Appleton Coated is one of 31 companies recognized worldwide by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) for its environmental transparency leadership as demonstrated by its voluntary participation in the WWF Environmental Paper Company Index (EPCI) 2015.
Appleton Coated has improved its scores since participating in the prior WWF EPCI in 2013. In the product category “Graphic Paper” Appleton Coated has achieved 60.2% of total achievable scores for WWF’s Environmental Paper Company Index (2015). In the sub-category “Responsible Fiber Sourcing” Appleton Coated has achieved 66% of total possible points.
Appleton Coated CEO Doug Osterberg comments, “We are very pleased to be recognized by the WWF for our efforts. At Appleton Coated we want to make it easy for our customers to choose environmentally responsible products and we want them to be assured that they are working with a company that promotes sustainability both internally and in the market place. Transparency in reporting is essential to providing that assurance to our customers. As one of eight participating North American mills, we appreciate efforts such as EPCI that help us understand what others value in sustainability and set goals for improvement.”
With a focus on recycled fiber, Appleton Coated continues to expand its environmental product offering in both its coated and uncoated lines, adding many new product options in 2015 with high post-consumer recycled fiber content levels, up to 100% in some cases.
The first North American coated paper mill to be FSC® certified (FSC® C007796), Appleton Coated also maintains ISO14001 certification. It is a 2015 EPA SmartWay Excellence Award Winner, EPA Green Power Partnership® National Top 100 and Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council Green Masters selection for the last 4 years. In addition, it is one of seven Green Tier II companies recognized by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources as having exceptional environmental management systems in place.