Atlantic Impact Report: Healthy People, Healthy Planet

Over the last three years, we’ve released a Sustainability Report that highlights the Sustainability Program’s initiatives, goals, and progress of Atlantic and A New Earth Project.

It has become clear that our journey toward environmental sustainability is closely tied to health: planetary health of course, but also our health as humans. The oceans, lakes, and rivers we fight to keep clean are the same waters that sustain us. Our search for new and better materials for packaging has just as much to do with protecting human health as it does protecting the environment.

For that reason, as we roll out our 2023-2024 report, we’re excited to expand it from being just a sustainability report to our first Healthy People, Healthy Planet Report. It covers environmental sustainability alongside our ever-growing Wellness Program that has become a cornerstone of our culture. It also covers the critical intersection of sustainability, wellness, and the initiatives we’re taking to weave these principles together.
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