on the derivative associated with our convertible notes and a $42.1 million loss associated with the early extinguishment of debt.
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Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 Results

Q4 2020 Headlines: HMH achieved 2020 billings at the top end of its revised guidance range and positive free cash flow, outperforming its revised guidance range for 2020. Additionally: *Continued momentum with SaaS billings growth of 142% and digital platform user growth of 306% for full year 2020 *Annualized Recurring Revenue (ARR) 1 of $58 million in 2020; HMH will report its Net Retention Rate (NRR) beginning in the first quarter of 2021 *Connected Sales1 made up 50% of Education segment billings in 2020. Full year 2020 Financial Results: Net Sales: HMH reported net sales of $1,031 million for the full year of 2020, down 26% compared to $1,391 million in 2019. Billings1: Billings for 2020 decreased $502 million, or 32%, from 2019. Net Loss: Net loss of $480 million for 2020 was a $266 million unfavorable change from the net loss of $214 million in 2019, due primarily to the same factors impacting operating loss.
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Greif, Inc. Announces Agreement to Sell 69,200 Acres of Timberlands to Weyerhaeuser Company

Greif, Inc. announced an agreement to sell 69,200 acres of timberlands in southwest Alabama to Weyerhaeuser Company for approximately $149 million in cash. Proceeds from the transaction will be applied to debt repayment. While this transaction is subject to tax, the Company has tax losses from other transactions which will substantially mitigate the tax associated with this land sale. Pete Watson, Greif’s President and Chief Executive Officer, commented, “We are pleased to enter into this agreement with Weyerhaeuser Company. Proceeds from the transaction will help to de-lever our balance sheet and accelerate the transfer of Greif’s enterprise value from debt to equity holders in line with our stated financial priorities.”
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Pregis announces new Pennsylvania manufacturing facility to produce all-paper cushioned mailers to support e-commerce demands

Pregis is announcing a new 300,000 square foot manufacturing facility in Bethel, Pennsylvania. The plant will be producing lightweight, recyclable all-paper cushioned mailers to support demand in the Northeastern region of North America. The facility will house multiple production lines and is scheduled to be operational at the beginning of May. Pregis is currently looking to fill 80 new manufacturing positions, boosting employment opportunities in the region. The facility also has room to expand to meet future demand. “E-commerce is continuing to grow exponentially. Brand owners and retailers are looking for sustainable alternatives to ship their products through the parcel network direct to consumers. Pregis’ investment in this new manufacturing facility is yet another commitment to our robust e-commerce offering and our dedication to sustainable protective packaging options,” said Kevin Baudhuin, president and chief executive officer, Pregis.
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SCA closes its last publication paper machine

Thursday February 25, at 7.07 am, SCA closed permanently paper machine LWC4 at Ortviken paper mill. With this, SCA’s all production of publication paper has come to an end. Publication paper production started at Ortviken in the year 1958 with production of newsprint. Ortviken has grown as a producer of first newsprint and then coated publication paper for magazines and commercial print. Ortviken has produced up to 800 000 tonnes per annum and was one of the world’s largest mills for publication paper production.
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Smurfit Kappa launches innovative punnet portfolio for fresh produce market

Smurfit Kappa is launching its innovative punnet portfolio in Europe. The “Safe&Green” portfolio is Smurfit Kappa’s paper-based, sustainable solution to plastic packaging for fresh produce, and consists of unique designs that are 100% renewable, recyclable, and biodegradable. Recent research by Smurfit Kappa has found that consumers prefer a punnet that balances visibility of the contents with sustainability, with over half (58%) of respondents rating these as the most important attributes of fresh produce packaging. The research also found that 75% of consumers surveyed believe paper-based punnets to be the sustainable choice . In addition, Eurostat's latest figures affirm consumer’s beliefs as it confirmed that 83% of paper-based packaging is actually recycled. As a result, growers and retailers are increasingly selecting sustainable packaging solutions for fresh produce that respond to, and address, a multitude of customer needs.
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Euro-Graph Reports Monthly Statistics of the European Graphic Papers Industry

Total European shipments of graphic papers in December 2020 were down 11.8% vs. December 2019 and were down 19.1% year-to-date. Total European shipments of newsprint in December 2020 were down 15.5% vs. December 2019 and were down 19.0% year-to-date. Total European shipments of sc-magazine in December 2020 were down 8.2% vs. December 2019 and were down 17.7% year-to-date. Total European shipments of coated mechanical reels in December 2020 were down 19.2% vs. December 2019 and were down 26.3% year-to-date. Total European shipments of uncoated mechanical (improved & others) in December 2020 were down 2.2% vs. December 2019 and were down 7.8% year-to-date. Total European shipments of coated woodfree in December 2020 were down 10.5% vs. December 2019 and were down 24.9% year-to-date. Total European shipments of uncoated woodfree in December 2020 were down 8.3% vs. December 2019 and were down 13.3% year-to-date.
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Rayonier Advanced Materials Announces Fourth Quarter And Full Year Results

Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 Highlights: *Fourth quarter and full year income from continuing operations was $9 million, and $0 million, respectively, $66 million and $119 million higher than comparable periods in 2019, respectively *Fourth quarter Adjusted EBITDA from continuing operations of $53 million was up $44 million from the comparable quarter in 2019 primarily driven by higher lumber and High Purity Cellulose prices *Full year 2020 Adjusted EBITDA from continuing operations of $153 million improved $78 million from the prior year primarily driven by strong demand for lumber and reduced costs across segments as a result of improved reliability *Generated $73 million of Free Cash Flow through the year ended December 31, 2020 driven by prudent management of capital expenditures and improved working capital; expect $55 million from cash tax refunds during 2021 *Completed refinancing in December to extend maturities, remove financial maintenance covenants and enhance liquidity
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Precision Paper Converters Installs New Equipment to Increase Capacity and Quality

