Clicks to Bricks: You Probably Aren’t Measuring Digital Marketing Correctly, and it’s Costing You (

Despite the fact that the retail landscape continues to undergo massive waves of post-COVID evolution, there are many things that still haven’t changed — like the fact that consumers continue to go to physical stores to shop and that the physical portion of retailers' businesses still command the largest share of their revenues by a very large margin. Despite this, many retailers still only focus on the e-commerce sales impacts of their digital marketing, and ignore the in-store sales impacts because it's “difficult to measure.” This myopic focus is costing them — a lot. Web analytics tools or the measurements provided by the large platforms like Google and Meta have always relied on clicks to tell the story of campaign value. However, with major privacy changes in the market made by Apple and coming soon from Google, any measurement approach that relies on tracking individual consumers has been dying a death of a thousand cuts. Even measuring digital ads’ impact on e-commerce is getting a lot harder.
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Stora Enso Oyj Half-year Report January–June 2023: Accelerating restructuring in challenging markets

Q2/2023 (year-on-year) • Sales decreased by 22% to EUR 2,374 (3,054) million. • Operational EBIT decreased by 93% to EUR 37 (505) million. • Operational EBIT margin decreased to 1.6% (16.5%). • Operating profit (IFRS) decreased to EUR -253 (399) million. • EPS was EUR -0.29 (0.38) and EPS excl. fair valuations (FV) was EUR -0.27 (0.42). • Cash flow from operations amounted to EUR 146 (404) million. Cash flow after investing activities was EUR -70 (247) million. • The net debt to operational EBITDA ratio (last 12 months) was 1.7 (1.0). The target is to keep the ratio below 2.0. • Operational ROCE excluding the Forest division (last 12 months) decreased to 10.7% (21.7%), the target being above 13%.
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Kingsport Mill Reopens, Announces Corrugated Recycling Partnership

Our Kingsport Mill is running again, using recycled fiber from a corrugated recycling partnership established with a regional grocery store chain and attracting customers from across the corrugated industry. After a successful two-year conversion project and the production of the mill’s first roll of 100-percent recycled containerboard in January, Domtar hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony in May to celebrate the Kingsport Mill’s grand reopening. Local and state officials and employees joined together to mark this important milestone. The Kingsport Mill’s production has continued apace through the summer, thanks in part to a new corrugated recycling partnership established with Food City. The mill will collect and recycle old corrugated containers from the chain’s 140 stores and use them to produce 100-percent recycled performance linerboard and medium.
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Commercial fire at Longview paper mill expected to continue throughout Wednesday (

Crews estimate they will continue to battle last night's large commercial fire at an Industrial Way paper mill throughout Wednesday in Longview. Wood chip piles are fueling the blaze at Nippon Dynawave Packaging at 1701 Industrial Way near the entrance on the Longview side of the Lewis and Clark Bridge and Weyerhaeuser's gate 4 near Oregon and Industrial ways. A large plume of smoke could still be seen Wednesday morning.
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Huhtamäki Oyj’s Half-yearly Report January 1–June 30, 2023: Stable performance in a challenging market

Q2 2023 in brief • Net sales decreased 8% to EUR 1,052 million (EUR 1,147 million) • Comparable net sales growth at Group level was -2% and -2% in emerging markets • The impact of currency movements on the Group’s net sales was EUR -38 million and EUR -3 million on EBIT. Charles Héaulmé, President and CEO: “The market environment remained muted in the second quarter of 2023, as inflation affected consumption across categories and geographies. Destocking also continued to impact volumes during the second quarter, although at a lower level than during the first quarter. Our financial performance in the second quarter was in line with the first quarter of 2023, however it was soft compared to last year. Market conditions remained challenging, resulting in lower sales volumes. Our comparable net sales decreased by 2% in the second quarter but remained stable during the first half of the year. Adjusted EBIT decreased by 10% in the second quarter and 8% during the first half of the year, mainly due to lower sales volumes and the divested operations in Russia. Free cash flow continued to improve, reaching EUR 28 million during the second quarter and EUR 71 million during the first half of the year, driven by reduced working capital.
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AAP May 2023 StatShot Report: Overall Publishing Industry Flat for Month of May, and Up 0.7% Year-To-Date

The Association of American Publishers (AAP) today released its StatShot report for May 2023 reflecting reported revenue for Trade (Consumer Books), Higher Education Course Materials, and Professional Publishing. Total revenues across all categories for May 2023 were flat as compared to May 2022, coming in at $846.8 million. Year-to-date revenues were up 0.7%, at $4.7 billion for the first five months of the year. Trade (Consumer Books) revenues were down 1.6% in May, coming in at $661.3 million. In terms of physical paper format revenues during the month of May, in the Trade (Consumer Books) category, Hardback revenues were down 0.3%, coming in at $233.5 million; Paperbacks were down 3.6%, with $239.5 million in revenue; Mass Market was down 41.2% to $6.1 million; and Special Bindings were down 21.5%, with $10.2 million in revenue.
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Diller Says: Publishers Are Ready To Sue The Tech Giants (

Media mogul Barry Diller reiterated that he and other top publishers are prepared to take legal action over use of copyrighted works to train AI systems. Diller, the chair of Dotdash Meredith parent IAC, said on TV this week that tech firms like Google and Microsoft claim the “the fair use doctrine of copyright law allows them to suck up all this stuff,” according to The Hill. He added, “Of course, say we’re open to commercial agreements. But on the side of those people who are depending upon advertising, Google, for instance, they say, ‘Yes, we’ll give you a revenue share. Right now, the revenue share is zero. So, what percent of zero would you like today?”
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PEFC chain of custody certificates issued against previous 2013 standard soon to be invalid

Important reminder for companies still certified against the 2013 version of the PEFC Chain of Custody standard, or certification bodies issuing PEFC chain of custody certificates: any certificates issued against the 2013 version will no longer be valid as of 14 November 2023. If you are a company still certified against the 2013 standard, please reach out to your certification body for assistance or to organise your next audit against the 2020 standard. It is important to note that the transition to the new version does not impact the certification cycle, so it can happen during a surveillance audit. If you still have existing stocks of products and printed material covered by a 2013 chain of custody certificate and carrying the PEFC trademarks according to the previous 2008 Trademarks standard, you can still sell them once you have transferred your chain of custody system to the 2020 version of both these standards.
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Crown Holdings Expands Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) Certifications to Asia Pacific Region

As part of the commitments laid out in its Twentyby30™ sustainability program to help advance responsible supply chains, Crown Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CCK) (Crown) ( has expanded its Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) certifications into the Asia Pacific region. The Company's Nong Khae and Crown TCP beverage packaging plants in Thailand were recently awarded the ASI Performance Standard certification, bringing the total facilities in Crown's network with the designation to 12. Crown's operations in Brazil and Mexico have also achieved ASI Performance Standard certification. The ASI Performance Standard addresses environmental, social and governance principles for the aluminum value chain, confirming the recipient's production practices are responsible. Beyond meeting the required criteria as part of an independent, third-party audit, the recent certifications in Thailand can be linked to advancing employee training around biodiversity, safety and human rights.
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Act now: Amendments to packaging rules will cause ‘flood of plastic’ pollution

Call to correct mistakes in proposed amendments to EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation that will penalize recyclable materials, like cardboard, while promoting the plastics industry. Imagine you’re in charge of regulating packaging in the European Union. You’re bringing in some new rules to reduce waste and pollution. So far, so good. But then it is revealed that an amendment mandating the reuse of packaging will cause a flood of plastic. That is exactly the opposite of what you’re trying to achieve. Do you vote for it anyway? The answer is obvious. Yet this is the exact dilemma now facing the EU, as it debates proposed amendments to the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR).
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Bradford & Bigelow Installs New Web Offset Press with LED-UV Curing (

North America’s newest high-speed web offset press doesn’t have a gas dryer. Thanks to a pioneering purchase by Bradford & Bigelow of a Manroland Goss Lithoman IV press equipped with an advanced LED-curing system from Baldwin Technology’s AMS Spectral UV brand. This combination of companies has brought a new leading edge to the high-speed web offset market. Bradford & Bigelow, based in Newburyport, Massachusetts, is one of North America’s leading printers of 8.5 x 11-inch textbooks and workbooks used for K-12 education. The new press is its second Lithoman. According to the printer, after producing books for years on a Lithoman, it was an easy decision for B&B to choose another Manroland Goss press. B&B has been a pioneer in the use of UV inks. Several years ago, the printer converted its sheetfed and Timsons web presses to AMS Spectral UV’s LED UV ink technology successfully. However, the technology had not been perfected for higher-speed webs like the Manroland Goss that run north of 30,000 impressions per hour.
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Ahlstrom’s Cristal™ transparent paper transforms Maped’s eraser packaging to a more sustainable alternative

Ahlstrom, a leading manufacturer of innovative fiber-based materials, in collaboration with adapa, a leading supplier of flexible packaging solutions, and Maped, a prominent stationery brand, is proud to introduce a groundbreaking flowpack solution for eraser packaging. Ahlstrom’s Cristal™ base papers are an optimum solution for transparent packaging. By partnering with adapa and Maped, the three companies have developed fiber-based window packaging for a popular school supply – erasers.  "This collaboration between Ahlstrom, adapa, and Maped is an example of our shared dedication to sustainability and responsible business practices," said Guillaume Lavoue, Product Manager for Ahlstrom. “By offering a transparent paper alternative, we are empowering companies and consumers to find fiber-based alternatives for traditional plastic or film substrates without sacrificing functionality or aesthetics." 
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Billerud Interim report January–June 2023

The second quarter was challenging with all-time low sales volumes and with currency-neutral net sales declining by 18% compared to the same period last year. The largest sales decline was in North America due to the continued inventory destocking resulting in production curtailments. This, in combination with historically high fiber costs in Europe led to a weak result. By all indications, the blastomycosis outbreak at the Escanaba mill is behind us. Following a three-week idling and deep cleaning of the facilities, operations were successfully resumed on the 8th of May. We continue to work closely with local, state and federal health experts as they complete their analysis of the testing and sample collection at the mill. Results will be made publicly available in due course. The negative financial impact of the outage and the deep clean was SEK 85 million in the quarter. From the 1st of April, our financial results are reported according to a regional structure. Business conditions differ vastly between Europe and North America, even if the current situation of high inventories and destocking applies to both regions. Region Europe’s profitability deterioration in the second quarter was primarily due to all-time-high fiber cost and soft volumes. Region North America on the other hand delivered a comparatively healthy margin, despite an operating rate of 50-60%, thanks to our cost-leadership and tight cost control.
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Ask Congress to Stop Postage Hikes

Dear ACMA member or friend of the ACMA: Please play an important role by urging key Congressional committee members to intervene and stop Postmaster Louis DeJoy from continuing these punishing twice-a-year postal rate hikes. The July 9th increase was the third in the past 12 months. The action we're asking of you is fairly simple and easy, but requires two key steps: 1. The ACMA is a flagship member of the Keep Us Posted campaign, headed by former Kansas Congressman Kevin Yoder. Just use this platform to ask Congress to stop these rate hikes. 2. We have hand-selected you (and likely, a colleague or two from your company whom we also know) because your headquarters, your other facilities, or clusters of your employees are in districts of Congressional members who serve on the House Oversight Committee, the key committee that oversees the USPS. Please see the list below and use the Keep Us Posted letter as a template to write the appropriate representative separately from item 1 above. Send your letter by email to the contact listed below each Congressional member.
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Give your feedback on ST 1004: certification body requirements for sustainable forest management

PEFC invites stakeholders globally to give their feedback on the second draft of ST 1004, Requirements for Certification Bodies operating Certification against PEFC Endorsed Forest Management Standards. This is the second public consultation for this vital benchmark standard, with the first consultation concluding earlier this year in January. The working group developing the document discussed the feedback received during the first consultation and revised the draft standard accordingly. Thank you to everyone that gave their feedback during the first consultation, we have tried to address all the comments in this new draft. Now we need to hear from you again. Give your comments, feedback, and suggestions, to help us ensure this standard meets your needs and expectations.
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ATA Truck Tonnage Index Increased 2.1% in June

American Trucking Associations’ advanced seasonally adjusted (SA) For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index rose 2.1% in June after increasing 1.2% in May. In June, the index equaled 116.5 (2015=100) compared with 114.1 in May. “While the tonnage index increased in both May and June, it remains in recession territory,” said ATA Chief Economist Bob Costello. “The index continues to fall from a year earlier and is off 1.9% from its recent peak in September 2022. A multitude of factors have caused a recession in freight, including stagnant consumer spending on goods, lower home construction, falling factory output, and shippers consolidating freight into fewer shipments compared with the frenzy during the goods buying spree at the height of the pandemic. However, the magnitude of the year-over-year declines is improving, perhaps pointing to a bottom in the freight market.” Compared with June 2022, the SA index decreased 0.8%, which was the fourth straight year-over-year decrease. In May, the index was down 2.4% from a year earlier.
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REWE Challenged To Justify Their Decision To Remove Paper Flyers From Their Marketing

Two Sides has written to the German retail group REWE about making misleading statements concerning the environmental impact of print communications. Two Sides, the global organisation dedicated to promotion of the sustainability of print, paper and paper packaging, has written to REWE following the German retail group’s published decision to cease production of its weekly promotional paper flyers from 1st July 2023. In a press release published in July 2022, REWE stated that: “This will have a huge impact on the environment, climate, and the sustainable use of resources, saving more than 73,000 tonnes of paper, 70,000 tonnes of CO2, 1.1 million tonnes of water, and 380 million kWh of energy per year.” Two Sides believes that these statements are sensational and misleading in terms of their environmental claims and the statistics used.
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NOVA Chemicals Announces Company’s First Mechanical Recycling Facility, Operated by Novolex

NOVA Chemicals Corporation has made a significant expansion of its Circular Solutions business today by announcing an investment into developing its first mechanical recycling facility in Connersville, Ind. The facility will process post-consumer plastic films to produce the company’s SYNDIGO™ recycled polyethylene (rPE) at commercial scale as early as 2025, delivering over 100 million pounds of rPE to the market by 2026. NOVA Chemicals plans to expand its recycling footprint over the next several years to help it reach its industry-leading 2030 ambition of 30 per cent recycled content as a share of its total polyethylene sales. The company recently announced its 2030 Roadmap to Sustainability Leadership aspirations, including its anticipated investment of between US$2-4 billion by 2030 to expand its sustainable product offerings, decarbonize its assets, and build a state-of-the-art mechanical recycling business while exploring new advanced recycling technologies.
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Amcor launches AmFiber™ Performance Paper in Latin America

Amcor announced its AmFiber™ Performance Paper packaging is now available to customers in Latin America seeking a high barrier, recyclable paper-based packaging solution. Launched first for the confectionery market with cold seal, it has been recently expanded to include heat seal sachets for dry culinary and beverage applications, such as instant coffee, drink powders, spices, seasonings, and dried soups. With more than 80% paper fiber content and PVDC-free, this latest material innovation is recyclable, where a paper recycling stream exists. In addition to expanding its application to new product categories, Amcor has invested in manufacturing capacity to meet growing global demand for this kind of paper packaging, including an integrated a state-of-the-art production line in its Amcor Flexibles Alzira plant in Spain.
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Scott Pierquet Named CFO of the Year

Congratulations are in store for Scott Pierquet, who was named CFO of the Year by In Business magazine in the large business category. At the inaugural CFO of the Year Awards, In Business magazine celebrates top financial professionals for their role in their organizations' growth, vitality, and future in the Madison market. This award and honor for Scott could not be more well-deserved. Scott has been with Royle for the last 21 years, serving as the Director of Finance and, in 2022, was promoted to CFO.
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Sun Chemical Receives Silver Rating for Sustainability from EcoVadis

Sun Chemical received a silver rating for its sustainability efforts across all business units and regions from EcoVadis, the world’s largest provider of business sustainability ratings. The silver rating places Sun Chemical in the top 25 percent of rated companies within its business sector and was earned through EcoVadis’ assessment in four categories—environment, ethics, labor and human rights, and sustainable procurement. “Recognition from EcoVadis is an exciting milestone in Sun Chemical’s journey toward sustainability,” said Mike Simoni, Global Sustainability Director, Sun Chemical. “This award is a strong reflection of our dedication to improving eco-efficiency and providing industry advancements in sustainability as we work with DIC Corporation toward our goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.”
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Is Using Synthetic Paper More Eco-Friendly Than Lamination?

