ACMA Seeks Mailers Impacted by Rate Hike to Support Our Stay Request
Dear Industry Executive:
As you know, the ACMA is challenging the legality of the Postal Service’s recently-granted rate authority in the US Court of Appeals. While our case will be heard September 13th, a decision is not expected until later this year or early 2022, well after these new rates have taken effect.
The ACMA is considering asking the Court to stay this order until the legality of it can be adjudicated. Part of evaluating the wisdom of such a stay will depend on identifying mailers who are facing irreparable harm from this price increase.
We need companies willing to show such harm to the Court.
If you are considering making significant circulation cuts, dropping titles, cutting employment, leaving the mail or any other major shifts in your business operations in response to these new postage rates, please let us know by close of business today. We will be happy to share an outline of what would need to be submitted to the Court for you to consider.
If you’re a supplier, please share this with your clients and urge them to step up. We are happy to discuss details with any company that is affected greatly. Please reach out to us at
Hamilton Davison
President & Executive Director ACMA