Precision Paper Converters (PPC), headquartered in Northeast Wisconsin, celebrates the fourth anniversary of the startup of their Bretting Varium facial line with new additions to increase capacity and capabilities. The Bretting accumulator, Valley Tissue Packaging case packer, Tri-Phase Automation quality vision system and centralized palletizing system will increase capacity and allow additional focus on quality which are both important factors to the continued growth of PPC. Installation was completed by The Boldt Company and Eland Electric Corporation. Startup began mid-December and is expected to be running at full speed in Q1 of 2021.
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Ahlstrom-Munksjö’s CelluStraw™ receives compostability certification

Ahlstrom-Munksjö works to create innovative products that provide high performance as well as sustainability benefits for customers and consumers. As part of the company’s continuous commitment to sustainability, CelluStraw™ papers are now BPI® certified, in addition to carrying OK compost HOME and OK compost INDUSTRIAL certifications, qualifying compostability in a home environment and in industrial facilities. These certifications facilitate the possibility for Ahlstrom-Munksjö customers, whether converters or brand owners, to achieve their own sustainability goals. By using a scientific process, BPI officially certifies compostable products that meet ASTM D6400 and ASTM D6868 standards for compostability. BPI Certification proves that a material will compost in a composting facility, leaving behind no toxic residue or microplastics.
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Canfor Announces 2020 and Fourth Quarter 2020 Results

Overview • Record-high 2020 reported operating income of $727 million; adjusted operating income of $735 million; shareholder net income of $544 million, or $4.35 per share • Fourth quarter of 2020 reported operating income of $420 million; adjusted operating income of $321 million; shareholder net income of $336 million, or $2.68 per share • Net debt of $270 million at December 31, 2020, improvement of $256 million from prior quarter; available liquidity of $1.4 billion; net debt to capitalization of 9.3% at December 31, 2020 • Cumulative cash deposits of $594 million on countervailing and anti-dumping duties at December 31, 2020
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Mondi full year results 2020

Highlights • Robust financial performance with excellent cash generation ▪ Underlying EBITDA of €1,353 million, with margin of 20.3% ▪ Cash generated from operations of €1,485 million ▪ Strong balance sheet at 1.3x net debt to underlying EBITDA • Investing through-the-cycle with capital investment projects delivering growth, enhanced cost competitiveness and sustainability benefits • Delivered against our 2020 Growing Responsibly sustainability commitments and set new ones, the Mondi Action Plan 2030 (MAP2030) • Leveraging long-term trends of sustainability, e-commerce and enhancing our customers' brand value • Well-positioned with cost-advantaged asset base, strong balance sheet and unique portfolio of sustainable solutions
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Domtar Corporation Announces Management Committee Appointments

The Board of Directors appointed the following leaders to the Management Committee, effective February 23, 2021: Maria Brennan has been appointed to the role of senior vice president, procurement. James (Bill) Edwards has been appointed to the role of senior vice president, pulp and paper operations. Steven Henry has been appointed to the role of senior vice president, packaging. Stephen Makris has been appointed to the role of senior vice president, business transformation. Robert Melton has been appointed to the role of senior vice president, pulp and paper commercial. In addition, Domtar today announced that Zygmunt Jablonski, senior vice president and chief legal and administrative officer will be departing on April 2, 2021 after 13 years with the company. Nancy Klembus will assume the role of senior vice president, general counsel and corporate secretary. Richard McAtee will assume the role of senior vice president, human resources.
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Quad Reports Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2020 Results

Results for the three months ended December 31, 2020, included: *Net Sales — Net sales were $843 million in 2020, down 21% from 2019, primarily due to the economic impact from the COVID-19 pandemic, and ongoing print industry volume and pricing pressures. However, the fourth quarter decline represents another quarter of sequential revenue improvement during the pandemic, as compared to a 28% decline in the third quarter of 2020 and a 38% decline in the second quarter of 2020. *Net Earnings (Loss) From Continuing Operations — Net loss from continuing operations was $86 million in 2020, or $1.69 diluted loss per share, as compared to net earnings of $7 million, or $0.14 diluted earnings per share in 2019. This variance was mainly driven by $75 million of restructuring and non-cash impairment expenses due to fourth quarter 2020 plant closure announcements, and lower net sales. Results for full-year ended December 31, 2020, included: *Net Sales — Net sales were $2.9 billion in 2020, down 25% from 2019, primarily due to the economic impact from the COVID-19 pandemic, and ongoing print industry volume and pricing pressures. *Net Loss From Continuing Operations — Net loss from continuing operations was $107 million in 2020, or $2.10 diluted loss per share, as compared to a net loss of $56 million, or $1.11 diluted loss per share in 2019. The increase in net loss is mostly due to $35 million of higher restructuring, impairment and transaction-related charges, and lower net sales. *Free Cash Flow — Free Cash Flow was $129 million in 2020, an increase of $23 million from 2019, primarily due to a $50 million decrease in capital expenditures, partially offset by a $27 million decrease in cash earnings.
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U.S. Postal Service Awards Contract to Launch Multi-Billion-Dollar Modernization of Postal Delivery Vehicle Fleet