While the material and equipment costs of the traditional two-step lamination process were once a deterrent in choosing lamination over synthetic paper, the environmental impact of using lamination has arrived as the key detractor for choosing lamination as robust sustainability initiatives have become the norm across nearly every industry. This leaves end users and printers alike with an important question: Are there sustainable alternatives to traditional laminates that offer the same degree of substrate strength and protection? The short answer is yes, and, here, we’ll look at a couple of ways choosing sustainably manufactured synthetic paper can provide superior protection for your print media in a more eco-friendly way. Synthetic paper is manufactured to be 100% recyclable. While some laminates can be recycled and reused for other purposes, the process involves removing the laminate from the substrate, which is a time-consuming and costly process.
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Klabin innovates in the application of paperboard with packaging for the pet market

Imagine a paper vase, where a “grass” grows, made from popcorn, suitable for consumption by your pet and, even better, rich in fiber, nutrients and mineral salts . The innovation is already available in Brazil, authored by agronomist Márcio Alexandre, better known as “Dr. Plant”, and can already be found in pet shop chains across the country. To package the product, Klabin's KlaCup Natural Kraft® paperboard was chosen, which added sustainability to delivery and, once again, reinforced its versatility and efficiency. For this initiative, Klabin, the largest producer and exporter of paper for packaging and sustainable solutions in paper packaging in Brazil, innovated in the application of KlaCup Natural Kraft®, creating an ideal product for the preservation and commercialization of the content, which has, including , its cover produced in paper.
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Consumers Perceive Paper And Pulp Has Less Impact On Forests Than Other Industries

The recent research report from Two Sides Europe, the ‘Trend Tracker Survey 2023’, seeks to understand changing consumer perceptions towards print, paper and paper-based packaging, looking specifically at their environmental perceptions, reading habits, packaging preferences and attitudes towards tissue products. The print and paper industry is surrounded by myths, many of which are rooted in historical misconceptions about paper’s impact on forests. The need to bust these myths and raise awareness of paper’s sustainability is now more important than ever. When consumers were asked to rate several industries/activities and which they believe has the most impact on forests, paper and pulp came out as the least damaging.
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Huhtamaki invests for further growth in North America through the expansion of its factory in Paris, Texas

Huhtamaki, a leading global provider of sustainable packaging solutions for consumers around the world, is making a significant investment in its Paris, Texas facility in the U.S. The investment consists of an expansion of its manufacturing capacity as well as a consolidation of an external warehouse. The investment into production assets is approximately USD 30 million, and the warehouse and manufacturing facility will be leased. This will significantly increase the North America business segment’s capacity in folding cartons to support the growth of the Foodservice business. Production is expected to start ramping up in Q1 2025 and will be key to servicing the growth of existing customers and a growing list of up-and-coming customers throughout the Southern and Midwestern states. The Paris facility is uniquely positioned to meet the increased demand in the U.S. for more innovative and sustainable folding cartons which provide convenient, safe and hygienic food for busy consumers. The site is expected to employ up to 80 employees within the first three years.
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French forest certification system submitted for endorsement

The French Forest Certification System has been submitted to PEFC for assessment. The public consultation, which is your chance to give your feedback on this revised system, will run from 24 July to 21 September 2023. PEFC France revised the country’s national forest certification system following the entry into force of the revised 2018 PEFC Sustainable Forest Management standard. The revised French Forest Certification System also includes new Trees Outside Forests (TOF) requirements. TOF certification was one of the innovative developments of the 2018 PEFC Sustainable Forest Management standard.
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PRINTING United Alliance and Domtar Partner to Highlight Sustainability Program at Expo (

PRINTING United Alliance, the most comprehensive member-based printing and graphic arts association in North America, and Domtar, a leading provider of a wide variety of fiber-based products; announce that the two companies have partnered to launch a special sustainability program for PRINTING United Expo 2023. In this partnership, Domtar has committed to working with local small forest landowners to dedicate land to plant two trees for every registration made for the 2023 Expo, being held in Atlanta, Georgia, on October 18-20. Domtar will additionally highlight other sustainability initiatives, products, and services at its booth on the show floor where attendees can learn more. “Attending the latest Major American Trade Show Organizers (MATSO) meeting in Anaheim, CA, I was able to participate in a group discussion around sustainability and got to hear to what the other top Expos are doing in this space,” says Mark J. Subers, president, PRINTING United Expo. “As the printing and packaging industry, with great partners such as Domtar, we can take actionable steps to not only ensure we are following best practices, but to also be proactive. I’m thrilled that the team at Domtar is collaborating with the Alliance to drive this initiative forward.”
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Sylvamo Releases First Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Sylvamo is releasing its first environmental, social and governance (ESG) report, demonstrating its commitment to building a better future on the promise of paper. The report illustrates the company’s 2022 contributions to the circular, low-carbon economy while improving people’s lives where it does business. “We are excited to release our first report, which highlights our progress toward our 2030 goals,” said James McDonald, chief sustainability officer. “Our strategy will help Sylvamo remain a sustainable company that generates profits for our shareowners, protects the environment and improves people’s lives.”
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Mondi invests in FunctionalBarrier Paper Ultimate, an ultra-high barrier paper-based packaging solution

Mondi, a global leader in packaging and paper, is investing €16 million in new technology to produce a new packaging range called FunctionalBarrier Paper Ultimate. This ultra-high barrier paper-based solution for food meets growing customer demand for sustainable packaging that contributes to a circular economy. The new addition expands Mondi’s existing portfolio of FunctionalBarrier Papers providing high-barrier paper-based packaging for food products such as dried foods and powdered milk as well as for applications in the home and personal care industry. These products require packaging that offer protection from water vapour and oxygen and can ensure a long shelf life. The current industry standards to achieve this level of barrier protection are unrecyclable solutions made of plastic or lined with aluminium. Mondi’s FunctionalBarrier Paper Ultimate range is designed to be recyclable in paper waste streams across Europe while providing the necessary product protection.
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Postal Service Begins FY23 Fourth Quarter with Steady Delivery Performance

FY23 fourth quarter service performance scores covering July 1 through July 7, included: *First-Class Mail: 92.5 percent of First-Class Mail delivered on time against the USPS service standard, consistent with performance from the fiscal third quarter. *Marketing Mail: 95.6 percent of Marketing Mail delivered on time against the USPS service standard, consistent with performance from the fiscal third quarter. *Periodicals: 87.9 percent of Periodicals delivered on time against the USPS service standard, consistent with performance from fiscal third quarter.
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Tentative deal reached in Canadian port strike (

The strike that hit the Western Canada ports, including the country’s largest, the Port of Vancouver, has ended after the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Canada and waterfront employers reached a deal on a tentative four-year contract, reported Reuters. The agreement still needs to be ratified by both sides. The walkout started on July 1 when roughly 7,500 dock workers represented by the ILWU walked off the job after failing to reach a new contract.
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The Bestselling Books of 2023 (So Far) (

In the U.K., Harry Sussex is a prince and a duke. In the U.S., he’s the lord regent of the bestseller list, with his blockbuster Spare—written with J.R. Moehringer—selling nearly 1.2 million copies and taking the crown for top-selling title of the first half of this year at outlets that report to Circana BookScan. But Colleen Hoover remains the bestselling queen. Seven of the writer’s works make up one-third of the top 20 adult titles of the year to date, and are nearing the four million mark in combined sales. If anyone is to get the credit for shaping this bestseller list, however, it’s the young people on TikTok. In addition to Hoover, Bonnie Garmus, Emily Henry, and Taylor Jenkins Reid all hit the list thanks at least in part to online fervor, with Reid reaching it twice with two backlist titles, BookTok favorite The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and 2019’s Daisy Jones & the Six, the latter helped into the top 20 by the TV adaptation that hit Amazon Prime in March.
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The first premium wine bottle made from 100% recycled PET released in the United States

Amcor Rigid Packaging (ARP) is excited to partner with Ron Rubin Winery for the launch of BLUE BIN, the first premium wine packaged in a 750mL bottle made from 100% recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET) plastic. PET allows BLUE BIN’s bottles to have several environmental advantages when compared to traditional wine packaging, including a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, global warming, and other environmental impacts. Additionally, PET wine bottles are lighter and shatterproof, allowing wine enthusiasts to enjoy BLUE BIN at places they previously may not have been able to, including at the beach, by the pool, camping and other outdoor activities.
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RRD Report: Amid Steadying Supply Chains and eCommerce Demands, Brands Make Meaningful Strides in Sustainability

R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company released its 2023 (Un)Packaging Reality Report, revealing how brands navigated last year’s market pressures and shortages to ease certain supply chain challenges and meet eCommerce demands. The second edition of RRD’s annual report now includes complementary input from label decision makers, in addition to the original audience of packaging decision makers. According to the report, those citing product-related concerns dropped to 20% from the previous 34% while concerns surrounding packaging materials and transportation also mellowed. Meanwhile, eCommerce orders rose for 60% of respondents. Despite this challenging environment, 77% claimed their organizations moved closer to sustainability goals.
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Billerud divests Managed Packaging to Mimir Group

Billerud has agreed with the investment company Mimir Group about a divestment of Managed Packaging, which offers packaging solutions to global brand owners. The transaction is expected to be completed during August 2023. The intention to divest the business unit Managed Packaging is a consequence of Billerud’s focus on packaging materials, which means a reduced strategic importance of service offerings. The sale will reduce complexity and positively impact Billerud's EBITDA margin.
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Norske Skog: Successful launch of packaging paper production and good cash flow from operations in weaker markets

Norske Skog’s EBITDA in the second quarter of 2023 was NOK 380 million, a decrease from NOK 675 million in the first quarter of 2023. The main driver for the lower second quarter EBITDA was lower publication paper sales prices. The cash flow from operations in the quarter was NOK 353 million. During the second quarter Norske Skog entered the packaging paper market with a successful production start-up of Bruck PM3, and the first rolls of packaging paper delivered to customers. The rockslide at Norske Skog Saugbrugs will likely keep the paper machine PM6 out of the publication paper market through the first half of 2024. An insurance compensation for business interruption is therefore recognized in the second quarter results. The start-up of the Golbey conversion project is postponed to the second quarter of 2024. Despite the rockslide at Norske Skog Saugbrugs and weakened demand in all segments in the quarter, we have managed to maintain high sales volumes, healthy profitability and a strong financial position.
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Vietnam gains new FSC Interim Forest Stewardship Standard for Non-Timber Forest Products

The FSC Interim Forest Stewardship Standard (IFSS) for Non- Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) for Vietnam has been published. Organizations can now certify their NTFPs, supporting the promotion of responsible forestry around the world by ensuring social responsibility, environmental protection, and economic sustainability. In Vietnam, NTFPs including bamboo, rattan, bamboo shoots, edible plant, fruit, and herbal plants carry good potential for organizations and communities to generate additional income from forest resources; especially for natural forests over which a logging ban has been put years ago. Thus, NTFP utilization can have many positive impacts on rural livelihood. The rubber sector in Vietnam includes both larger corporate forests and plantations managed by smallholders. This standard will help to remove bottlenecks and boost the supply of FSC certified NTFPs such as bamboo, rattan, oil from community/ natural forests, and latex from rubber plantations which are increasing in demand in Vietnam, thereby supporting sustainable forest management.
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Introducing USPS Ground Advantage

The Postal Service announced the launch of its new shipping offering, USPS Ground Advantage. The enhanced ground solution provides a simple, reliable, and more affordable way to ship packages in two-to-five business days across the continental United States. “USPS Ground Advantage is a game changer – for our customers, the industry and USPS. By efficiently and effectively integrating our ground transportation model to the magnificence of our last mile delivery operations, we can now offer the most compelling ground shipping offering in the market,” said Louis DeJoy, United States Postmaster General and CEO. “With USPS Ground Advantage, we are ready to compete for an increased share of the growing package business.” USPS Ground Advantage provides America’s businesses and the public with a compelling new ground shipping option leveraging USPS’ unparalleled last-mile delivery route system and improving integrated mail and package postal logistics network. With the product’s launch, USPS is retiring three offerings: USPS Retail Ground, USPS Parcel Select Ground and USPS First-Class Package Service as well as Ground Returns and First-Class Package Return Service.
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Grainger Releases 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report

Grainger announced the release of its 2023 Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Report on The report, which covers the fiscal year that ended Dec. 31, 2022, highlights how Grainger's purpose-driven culture directly supports its ESG initiatives. The report also emphasizes Grainger's focus on four key priorities: Customer Sustainability Solutions, Supplier Diversity, Energy and Emissions, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI).
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Pixelle Launches New Portfolio Of Barrier Papers As A Sustainable Replacement To Single Use Plastic Packaging

Pixelle Specialty Solutions announced the launch of its new ARMOR™ brand of barrier paper solutions, featuring FlexArmor™ for uncoated applications and SelectArmor™ with a coated surface for enhanced printability. The barrier papers portfolio features a wide range of capabilities from oxygen, aroma, and mineral oil barriers to chocolate, OGR and moisture vapor barriers among several others. Barriers can be applied individually or layered to enhance packaging performance. “The ARMOR™ portfolio is supported by a team of engineers across multiple mill locations who can tailor a solution to meet specific performance requirements,” said Bob van Helden, Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing. “For those with a more standard packaging application, Pixelle offers preengineered, off-the-shelf solutions that are available today,” said van Helden. FlexArmor™ and SelectArmor™ are PFAS-Free and plastic free. Both product lines are available as FDA-approved for direct and indirect food contact. Basis weights range from 20lb. to 150lb. with functional one-side (F1S) and functional two-side (F2S) performance options. Wet strength is available along with bleached and unbleached options.
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Heinzel Group entrusts ANDRITZ with paper machine conversion for sustainable packaging paper production at Steyrermühl, Austria

ANDRITZ will convert the idled paper machine PM3 at Steyrermühl mill in Austria to produce kraft papers for sustainable flexible packaging. The machine previously produced graphic paper for UPM. The conversion project has been launched by the Heinzel Group, which will take over the Steyrermühl mill from UPM by January 1, 2024. Once rebuilt by ANDRITZ, the paper machine (then PM6) will produce up to 150,000 tons of brown and white low-basis weight kraft paper per year to be sold under the Heinzel Group’s well-established StarKraft brand. The paper will be used for shopper bags, pouches, and other flexible packaging products. Werner Hartmann, COO of Heinzel Pöls, says: “With this investment, StarKraft will become one of the world’s leading brands for bleached and unbleached kraft paper. ANDRITZ PrimeLine technology is already successfully operating at our Pöls and Laakirchen mills. The current rebuild by ANDRITZ will help us expand our product portfolio for sustainable packaging.”
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Fire on grounds of Port Alberni mill extinguished; wind-blown embers caused spot fires

Fire crews from Port Alberni, Cherry Creek, Beaver Creek and Sproat Lake fire departments took hours to put out a fire in the Paper Excellence Catalyst paper mill in Port Alberni on Friday. Just before 3 p.m., 911 dispatch informed the Port Alberni Fire Department that a barge carrying hog fuel — unrefined wood byproduct used in biomass burners and construction — was on fire. Port Alberni Deputy Fire Chief Wes Patterson said that the majority of the fire was initially contained to a conveyor belt system used to unload the barge with hog fuel. “As the wind picked up, as it usually does in the afternoon in the Port Alberni inlet, it started to blow these embers onto the land and started to cause spot fires,” Patterson said..
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Lane Press Invests in New UV Inkjet Addressing System

Lane Press is pleased to announce to its customers and the magazine publishing industry that it has upgraded its inkjet bindery line to the new CME HAWK M7 4.25-inch head UV inkjet addressing system provided by Capital Mailing Equipment. This upgrade will enable Lane Press to offer its customers even more coverage options for addressing as well as increased speed and efficiency. The new CME HAWK M7 inkjet addressing system is a state-of-the-art technology that combines high-speed printing with advanced UV curing and addressing capabilities. The system’s UV curing technology enables faster drying times. Using multiple head combinations, the CME HAWK M7 can print variable addressing information in any direction on a wide range of substrates. “The CME HAWK M7 increases the speed of production in our bindery,” says Chris Armstrong, Executive Vice President. “As such, the system helps to support Lane’s plans for growth. Maintaining high quality while increasing capacity and production speed is our goal, and the CME HAWK M7 is an investment that helps us achieve it.”
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USPS Ends Third Quarter FY23 with an Average of 2.5 Days to Deliver

The United States Postal Service reported new delivery performance metrics for the thirteenth week of the third quarter for fiscal year 2023 showing improved delivery performance across all mail categories. The average time for the Postal Service to deliver a mailpiece or package across the nation was 2.5 days. FY23 third quarter service performance scores covering April 1 through June 30, included: *First-Class Mail: 92.4% of First-Class Mail delivered on time against the USPS service standard, an increase of 1.4 percentage points from the fiscal second quarter. *Marketing Mail: 95.9% of Marketing Mail delivered on time against the USPS service standard, an increase of 1.3 percentage points from the fiscal second quarter. *Periodicals: 88.6% of Periodicals delivered on time against the USPS service standard, an increase of 2.1 percentage points from the fiscal second quarter.
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Labor disputes in U.S., Canada could disrupt supply chain ops (

While a tentative contract agreement has been reached at West Coast ports, that doesn’t mean supply chain disruptions are over. Retailers are closely following labor disputes at ports in western Canada and a potential Teamsters strike against United Parcel Service. In Canada, workers are on strike at two of the country’s busiest ports: the Port of Vancouver and the Port of Prince Rupert. The walkout started on July 1. Here at home, the Teamsters Union and UPS last week accused each other of abandoning labor negotiations which are aimed at averting what would be the largest strike in the U.S. since the 1950s.
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Sappi starts consultation process on possible closure of the Stockstadt mill (

After failed attempts to sell the Stockstadt site, Sappi decided launch consultations on the future of the fine paper mill. On 14 April 2023 Sappi announced that the negotiations to sell its Stockstadt, Germany; Maastricht, The Netherlands; and Kirkniemi, Finland, mills could not be completed and the sale had lapsed. Sappi Stockstadt is an integrated pulp and paper mill producing 145,000 tpy of pulp which is converted to 220,000 tpy of coated and uncoated woodfree paper mainly sold into the European print market.
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Schumann Printers in the Running for 2023 Family Business of the Year Award

