Ahlstrom-Munksjö invests in a new post-screening system at its Aspa plant, Sweden
Ahlstrom-Munksjö invests in a new post-screening system at its Aspa pulp mill, in Sweden, in order to produce even cleaner ECF (Elementary Chlorine Free) and UKP (Unbleached Kraft Pulp) specialty pulp. The new post-screening is expected to be fully commissioned in the fourth quarter of 2021.
In addition to facilitating even cleaner and purer pulp, the new post-screening system will increase the production capacity and allow expansion to new customers and market segments with high demand for clean pulp world-wide.
“I am very happy for this investment which is strategically important for us going forward to further establish us as a market leader in pure and clean bleached and unbleached Kraft Pulp”, says Anders Jansson, Head of Sales Specialty Pulp.
The post-screening system will be installed during the planned annual autumn maintenance stop.
Aspa plant produces ECF pulp with excellent strength properties and brightness, as well as UKP-E (Unbleached Kraft Pulp Electro) pulp carefully washed to obtain electrotechnical properties.