The U.S. Postal Service announced it awarded a 10-year contract to Oshkosh, WI, based Oshkosh Defense, to manufacture a new generation of U.S.-built postal delivery vehicles that will drive the most dramatic modernization of the USPS fleet in three decades. The historic investment is part of a soon-to-be-released plan the Postal Service has developed to transform its financial performance and customer service over the next 10 years through significant investments in people, technology and infrastructure as it seeks to become the preferred delivery service provider for the American public. Under the contract’s initial $482 million investment, Oshkosh Defense will finalize the production design of the Next Generation Delivery Vehicle (NGDV) — a purpose-built, right-hand-drive vehicle for mail and package delivery — and will assemble 50,000 to 165,000 of them over 10 years. The vehicles will be equipped with either fuel-efficient internal combustion engines or battery electric powertrains and can be retrofitted to keep pace with advances in electric vehicle technologies.
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The ODP Corporation Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 Results

Fourth Quarter 2020 Summary(1) *Total reported sales of $2.3 billion, down 9% versus last year *GAAP operating income of $21 million and net income of $18 million, or $0.34 per share, versus $74 million and $55 million, respectively in prior year *Operating cash outflow of $4 million and adjusted free cash outflow of $4 million, versus $152 million and $135 million, respectively in prior year *$1.7 billion of total available liquidity including $729 million in cash and cash equivalents.
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Urban Outfitters boosts engagement, sales with digital appointments (

Urban Outfitters has been leveraging the JRNI Appointments solution to deliver personalized customer experiences throughout the pandemic at its Anthropologie and BHLDN brands. Anthropologie and BHLDN have both leveraged the application to support in-store appointments, virtual appointments and email consultations while complying with social distancing requirements. As a result, the brands can provide seamless, personalized experiences to each shopper. Anthropologie and BHLDN have engaged with 25,000 customers since April 2020, with overall transaction volume rising 25%. Customers who booked appointments via the JRNI solution purchased 40% of the time in stores and 65% of the time virtually, delivering higher results than any other channel. For customers, the experience has been seamless. The brands have been able to experiment within the platform with different types of triggers and communications to enhance the customer experience.
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Public Consultation: Swiss forest certification system

Stakeholders from around the world are invited to give feedback on the revised national forest certification system for Switzerland. Deadline for comments is 9 April. Give your feedback now! PEFC Switzerland revised the country’s national forest certification system following the entry into force of the revised 2018 PEFC Sustainable Forest Management standard. After revising the national system in line with PEFC requirements, PEFC Switzerland submitted the revised system to PEFC. The national system is now undergoing the PEFC assessment process, carried out by an independent PEFC Registered Assessor. It must pass this process and be approved by the PEFC General Assembly before it can achieve endorsement.
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ATA Truck Tonnage Index Increased 1.4% in January

American Trucking Associations’ advanced seasonally adjusted (SA) For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index increased 1.4% in January after rising 1.2% in December. In January, the index equaled 114.6 (2015=100) compared with 113.1 in December. “Over the last four months, the tonnage index has increased a total of 3.3%, which is obviously good news,” said ATA Chief Economist Bob Costello. “However, the index is still off 2.8% from the high in March as tonnage plunged 9% in April alone. I continue to expect a nice climb up for the economy and truck freight as we get more economic stimulus and increased vaccination numbers.” Compared with January 2020, the SA index fell 2.1%, which was preceded by a 2.6% year-over-year decline in December. In 2020, the index was 4% below the 2019 average.
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RRD Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 Results

Q4 Key messages *GAAP net sales, including the impact of dispositions and FX, decreased 5.6%; Non-GAAP organic net sales decreased 4.8%; both decline rates improved sequentially from the prior two quarters *GAAP earnings per share from continuing operations of $0.46 and Non-GAAP adjusted earnings per share from continuing operations of $0.71 both increased significantly from the prior year *Operating cash flow of $124.6 million in the quarter is down from prior year; 2020 amount includes $47 million paid to terminate 25 deferred compensation plans and cash taxes on the gain from selling the Logistics businesses in addition to the expected impact from accelerating working capital improvements to earlier quarters in 2020 *Gross leverage ratio of 3.7x improves 1.0x from September 30, 2020 and 0.5x from December 31, 2019; net leverage ratio of 3.0x improves 0.7x from both September 30, 2020 and December 31, 2019
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BillerudKorsnäs and Tetra Pak together towards 100 % recyclable packaging

Through close and enduring collaboration BillerudKorsnäs and Tetra Pak aim to push the figure of renewable material from wood fibre in carton packages towards 100%. Already today the figure is about 70%. New innovations to further increase the sustainability of packages are since long top of the agenda for both companies. “Our mission is to challenge conventional packaging for a sustainable future. 70 % renewable is a good start, and the only way that we can solve the major sustainability challenges we face is to do it together”, says Malin Ljung Eiborn, Director Sustainability and Public Affairs. The collaborative innovation takes the form of a number of defined projects where experts from the two companies work together. BillerudKorsnäs also work together under the auspices of Treesearch, a Swedish collaboration platform for fundamental research, knowledge and competence-building in the field of new materials and specialty chemicals from forest raw material. It involves academia, industry, private foundations and the Swedish government, and aims to turn pioneering fundamental research into high-tech innovations to meet the climate challenge.
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Pocket Outdoor Media acquires Outside Magazine, Outside TV, Gaia GPS, athleteReg, and Peloton Magazine; Rebrands as Outside (

There’s seismic news in the media, outdoor, endurance, and tech industries today. Pocket Outdoor Media (parent company to SNEWS, Backpacker, and nearly 30 other active living brands) announced news that will catapult the Boulder-based company into a powerful position in these industries: It has purchased Outside Magazine, Outside TV, Gaia GPS, Peloton Magazine, and athleteReg. Additionally, Pocket Outdoor Media is rebranding to Outside, effective today. “Adding these businesses to our portfolio and rebranding Pocket is a transformative moment for us,” says Robin Thurston, CEO of the all-new Outside. “Together with our other category-leading properties—SKI, Yoga Journal, Backpacker, Trail Runner, VeloNews, Climbing, Warren Miller Entertainment, Roll Massif, FinisherPix, SNEWS, and more—these brands make our new company the world’s leading creator of active living content, experiences, travel, and services. We now deliver content to almost every home in America across every platform, screen, and device.”
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Sustainable paper’s best kept secret: biogas (