The spirit of family-owned businesses is the heart of Wisconsin's vibrant economy, a testament to resilience, innovation, and shared values passed from generation to generation. The Wisconsin Family Business of the Year award recognizes this extraordinary spirit, shining a spotlight on the positive impacts that family businesses bring to their communities and the state's economy. Since its inception in 2004, the award program has recognized over 100 family-owned businesses, each unique, but all united in their commitment to community, innovation, and the enduring values of family enterprise. To be included among these outstanding businesses is an immense honor that highlights the exceptional journey of SPI. Being nominated for the 2023 Wisconsin Family Business of the Year award is a testament to our dedicated team that works tirelessly to uphold our founding principles.
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Hinton Pulp mill acquisition supports growth in Mondi’s Americas paper bags business

Mondi plc has agreed to acquire the 250,000 tonne per annum Hinton Pulp mill in Alberta, Canada, from West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd (West Fraser) for a total consideration of USD 5 million. As part of the transaction, Mondi will enter into a long-term partnership with West Fraser to access local, high-quality fibre from a well-established wood basket. The intention, subject to pre-engineering and permitting, is to invest €400 million in the expansion of Hinton, primarily for a new 200,000 tonne per annum kraft paper machine, anticipated to be operational from the second half of 2027. The acquisition of the mill, and investment in the paper machine, will fully integrate operations in the Americas and enable Mondi to secure the long-term supply of high quality, cost competitive kraft paper into its network of 10 paper bags plants in the region, better positioning Mondi to support the growing market demand for industrial and mailer bags.
Read More Acquires Wiley’s Tuition Manager Business, a leading education assistance benefits provider, has acquired Wiley’s (NYSE: WLY) Tuition Manager business, which enables employers to offer a range of tuition assistance benefits to their workforces. Terms are undisclosed. The acquisition is the culmination of a successful relationship between, Wiley and HostedHR dating back more than four years. It continues’s growth as a leading Education Assistance service provider, allowing Tuition Manager customers to take full advantage of’s modern, highly configurable and customizable platform to offer a wide range of differentiated benefits to their workforces.
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ATA Statement on CARB Clean Truck Partnership

American Trucking Associations President and CEO Chris Spear issued the following statement about the California Air Resources Board’s new Clean Truck Partnership: “We’ve long advocated for a single, national standard that respects and preserves interstate commerce. However, the trucking industry shouldn’t be strong armed by the government into an agreement with such terms. “Our association represents motor carrier members – the paying customers who will inherit the costs of this agreement – and we will not roll over nor relinquish our right to litigate with any party when our interests are threatened. It is clear that America has lost its way when the government bullies the private sector to succumb to unachievable timelines, targets and technologies.”
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Crown’s Sustainable Beverage Cans Help Convey Health and Freshness for New Mineral Water Line From Socorro Bebidas

Brazilian beverage producer Socorro Bebidas (Socorro) has expanded its partnership with Crown Embalagens Metálicas da Amazônia S.A., a subsidiary of Crown Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CCK) (Crown) (, to launch Acquíssima Sabor flavored mineral water in 350ml (12oz) CrownSleek cans. The premium zero-calorie drink features natural aromas, offering a health-conscious alternative for consumers to stay hydrated and incorporate key nutrients into their daily diets. The line made its debut with two flavors, Lychee and Green Apple, and is currently available in Acquíssima stores, restaurants and supermarkets in Brazil. Socorro also previously utilized CrownSleek cans to package its Acquíssima mineral water brand, its first entry into the water market. Total canned water volume in Brazil has increased by nearly 7x between 2021 and 2022, demonstrating a growing trend in the region for water packaged in aluminum and a continued shift away from tap and bulk water. When considering the package format for the brand, Socorro knew it needed to help convey the refreshing and health-conscious nature of the beverage, while also delivering on sustainability. The inherent properties of metal packaging, including providing a powerful barrier against light and oxygen, helps maintain the product's freshness. Aluminum beverage cans are also infinitely recyclable and are the most recycled beverage package in the world. These characteristics resonate with Brazilian consumers, who have recently helped drive the country's recycling rate for aluminum beverage cans to an astounding 100%.
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Investing to secure the supply of PCR

The plastic recycling capacity in Europe is growing according to a recent study made by Plastic Recyclers Europe and is expected to continue growing with the coming legislation on packaging as a key driver. The demand for PCR (Post-Consumer Recyclates) material is expected to increase significantly and Trioworld is investing heavily to meet the demand and secure the supply of PCR for our customers. The study from PRE shows that plastic recycling capacity grew 8 % between 2018 to 2020 alongside considerable improvements in collection, sorting and recycling leading to a growing uptake in a wider range of end applications. “In 2022, Trioworld decided to invest more than 50 million EUR in expanding our recycling capabilities. Investments that will make it possible to supply high-quality post-consumer recycled material to stretch film”, says Oskar Karlsson, CPO and VP Sustainability at Trioworld Group.
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Norske Skog Skogn chooses ANDRITZ for a tailor-made mechanical pulping solution

International technology group ANDRITZ received an order from Norske Skog Skogn to supply a thermomechanical pulping (TMP) line for its newsprint mill in Levanger, Norway. The ANDRITZ solution combines secondhand and new equipment to provide a customized package that precisely fits the local conditions. The new line will allow Norske Skog Skogn to change its raw material mix and thus reduce variable costs and the environmental impact of its operations, in particular NOx emissions, fossil CO2 emissions, and landfilled waste.
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Lecta publishes its first Sustainability Report

Lecta presents its first Sustainability Report integrating the three essential areas – environmental, social and governance – used to assess the sustainable performance of organizations. In 2022, Lecta formalized a complete ESG strategy as a key pillar of its long-term corporate activities, and in this first 2022 Sustainability Report it specifies the most relevant aspects and ambitious improvement objectives with a view to the 2030 Agenda. Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are also well defined in order to measure our continuous progress in this commitment. "We have been working for a long time on sustainability issues, and we have now formulated clear targets and our roadmap toward 2030," states Gilles Van Nieuwenhuyzen, CEO of Lecta.
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Mondi’s TankerBox Revolutionises Sustainable Shipping for Aromsa’s Flavourful Products

Industry-leading Turkish flavour company Aromsa, whose products include sauces, toppings, extracts and seasonings, was faced with a challenge. The company was fully committed to its sustainability strategy, but it had also started to work with a new customer who wanted to use stainless-steel containers for shipping. This would require an investment into approximately 250 stainless-steel containers, which is a costly packaging solution. In addition to high price, there are also the logistical costs of storage and maintenance, washing and sterilising the containers. Mondi was invited to develop an alternative solution and proposed the TankerBox which Aromsa trialled on their production line. After a few months of close collaboration and innovation at the Aromsa facilities, the TankerBox was ready for Aromsa’s commercial use. Produced from corrugated cardboard and developed as a substitute for the traditional Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) and metal barrel, the TankerBox is an innovative product and a more sustainable solution. Its patented design consists of 5 parts: an outer box, inner octabin, angle frame, bottom star and top cover pieces.
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The first FSC Interim Forest Stewardship Standard for Slovenia Published

The new FSC Interim Forest Stewardship Standard (IFSS) for Slovenia has been published and becomes effective from 01 October 2023. Forest Stewardship Standards (FSS) are the key mechanism to transfer FSC’s Principles & Criteria into forest management on the ground. They are FSC‘s tool to promote responsible forestry around the world, by ensuring social responsibility, environmental protection, and economic sustainability. The process for developing the IFSS for Slovenia included consultations with various stakeholders, reaching a consensus with social, environmental, and economic interests. An additional public consultation of the HCV Framework was conducted to raise awareness in interested parties on this process, and to organize open discussion on key changes. Relevant comments were incorporated into HCV Framework draft, and one representative of environmental interests said: "It is the first time that the protection of sacred natural sites in Slovenia is mentioned in this kind of document."
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The Importance of Paper in Learning and Literacy

Over the last two decades, technology has become part of almost every facet of our lives. The expansion of broadband, smartphones and portable technology has changed how we communicate, access information, work and learn. While many of these changes are positive, there is growing evidence that this isn’t always the case. In recent years, there has been a gradual shift away from paper-based learning materials in schools toward digital and online tools. This shift accelerated rapidly during the pandemic when almost all schools moved lessons online. Research has shown that this increasing reliance on digital methods and resources may be negatively affecting the ability of students to learn and remember information. There is also growing concern about the impact of digital technology on mental and physical health. A 2018 meta analysis examined 54 studies involving more than 171,000 readers that compared reading from digital text with reading from printed text. The analysis found that comprehension was better overall when people read printed as opposed to digital texts.
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Material recycling is key in reaching net zero emissions by 2050

Today, too much plastic waste ends up in incineration or landfill in the EU instead of being recycled back into new products. According to the latest statistics, 35% of post-consumer plastic waste went to recycling, 42% to energy recovery and 23% to landfill in 2020*. High-quality recycling of plastics is an important contributor to our climate goals both at the EU level, within member states and for companies. Together with our customers, we at Trioworld can increase the amount of plastic waste going to recycling. The goal for the EU is to be climate neutral by 2050 to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement. The transition to a climate-neutral society, with net zero emissions of greenhouse gases, is both an urgent challenge and an opportunity to build a better future. The strategy to reach this objective is called the European Green Deal and one essential aspect is the new circular economy action plan. A new regulation is now being negotiated stating that all packaging on the EU market needs to be reusable or recyclable in an economically viable manner by 2030. This regulation will also come with requirements for the amount of recycled plastic allowed within the packaging.
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Keep US Posted Warns About Impact of Another Postal Rate Hike on July 9 (

Keep US Posted — a nonprofit advocacy group of consumers, nonprofits, newspapers, greeting card publishers, magazines, catalogs and small businesses — is warning Americans that stamp prices are set to increase on July 9 for the second time in 2023, and cautioning that if such unprecedented and excessive postage increases continue, Americans could be facing a government bailout of the U.S. Postal Service. The July increase marks the third such increase in 12 months — the most mailing rates have increased during the U.S. Postal Service’s 247-year history. Yoder continued, “DeJoy’s stated intent has been to use stamp increases to bring in additional revenue, yet each hike drives down mail demand at a progressively faster rate and increases internal costs, meaning less revenue for USPS, no matter how much more a stamp costs. The result is additional strain on the system. Congress passed bipartisan postal reform in 2022 intending to prevent these excessive postage increases by bringing financial solvency to the Postal Service but USPS, under DeJoy’s leadership, has plowed ahead with pre-planned stamp increases, which will continue every six months. The American people need Congress to step in now and bring additional oversight to the USPS rate strategy, otherwise we could be looking at a situation where a federal bailout is necessary."
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Ahlstrom’s non-heat sealable tea filter product portfolio receives home compostability certification

Ahlstrom, a leading sustainable specialty materials company, takes another step in becoming the market leader in sustainable and plastic-free solutions with a non-heat sealable tea filter range, which has received certification for home compostability according to OK Compost from TÜV Austria. This certification gives customers assurance that non-heat sealable tea filter papers RegTea Green and RegTea TrulyNatural® ranges will biodegrade in home composting conditions, leaving behind no toxic residue or microplastics. These products can help Ahlstrom customers, whether converters or brand owners, to achieve their own sustainability goals.
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Solenis Completes Acquisition of Diversey for $4.6 Billion

Solenis, a leading manufacturer of specialty chemicals used in water-intensive industries, has completed its previously announced acquisition of Diversey Holdings, Ltd., effective July 5, in an all-cash transaction valued at an enterprise value of approximately $4.6 billion. Diversey is a leading provider of hygiene, infection prevention and cleaning products and technology. With the acquisition, Solenis has grown to an enterprise operating in over 130 countries with 71 manufacturing facilities and more than 15,000 employees. Headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware, Solenis was acquired by Platinum Equity in 2021. Bain Capital, the majority shareholder of Diversey, will hold a minority stake in Solenis as a result of this transaction.
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Atlantic Packaging Named Business Conservationist of the Year

The North Carolina Wildlife Federation has announced the 59th Annual Governor’s Conservation Achievement Award recipients- naming Atlantic Packaging as the Business Conservationist of the Year. The NCWF is dedicated to protecting, conserving, and restoring North Carolina wildlife and habitat and have been doing so for the past 78 years. They founded the Governor’s Conservation Achievement awards in order to recognize and honor those individuals and organizations with a strong commitment to protecting and conserving wildlife in NC. Atlantic Packaging actively engages its 800 employees across North Carolina in conservation efforts, providing sustainability and conservation education to inspire more sustainable practices both at work and at home. As a leader in sustainable packaging, their influence extends to cities like Charlotte, Greensboro, and Wilmington, where they collaborate with local organizations to promote environmentally conscious practices during major events and contribute to coastal beautification. Through partnerships, investments, and outreach efforts, Atlantic Packaging impacts conservation initiatives, fostering positive change in North Carolina and beyond.
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Rottneros Secures Long-term Renewable Energy Agreement

Rottneros has entered into a long-term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) including Guarantees of Origin (GoOs) with the third largest German energy group Energie Baden-Württemberg (EnBW). The utility will supply Rottneros with just over 30 GWh/annum of clean energy delivered from the 116 MW Målarberget wind farm in Sweden over an 8.5-year period starting in 2025. The partnership marks an additional step in Rottneros’ ambitions to reduce the environmental impact of its operations and its exposure to the volatile and uncertain electricity market. Rottneros’ goal is a fossil-free production according to GHG Scope 1 & 2 by 2030. The emissions from Rottneros’ operations come mainly from its external purchase of electricity, which is also their third largest variable cost item. In addition to helping Rottneros meet its climate targets, long-term PPAs are part of the company’s active work to reduce its long-term exposure to electricity price movements.
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Klabin advances in the sustainable management of forest areas in Santa Catarina

Present in Santa Catarina for over 50 years, Klabin remains committed to promoting environmentally responsible actions that contribute to the sustainable development of the region. The results of the Company's effort can be seen in the 2023 Public Summary of Klabin's Forest Management Plan in the state, now available to society at the link. The document brings important evolutionary data on the forestry management adopted by the company, as well as on the environmental education actions implemented by the company. According to the material, Klabin's forestry base reached 141 thousand hectares, distributed in 44 municipalities in Santa Catarina, in the West, Middle West, Serra Catarinense, North and Alto Vale regions, in addition to the Northeast, Center Northeast and East of Rio Great South. The Company also has forests in Paraná and São Paulo, with information available in separate documents.
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Paper Excellence again voted one of Corporate Knights Best 50 Corporate Citizens

Paper Excellence Canada today announced it has once again been voted one of Canada’s 2022 Best 50 corporate citizens by Corporate Knights. Paper Excellence Canada is a diversified manufacturer of pulp and paper, including printing and writing, packaging, and specialty papers. The Best 50 award is judged using key performance indicators that relate to the organization’s raw resource use, emissions profile, social performance, safety performance, and percentage of revenue from clean sources. “We continue to be proud of our long association with Corporate Knights and their Best 50 program. Our sustainability report, Forward Focused: 2022 Sustainability Report, was just published last week and I encourage anyone interested in Paper Excellence Canada to read it,” said Graham Kissack, Vice President, Environment, Health & Safety and Corporate Communications.
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UPM sells the recovered paper sorting plant ASK Kinsau in Germany

UPM has signed an agreement on the sale of the recovered paper sorting plant ASK Kinsau in Germany to the Fisel Holding GmbH & Co. KG, a recovered logistics and municipal waste disposal company. The sale and purchase agreement includes the site and buildings. The parties have agreed not to disclose the purchase price. All employees of ASK Kinsau will be transferred to the new owner. “We are pleased, having found a long-term oriented and innovative buyer for the Kinsau site. The Fisel Group has a high level of expertise in handling recovered paper. As an integral part of this recycling company the sorting facilities could be better developed and optimized,” says Marco Kulterer, responsible for RCP Supply Chain & Operations at UPM Sourcing.
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Lee Enterprises Unloads Some Midwestern Publications (

Greg Hoskins’ Better Newspapers Inc. has acquired the Park Hills Daily Journal (Missouri), Fredericktown Democrat News, Farmington Press and Advantage (Michigan) from Lee Enterprises, Terms were not disclosed. “I am happy to now include The Park Hills Daily Journal, Democrat News, Farmington Press and Advantage as part of our growing, premium newspaper company,” says Greg Hoskins, Publisher at Better Newspapers. Hoskins pledges “a heightened amount of news content, with an emphasis on increasing local news.”
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Husum mill prepares to start up expanded BM1 this autumn

Metsä Board’s folding boxboard capacity expansion at its Husum mill in Sweden is reaching its final phases before start-up. Once the expansion is completed, the mill’s BM1 folding boxboard machine will be delivering 600,000 tonnes of premium lightweight folding boxboard every year to consumer packaging and food service end uses all around the world. The extended BM1 is expected to start up during the second half of 2023 and to reach full capacity by the end of 2025, but the machine extension is only part of this impressive project. “The most important outcome of this project for our customers will be the increased availability of sustainable, lightweight products that help reduce packaging carbon footprint,” says Jonas Adler, Product Manager for Folding Boxboard at Husum. “BM1 produces MetsäBoard Pro FBB Bright, MetsäBoard Natural FBB, MetsäBoard Pro FSB Cup and MetsäBoard Natural FSB Cup products. Nothing will change in the recipes of these popular and trusted products, it’s just that there will be more available and they’ll be produced in an even more consistent, predictable and sustainable manner,” he highlights.
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Mondi completes sale of three Russian converting operations

