Amcor sees U.S. Plastics Pact Roadmap launch as opportunity to drive circular economy progress
Amcor announced its support for the launch of the U.S. Plastics Pact’s Roadmap to 2025, an aggressive national strategy for how the U.S. Pact, Amcor and other signatory organizations – known as Activators – will achieve four 2025 targets. Launched today, the plan delineates specific actions, responsibilities and timeframes necessary to realize a circular economy for plastics in the United States. As a U.S. Pact Activator, Amcor joins others in the plastics value chain to drive progress through systemic change toward the 2025 targets: *Define a list of packaging to be designated as problematic or unnecessary by 2021 and take measures to eliminate them by 2025. *100% of plastic packaging will be reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025. *By 2025, undertake ambitious actions to effectively recycle or compost 50% of plastic packaging. *By 2025, the average recycled content or responsibly sourced bio-based content in plastic packaging will be 30%.