Editor’s note from Kyle Field: Having spent 17 years working at a paper plant in a wide variety of roles, I am passionate about finding and sharing solutions for industries built around fossil fuels. The papermaking process is extremely energy intensive and requires thermal energy to dry paper, making it a challenging nut to crack. The path taken by Rolland to clean up its energy footprint is encouraging for the papermaking industry and serves as a model for other gas-consuming industries. As the corporate world continues to examine how to reduce its environmental footprint, and more businesses set strategies with climate change in mind, it is imperative they use energy in a way that’s clean, sustainable, and renewable during their manufacturing processes. At Rolland, we’re committed to industry-leading product quality, continuous improvement and environmental stewardship. This mission is driven by our employees, who help us promote a culture of constant innovation. In honor of National Energy Awareness Month, let’s take a closer look at this important component of our sustainable production process, including the challenge, the opportunity and the outcomes.
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Macy’s, Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2020 Results

Fourth Quarter Highlights *Comparable sales down 17.0% on an owned basis and down 17.1% on an owned plus licensed basis, a reflection of the continued challenges posed by the COVID pandemic. *Digital remained a growing and increasingly profitable platform. Sales grew 21% over fourth quarter 2019, with digital penetration at 44% of net sales. *Approximately 25% of Macy’s digital sales were fulfilled from stores, including curbside pickup and same-day delivery. *The company’s Star Rewards Loyalty program saw a 45% increase of its Bronze tier members in 2020, an essential part of its under-40 strategy. *Gross margin for the quarter was 33.7%, down 310 basis points from fourth quarter 2019. *Inventory down 27% from fourth quarter 2019. *Aggressively addressed slow-selling merchandise, reduced excess inventory levels and improved visual presentation in stores. *Exited the year in a healthy inventory position.
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The Home Depot Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal 2020 Results

Fourth Quarter 2020: Sales for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2020 were $32.3 billion, an increase of $6.5 billion, or 25.1 percent from the fourth quarter of fiscal 2019. Comparable sales for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2020 increased 24.5 percent, and comparable sales in the U.S. increased 25.0 percent. Net earnings for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2020 were $2.9 billion, compared with net earnings of $2.5 billion, in the same period of fiscal 2019. Fiscal 2020: Sales for fiscal 2020 were $132.1 billion, an increase of $21.9 billion, or 19.9 percent, from fiscal 2019. Comparable sales for fiscal 2020 increased 19.7 percent, and comparable sales in the U.S. increased 20.6 percent. Net earnings for fiscal 2020 were $12.9 billion, compared with net earnings of $11.2 billion in fiscal 2019.
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Sealed Air Announces Ambitious Goal to Reach Net-Zero Carbon Emissions by 2040

Sealed Air Corporation is announcing a bold new goal to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. This announcement follows the company’s successful execution of its sustainability strategy and performance against its 2020 goal to reduce the greenhouse gas intensity of its operations by 25%. The company far exceeded its 2020 goal by achieving more than a 44% reduction. The company is aiming to establish new benchmarks for mitigating environmental and societal risks such as climate change while generating long-term value for stakeholders and society. Among the actions Sealed Air is taking to reduce carbon emissions within the company’s operations, supply chain, and beyond are: *Adopting state-of-the-art technology and innovation for automated packaging solutions and systems, advanced recycling, and recyclable and renewable materials *Continuing investments in renewable energy such as a solar power project in California and a wind power project in Argentina *Improving efficiencies that reduce emissions in global operations for the company and its customers *Contributing to the reduction of waste across the value chain including making improvements to the shelf life of food and reducing food waste, enhancing transportation efficiency, and protecting goods in transit
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Nine Dragons Paper Announces 2021 Interim Results

⚫ Revenue increased by 7.1% year-on-year to a historical high of RMB 30.9 billion ⚫ Sales volume achieved record high of 8.6 million tonnes ⚫ Net profit1 was RMB 4.0 billion; a year-on-year increase of 75.6% ⚫ Gross profit margin of 20.9%; a year-on-year increase of 3.8 percentage points ⚫ Net profit margin of 13.0%; a year-on-year increase of 5.1 percentage points
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Mill Rock Packaging Partners Acquires All Packaging Company

Mill Rock Capital, a growth and operations oriented private investment firm, announced that its portfolio company Mill Rock Packaging Partners LLC has acquired All Packaging Company, a leading specialty paper packaging company focused on various consumer end markets. Mill Rock Packaging is a growth-oriented specialty packaging company focused on leading design, innovation and technology; strong operational capabilities and unparalleled customer service. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. All Packaging, based in Aurora, CO and founded in 1946, is a leading, full-service provider of specialty paperboard packaging to the food and beverage, health and beauty, pharmaceutical and other consumer end markets. The company's comprehensive service suite includes all requirements of a folding carton program, including graphic and structural design, prepress and proofing, printing and converting, in-house cutting and creasing and ancillary services. Customers rely on All Packaging to create packaging that enhances the consumer experience in both retail and e-commerce environments while maintaining brand integrity. All Packaging operates two facilities in Utah and Colorado.
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Mondi partners with United Nations World Food Programme to help address food waste in the fight to eliminate world hunger