Following the announcement on 15 December 2022 of the agreement to sell its three Russian packaging converting operations to the Gotek Group for a total consideration of RUB 1.6bn, Mondi plc (“Mondi”) confirms that Gotek Group received all requisite approvals and the sale has now completed. Mondi has received net proceeds of €30.4m from this disposal into its Austrian bank account. The net proceeds from the sale of all our Russian assets will be distributed to shareholders as soon as reasonably practicable following receipt, once our exit from Russia has been completed.
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Making a Sustainable Impact: Tronox Teams Plant Thousands of Trees in Australia

We’re thrilled to share the success of our recent tree-planting initiatives in Australia. In May, our Southern Operations colleagues joined forces with various organizations, including the Busselton-Dunsborough Environment Centre, to plant over 1,000 native seedlings near our Wonnerup Mine. Together, we built protective fencing to ensure the saplings’ growth. Continuing our commitment to environmental stewardship, a dedicated crew of 70 employees and their families, including visitors from the U.S., gathered at our Northern Operations. Over the course of the day, we planted a remarkable 8,500 seedlings along the Yalyal Brook, significantly contributing to the restoration efforts. We partnered with the Chittering Landcare Center for the 22nd consecutive year, resulting in an incredible 170,000 trees planted thus far.
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Average Delivery Time Across Postal Service Network Remains Steady

FY23 third quarter service performance scores covering April 1 through June 23, included: *First-Class Mail: 92.4% of First-Class Mail delivered on time against the USPS service standard, an increase of 1.4 percentage points from the fiscal second quarter. *Marketing Mail: 95.8% of Marketing Mail delivered on time against the USPS service standard, an increase of 1.3 percentage points from the fiscal second quarter. *Periodicals: 88.8% of Periodicals delivered on time against the USPS service standard, an increase of 2.3 percentage points from the fiscal second quarter.
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HMH’s Math 180 Endorsed by Council of Administrators of Special Education

Learning technology company HMH today announced that Math 180, its intensive math intervention solution, has received an endorsement from the Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE). CASE is an international professional organization that provides leadership to advance the field of special education through professional learning, policy and advocacy. Math 180, known for its proven, research-based intervention that works in core and dedicated intervention classrooms, received the official CASE endorsement after following an extensive review process by its Product Review Committee (PRC). The PRC uses an in-depth rubric to ensure that the solution meets or exceeds criteria that includes the fidelity of the product, professional development support, accessibility, organizational/technical requirements, evidence of the research base, product, and quality of the research along with satisfaction data advocated by CASE.
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Stora Enso collaborates to make 100% fossil-free construction boards and elements

Today, binders are largely based on components of fossil origin. Stora Enso has created a binder, NeoLigno® by Stora Enso - Bio-based materials | Stora Enso NeoLigno® by Stora Enso, which is made of bio-based materials. Stora Enso together with RISE, IsoTimber, and Moelven, have proven that the bio-based binder works in construction elements on industrial scale, making them 100% fossil-free. NeoLigno® by Stora Enso is a binder made from lignin, which is an organic polymer present in all land-living plants, such as trees. Lignin is the natural binder in wood, it keeps the fibers together and protects the material from rotting. NeoLigno® is bio-based and free from formaldehyde and isocyanate. For two and a half years, Stora Enso, RISE, IsoTimber, and Moelven have worked together in a project with the aim to produce fossil-free construction boards and elements.
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Berry Commits to Achieve Net-Zero Emissions Across its Global Operations and Value Chain by 2050

“Reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 is critical to avoiding the most catastrophic environmental, social, and economic impacts of climate change,” said Tom Salmon, CEO and Chairman of the Board at Berry Global. “As a global plastic packaging leader, we have a responsibility to protect the environment by minimizing the impact of our products, operations, and value chain as well as our business by limiting the exposure of our operations and supply chain to climate risk.” Achieving net-zero GHG emissions will require a range of solutions across Berry’s broad geographic footprint and diverse portfolio of converting and decorating technologies. Emissions reduction strategies primarily fall under three categories: *Circular plastics: drive circularity and reduce GHG emissions by moving away from virgin, fossil fuel-based plastic and using lighter weight, less carbon-intensive, circular materials, including recycled plastics and bio-based plastics made from renewable resources, like used cooking oil *Value-chain engagement: because most of the company’s value-chain emissions come from purchased goods and services, work with customers to develop lower-carbon solutions and suppliers to provide lower-carbon materials and services *Cleaner energy: increase investment in renewable energy to decrease use of fossil fuels, minimize the environmental impact of energy sources vital to manufacturing, continually improve energy efficiency to reduce overall energy dependence, and take steps to electrify processes within operations that consume gas and fuel
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USA TODAY Best-selling Booklist Returns

USA TODAY announced the return of its Best-selling Booklist featuring expanded content, the ability to filter by genre, updated tools to enable data collection as well as new partnerships that support independent booksellers across the country in USA TODAY Network markets. “USA TODAY Best-selling Booklist is back, and we couldn’t be more thrilled because this content is important to our vast audience and uniquely supports the communities we serve,” said Kristin Roberts, Gannett Media Chief Content Officer. “Readers, authors, publishers, booksellers and those who cherish books can experience our data driven best-sellers list again.” USA TODAY's Best-selling Booklist, a leading force in the market since 1993, ranks the 150 top-selling book titles weekly based exclusively on sales analysis from U.S. booksellers including bookstore chains, independent bookstores, mass merchandisers and online retailers.
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Search Under Fire: Publishers Eye Coalition To Address Generative AI (

Search engines are once again under fire from some of the top news publishers. The New York Times, News Corp, and IAC are among the companies that are discussing the formation of a coalition to address how generative artificial intelligence (GAI) will impact advertising, websites, search, content, and more. Other publishing giants involved include Vox Media, Advance, and Axel Springer, according to The Wall Street Journal, which cited people familiar with the matter. And while a coalition might not be formed, the challenge is on the mind of publishing executives and company lawyers attempting to secure copyrights and intellectual property rights for content.
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PRC Analyzes USPS FY 2022 Performance Report and FY 2023 Performance Plan

Overall, the Commission’s report provides an in-depth analysis and several recommendations regarding each of the Postal Service’s four performance goals: *The Postal Service partially met the High-Quality Service performance goal because it met seven of the eight targets for the High-Quality Service performance indicators. In FY 2022, the Postal Service failed to meet its target for Single-Piece First-Class Mail, 3-5-Day. *The Postal Service partially met the Excellent Customer Experience performance goal because it exceeded targets for three performance indicators (Business Service Network, Customer Care Center, and but missed targets for five other performance indicators. *The Postal Service partially met the Safe Workplace and Engaged Workforce performance goal because it exceeded the FY 2022 Total Accident Rate target but missed the FY 2022 Grand Mean Engagement Score target. *The Postal Service met the Financial Health performance goal because the FY 2022 Controllable Income (Loss) result was better than the target.
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The EUDR is a reality

The landmark EU anti-deforestation Regulation (EUDR) enters into force. The EUDR provisions will become applicable as of 30 December 2024. FSC has supported the development of the EUDR since the beginning, and is now ready to work together with the EU Commission, EU Competent Authorities, NGOs, and businesses to make it a success. The EUDR prohibits placing or exporting products in/from the EU market that do not comply with its legality and sustainability requirements. Companies must conduct due diligence to ensure that the products they source are legal and are not linked to land that has been deforested or degraded after 31 December 2020. The EUDR's main goal is to reduce the EU's impact on global deforestation by promoting the consumption of ‘deforestation-free’ products.
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Advertisers Printing Celebrates 100 Years (

Last week, Advertisers Printing, a commercial shop in St. Louis, Missouri, celebrated an impressive milestone: 100 years in business. Alex Fechner, the fourth generation of the family to be stepping into the business, noted that since 1923, the company has seen "one Great Depression, two world wars, a booming economy, two recessions and last but not least…. COVID. In other words, lots of ups downs and everything in between." Bill Fechner, the third generation and Alex's father, noted at the event as the next generation begins to truly make its mark that, "There’s a saying that even a blind squirrel finds a nut eventually. After 44 and one-half years on the Advertisers' team, my title has officially changed from CEO to blind squirrel."
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Domtar, Industry Advocate for Clear Green Guides

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enforces Truth in Advertising laws that require marketing claims be truthful and substantiated by appropriate evidence. These are designed to protect consumers, including when they look to buy products promoted as being environmentally responsible. The commission issues guidance specifically focused on sustainability, or “green,” marketing claims, commonly referred to as the FTC Green Guides to help marketers avoid making unfair or deceptive environmental promises. These laws apply whether the marketing claim appears on paper, online or on the side of a bus. Ensuring believable claims helps build trust between buyers and sellers, which in turn facilitates efficient markets. “Meeting customer needs without misrepresenting Domtar’s offerings is critical,” says Katie Zorn, Domtar’s vice president of marketing, product management & strategic planning. “The Green Guides are an essential resource that we reference before making any sustainability-related claims.”
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Mondi’s IQ GRASS + PACKAGING gives luxury packaging a special touch

Trendy unboxing videos are being shared widely across YouTube and social media. The anticipation of a new product, the look and feel of the packaging and the unpacking experience are playing an increasingly important role. This trend contrasts sharply with the dominating habit of throwing things away. The value of a product is already conveyed by the packaging and customers judge the content by the noble luxury packaging. The look and feel of said luxury packaging conveys a feeling of value. Rough and natural-looking surfaces imply an impression of quality, craftsmanship and sustainability. The choice of the optimal packaging material in terms of appearance and haptics therefore plays a major role for companies. It must be carefully coordinated with the corporate identity and should pick up on current trends. With an expanded range of IQ GRASS + PACKAGING papers, Mondi is now serving these trends even better. What is special about IQ GRASS + PACKAGING is the mixture of up to 30 percent grass fibre and 70 percent FSC™ or PEFC-certified fresh fibre pulp. There are around 14,000 different types of grass on our planet – one fifth of all vegetation.
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Consumer confidence jumps in June (

U.S. consumer confidence rose in June to its highest level since January 2022 even as some consumers still expect a recession. The Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index rose to 109.7 in June, the highest reading since January 2022, and up from 102.5 in May. The rise in consumer confidence in June reflects improved current conditions and a pop in expectations, according to Dana Peterson, chief economist at The Conference Board. “Greater confidence was most evident among consumers under age 35, and consumers earning incomes over $35,000,” she added.
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Introducing the Cruz Cool Sustainable Cold Chain Solution

We are so excited to introduce the Cruz Cool (™) sustainable cold chain cooler solution from Cruz Foam, just in time to celebrate Plastic Free July! Currently shipping in limited quantities to customers with pilot programs, the Cruz Cool is the first-of-its-kind premium, sustainable, insulated protective box. It’s the perfect alternative to traditional EPS foam coolers and can be used to safely and sustainably ship perishable goods door-to-door. Cruz Cool is an elegantly designed system using interlocking panels of corrugated paperboard lined with compostable Cruz Foam. It stores flat and is quick and easy to assemble. The system is Cruz Foam’s first curbside recyclable** cold chain product providing 48 hour insulation and protection. It’s ideal for conventional cold chain e-commerce fulfillment.
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How CarrEco Brown improved Polish requirements for paper bag performance

As consumers around the world look to make more sustainable decisions in their day-to-day lives, the move away from single-use plastic bags has been one of the most noticeable packaging trends. Ecobag Network, the largest producer of ecological paper bags in Poland, has recently turned to Stora Enso for a solution that achieves new levels of lightweight strength and production output. Polish supermarket chains have been encouraging their customers to switch from plastic to paper bags in recent times. This can be seen in the growth in paper bag production across the industry nationwide. Between 2019 and 2023, the number of paper bag producers has doubled from seven to fourteen, while the biggest national retailer now uses 90 million bags a year. What has driven this change? As well as the consumer habits mentioned above, another key factor is the EU’s Single Use Plastics (SUP) Directive, the Polish implementation of which entered into force on 24 May 2023. This directive stipulates that any business that places lightweight plastic carrier bags (below 50 micrometres in thickness) on the market will incur an annual fee. It therefore makes business sense for supermarket chains to look around for viable alternatives.
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Worzalla Donates Dozens of Books to Refugee Families Through RISE Program

In honor of World Refugee Day, Worzalla, an employee-owned book printer specializing in printing high-quality children’s books, cookbooks, and hardcover bestsellers, donated books to the Refugees and Immigrant Support and Empowerment (RISE) program. The local book printer made the donation at CAP Services’, a nonprofit with programming in 5 Wisconsin counties including Portage aimed at transforming people and communities to advance social and economic justice, World Refugee Day event which celebrated Central Wisconsin’s refugee community with cultural performances, storytelling, a potluck, activities and more. “Celebrating World Refugee Day in Central Wisconsin is an opportunity for the community to learn and understand the needs of refugees,” said Patrick Kabangu, Worzalla Associate and Refugee Support Coordinator for CAP Services. “I am grateful for the contribution Worzalla made to our community’s refugees and know families will enjoy reading these books together.”
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Ahlstrom introduces new release liners for pressure-sensitive tapes with recycled and unbleached fibers

Ahlstrom further broadens its range of release papers by introducing new products that support the design of more sustainable double-sided Pressure Sensitive Adhesive (PSA) tapes. With many everyday uses, double-sided PSA tapes are hidden components inside many common products. They join different parts or materials with strength, durability, and versatility. While they often directly perform a sustainable function by replacing heavier and more impactful elements, they can also be manufactured with increasingly sustainable materials. An extension of Ahlstrom’s Acti-V® Industrial dedicated range of high-performance release liners, the new products offer novel options to support environmentally conscious tape producers, thanks to the use of post-consumer recycled fiber, and unbleached cellulose fibers: *Acti-V® Industrial RF Brown is a supercalendered release paper including 30% post-consumer recycled fiber, and featuring the typical brown color used in double-sided adhesive tape liners; *Acti-V® Industrial RF Natural is a supercalendered release paper featuring a natural kraft color, based on a combination of post-consumer recycled cellulose fiber (at least 15%) and unbleached cellulose fibers
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More MailerBAGs, please! Mondi invests to meet growing eCommerce demand

Mondi, a global leader in sustainable packaging and paper, is investing over €16 million in its Krapkowice plant in Poland in response to demand for sustainable packaging from the eCommerce industry. Durable, lightweight as well as puncture and tear-resistant, Mondi’s MailerBAGs are cost-effective for customers to transport as they save space and weight. Available in a range of sizes, the bags are easy to open and close making them ideal for delivery and returns. Excellent printability also ensures brands can communicate their key messages to consumers easily. The Krapkowice plant is dedicated to the production of Mondi’s MailerBAGs, and based in Poland, is ideally located to serve the whole of Europe. This investment will more than double Mondi’s MailerBAG production capacity for 2023 in Poland and will include a new production line.
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USPS Ground Advantage Shipping Option Receives Favorable Review from Postal Regulatory Commission

The Postal Service announced that it received favorable review from the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC), approving the Postal Service’s plan to implement USPS Ground Advantage on July 9, 2023. USPS Ground Advantage is the Postal Service’s enhanced ground solution. It provides a simple, reliable, and more affordable way to ship packages in two-to-five business days across the continental United States. Pricing for USPS Ground Advantage will reflect a decrease of 1.4 percent relative to predecessor USPS shipping products, specifically retail prices will be 3.2 percent lower and commercial published prices will be 0.7 percent lower in comparison.
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Savvas Realize Earns 2023 EdTech Breakthrough Award for “LMS Innovation of the Year”

Savvas Learning Company, a K-12 next-generation learning solutions leader, is proud to announce that its Savvas Realize learning management system (LMS) has won the 2023 EdTech Breakthrough Award for “LMS Innovation of the Year.” Savvas Realize, a dynamic and flexible LMS for teaching and learning, was recognized as a “truly breakthrough educational technology solution built for today’s modern education challenges.” Winners of this year’s EdTech Breakthrough Awards, which showcase technologies and companies that drive innovation and exemplify the best in edtech solutions, were selected from more than 2,400 nominations based on innovation, design, user experience, and overall technological advancement. This is the second year in a row that the Savvas Realize LMS has received an EdTech Breakthrough Award. “We would like to thank the EdTech Breakthrough Awards for honoring Savvas Realize as an innovative learning management system,” said Bethlam Forsa, CEO of Savvas Learning Company. “Built to meet all of a district’s K-12 curriculum and administrative needs, our robust platform supports educators with the most advanced tools, engaging content, and instructional resources to help move learning forward for all students.”
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Walgreens Boots Alliance Reports Fiscal 2023 Third Quarter Results

