AAP Welcomes USTR Review of Notorious Pirate Sites Harmful to Publishers and Authors

The Association of American Publishers today welcomed the release of the 2024 Review of Notorious Markets for Counterfeiting and Piracy by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR). The Notorious Markets List highlights online and physical markets around the world engaged in industrial-scale copyright infringement and counterfeiting, which adversely impacts the interests of U.S. publishers, authors, and other rights holders.

“This annual report is a critically important tool for identifying online sites and marketplaces that traffic in infringing copies of books and journal articles,” said Lui Simpson, Executive Vice President for Global Policy at AAP. “On behalf of publishers we thank USTR for their work in protecting the intellectual property of publishers and authors, whose livelihoods directly depend on the protection and enforcement of their rights,”
more at: https://publishers.org/news/2024-ustr-notorious-markets-list-issued/

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