Mondi Group announces a three-year strategic partnership to support the United Nations World Food Programme’s (WFP’s) efforts to save lives, change lives around the globe. The collaboration will see Mondi make a US$1 million in-kind and financial contribution to help WFP improve how it delivers nutritious food over a complex humanitarian supply chain, with an aim to reduce food waste and mitigate the impact of packaging on the environment. The partnership will draw on the infrastructure, knowledge and expertise from Mondi's corrugated solutions, paper bags and consumer flexibles businesses. Over the next three years, the goal is to develop robust and effective guidance for WFP’s global network of food manufacturers and local suppliers as well as for the wider humanitarian community.
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American Litho Adopts Advanced HP PageWide T250 HD to Enhance Direct Mail Power (

American Litho, a leading direct mail solutions provider, has installed the first HP PageWide Web Press T250 HD in the U.S. to boost power to deliver personalized direct mail for digital trigger marketing campaigns. The 22-inch continuous inkjet HP PageWide Web Press T250 with HP Brilliant Ink enables new versatility with an expanded color and paper gamut for high-volume commercial, publishing, transaction, and direct mail applications. “At American Litho, we tailor our capabilities to meet the needs of our customers, and in 2020 we found ourselves adapting more than ever. Investing in our equipment to further propel the powerful combination of print and digital services is vital to providing a standout product every time,” said Frank Arostegui, Executive Vice President of Sales.
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UPM sawmills now powered entirely by renewable energy

Production at UPM sawmills is now running completely on renewable energy. Since the beginning of 2020, no fossil energy sources have been used in production at any of the company’s four sawmills. Fossil-free production enables UPM to produce even more sustainable timber products with the smallest possible carbon footprint, thereby contributing to climate change mitigation. The reduced carbon footprint of UPM’s timber products also helps our customers reach their respective emission reduction targets. UPM has systematically worked to achieve a transition to fossil-free production at its sawmills. Both thermal energy and electricity are used at all UPM sawmills.
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‘Saveur’ Kills Print Title, ‘Delish’ Starts Quarterly (

The DIY food publishing sector has witnessed two big developments, reflecting conflicting trends. In one, Saveur has killed its print edition and will now focus on email newsletters and other digital content. Saveur’s editors announced last week that “we’ll no longer be producing Saveur as a quarterly print publication. While we understand this might be disappointing, Saveur has been in print for 27 years, and it feels like the right time to shift our focus to better meet our readers where they are.” Hearst’s Delish is going in the opposite direction: It is producing quarterly print editions, each tapping into a consumer food obsession. The first, Breakfast + Brunch will appear on March 2. They will be offered on newsstands and mailed to Delish’s Unlimited membership subscribers.
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Managing Pandemic Catalog Buyers (

Many catalog mailers are seeing large increases in revenue and growth in their new-to-file buyers because of the surge in pandemic-driven online purchases. However, with the growth in the number of buyers comes lots of uncertainty. Are these new buyers different than buyers pre-pandemic? The business issue with the significant influx of pandemic buyers is whether they will convert into loyal customers and respond profitably to future catalog mailings. Response rates for pandemic buyers can be quickly tested to know if they are the same or different from the existing base of buyers. The new-to-file buyers can be broken out with precision. Segmenting should be straightforward.
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UPS Peak Surcharge Update

UPS continues to provide essential service amid the ongoing coronavirus outbreak to support the needs of our customers. Our goal is to ensure businesses and customers are able to meet their shipping needs while demand has increased for shipping services. One or more Peak Surcharges will apply to packages shipped during the specified Peak Periods for the origins, destinations, and service levels and in the amounts set forth below. Peak Surcharges apply in addition to all other applicable Charges. Peak Surcharges are subject to change and Peak Periods may be extended or otherwise changed. Shippers should continue to check for updates prior to tendering shipments.
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Print Unit Sales Up 21.3% in Mid-February (

For the week ended Feb. 13, 2021, unit sales of print books increased 21.3% over the week ended Feb. 15, 2020, at outlets that report to NPD BookScan. It was the second consecutive week that unit sales rose by more than 20% over the comparable week last year. The increase was accomplished without the benefit of a big new hit and once again reflected strength across all major categories as well as big gains for backlist titles. The YA categories had the strongest gains, with nonfiction unit sales jumping 71.7% and fiction up 49.3% over 2020. Two anti-racist books—Stamped by Jason Reynolds and This Book Is Anti-racist by Tiffany Jewell—led the increase in YA nonfiction. We Were Liars by E. Lockhart topped the YA fiction list, selling almost 12,000 copies. Juvenile fiction sales rose 25.1% over 2020, and Llama, Llama I Love You by Anna Dewdney was #1 on the category list, selling about 38,000 copies.
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Indonesian forest certification system submitted for endorsement

The Indonesian Forestry Certification Cooperation (IFCC) recently submitted their national forest certification system to PEFC for re-endorsement. The public consultation, your chance to give your feedback on this revised system, will run from 8 March until 7 May. IFCC, the PEFC national member for Indonesia, revised the country’s national forest certification system following the entry into force of the revised 2018 PEFC Sustainable Forest Management standard. The revised IFCC Forest Certification Scheme is also one of the first national systems submitted to PEFC for endorsement that includes a Trees Outside Forests (TOF) standard. TOF certification was one of the innovative developments of the 2018 PEFC Sustainable Forest Management standard.
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Tetra Pak introduces certified recycled polymers

Tetra Pak has announced the introduction of certified recycled polymers, becoming the first company in the food and beverage packaging industry to be awarded the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) Advanced Products certification. Its carton packages integrating attributed[1] recycled polymers are now available for food and beverage manufacturers. This move marks a key step in Tetra Pak’s approach to circularity which includes: minimising dependency on fossil-based resources; responsibly sourcing raw materials; designing packages for enhanced recycling and reduced litter; and building partnerships to develop effective collection and recycling infrastructure worldwide.
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Print Units Have Another Big Sales Week (