WBA third quarter sales increased 8.6 percent from the year-ago quarter to $35.4 billion, an increase of 8.9 percent on a constant currency basis, reflecting sales growth in the U.S. Retail Pharmacy and International segments, and a significant contribution from the U.S. Healthcare segment. Operating loss was $0.5 billion in the third quarter compared to a loss of $0.3 billion in the year-ago quarter. Operating loss in the quarter reflects a $431 million non-cash impairment of pharmacy license intangible assets in Boots UK. Net earnings in the third quarter was $118 million compared to net earnings of $289 million in the year-ago quarter, primarily driven by lower operating income.
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Pratt Industries Opens New Regional Facility in Cedar Holl, Texas

Pratt Industries, America’s leading 100% recycled paper and packaging company, will officially open its new $253 million advanced manufacturing box factory in Cedar Hill, Texas, today. At capacity, the 1.1 million square foot plant – one of the largest and most modern of the company’s 71 factories spread across 25 US states – will provide 375 full-time, high-paying, green-collar manufacturing jobs. That brings Pratt’s total workforce to 11,500. “We’re very honored to be in Cedar Hill and we’re committed to the great state of Texas – in fact this is our 5th box factory here,” said Anthony Pratt, executive chairman of Pratt Industries.
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ePac Announces Official Opening of Accra, Ghana Plant

ePac Flexible Packaging, an industry leader in custom flexible packaging, is pleased to announce the opening of its new Grade A 2,200 square meter production plant on the Spintex Road in Accra, Ghana. A grand opening celebration was held on June 22nd with nearly 150 local dignitaries, government officials, customers, and media in attendance. Since its establishment in 2021, ePac West Africa, has served a number of customers across Africa, including customers from Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal and Zanzibar, with fulfillment handled by ePac’s plants in the UK and Lyon, France. With the opening of the new plant, ePac West Africa is uniquely positioned to serve CPG brands of all sizes throughout the region with competitively priced flexible packaging and industry best turnaround times.
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The EU is on the cusp of mandating a plastic resurgence

Just as the world takes a major step in turning the tide on plastic pollution with a global treaty, the European Union is on the cusp of agreeing new regulations that could flood the market with millions of tonnes of new plastic. Well intended but misguided amendments have been put forward on the Commission’s proposal for a Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), which are now being debated in the European Parliament. These amendments undermine the spirit of the regulation by trying to introduce mandatory reuse targets for cardboard, a material that is often unsuitable for multiple reuses. If accepted, these amendments would push economies away from the most recycled packaging materials and towards plastic alternatives, embedding a plastic economy into the market.
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ANDRITZ to supply Europe’s largest FibreFlow drum pulper to DS Smith’s paper mill in Porcari, Italy

International technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from DS Smith to supply a complete stock preparation line and an innovative reject treatment system for the mill in Porcari that produces new packaging papers from 100% recycled paper. The equipment provided by ANDRITZ will be used on the new paper machine, due to start up mid-2025, that will provide a range of paper grades for the FMCG and e-commerce sectors serviced by DS Smith. Stefano Andreotti, Project Manager at DS Smith, says: “The new equipment from ANDRITZ, as well as helping us to recover more water, will help us capture, clean and use fibres that would normally get rejected in the paper making process, so they can be once again used in our recycling loops.”
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Service Performance Consistently Strong Across All Mail Categories

FY23 third quarter service performance scores covering April 1 through June 16, included: *First-Class Mail: 92.3% of First-Class Mail delivered on time against the USPS service standard, an increase of 1.3 percentage points from the fiscal second quarter. *Marketing Mail: 95.9% of Marketing Mail delivered on time against the USPS service standard, an increase of 1.4 percentage points from the fiscal second quarter. *Periodicals: 88.9% of Periodicals delivered on time against the USPS service standard, an increase of 2.4 percentage points from the fiscal second quarter.
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Czech forest certification system submitted for endorsement

The public consultation, which is your chance to give your feedback on this revised system, will run from 3 July to 31 August 2023. PEFC Czech Republic revised the country’s national forest certification system following the entry into force of the revised 2018 PEFC Sustainable Forest Management standard. To provide you with additional information about this revised national system, we are holding a webinar on 3 July, at 10:00 CEST. The webinar is free to attend, and everyone is welcome. Register for the webinar at
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Survey Shows U.S. Consumers Believe Paper-based Packaging is Better for the Environment than Other Packaging Materials

If you recently made a purchase online, you’re not alone. The U.S. Department of Commerce reports that retail e-commerce sales topped $272 billion in the first quarter of 2023, up 7.8% from the same period last year. Along with this continuing growth in online purchases comes an increasing awareness of the materials used to package and ship products, and the impact these materials have on the environment. A new survey commissioned by Two Sides North America and conducted by international research firm Toluna found that U.S. consumers believe paper-based packaging is better for the environment than other packaging materials. Survey respondents were asked to rank their preferred packaging material (paper/cardboard, plastic, glass and metal) based on 15 environmental, aesthetic and practical attributes. Overall, paper/cardboard packaging was preferred for 10 of the 15 attributes, including all environmental attributes, with half of respondents saying paper/cardboard is better for the environment than other types of packaging. Consumers also preferred paper/cardboard packaging for being home compostable (59%) and easier to recycle (43%).
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UPM Raflatac launches new collection of responsibly sourced label materials for wine, spirits, and beverage

UPM Raflatac is pleased to announce the launch of its new collection of wine, spirits and beverage label materials – Rêverie 3 – that embraces circularity by using recycled fibers in aesthetically attractive labels. The new collection demonstrates, via unique collaborations with five leading Spanish designers, that sustainability and impactful design can work together to deliver stunning results. The Rêverie 3 collection offers packaging designers a toolkit of visually appealing labels that are all made with materials from well-managed, FSC® certified (FSC C012530) forests, recycled materials and other controlled sources. With more and more brands now seeing the inclusion of FSC and PCR packaging as a necessity, UPM Raflatac wanted to showcase the potential of today’s sustainable label materials. With this in mind, five of the company’s responsibly sourced label materials were given to five Spanish design agencies, with the brief to create a new collection.
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U.S. Ad Index Expands For First Time In 11 Months In May (

The U.S. Ad Market Tracker rose 2.5% in May -- the first expansion in 11 months. The expansion compares with the year-ago period that was only up modestly and is the best May since Standard Media Index began tracking it. The growth is the first material sign that the U.S. ad marketplace is pulling out of a recession that began in July 2022, based on the SMI data, which is derived from a pool of actual ad spending processed by the major agency holding companies and independent media services agencies.
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ATA Welcomes Automatic Emergency Braking Requirement for Heavy Trucks

The American Trucking Associations welcomed an announcement from the Department of Transportation that new heavy-duty trucks would be required to have automatic emergency braking technology. “ATA has long supported the use of AEB on all new vehicles,” said ATA Vice President of Safety Policy Dan Horvath. “With NHTSA’s recent regulation requiring AEB on all new passenger vehicles, this proposal for heavy-duty trucks is timely and appropriate. “The trucking industry supports the use of proven safety technology like automatic emergency braking,” Horvath said. “We look forward to reviewing this proposal from NHTSA and FMCSA and working with them as it is implemented.”
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Two Sides 2023 Trend Tracker Survey Q&A

What’s the main purpose of the Trend Tracker survey? The purpose of the survey is to understand changing consumer preferences, perceptions and attitudes towards print, paper, paper-based packaging and tissue products, revealing challenges and opportunities for the industry. What value does it have for the paper and packaging industry? We see the survey as great value for our industry as it directly reports on consumer opinions on a number of areas within our sector. Covering a wide range of topics from forest growth and recycling rates to reading habits, packaging preferences and thoughts on mail versus digital communication, the consumer data will help to inform the industry on what’s working and what needs improving.
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Metsä Board achieves Platinum level sustainability rating from EcoVadis again

Metsä Board, the leading European producer of premium fresh fibre paperboards and part of Metsä Group, has, once again, achieved the highest Platinum level in EcoVadis’ sustainability assessment. The company has achieved the highest level or rating every year since 2017. Metsä Board received high scores in each of the four themes assessed, and with a total score of 87/100 is among the highest 1% of companies assessed in the category of paper, paperboard and packaging manufacturers. The overall score remained at the same high level as last year, even though the assessment included several new requirements this year. In the environmental evaluation, the company scored 100/100 for the second year in a row.
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Heeter Acquires Laurel Print & Graphics (

Heeter, a full-service provider of secure print, direct mail, and fulfillment solutions, announced that it acquired Laurel Print & Graphics of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The combined company broadens its offerings in large format print and signage, which couples well with one of the largest assortments of commercial print and digital solutions in the Mid-Atlantic region. Scott Heeter, CEO of Heeter, said “Laurel’s leadership, skilled team and capabilities in large format print and signage are excellent additions to Heeter’s capabilities. This acquisition allows both companies to offer customers a broader portfolio of services to meet their marketing and sales needs.” Keith Jones, president of Laurel, commented, “We’ve enjoyed a strong business partnership with Heeter for many years. As we look to the future, it made sense to join forces to better serve our client base with an extended set of products.”
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Conducting an Omnichannel Business Audit (

If you want your business to survive in the coming months, focus is the name of the game. Consider conducting an omnichannel audit, an in-depth review of your business that will allow for the creation of a blueprint you can act on with focus rather than fear. A focused audit does not have to cost you anything more than time, mental energy and a collaborative attitude. Just remember that success is not immediate, and you must critique each of the silos within your business. Most companies begin by auditing their selling channels. Instead, you should go back to the basics. What are the ingredients of a successful direct marketing program? Veteran marketers would say it covers three categories: 1) marketing strategy 2) the offer and 3) creative, and we would agree! However, there’s an initial, critical component missing. As it’s the key foundation to any marketing effort, we must start with brand FIRST, prior to discussing and auditing those classic three.
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Strategies for Breaking Down Silos (

Omnichannel success is all about breaking down barriers between channels and building cooperation. Every company that strives for omnichannel success is trying to change from being company-centric or channel-centric to being customer-centric. In a channel-centric company, one channel typically dominates the others. In this business model, the company is more important than the customer; everything revolves around improving sales and making more money for the company. Retailers think first and foremost of their stores; other channels are an afterthought. Pure-play catalog or ecommerce companies concentrate only on their method of selling. A customer-centric business is totally oriented toward the customer. Customers decide when, where, and how they wish to shop with the company. From the customer’s perspective: *The customers control the relationship. *Customer service is seamless across all channels. *Customers see a single face/identity/voice/brand from the company, regardless of channel. *Customers have the feeling that the company cares about them and works for their loyalty. *Most if not all merchandise is available from all selling channels.
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Gannett Files Federal Lawsuit Against Google

Gannett Co., Inc. the largest publisher in the United States including USA TODAY and over 200 local publications, filed a federal lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York against Google for monopolization of advertising technology markets and deceptive commercial practices. The lawsuit seeks to restore competition in the digital advertising marketplace and end Google’s monopoly, which will encourage investment in newsrooms and news content throughout the country. As more Americans read the news online, publishers depend on digital advertising revenue to provide timely, cutting-edge reporting and content that communities across the country rely on. Google’s practices have depressed revenue and impacted local newsrooms adversely by monopolizing the markets for important software and technology products that publishers and advertisers use to buy and sell ad space. Google controls 90% of the market for “publisher ad servers,” which publishers use to offer ad space for sale. Google also controls over 60% of the market for “ad exchanges,” which run auctions among advertisers bidding for ad space on publishers’ websites. Google controls the largest source of advertisers bidding on exchanges. For Gannett, 60% of all buyers come through Google. The result is Google unfairly controlling selling, buying, and the exchange that matches sellers and buyers – and manipulating all aspects of online advertising transactions.
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AAP April 2023 StatShot Report: Overall Publishing Industry Up 0.9% Year-To-Date, and Down 7.6% for Month of April

The Association of American Publishers (AAP) today released its StatShot report for April 2023 reflecting reported revenue for Trade (Consumer Books), Higher Education Course Materials, and Professional Publishing. Total revenues across all categories for April 2023 were down 7.6% as compared to April 2022, coming in at $732.3 million. Year-to-date revenues were up 0.9%, at $3.9 billion for the first four months of the year. Trade (Consumer Books) revenues were down 11.2% in April, coming in at $605.7 million. In terms of physical paper format revenues during the month of April, in the Trade (Consumer Books) category, Hardback revenues were down 9.2%, coming in at $218.1 million; Paperbacks were down 16.3%, with $208.9 million in revenue; Mass Market was down 10.7% to $12.7 million; and Special Bindings were down 2.8%, with $12.3 million in revenue.
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Starbucks to open sustainability lab (

Starbucks is significantly increasing its commitment to sustainability – in partnership with Arizona State University. The coffee giant plans to develop a new sustainability learning and innovation lab at Hacienda Alsacia, the company’s global agronomy headquarters for research and development located in Costa Rica. The lab will serve as a hub for hands-on and virtual learning opportunities for Starbucks employees, students, researchers and industry leaders to develop and scale sustainable solutions for issues including climate adaption and agricultural economics.
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Paper-Based Alcohol Bottles… Cheers To Paper!

After Carlsberg and Johnnie Walker, the latest alcohol brand to trial paper bottles is Absolut. As part of a three-month pilot test, the vodka brand will be sold in paper bottles in 22 Tesco stores across Greater Manchester throughout the summer. Made from 57% paper, the bottles will include a recyclable plastic barrier, with customers able to recycle the packaging as paper through normal household waste. Following trials of the bottle at festivals in the UK and Sweden, this will be the first time such paper bottles will have been sold commercially in-store by a global spirits company. “This is a step closer towards our vision of a fully bio-based bottle,” said Elin Furelid, Director of Future Packaging at Absolut. “We are exploring packaging that has a completely different value proposition. Paper is tactile, it’s beautiful, it’s authentic, it’s light. That was our starting point, but this is not just an idea on paper.”
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Pactiv Evergreen Achieves ISCC PLUS Certification at Four North America Manufacturing Locations

Pactiv Evergreen announces that four of the Company’s manufacturing facilities were recently awarded International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) PLUS designation, three of which were recognized for the third year in a row. ISCC PLUS in an internationally recognized certification process for bio-based and circular (recycled) resins, which audits the supply chain from end-to-end. Pactiv Evergreen’s manufacturing facilities in Bridgeview, IL; Mooresville, SC; Corsicana, TX; and Malvern, AR received the certificate from SCS Global Services. Processes currently located at the certified sites include extrusion and thermoforming, and the products made in these facilities serve the foodservice and food merchandising markets. Pactiv Evergreen aims to achieve ISCC PLUS certification at additional manufacturing facilities this year to provide customers as many options as possible to meet their sustainability goals.
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Stora Enso intends to divest its wood products DIY production unit in the Netherlands

Stora Enso intends to divest its wood products DIY (Do It Yourself) unit in Amsterdam, the Netherlands to Megahout, backed by the private equity company Quadrum Capital. Closing is expected in Q3 2023, subject to regulatory approvals and consultation with employee representatives. The intended divestment of Stora Enso Timber DIY Products B.V. is in line with Stora Enso’s long-term strategy to focus on developing integrated mills for wood products production. The Amsterdam planing site is a small non-integrated unit with limited investment and growth opportunities and thus considered a non-core asset for Stora Enso.
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VIVA, Virginia’s Academic Library Consortium, Partners with KnowledgeWorks Global Ltd. to Develop Open Educational Resources

VIVA, Virginia’s academic library consortium, has signed an agreement with KnowledgeWorks Global Ltd. (KGL), the industry leader of transformative content solutions, to provide publishing services for its Open Grant program. This innovative partnership ensures the production of high-quality grant-supported open textbooks, open monographs, and other Open Educational Resources (OER) for use in Virginia higher education institutions. The VIVA consortium is comprised of 71 nonprofit higher education institutions and includes both public and private colleges and research universities from across Virginia. Since 2016, VIVA’s Open and Affordable Course Content Initiative has supported sustainable educational resource and access models that enable equitable and inclusive learning, give faculty control over instructional materials, and lower the costs of higher education for Virginia students. To support the creation of open monographs and OER, KGL will provide VIVA with a host of content solutions, including interior and cover design, typesetting, EPUB conversion, artwork/graphics processing, copyediting, proofreading, indexing, accessibility remediation and testing, research and permissions clearance and management, animations, project management, other related services, and print on demand through sister company, Sheridan. With this agreement, individual member institutions also have the opportunity to contract directly with KGL to support their own publications.
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Klabin’s Monte Alegre Unit will undergo a General Shutdown

The largest producer and exporter of packaging paper and sustainable solutions in paper packaging in Brazil, Klabin will hold, between June 28 and July 8, the General Shutdown at the Monte Alegre Unit, in Telêmaco Borba (PR). The action is provided for by Regulatory Norms for maintenance and necessary adjustments, in order to guarantee the perfect operation of all equipment, as well as the safety and integrity of employees and the entire community. In addition to maintenance, the General Shutdown allows the Unit to undergo eventual improvements, such as technological updates, always with the objective of improving productivity and operational safety, with the adoption of the best practices available in the market.
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Mixing sustainability and convenience: Mondi and Baumit launch water-soluble bag for dry mix mortar

