AF&PA Supports D.C. Circuit Court Ruling to Remand EPA’s Boiler MACT Rule
American Forest & Paper Association President (AF&PA) President and CEO Donna Harman issued the following statement in support of the District of Columbia (D.C.) Circuit Court’s December 23rd decision to remand the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Boiler Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) rule:
“With this ruling, the court has provided an opening for the EPA to quickly address concerns and finalize a rule that supports our industry’s capability to generate essential power from its boilers. We’re pleased that the court has listened to our support of a remand, and we urge the agency to work as quickly as possible to bring this rule to closure after 20 years and three tries.
“Our industry has been subject to a roller coaster of regulatory uncertainty that needs to stop. We need and deserve affordable and achievable standards that are not constantly in flux.”