For the week ended February 13, 2021, unit sales of print books increased 21.3% over the week ended February 15, 2020, at outlets that report to NPD BookScan. It was the second consecutive week that unit sales rose by more than 20% over the comparable week last year. The increase was accomplished without the benefit of a big new hit, and once again reflected strength across all major categories as well as big gains for backlist titles. Through February 13, backlist sales were up 32% over the same period in 2020, while frontlist sales rose 3.4%. Total print unit sales through February 13, 2021, were up 22% over the comparable period in 2020.
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Aptar Reports Fourth Quarter and Annual 2020 Results

For the quarter ended December 31, 2020, reported sales increased 12% to $749 million compared to $671 million in the prior year. Core sales, excluding the impacts from changes in currency exchange rates and acquisitions, increased 5%. For the year ended December 31, 2020, reported sales increased 2% to $2.93 billion compared to $2.86 billion reported a year ago while core sales remained flat. The effects of currency translation rates were more than offset by the positive contribution from acquisitions. Cash generated from operations for the year reached $570 million, an increase of 11% over $514 million in the prior year primarily due to better working capital management and the positive impact of recent acquisitions.
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Crown Recognized As Leader By CDP For Supplier Engagement In Managing Climate Risk

Crown Holdings, Inc. has been identified as a global leader for its actions and strategies to reduce emissions and manage climate risks in its supply chain. CDP, a leading global environmental impact non-profit organization, has awarded Crown a Supplier Engagement Rating (SER) of A as part of its annual climate change assessment of companies globally. This rating earns Crown a spot on the 2020 Supplier Engagement Leaderboard and puts the Company in the top 7% of 8,033 companies assessed by CDP. The SER provides a rating for how effectively companies engage their suppliers on climate change. CDP assessed performance on supplier engagement using a company's response to select questions on governance, targets, Scope 3 emissions and value chain engagement in the CDP Climate Change 2020 questionnaire. Climate Action is one of five central pillars of action under Crown's Twentyby30 sustainability strategy. As part of its commitments in this area, the Company has pledged to reduce absolute greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) from its supply chain (Scope 3) by 16% by 2030 from a 2019 baseline.
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The Navigator Company increases tissue prices by 6 to 8% effective 1st April 2021

The Navigator Company announced today that it will increase tissue prices by 6 to 8% in all markets. This increase will be effective for all dispatches from 1st of April. The Company will inform its clients shortly about the details of the new prices to be applied. This decision was taken following the generalised and significant price hikes in many input cost, notably in commodities like chemical products, packaging products (plastics and containerboard), logistics, and pulp, being the latter the main cost factor for tissue production. The tissue industry has seen abrupt price increases of 15-20% or more in some of these input costs over the last 3 months, which made it impossible not to reflect these in its finished goods prices.
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American Forest & Paper Association Releases January 2021 Packaging Papers Monthly Report

Total packaging papers & specialty packaging shipments in January increased two percent compared to January 2020. The operating rate was 85.8 percent, essentially flat (+0.1 pts.) from January 2020. Mill inventories at the end of January increased 2,000 short tons from the previous month and were up 11,000 short tons compared to January 2020.
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Expanding the Palette: Fresh Portfolio of Colorants Helps Solenis Grow in Papermaking Chemical Market

After serving the pulp and paper industry for more than 100 years, Solenis is well known as a leading supplier of process and functional chemistries. The Wilmington, Delaware-based company already had a world-class portfolio of products, state-of-the-art monitoring and control systems and a global network of professionals respected for their consultative approach to working with customers. Meanwhile, the Germany-based BASF had built its reputation as an innovative chemical company, and its 2008 acquisition of CIBA expanded its colorants portfolio and expertise even more, establishing BASF as the go-to reference in the market. But every great team can be improved. For Solenis, which did not count colorants expertise as a core competency, the pickup of BASF’s basic dyes, direct dyes and pigment preparations was a key addition that strengthened an already robust portfolio. Now, Solenis has fully assimilated the acquired technologies and is well positioned to offer a colorants portfolio that gives papermakers great flexibility, along with support from a technical team.
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Quad and the Quadracci Family’s Windhover Foundation Commit $1 Million to Bring The BrandLab to Milwaukee

Quad/Graphics, Inc. and the Quadracci family’s Windhover Foundation are announcing a three-year, $1 million commitment to The BrandLab, a non-profit dedicated to changing the face and voice of the marketing industry by creating opportunities for young people from diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. This new partnership will enable The BrandLab to expand into the Milwaukee community and bring together local agencies, corporations and student interns who identify as Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC), or who come from low-income families. Already operational in Kansas City and Minneapolis, The BrandLab’s success in bringing young, diverse voices into the creative profession directly aligns with Quad’s decades-long dedication to creating a better way. “The BrandLab starts by exposing students to creative and viable careers before they graduate from high school and then we stay with them on their journey to their first full-time role,” said Ellen Walthour, Chief Executive Officer of The BrandLab. “This is a long-term solution that requires long-range vision from the industry’s top leaders. Quad understands that our work not only advances racial equity, but it makes the creative field so much stronger.”
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Neenah Reports 2020 Fourth Quarter and Full Year Results