Mondi is introducing SolmixBag, a water-soluble bag for the construction industry. SolmixBag is a one-ply paper bag created to store and transport dry construction materials such as cement and dry mix mortar products. It’s designed to dissolve when getting in contact with water during the mixing process - the fibre of the packaging simply integrates with the product as it is mixed. This eliminates waste, reduces paper waste management costs and minimises dust on the construction site, as the bag is simply placed into the mixer without the necessity to open it up front. The bag is produced in-house thanks to the company’s uniquely integrated value chain: SolmixBag is created from Mondi’s water-soluble sack kraft paper and uses 20% less paper than the industry standard 2-ply paper bags. The solution is able to run on existing filling machines, and it is available in standard sizes, offering customers a smooth transition from their existing solutions. SolmixBag provides the same strength and shelf-life as its predecessors, with good printing results for a quality, stand-out appearance on shelf.
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Forest Carbon Opportunity for FSC Certificate Holders

FSC has a global agreement in place with South Pole, a carbon project developer working to implement comprehensive emission reductions that create long-term business opportunities. As part of this agreement, the two organizations are looking to identify FSC Forest Management certificate holders to develop best-in-class projects that demonstrate robust practices with respect to both forest management and carbon sequestration. If you are an FSC-certified forest manager, you are eligible to opt-in to learn more about the opportunity.
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ATA Outlines Principles for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

In comments to the Environmental Protection Agency, the American Trucking Associations outlined three bedrock principles the industry is committed to pursuing to reduce emissions from heavy-duty trucks. “ATA starts with ‘Yes,’” said ATA President and CEO Chris Spear, “and we want to achieve the same things that the EPA does when it comes to reducing emissions. In fact, our record over the past 30 years of collaborating with EPA in reducing both carbon and NOx pollution is strong. Together, the agency and industry have arrived at tough but achievable regulations that allow for technology to develop on timelines to minimize market disruptions and job losses. “However, EPA is moving at breakneck speed to force the industry towards electrification while failing to address the key enablers towards any new technology adoption. EPA’s proposed adoption rates assumes that product availability, vehicle costs, range, weight reduction, energy capacity and recharging and refueling infrastructure will all be available for fleets to utilize the technology,” he said. “Instead of the agency leap frogging existing low-carbon technologies towards electrification, allow today’s technologies to be fully adopted.”
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ATA Truck Tonnage Index Increased 2.4% in May

American Trucking Associations’ advanced seasonally adjusted (SA) For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index rose 2.4% in May after decreasing 1.7% in April. In May, the index equaled 115.4 (2015=100) compared with 112.7 in April. “Tonnage had a nice gain in May, but remains in recession territory,” said ATA Chief Economist Bob Costello. “The 2.4 percent gain didn’t erase the 4.5 percent total drop the previous two months. Additionally, tonnage continues to contract from year earlier levels as retail sales remain soft, manufacturing production continues to fall from a year ago, and housing starts contract from 2022 levels.” Compared with May 2022, the SA index decreased 1.3%, which was the third straight year-over-year decrease. In April, the index was down 3.4% from a year earlier.
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INDEVCO Plastics Achieves SQF Edition 9 Certification

INDEVCO Plastics LLC, a member company of INDEVCO North America, announces its achievement of the SQF Food Safety Code Edition 9 Certification. Covering the manufacture of flexible packaging in rolls, extruded non-printed films, and shrink film, the certification recognizes INDEVCO Plastics’ unwavering dedication to implementing the highest standards in the manufacture of food packaging materials. The SQF Code Edition 9, developed by the Safe Quality Food Institute (SQFI), is the latest benchmark in food safety and quality management. By successfully obtaining this certification, INDEVCO Plastics showcases its adherence to a comprehensive set of protocols and guidelines designed to protect consumers and ensure the safety and integrity of food packaging materials.
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TekniPlex Healthcare to Open New Production Facility in Madison, WI

TekniPlex Healthcare, which utilizes advanced materials science expertise to help deliver better patient outcomes, is substantially extending its North American footprint and expanding global capacity with a new 200,000-square-foot manufacturing plant in Madison, Wisconsin – the second TekniPlex Healthcare facility in the city. Scheduled to open in early 2024, the new facility will operate under the ISO 13485:2016 quality management system, which certifies the ability to provide medical devices and related services that consistently meet customer and regulatory requirements. TekniPlex Healthcare's new facility will feature sophisticated new manufacturing equipment that will significantly boost the company's lamination capacity for a broad range of materials including PET, nylon, paper, foil, PE, EAA and ionomer, in both peelable and non-peelable structures. This will help drive shorter lead-times and ensure best in class quality. The laminate and coated products are utilized in a wide variety of applications for the medical device, pharmaceutical, and diagnostics end markets, including flexible foil and plastic pouches, contact lens packaging, blisters and blister lidding, and sterilizable protective structures for medical devices, accessories and procedural tools.
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One of Europe’s main recycling hubs for beverage cartons starts operations, backed by Stora Enso and Tetra Pak

With a joint investment of approximately EUR 29 million by Stora Enso and Tetra Pak, a new recycling line for post-consumer beverage cartons is starting operations in Poland. Stora Enso has invested approximately EUR 17 million into a new repulping line that will recover the carton fibers, and Tetra Pak along with Plastigram have invested a total of approximately EUR 12 million to build the new line. The line has the potential to triple the annual recycling capacity of beverage cartons in the country - from 25,000 to 75,000 tonnes – and provides scope to absorb the entire volume of beverage cartons sold in Poland, as well as additional volumes from neighbouring countries, including the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. Featuring an annual capacity of 50,000 tonnes, the state-of-the-art line at Stora Enso’s production unit in Ostrołęka (Poland) handles solely beverage carton material separation, detaching fibres from polymers and aluminium. The fibres are then recycled into carton board materials, effectively contributing to material circularity by turning used paper-based packaging into new paper-based packaging materials. This new paper recycling facility is complemented by Czech company Plastigram Industries, that, together with Tetra Pak, is industrialising a solution to recycle polyAl1 into new products.
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TC Transcontinental Printing Invests $15 Million in its Book Printing Platform

TC Transcontinental Printing announces a $15 million investment in its book printing platform at its Transcontinental Beauceville (Interglobe) plant in Quebec, to better meet demand in the North American market. This is in addition to a $10 million investment in 2019-2020. With these investments, including an additional press in operation since early June, the plant has doubled its hardcover binding capacity and increased its production capacity by approximately 15%, all while improving manufacturing efficiency. Moreover, the new equipments will help alleviate the labor shortage in the region thanks to their high degree of automation and robotization.
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Paper Excellence Canada publishes sustainability report

Paper Excellence Canada has published its third sustainability report: Forward Focused: 2022 Sustainability Report. Paper Excellence Canada is one of Canada’s foremost forest businesses utilizing large scale, technically advanced manufacturing at its core. We are part of global and North American supply chains that depend on Canada’s well-managed forests which allow us to deliver a growing range of products to our customers. Forward Focused: 2022 Sustainability Report looks at both our achievements and our opportunities to do better within this framework. This report also looks at our environmental and economic impacts nationally and on a mill-by-mill basis. From an environmental standpoint, 82% of our total energy use was renewable in 2022 while we have continued to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions—now down by 67% since 1990. We were also gratified that Corporate Knights recognized our ongoing efforts and named us one of Canada’s 50 Best Corporate Citizens in 2022.
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Two Sides North America Responds to the Wall Street Journal

Cost Cutting Cloaked in Greenwashing - - Even if it were true that the pharmaceutical industry could “save 11 million trees a year,” by switching from paper to electronic prescription information for doctors and pharmacists, such claims of environmental superiority are meaningless, if not deceptive, because they do not consider the vast and growing environmental footprint of digital communications. The environmental impact of digital communication is often underestimated because of the “invisible” nature of the infrastructure that supports it. Nowhere does your article mention the environmentally invasive mining and drilling required to extract finite raw materials (iron, copper, rare earths, petroleum for plastics, etc.) necessary to manufacture electronic devices and the massive server farms that support them, the predominance of greenhouse-gas emitting fossil fuel energy used to power them, the massive amounts of water consumed to cool data centers, and that only 15% of U.S. electronic waste gets recycled. Compare this to paper, which is in fact is one of the few products on earth that has a truly sustainable, circular life cycle. U.S. manufactured paper is made from an infinitely renewable resource - trees that are purpose-grown, harvested and regrown in sustainably managed forests – in a process that uses a lot of water but consumes very little of it, and is powered mostly (64% on average) by renewable bioenergy. And with a recovery rate of 68%, paper is recycled more than any other material in the U.S. municipal solid waste stream. Using unsubstantiated and misleading environmental claims as a means to a digital-only end is greenwashing that completely ignores the documented environmental impacts of digital communication and threatens the livelihoods of millions of workers across the U.S. print, paper and forest products value chain.
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Parties to West Coast Ports Reach Tentative Agreement (

A tentative contract agreement has been reached between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA), easing concerns about a strike at 29 West Coast ports disrupting incoming freight from the Asia-Pacific region ahead of the fall and Q4, nearly a year after the previous contract expired. “We are pleased to have reached an agreement that recognizes the heroic efforts and personal sacrifices of the ILWU workforce in keeping our ports operating,” said PMA President James McKenna and ILWU President Willie Adams in a joint statement. “We are also pleased to turn our full attention back to the operation of the West Coast ports.”
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Pinthouse Benefits from CANPACK’s Unique Printing Capabilities

For many craft brewers, the limited volumes produced have presented an obstacle in being able to make the transition to aluminium cans, as many can manufacturers require minimum order volume quantities which are out of scope for many craft businesses. For Pinthouse, a Texas craft brewery, there has been no such problem. The company has been able to utilise CANPACK’s on-going partnership with Gamer Packaging, a provider of full-service custom packaging solutions. In turn, CANPACK has been tasked with producing cans that enhance the refreshed branding of Pinthouse’s two premium IPA beers. These beautifully creative cans are produced at CANPACK’s new, state-of-the-art beverage can plant in Olyphant, Pennsylvania, which uses an innovative 8-colour can printing process.
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An expanded partnership with Zalando to optimise packaging solutions

Driven by a shared need for innovative solutions to efficiently deliver products to consumers in an ever-changing world, we have further expanded our partnership with Zalando, one of the leading European online platforms for fashion and lifestyle, to become their principal supplier. Working closely together through Innovation Days, PackRight Workshops and testing workshops, Zalando now has a 5-year innovation roadmap for its packaging solutions, designed to drive optimisation and reduce waste in packaging that arrives into the hands of Zalando customers. Partnering with a new, collaborative way of working, we are setting a strong ambition for Zalando to lead the way in reuse, world class efficiency in its packaging and to play a key role in the transition to the circular economy.
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Metsä Group’s nature programme will fund 23 nature management and restoration projects in 2023

Metsä Group has made the funding decisions for 2023 in its nature programme. Twenty-three projects were selected for funding to manage and restore Finland’s biodiversity. As a result of these selections, the projects are more diverse, and their geographical coverage is more extensive. Independent experts from the University of Eastern Finland, the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Sitra and the Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK) participated in evaluating the project. The themes of the projects selected for funding include watercourse improvement, restoration of flowing waters, removal of invasive species and predators, management of traditional habitats, restoration of wetlands and management of sandbanks. The nature programme does not fund activities in commercial forests, as these are developed as part of Metsä Group’s strategy for regenerative forestry.
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Stora Enso expands the De Lier site with a new high-tech factory

Stora Enso opens a new corrugated packaging production factory at De Lier, the Netherlands. The site is part of the recently acquired De Jong Packaging Group, now Business Unit Western Europe in the Packaging Solutions division. The major expansion has been designed with a strong focus on sustainable operations. The expansion adds a new, second factory to the De Lier site and equipping the facility with two new corrugators to augment the existing two. As a result of the expansion, the site is now the largest and most modern corrugated packaging facility in Europe. The De Lier site’s products currently include boxes and trays for fresh produce, horticultural and industrial applications, e-commerce and transport. The newly opened factory at De Lier utilises a variety of sustainable solutions, such as 3.8 MWp of solar panels installed on the roof, which will provide electricity to an equivalent of 1,000 households. The residual heat generated by the corrugators will be used to heat the site’s office buildings, further reducing their carbon footprint.
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MCI Printing Adds RMGT Four-Color 9 Series Offset Press (

Graphco, distributor of the leading eight-up sheetfed press in North America, delivered an RMGT 9 Series, four-color sheetfed press to MCI Printing, Inc.’s production facility in St. Louis, MO, this past February. Up and running now for three months, the 25x36.75” (maximum sheet size) machine is conserving paper/spoilage waste during press makereadies between MCI’s jobs. It is also opening up new opportunities, including larger page volumes of publication printing. The 924 model outputs 16-page signatures, allowing MCI to add full-size capabilities to the direct mail, packaging, brochure, booklet and presentation folder printing that the firm reproduces. The family-owned business has 14 employees and is counted among the area’s top 20 commercial printers, according to St. Louis Post-Dispatch rankings.
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Lane Press Welcomes Chris Armstrong as Executive Vice President

Lane Press is delighted to announce that Christopher (Chris) Armstrong joined the Company as Executive Vice President on Tuesday, May 30, 2023. Chris is based at our facility in South Burlington, Vermont. Chris brings a wealth of business expertise, including sales, operations, and client service, to Lane, having spent more than 25 years in dynamic, print-based businesses in roles of increasing complexity. Prior to joining Lane Press, Chris was Marketing Solutions Executive at Quad, where he worked with large strategic accounts. Prior to Quad, Chris spent six years at Universal Wilde, a full-service printer and production facility, where he held multiple positions, culminating in Vice President Operations and Client Engagement. In this role, Chris owned operational process, delivered strategic support for clients, and directed a staff of 360 across three locations.
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Postal Service Delivery Holds Steady at 2.5 Days

FY23 third quarter service performance scores covering April 1 through June 9, included: *First-Class Mail: 92.3% of First-Class Mail delivered on time against the USPS service standard, an increase of 1.3 percentage points from the fiscal second quarter. *Marketing Mail: 96.0% of Marketing Mail delivered on time against the USPS service standard, an increase of 1.4 percentage points from the fiscal second quarter. *Periodicals: 88.8% of Periodicals delivered on time against the USPS service standard, an increase of 2.4 percentage points from the fiscal second quarter.
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Adobe Reports Record Revenue in Q2 Fiscal 2023

Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2023 Financial Highlights: *Adobe achieved revenue of $4.82 billion in its second quarter of fiscal year 2023, which represents 10 percent year-over-year growth or 13 percent in constant currency. Diluted earnings per share was $2.82 on a GAAP basis and $3.91 on a non-GAAP basis. *GAAP operating income in the second quarter was $1.62 billion and non-GAAP operating income was $2.18 billion. GAAP net income was $1.30 billion and non-GAAP net income was $1.79 billion. *Cash flows from operations were $2.14 billion. *Remaining Performance Obligations (“RPO”) exiting the quarter were $15.22 billion. *Adobe repurchased approximately 2.7 million shares during the quarter.
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Wiley Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2023 Results

4th Quarter Summary (results vs. prior year) *GAAP Results: Revenue of $526 million (-4%), Operating income of $82 million (+41%), and EPS of $1.22 (+$0.46). Full Year Summary (results vs. prior year): *GAAP Results: Revenue of $2,020 million (-3%), Operating income of $56 million (-$163 million), and EPS of $0.31 (-$2.31). GAAP earnings performance primarily due to $100 million ($1.77/share) of non-cash goodwill impairment in Education Services/University Services and restructuring charges totalling $49 million ($0.66/share). *Cash from Operations of $277 million (-$62 million) and Free Cash Flow of$173 million (-$50 million) mainly due to higher restructuring payments and interest payments.
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FSC Global Consumer Recognition Study

A new global study commissioned by FSC with Ipsos is one of the largest of its kind, surveying 26,800 consumers in 33 countries. It provides new insights into what consumers are concerned about, who they trust to address these concerns, and how they’re acting individually through their purchases to affect change. Ongoing global economic instability and conflict appear to have shifted consumer priorities. While climate change ranked second after health during the pandemic, top concerns for consumers are now economic hardships, and wars, conflicts and terrorism. Yet issues relating to the environment haven’t fallen off the radar. Climate change, biodiversity loss, and deforestation remain key forestry issues of concern around the world.
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Italian forest certification system submitted for endorsement

The Italian Forest Certification System has been submitted to PEFC for assessment. The public consultation, which is your chance to give your feedback on this revised system, will run from 26 June to 24 August 2023. PEFC Italy revised the country’s national forest certification system following the entry into force of the revised 2018 PEFC Sustainable Forest Management standard.
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Waddington Europe first to supply full range of easier-to-recycle punnets that use less plastic

Leading European thermoforming packaging specialist Waddington® Europe, a division of Novolex®, has become the first to supply a full range of soft-fruit punnets to the UK market that are easier to recycle and use less plastic than conventional punnets. Made with Waddington’s revolutionary MONOAIR™ cushion technology, the new 100% mono-material punnets are now available in large rectangular (WE80), square (WE62) and standard rectangular (WE37) versions.
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Amcor Expands AmFiber™ Performance Paper Packaging to Include Culinary and Beverages

Amcor has announced the expansion of its AmFiber™ Performance Paper packaging range in Europe to include heat seal sachets for dry culinary and beverage applications, such as instant coffee, drink powders, spices, seasonings, and dried soups. AmFiber™ Performance Paper is a recyclable, high barrier, paper-based packaging that was initially introduced in 2022 for snacks and confectionery. Appearing on store shelves today for prominent snacks and confectionery brands, it offers high-barrier protection against oxygen and moisture, with excellent performance on brand owners’ packing machines.
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DD Wrap: An Innovation in circular shelf-ready packaging

