Aptar Closures Targets Reusable Beverage Containers Market with Unique Flow Control Valve-Retaining Ring Combination

Distinguished by contactless, leak-free dispensing, Aptar’s SureSnap two-in-one pre-assembled valve and retaining ring is an attractive option for reusable beverage container brand owners – including those offering water bottles, thermoses, and children’s sip cups – seeking to differentiate themselves in an increasingly crowded market.

In consumer packaging, the “Three R’s” – reduce, reuse, and recycle, are commonly deployed strategies to reduce waste and conserve resources. While there is a heavy focus today on recyclability and material reduction in the consumer beverage market, Aptar’s SureSnap addresses the “Third R” – reuse, an area long ripe for innovation in reusable beverage containers. This category historically utilizes underperforming or insufficiently robust closures. For example, conventional push-pull closures typically require fingers or teeth to open and shut; in addition to potentially compromised hygiene and safety, this approach can allow fluid leakage or foreign particle ingress when the closure is left in the open position.
more at: https://aptar.com/news-events/aptar-closures-targets-reusable-beverage-containers-market-with-unique-flow-control-valve-retaining-ring-combination/

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