Fourth Quarter Highlights *Consolidated revenues of $206.9 million were 8 percent higher than the third quarter, but down 3 percent compared to the prior year. The sequential quarterly increase was due to a continued recovery in both segments with a pronounced rebound in Technical Products. *Technical Products revenues of $137.1 million were up 11 percent from the prior year, with record fourth quarter adjusted operating income of $18.0 million driven by record sales in the filtration business. *Consolidated operating income of $14.9 million compared with $22.1 million in the prior year. *Available liquidity of $176 million remained strong, with cash generated from operations of $13.0 million. *Quarterly cash dividends of $0.47 per share increased 4 percent compared to $0.45 per share in the prior year. Full Year Highlights *Revenues of $792.6 million decreased 16 percent compared to 2019, as a result of lower volumes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. *A loss per diluted common share in 2020 of ($0.96) compared to earnings of $3.26 per share in 2019. *In April, the Company published its annual Corporate Sustainability Report, highlighting initiatives and progress in addressing Environmental, Social and Governance matters. *In July, the Company successfully refinanced its Senior Notes and entered into a $200 million Term B Loan due in 2027. *The Company maintained strong liquidity throughout 2020 with careful management of working capital and spending, and ended the year with cash and equivalents of $37 million and no borrowings against its $175 million revolving credit facility.
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Award-winning foodie magazine Saveur drops print edition (

Award-winning foodie title Saveur is going all-digital under its new private equity owner 27 years after launching to critical acclaim. The food and recipe title was sold in October by Bonnier to North Equity as part of a package of magazines, including Field & Stream, Outdoor Life and Popular Science. North Equity has been buying up distressed print titles, often converting them to all-digital platforms. It also recently purchased decorating mag Domino and also owns
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Walmart Reports Record Q4 and FY21 Revenue

Fourth-quarter highlights • Total revenue was a record $152.1 billion, an increase of $10.4 billion, or 7.3%. Excluding currency2, total revenue would have increased 7.5% to reach $152.3 billion. • Walmart U.S. comp sales1 increased 8.6% with strength across most key categories. • Walmart U.S. eCommerce sales increased 69% with strong results across all channels. • Sam’s Club comp sales1 increased 10.8% and eCommerce sales grew 42%. Reduced tobacco sales negatively affected comp sales by approximately 410 basis points. Membership income increased 12.9%, the strongest growth in six years. • Walmart International net sales were $34.9 billion, an increase of 5.5%. Net sales in constant currency2 increased 6.3%, led by Flipkart, Mexico and Canada. Changes in currency rates negatively affected net sales by approximately $0.3 billion. • Consolidated gross profit rate increased 29 basis points with positive contributions from each operating segment, led by the U.S.
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News Corp and Google Agree To Global Partnership On News

News Corp announced that it has agreed to an historic multi-year partnership with Google to provide trusted journalism from its news sites around the world in return for significant payments by Google. Among the News Corp publications joining Google News Showcase will be The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, MarketWatch, and the New York Post; in the UK: The Times and The Sunday Times, and The Sun; and in Australia a range of news platforms, including The Australian,, Sky News, and multiple metropolitan and local titles. The landmark three-year agreement also includes the development of a subscription platform, the sharing of ad revenue via Google’s ad technology services, the cultivation of audio journalism and meaningful investments in innovative video journalism by YouTube.
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Bookstore Sales Fell 28.3% in 2020 (

Bookstore sales rallied slightly in December from deep monthly slumps for most of 2020, but were still down 15.2% in the last month of the year compared to December 2019. For all of 2020, bookstore sales fell 28.3% from 2019, according to preliminary estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau. December bookstore sales were $879 million, down from $1.04 billion in December 2019. The 15.2% December drop was the smallest decline since February, when sales slipped 0.7% before the global pandemic struck. In March, sales fell 33.2% as retail lockdowns kicked in, then plunged 74.2% in April as stay at home orders fully took hold. May sales were slightly better, falling 60% from May 2019.
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Novolex Adding Labeling to Plastic Products to Boost ‘Store Drop-off’ Recycling

Novolex® announced that it is adding easy-to-understand recycling instructions to more of its plastic bags and packaging. The announcement comes just weeks after Novolex revealed plans to increase its capacity to recycle plastic bags. Novolex, an industry leader in packaging and foodservice products, will add the How2Recycle® Store Drop-off label to products across its business units. These include products from Shields® such as poly mailers for shipping applications and security bags frequently used in the banking industry; and products from Hilex®, including the iconic “Thank You” plastic T-shirt bags, produce bags for conventional and organic items, and the Load & Seal™ Tamper Evident Deliver Bags, which are growing in demand as to-go orders increase at restaurants.
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RRD Connects Print and Online Experiences to Bring Acts of Kindness to Life in a Personalized Way

R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company announced its work to create tangible moments for Kindli, a social media alternative focused on positivity and connecting people with acts of kindness. Kindli Cards, printed by RRD, are Kindli’s proprietary, patent-pending method of tracking kind acts all around the world. These cards include a unique, user-specific QR code and personalized messages. Kindli’s strategic partnership with RRD allows for this level of customization. This includes workflows specific to variable programming required for personalized codes and automated order entry, enabling quick speed-to-market regardless of order quantity.
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Clearwater Paper Suspended Arkansas Operations Due to Severe Weather Conditions

Clearwater Paper Corporation announced that it temporarily suspended its pulp and paperboard operation in Cypress Bend, Arkansas. The cold weather has resulted in the curtailment of natural gas deliveries to the mill as natural gas providers prioritize residential needs. “We are focused on the health and safety of our employees, maintaining our assets, and working to meet customer needs during this unexpected outage,” said Arsen Kitch, president and chief executive officer. “We intend to resume operations as soon as we are safely able to do so.” The company will provide an update on the anticipated impacts of the outage during its fourth quarter and full year 2020 earnings announcement, scheduled for Thursday, February 25.
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Tronox Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 Financial Results