Created for the circular economy, with resource and waste reduction at the core of the design from inception, the DD Wrap is an innovative and sustainable shelf-ready packaging solution. It is circular economy ready while it is also increasing supply chain efficiency and enhancing the in-store shopping experience. The DD Wrap packaging is customised for a variety of packaging solutions and is created from a single piece of cardboard without perforation at the front side to improve visibility and appeal at the point of display. It is easy to open to improve accessibility which reduces the need for sharp tools during box opening.
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Pregis AirSpeed HC Renew PCR Sets New Standard for Sustainable Packaging

Pregis® introduces Pregis AirSpeed® Hybrid Cushioning (HC) Renew™ PCR, the only high-pressure air cushioning film made with 80 percent post-consumer recycled (PCR) content. This innovative product represents a significant advancement for companies seeking to improve the sustainability of their protective packaging without compromising on performance. With consumers becoming progressively environmentally conscious throughout each buying stage, there is a growing demand for sustainable packaging solutions. HC Renew PCR is an inside-the-box shipping solution that meets this need by providing the same level of protection and durability as traditional air cushions while reducing the environmental impact.
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Smurfit Kappa taps into Mexico’s fast-growing economy

Mexico is the second largest economy in Latin America, after Brazil, and has an ideal location for accessing the US market. It is becoming increasingly attractive for global companies that are nearshoring by moving production away from Asia to the north part of the country, between the cities of Monterrey and Tijuana. The Mexican economy is estimated to grow up to 3.0% both this year and next, boosted by increased manufacturing investment, according to the most up-to-date government forecast*. Smurfit Kappa’s latest USD12 million investment in its Tijuana plant includes new machinery and process upgrades which will significantly increase both printing quality and efficiency. Laurent Sellier, Smurfit Kappa CEO of the Americas, commented: “Mexico is an important market for Smurfit Kappa. We have invested substantial resources both in paper machines and corrugated plants while increasing our network to support the country’s economy and our customers’ needs.
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Bradford & Bigelow Celebrates LED-UV Web Offset Press Installation (

Printing industry leaders gathered in Newburyport, Mass., to celebrate the startup at Bradford & Bigelow (B&B) of the first manroland Goss Lithoman 48-page, 4-color web offset press utilizing the most advanced LED/UV technology that eliminates all VOC emissions, substantially reduces energy consumption and paper waste, and provides operational efficiency with a press length 40 feet shorter than a traditional heatset web offset press. In addition to the environmental benefits, Baldwin’s LED/UV technology, with minimal heat, provides a better quality product with no web growth and runs at top-notch speed, according to Jonathan Fore, Baldwin’s Director of Product Management. “This successful launch has been a team effort and we are very grateful to our partners who made this startup a great success,” stated John Galligan, B&B CEO. It marks the company’s second manroland Goss web offset press install within the past four years, according to Rick Dunn, B&B EVP. “The manroland Goss engineering team did a terrific job adjusting the press design to integrate the LED/UV technology. And the on-site support of manroland Goss, AMS/Baldwin, and Universal Color was terrific,” Dunn said. “Challenges came up and our partners worked together and promptly addressed and resolved the issues,” added Mike Daugherty, B&B Press Manager.
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Quad Debuts New “Built on Quad” Brand Campaign

Quad/Graphics, Inc., a global marketing experience (MX) company, is rolling out “Built on Quad.” This new campaign showcases Quad’s latest brand identity and marks the company’s first large-scale marketing and advertising effort in its 52-year history. Quad’s new brand campaign will run through digital, OOH, print, events, experiential, direct mail, sponsorship and sales assets. It will also be showcased at the 2023 Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity, including the Nice Côte d'Azur Airport. Quad provides end-to-end marketing solutions that removes friction wherever it occurs in the marketing journey for more than 2,900 clients, including Sirius XM, Amazon, the Albertsons Companies, and other major brands. The “Built on Quad” campaign focuses on the company’s strength as a one-stop partner for the modern marketer, and it also pays homage to its roots as one of the largest and most successful commercial printers in North America. The company produces over 765 billion pages and mails more than 8 billion direct mail pieces per year making Quad one of the USPS’ largest clients.
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ANDRITZ introduces new spunlace pilot line for natural and recycled fibers

International technology group ANDRITZ has installed a new spunlace pilot line at its center of competence in Montbonnot, France. It allows customers and partners to conduct trials for producing nonwovens from recycled and/or natural fibers such as hemp, flax, and cotton. The new pilot line features optimized web forming and entanglement for smooth processing of sensitive and irregular fibers. The innovative card set-up is designed to protect and maintain the quality of the fibers while achieving outstanding productivity rates.
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Sappi Gratkorn’s next step to increase the share of renewable energy

As part of Sappi Europe's full scale decarbonisation roadmap, Gratkorn mill is expanding the share of biomass to be used as an energy source, further driving the move away from fossil fuels as part of the mill’s contribution to the European roadmap. The project follows the recent modernisation of the power plant boiler which enabled the shift from coal to a combined approach of biomass and natural gas. The mill is now embarking on a next step, enhancing its infrastructure and therefore capacity in order to handle the delivery, sorting and processing of increased biomass levels. This increased utilisation requires an improved biomass handling system at the mill as well as decentralised intermediate storage terminals within the surrounding regions.
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Student Watch Reports a 57% Decline in Student Spending on Course Materials over a Decade

A May, 2023 report from Student Monitor, a second independent research group, also found a dramatic decade-long decline of 41% in student spending on course materials, with an average spend of $333 per student for the 2022-2023 academic year. Inclusive Access is a course material model developed by colleges across the country to deliver learning resources to students at the lowest market rate, on or before the first day of class. In 2015, the U.S. Department of Education issued federal guidance for institutions of higher learning to charge for course materials as part of tuition and fees, reducing the level of effort it takes for students to utilize their financial aid dollars for timely use on their course materials. According to Student Watch, the number of students enrolled in Inclusive Access has increased to 44% of the student population, up from 39% last year.
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HMH President & CEO Jack Lynch Recognized as 2023 EdTech Company CEO of the Year in 2023

Learning technology company HMH today announced that HMH President & CEO, Jack Lynch, has been named “EdTech Company CEO of the Year” in the 5th annual EdTech Breakthrough Awards program conducted by EdTech Breakthrough, a leading market intelligence organization that recognizes the top companies and solutions in the global edtech market. Under Lynch’s leadership, HMH has undergone a strategic transformation to a digital-first, connected learning company that engages learners, empowers educators and improves student outcomes. In less than six years, he has executed on key changes that have set HMH up for success as a K-12 technology company, from the divestiture of its Books and Media division in 2021, to HMH’s sale to Veritas Capital in 2022, which puts the organization in an even stronger position to increase its positive impact on millions of students and teachers. Supporting this goal, most recently Lynch led HMH's acquisition of assessment and research organization NWEA, bringing the potential to further transform the K-12 education experience for teachers and students.
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White House Announces New Position to Combat Book Bans

In celebration of Pride Month, the White House today announced a set of actions designed to protect LGBTQIA+ communities, including the appointment of a new coordinator within the Department of Education to spearhead a response to the rising number of book bans at the state level. While details are still to come, White House officials say the new coordinator position will be situated within the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, and will “work to provide new trainings for schools nationwide on how book bans that target specific communities and create a hostile school environment may violate federal civil rights laws.”
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Blooming Color Partners with Graphco on Horizon SmartStacker (

Graphco, one of North America’s leading print & finishing equipment distributors last November delivered a Horizon SmartStacker to Blooming Color’s 30,000-square-foot production plant in Lombard, IL. Operating near-line to keep up with rapidly growing B2-size sheet output, the SmartStacker dynamic cut & stack capabilities eliminate manual sorting and helps the commercial printing firm produce many thousands of shorter-run jobs each workday. Founded as a Minuteman Press franchise in 1988, approximately 85% of Blooming Color’s work now is printed digitally. The firm also offers wide-format printing services (both flatbed and roll-fed) as well as conventional six-color 40-inch sheetfed-offset for larger volumes, such as the 40,000 catalogs recently produced for a local college. “We process thousands of orders every day,” reports Brian Scott, CEO of Blooming Color. This month, the company adds its third B2-size (20x29”), HP Indigo Digital Press -- a second 100K device -- to its fleet of five Indigos.
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Domtar’s Comprehensive ESG Approach

Paige Goff, Domtar’s vice president of sustainability, recently spoke to business leaders at an MX.0Southeast event focused on data-driven, resilient and sustainable manufacturing. She shared more about the comprehensive structure of Domtar’s ESG approach and outlook. When people talk about costs as a barrier to being more sustainable, Goff counters that it’s more expensive to do nothing. “There is an initial investment, but it pays off in the long run,” she says. “Our customers expect us to do the right thing and be responsible stewards of the environment. Our reputational risk is their reputational risk.” Similarly, she says, an effective ESG approach is important for recruiting and retaining talent. The E in ESG gets the most attention, with the emphasis on environmental responsibility and care for natural resources. It’s an area where Domtar has been a leader, particularly in forestry. But the G also plays a crucial role in our ESG approach. Governance is how we connect the dots from senior leadership to the frontlines of manufacturing, Goff says. Our ESG committee includes leaders from across the organization with a diverse collection of roles and responsibilities.
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Private Equity Firm Monomoy Acquires Direct Mail Marketing Printer Japs-Olson (

Monomoy Capital Partners, a middle-market private investment firm focused on operational value creation, announced that it has acquired Japs-Olson Company, a family-owned national leader in innovative direct mail marketing solutions. Founded in 1907, Japs-Olson is a full-service, custom print and direct mail provider for the financial services, nonprofit, insurance, healthcare, retail and other markets. Headquartered in St. Louis Park, Minnesota, the company manufactures and distributes over one billion personalized mailings annually. Japs-Olson’s commitment to exceptional service, unrivaled client satisfaction and superior production has earned the company widespread industry recognition and a loyal customer base nationwide. Monomoy recognized Japs-Olson as a valuable partner due to its leading position in the direct mail sector. As a marketing channel, direct mail generates the highest return on investment among omnichannel marketing strategies and represents a stable sector with a robust total addressable market.
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Huhtamaki to consolidate its flexible packaging footprint in Europe with closure of the manufacturing site in Prague, Czech Republic

Huhtamaki has made the decision to consolidate the production footprint of its Flexible Packaging segment in Europe and will be closing its Flexible Packaging production facility in Prague, Czech Republic. All production and supporting activities at the facility will be scaled down during the second half of the year, with the closure of the operations completed by March 31, 2024. Production will gradually be transferred to Huhtamaki’s other manufacturing sites. The decision affects all 198 employees in the site. Huhtamaki will support its employees during this period, including providing information about vacancies in other Huhtamaki units in the Czech Republic and across Europe. Huhtamaki currently has two manufacturing units in Czech Republic. The closure of the Prague site does not affect the Fiber packaging operations in Okrisky which today employs 274 people.
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AAP March 2023 StatShot Report: Overall Publishing Industry Up 3.2% Year-To-Date, and 6.6% for Month of March

The Association of American Publishers (AAP) today released its StatShot report for March 2023 reflecting reported revenue for Trade (Consumer Books), Higher Education Course Materials, and Professional Publishing. Total revenues across all categories for March 2023 were up 6.6% as compared to March 2022, coming in at $883.5 million. Year-to-date revenues were up 3.2%, at $3.2 billion for the first three months of the year. Trade (Consumer Books) revenues were up 0.2% in March, coming in at $710.9 million. In terms of physical paper format revenues during the month of March, in the Trade (Consumer Books) category, Hardback revenues were down 1.0%, coming in at $243.1 million; Paperbacks were up 0.3%, with $268.2 million in revenue; Mass Market was down 9.5% to $13.0 million; and Special Bindings were up 21.9%, with $18.9 million in revenue. Year-to-date Trade revenues were up 1.1%, at $2.2 billion for the first three months of the year.
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Savvas Learning Company’s Experience Physics Named 2023 SIIA CODiE Award Finalist

Savvas Learning Company, a K-12 next-generation learning solutions leader, today announced that its Experience Physics program has been named a 2023 SIIA CODiE Award Finalist in the “Best Science Instructional Solution for Grades 9-12” category. Experience Physics © 2022 is a modern high school physics curriculum that implements an interactive learning model using the exploration of phenomena to drive student engagement. The program places students center stage as they make sense of phenomena with experiential learning routines that connect physics to the real world. Experience Physics also uniquely supports educators with comprehensive, editable resources and flexible teaching tools that allow them to adapt instruction to their students’ diverse learning needs.
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Are lawmakers serious about cutting emissions? Here’s one way to find out.

The trucking industry has made massive strides in reducing tailpipe emissions over the past 35 years thanks to innovation and achievable regulatory targets and timelines: ✅We’ve cut harmful NOx and particulate matter emissions by 99%. ✅We’ve eliminated virtually all sulfur-dioxide emissions. ✅Between 2014 and 2027, we stand to cut 1.37 billion metric tons of CO2. The problem? Not nearly enough of these newer and cleaner trucks are on the road today because of a century-old federal excise tax (FET) on heavy-duty trucks that penalizes trucking companies for upgrading their equipment.
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JICMAIL Releases Results Of Major New Mail Attention Study: The Time We Spend With Mail

The average piece of Direct Mail is looked at for 108 seconds across the course of a month, while the average Door Drop is viewed for 46 seconds. The mail channel is more attention efficient than a host of other media platforms, resulting in the recommendation that it is a “must-have” channel on attention-based media plans. JICMAIL (The Joint Industry Currency for Mail) has today revealed the findings from a major year-long study – The Time We Spend With Mail. This research into consumer attention with mail has involved collaboration with multiple measurement partners including Kantar, PwC and Lifestream. The year-long measurement program has seen JICMAIL roll out full attention measurement across its entire panel of 1,000 households per month (capturing time-spent metrics for Business Mail, Direct Mail, Door Drops and Partially Addressed Mail). At the same time, the AI-driven video analytics company Lifestream has provided directly observed mail attention data with which to validate the panel findings, while PwC has scrutinised the mail efficiency calculations that JICMAIL has generated to compare the delivery of time spent to other media channels.
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Greif Reports Second Quarter 2023 Results

-Second Quarter Financial Highlights include (all results compared to the second quarter of 2022 unless otherwise noted): *Net income of $111.2 million or $1.90 per diluted Class A share decreased compared to net income of $125.1 million. Net income, excluding the impact of adjustments(1), of $103.8 million decreased compared to net income, excluding the impact of adjustments, of $144.9 million. *Net cash provided by operating activities increased by $71.6 million to $210.8 million. Adjusted free cash flow(3) increased by $70.7 million to a source of $185.5 million.
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Transcontinental Inc. Announces Results for the Second Quarter of Fiscal 2023

Highlights *Increase in adjusted operating earnings before depreciation and amortization(1) of 5.2% for the quarter, including organic growth of 18.5% in the Packaging Sector. *Revenues of $747.2 million for the quarter ended April 30, 2023; operating earnings of $43.8 million; and net earnings attributable to shareholders of the Corporation of $22.2 million. *Launched the new innovative flyer raddar™ in Montreal on May 15, 2023. *Won the "Company of the Year - Large Business" award at the business competition of the Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec (FCCQ). *Appointment of Thomas Morin as President and Chief Executive Officer of TC Transcontinental on June 7, 2023.
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Executive Changes at TC Transcontinental

*Thomas Morin named President and Chief Executive Officer *Isabelle Marcoux named Executive Chair of the Board *Donald LeCavalier named Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. The Board of Directors of Transcontinental Inc. announced the appointment of Thomas Morin as President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), effective immediately. Mr. Morin previously served as President of TC Transcontinental Packaging, beginning in 2019. He replaces Peter Brues, who is leaving the Company. The Board also announced expanded roles for Isabelle Marcoux and Donald LeCavalier.
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Ennis Acquires UMC Print (

Ennis, Inc. announced its acquisition of the operating assets of UMC Print in Overland Park, Kansas. UMC Print has been a leading trade-only printer and provider of commercial printing services since 1936. As one of the largest sheet-fed commercial printers in the area, UMC Print’s capabilities serve a wide range of distributors and trade sales organizations throughout the Midwest and beyond. “The addition of UMC Print continues our commitment to adding strategic locations and capabilities to drive growth with our distributor partners,” said Keith Walters, Chairman, President & CEO of Ennis, Inc.
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UPM inaugurates its Paso de los Toros pulp mill in Uruguay

UPM inaugurated its Paso de los Toros pulp mill in the department of Durazno in Central Uruguay. The inauguration event was attended by the President of Uruguay Luis Lacalle Pou, several ministers and representatives of other stakeholders who have participated in the successful execution of UPM’s growth project in Uruguay. The UPM Paso de los Toros pulp mill has an annual production capacity of 2.1 million tonnes of eucalyptus pulp. The mill represents the latest and best available technology. It is energy efficient with minimal environmental impacts and optimised maintenance. With an increase of more than 50% in UPM’s current pulp capacity, this growth investment creates a step change in the scale of UPM’s pulp business and future earnings. It also has a significant impact on Uruguay’s economy and creates significant opportunities for the country’s people and communities.
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REI Co-op enters the running shoe business with the Swiftland MT, its first multi-terrain trail shoe designed using recycled and bio-based materials