Fourth Quarter 2020 Highlights: *Revenue of $783 million *Income from operations of $94 million; Net income from continuing operations of $57 million *TiO2 selling prices remained level, benefiting from margin stability initiatives, and sales volumes increased 8 percent versus fourth quarter 2019 driven by improved market demand globally *Zircon volumes increased 48 percent versus fourth quarter 2019 driven primarily by strong demand in China. Full Year 2020 Highlights: *Revenue of $2,758 million *Income from operations of $271 million; Net income from continuing operations of $995 million *Total acquisition synergies of $243 million achieved, exceeding run rate synergy target of $220 million set at Investor Day in 2019; $193 million reflected in EBITDA, exceeding $183 million target set on third quarter 2020 earnings call *Cash flow provided by operating activities of $355 million; *$200 million discretionary debt repayment made in December 2020
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The climate benefits of sustainable forestry

In the beginning of 2020 UPM committed to the United Nations Global Compact’s Business Ambition for 1.5°C, promising to pursue science-based measures to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5°C. UPM will meet this commitment by novel uses of their products, reducing CO2 emissions and by practicing climate positive forestry. Wood is renewable and recyclable, and even the production processes can yield important by-products. Biofuels can replace fossil-fuels, paper packaging can substitute plastics, biochemicals can replace fossil-based chemicals in industry and more wood in construction can be better for the environment than using concrete.
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Two Sides Member Spotlight: Mohawk

Headquartered in Cohoes, New York, Mohawk is North America’s largest privately-owned manufacturer of fine papers and envelopes which are used for commercial and digital printing, social stationery, high-end direct mail and packaging. With a culture of innovation reaching back to its beginning in 1931, Mohawk is committed to providing materials that help make every printed project more beautiful, effective and memorable. A family-owned business since its inception, Mohawk serves the creative needs of designers, brand-owners and printers in more than 60 countries around the globe. A leader in environmentally and socially responsible paper making since the 1980s, Mohawk sources pulp responsibly, conserves the water its craft relies on and harnesses wind power for its mills. Many of Mohawk's recycled and virgin papers are certified by Green Seal and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Mohawk was the first U.S. manufacturer of commercial printing papers to match 100% of its electricity with wind power renewable energy credits (RECs) and the first U.S. premium paper mill to shift toward carbon neutral production.
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GPI announcement – Mike Weinhold

Michael (“Mike”) A. Weinhold has been named Senior Vice President, Sales - Board, effective February 15, 2021. Mike has held senior leadership positions at Verso Corporation, International Paper and Champion International and brings over 30 years of commercial experience in the paper industry. He will report to Mike Farrell, EVP, Mill Division. We appreciate your support during this time of change. While we work diligently to support your needs and make a smooth transition, we remain focused on the keys to success, including your business and partnership.
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UPM joins The Climate Pledge

UPM has today joined The Climate Pledge, a cross-sector community of world-class companies working together to crack the climate crisis and to decarbonise our economy. These companies are committed to reach the targets of the Paris Agreement well in advance. The Climate Pledge was co-founded by Amazon and the Global Optimism. As a signatory of Climate Pledge UPM will • Measure and report greenhouse gas emissions on a regular basis • Implement decarbonisation strategies in line with the Paris Agreement through real business changes and innovations, including efficiency improvements, renewable energy, materials reductions, and other carbon emission elimination strategies • Neutralise any remaining emissions to achieve net-zero annual carbon emissions by 2040 — a decade ahead of the Paris Agreement’s goal of 2050
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Phoenix Lithographing, ICS Corp. Merger Creates Commercial Printing and Mailing Industry Powerhouse (

The Phoenix Group of Companies, a full-service provider of comprehensive printing, packaging, mailing, and fulfillment solutions in Philadelphia, announced that its affiliate, Phoenix Lithographing, and long-time industry partner ICS Corp., of West Deptford, N.J., are merging forces to create Phoenix-ICS Group of Companies. The new partnership brings together ICS, a direct mail organization offering strategic development and creative services, and Phoenix Lithographing, one of the largest privately-held commercial printing companies in the marketplace. The group will benefit from ICS’s expertise in mailing and creative development, and Phoenix’s comprehensive print production knowledge.
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Gannett and McClatchy Collaborate to Offer Local Reach for National Advertisers

Gannett Co., Inc. and McClatchy, two of the most iconic and acclaimed local media companies, with deep roots in over 300 local communities, are offering national brands the ability to connect seamlessly and more meaningfully with local audiences across a vast multi-channel network. Advertisers will now be able to reach two-thirds of the top local media markets with local properties including the Miami Herald, Austin-American Statesman, The Kansas City Star, Arizona Republic,Detroit Free Press, The Sacramento Bee and more, representing 200 million digital and 8.4 million print consumers through customized, targeted solutions and within a trusted, brand-safe environment. The collaboration simplifies the buying process and facilitates access to local audiences in a highly efficient manner, allowing both companies to better serve their brands’ customers.
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Smurfit Kappa launches additional TopClip packing system designed for smaller brands

Smurfit Kappa announced the launch of a new packing system for its sustainable TopClip product, a paper-based replacement for plastic shrink wrap that bundles beverage multi-packs. This packing system, which is designed for smaller businesses and brands, comes after the launch of their high speed machine with KHS last year. This now completes the portfolio of Smurfit Kappa's end to end solutions for TopClip, ensuring it is suitable for beverage companies of all sizes. The launch of this new packing solution, and the implementation by Czech beer brewer Pivovar Clock, sees the packaging company selected to supply their innovative and sustainable paper-based TopClip for 500ml cans. A modern and creative brewery, Pivovar Clock are noted within the industry for their early adoption of sustainable technology. The brewer uses the latest steam technology and local ingredients to produce their beer.
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