Based on years of gear designing, experience, customer feedback, and industry-leading sustainability insights, REI Co-op introduces its first foray into running shoes since the 1970s, with the introduction of the REI Co-op Swiftland Multi-terrain (Swiftland MT). This versatile trail runner maximizes recycled and bio-based materials without compromising technical expectations, while giving runners the freedom to take their adventures over multiple surfaces beyond the pavement. The Swiftland MT is a foundational running shoe that joins a wide variety of running apparel, equipment and gear for REI customers to choose from, and continues the co-op's commitment to broaden its running assortment and more deeply invest in this activity category.
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Mail More Trusted Than Email

Email may be more convenient and less expensive for brands, but if you really want your customers to look at a communication, mail is much more effective, according to a new report. A study by automation specialist Quadient has found that almost two-thirds (62%) of UK consumers say they are more likely to open a physical letter than an email, with many citing the fact that letters feel more personal. When asked why a physical letter from a business might be better than email, 39% said letters feel more personalised to them and their needs than bulk email messages, while 42% said there is no risk of hacking, phishing or being infected by viruses. A further 37% said they appreciate the lack of spam messages received through physical mail. “Companies need to think strategically about the different scenarios in which they contact customers and choose the communication channel that best fits the situation.”
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FPA Responds to ABC News’ “Trashed: The Secret Life of Plastic Recycling” Investigation

ABC News’ recent “Trashed: The Secret Life of Plastic Recycling” investigation isn’t about plastic bags or even plastic packaging, it is about the current U.S. recycling system. Put trackers in any recyclable item today and chances are they may end up in an incinerator or landfill. This should be the intended result, given that these trackers are actually contaminants to the recycling stream and would be filtered out for disposal through most recycling processes. It is also because we have over 20,000 different municipal recycling programs across the country that are based on the value of the materials being collected and recycled. This value changes with market conditions and when it does, some products destined for recycling are diverted to disposal instead. Also, until recently, much of that value was in exporting our recyclables overseas. Because of these foreign markets, governments running the recycling programs here in the U.S. did not invest in the infrastructure needed to manage our own recyclables. When China, the biggest importer of U.S. recyclables, stopped accepting them, the markets collapsed.
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Amid new disruptions, NRF urges Biden to intervene in West Coast labor negotiations (

As contract talks drag on, tensions are rising at West Coast ports. Following a shutdown at the Ports of Oakland and Long Beach, which combine to form the country’s largest cargo complex, over the weekend, the National Retail Federation called on the Biden Administration to intervene. (At least one terminal at the Port of Long Beach shut Monday, according to reports.) The new disruptions come as the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association have failed to reach and ratify a new labor agreement following more than a year of negotiations.
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Barnes & Noble Announces The Best Books of 2023 (So Far)

Barnes & Noble today announces their selections for The Best Books of the Year (So Far). The list is a stunning collection of books selected by the B&N bookselling team, representing the very best works published across various categories since January of 2023. As readers know well, narrowing down to a few choice titles can feel insurmountable when so many fantastic new books are published every week. This year, the booksellers of Barnes & Noble tackled the task first by compiling three-title shortlists across lots of categories ... and they liked the results so much that they have kept them. They now announce over 50 of the best shortlists, an original and hopefully inspiring way of looking at the best new books of 2023 — so far.
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HH Global aligned to the Net Zero Standard

As part of our commitment to continued sustainable leadership, environmental impact and accountability, we are proud to be the first company in our space, and among the first companies in the world, to receive approval from the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) for our greenhouse gas emission reduction targets aligned to the Net Zero Standard. The Net Zero Standard is developed by SBTi and is the first global science-based standard for companies to set net-zero targets. Using our FY22 performance as our baseline, we received approval for three targets: *Overall Net-Zero Target: HH Global has committed to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across the value chain by Financial Year 2040 (FY40). *Near-Term Target: HH Global has committed to reduce absolute scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions 50% by FY30. *Long-Term Target: HH Global has committed to reduce absolute scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions 90% by FY40.
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Sigma Stretch Film invests in new capacity in Ontario (

Blown and cast film maker Sigma Stretch Film, a division of Sigma Plastics Group with operations in Ontario, is boosting its production capacity by 30 million pounds through two new Davis-Standard equipment installations. Sigma’s plant in Belleville, Ont., will receive a Davis-Standard seven-layer agricultural stretch film line aimed at expanding the current silage film offerings. According to Sigma officials, the new line allows production using the latest resins, expanded exploration in sustainability options, and better service for both domestic and international agricultural customers. The new line adds fifteen million pounds of silage film capacity in Belleville. The second machine is a three-layer Davis-Standard blown film line for Sigma’s Shelbyville, Kentucky location. “Supporting the ever-growing demand for prestretched hand films and the Vortex product lines, this equipment will add fifteen million pounds of capacity,” Sigma officials said.
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Brand new fibre-based Muoto® gift packaging

Metsä Group is cooperating with Fiskars Group on a brand new fibre-based gift packaging. The innovative Muoto 3D inner packaging and a box made of Metsä Board’s folding boxboard encase Fiskars ReNew scissors made of recycled material. Pure, safe, sustainable, easy to use and recyclable. That is what the plastic-free Muoto 3D fibre packaging, originating in northern forests and set to revolutionise packaging, is all about. Renewable and sustainably grown Finnish wood is the main raw material of the Muoto 3D fibre packaging. The packaging is made of wet wood-fibre pulp in Äänekoski, at Metsä Group’s and Valmet’s joint demo plant.
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Approved July ’23 USPS Price Increases (

Last week the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) approved the proposed price increases to take effect on Sunday, July 9th 2023. The new rates include a three-cent increase in the price of a First-Class Mail Forever stamp from 63 cents to 66 cents. See below for percentage changes by class of mail: *PERIODICALS – 8.1%; *MARKETING MAIL LETTERS – 5.2%; *MARKETING MAIL FLATS – 7.4%; *BOUND PRINTED MATTER FLATS – 3.5%. Please note the USPS recently approved the 2024 USPS Promotions Calendar; these offerings are a great way to offset postage costs and increases. The 2024 calendar will be released online in the coming weeks.
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Average Time to Deliver Across Postal Network Steady at 2.4 Days

FY23 third quarter service performance scores covering April 1 through May 26, included: *First-Class Mail: 92.1% of First-Class Mail delivered on time against the USPS service standard, an increase of 1.2 percentage points from the fiscal second quarter. *Marketing Mail: 96.0% of Marketing Mail delivered on time against the USPS service standard, an increase of 1.4 percentage points from the fiscal second quarter. *Periodicals: 88.9% of Periodicals delivered on time against the USPS service standard, an increase of 2.4 percentage points from the fiscal second quarter.
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Novolex Offers New Choices for ProWAVE Tote, a Recyclable, Reusable Bag for Delivery or Takeout

Hilex®, a Novolex® brand, announced today new options for its popular ProWAVE® Tote, a recyclable, reusable tote bag that simplifies deliveries and carry-out for supermarkets, restaurants, retailers and their customers. Customers can now choose a ProWAVE Tote that features a 2.25-mil gauge film that’s manufactured with a minimum of 40% post-consumer recycled material — attributes that allow the totes to meet most legislative requirements for reusable bags, including those in California. Customers also can now opt for a ProWAVE Tote made with 1.7-mil gauge film. The ProWAVE tote boasts folded handles and a sturdy double-ply top, ensuring that the bag remains open for easy loading. The flat bottom design allows for efficient packing of larger grocery or retail products.
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DS Smith annnounces multi-million investment to expand our Cartogal packaging plant in Spain

Our Cartogal packaging plant located in the town of A Pobra do Caramiñal, in Galicia, Spain, will soon see an increase in size, production and storage capacity after a milestone investment of 11.35 million euros. The major investment and expansion plans aim to improve service to customers, as well as to open up new business opportunities in the northwest of Iberia. The project will add 6,000 square meters to the current 11,000 square meters, to see the packaging plant become an industry leader, operating at more than 17,000 square meters. During the seven months that the works are estimated to last, the construction and roofing of the new buildings will be carried out using sustainable and environmentally friendly materials.
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Lakeside Book Company welcomes Marquis Book Printing, Inc.

Lakeside Book Company announced that it has acquired all of the issued and outstanding shares of common stock of Marquis Book Printing, Inc. (“Marquis”). Lakeside is the leading book printing and distribution company in the United States and has been creating quality crafted books for more than 150 years. Marquis is a premier book manufacturer in Canada providing high quality print services to the publishing and communications industries in Canada, the United States and Europe. With this acquisition, Lakeside will enhance its service offering with access to the Canadian market, while improving lead time and overall service capabilities for small and large publishers alike. Marquis will operate as a division of Lakeside. Dave McCree, Lakeside’s Chief Executive Officer, will lead the business. Serge Loubier will continue to manage Marquis, continuing in his capacity as president.
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Ahlstrom and Terre de Couleur develop fiber-based hair cap to curb single-use plastic consumption in the beauty industry

Through a unique value-chain collaborative innovation, sustainable specialty materials leader Ahlstrom and cosmetic brand Terre de Couleur have launched a biodegradable and reusable, fiber-based hair cap for home and professional cosmetic use. Terre de Couleur had an ambitious goal – to remove or decrease the plastic content in their single-use 100% plastic hair cap without compromising the performance nor the usage experience and comfort of hair professionals and consumers alike. The cap offers many advantages in cosmetic applications such as shower use, hair mask applications, and hair coloring in professional or home setting to allow: *Hair protection *Maintains optimal humidity and heat for color or hair care setting *Hand washable and reusable *Chain-of-Custody Forestry Certified according to FSC® and PEFC™ standards *Ahlstrom’s Genuine Vegetable Parchment certified home compostable with OK COMPOST HOME from TÜV and industrially compostable with OK COMPOST from TÜV (EN13432)
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Update on the proposed disposal of Mondi Syktyvkar

Mondi plc confirms that it has advised Augment Investments Limited that it is withdrawing from the agreement to sell Mondi’s most significant facility in Russia, Joint Stock Company Mondi Syktyvkar, together with two affiliated entities, to Augment. This follows recent discussions with Augment on its lack of progress in gaining the necessary approvals to complete this transaction. As per the terms of the Sale and Purchase Agreement, the Disposal to Augment will therefore be terminated and will not complete. The Board remains committed to divest Syktyvkar and will continue to assess all alternative divestment options.
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Resolute Announces Ratification of Collective Agreement Covering Quebec Woodlands Operations

Resolute Forest Products Inc. today announced the ratification of a four-year master labor agreement with the Unifor union covering 525 hourly employees at ten company woodlands in Quebec, following an agreement-in-principle reached on May 11. "We are pleased to renew this agreement, which underscores the contribution of our woodlands employees to the company's success and provides stability for our customers, communities and other partners," said Remi G. Lalonde, president and chief executive officer. The individual collective agreements ratified on May 26 cover Resolute's Abitibi and Nord-du-Québec (Comtois, Senneterre), Côte-Nord, Lac-Saint-Jean (Girardville, La Doré, Mistassini, Péribonka, Saint-Félicien, Saint-Thomas) and Mauricie woodlands operations.
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U.S. Postal Service Releases Dog Bite National Rankings

More than 5,300 Postal Service employees were attacked by dogs while delivering the mail last year. Aggressive dog behavior is a common safety concern USPS employees face. To keep its workers safe, the organization is providing important information on how dog owners can be good stewards for safe mail delivery as part of its annual National Dog Bite Awareness Week public service campaign. The campaign runs Sunday, June 4, through Saturday, June 10. This year’s theme is “Even good dogs have bad days.” Spread the news of the campaign with the hashtag #dogbiteawareness.
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DOE Delivers Potentially Crucial Finding in Fight Against Book Bans

Freedom to read advocates are applauding a final report and resolution agreement from the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights that could help blunt the surge of book bans in schools. In a May 19 letter and resolution agreement, DOE officials concluded that the Forsyth County (Georgia) School district’s removal of books largely featuring Black and LGBTQ characters created a potentially “hostile environment” for students, in violation of their civil rights. And in a potentially landmark resolution agreement, the district agreed to work with the DOE to address student discrimination issues arising from the book bans.
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Colbert Teaches Midwest Elementary Students About the Lifecycle of Trees and Sustainable Packaging

135 second-grade students from Trevor, Wisconsin, and Mishawaka, Indiana, celebrated Earth Week by learning about the cycle of life from trees to paper and back to trees. The educational outreach program was presented by corporate neighbor Colbert Packaging. The interactive session is dubbed TICCIT for, “Trees into Cartons, Cartons into Trees.” Created by the Paperboard Packaging Council (PPC), of which Colbert Packaging is a member, the program teaches young learners about the role trees play in the environment and our circular economy. The program teaches the importance of recognizing sustainable packaging and supporting the recyclability of paper-based packaging. The visual presentation was topped off with a hands-on session where students were invited to prepare and take home their very own tree sapling in a paperboard planter. “We are delighted to have the opportunity to share the importance of environmental stewardship with an enthusiastic audience of local students,” said Colbert Marketing Manager Wanda Speer.
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Light Wrap: The innovative packaging solution tackling CO₂ emissions

Light Wrap, which has been specifically designed as a wraparound for cartons such as milk and juice cartons, offers a clever design that improves packaging while using less fibre. This results in a remarkable 19% reduction in CO₂ emissions compared to current, alternative packaging methods. Not only does Light Wrap effectively support the weight of stacked packs during transportation and at the point of sale, but it also ensures the safe transportation of cartons without any damage or deformation. By using 19% less paper fibre than other solutions, the innovative design not only minimises environmental impact but also improves protection, efficiency and packaging costs.
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The Impact of Omnichannel Integration (

Chances are, you’re currently trying to reach your audience in a variety of ways. Maybe digital ads, search, social media, catalog, direct mail and your retail environment. What if you could tie all those efforts together with a single creative concept—a “Big Idea” that unifies all of those touchpoints? And what if that consistent message was delivered in such a unique and bold way that you now stood out from the competition? People now notice you. They remember you. And now they will consider you. THAT’S the power of a campaign. Learn more at:
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UPM Biochemicals and Selenis form strategic alliance to develop sustainable PETG

UPM Biochemicals and Selenis, a subsidiary of the IMG Group that produces speciality polyester resins for a wide range of applications, announced a partnership today that will help the packaging industry reduce its CO2 footprint and redefine the sustainability goals of its customers. The goal of the strategic partnership is to produce sustainable polyethylene terephthalate glycol (PETG) resin that will accelerate the introduction of renewable, sustainable forest-sourced materials into plastic applications and reduce fossil resource dependency. PETG is a highly transparent, FDA approved material used in a large variety of applications including cosmetics and personal care packaging, heat shrink sleeves, and durable goods, such as bulk dispenser.
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UPM Specialty Papers introduces the “LinerLoopTM compatible” label to help customers choose release papers that are designed for closed-loop recycling

Resonating with the ambitious EU regulatory targets for reducing waste, UPM Specialty Papers has introduced a new “LinerLoop compatible” label to promote closed loop recycling of release papers used in self-adhesive labels and tapes. Release papers carrying the label qualify for recycling in UPM LinerLoopTM, which is the first commercial-scale closed-loop recycling solution for silicone coated release papers. Currently some 50% of used release papers and matrix materials are recycled in Europe, but it is estimated that only 15% are recycled back to release papers in a closed loop (source: CELAB, AWA). As a member of CELAB-Europe and AFERA, UPM Specialty Papers works towards increasing the share of closed-loop recycling. Recycling silicone coated papers in a circular fashion is a technically demanding process. One factor, for instance, impacting closed-loop recycling is the shade of paper. As the typical shade of glassine used in label applications is white or some other light shade, recycling darker coloured glassine grades in the same stream would contaminate the recycled pulp.
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Macy’s, Inc. Reports First Quarter 2023 Results

Highlights: *Net sales of $5 billion, down 7% versus the first quarter of 2022. -Brick-and-mortar sales decreased 6% versus the first quarter of 2022. -Digital sales decreased 8% versus the first quarter of 2022. *Comparable sales down 7.9% on an owned basis and down 7.2% on an owned-plus-licensed basis. *Gross margin rate for the quarter was 40.0%, up from 39.6% in the first quarter of 2022. Versus the first quarter of 2019, gross margin rate increased 180 basis points from 38.2%.
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Nordstrom Reports First Quarter 2023 Earnings

Summary: *Total Company net sales decreased 11.6 percent and GMV decreased 11.9 percent compared with the same period in fiscal 2022. The wind-down of Canadian operations had a negative impact on total Company net sales of 175 basis points. The first quarter of 2023 included one month of sales from Canadian operations, compared with a full quarter of sales from Canadian operations in the first quarter of 2022. *Gross profit, as a percentage of net sales, of 33.8 percent increased 110 basis points compared with the same period in fiscal 2022, reflecting the Company's focus on increasing inventory productivity. *Ending inventory decreased 7.8 percent compared with the same period in fiscal 2022, versus an 11.6 percent decrease in sales. *Loss before interest and tax was $259 million in the first quarter of 2023, compared with earnings before interest and tax ("EBIT") of $73 million during the same period in fiscal 2022.
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