AAP April 2022 StatShot Report: Publishing Industry Down 2.3% Year-To-Date and 12.6% for April
Trade (Consumer Book) Revenues fall 8.9% in April, and 1.0% Year-to-Date
The Association of American Publishers (AAP) today released its StatShot report for April 2022 reflecting reported revenue for Trade (Consumer Books), Higher Education Course Materials, and Professional Publishing. The report does not include Pre-K revenue due to delays in data collection but will be updated as soon as that data becomes available.
Total revenues across all categories, excluding PreK-12, for April 2022 were down 12.6% as compared to April 2021, coming in at $788.3 million. Year-to-date revenues were down 2.3%, at $3.8 billion for the first four months of the year.
Trade (Consumer Books) Revenues
Trade (Consumer Books) sales were down 8.9% in April, coming in at $685.7 million.
In terms of physical paper format revenues during the month of April, in the Trade (Consumer Books) category, Hardback revenues were down 16.8%, coming in at $232.4 million; Paperbacks were down 2.8%, with $251.9 million in revenue; Mass Market was down 22.0% to $14.1 million; while Special Bindings were up 2.1%, with $12.5 million in revenue.
eBook revenues were down 8.3% for the month as compared to April 2021 for a total of $84.3 million. The Downloaded Audio format was up 5.6% for April, coming in at $66.6 million in revenue. Physical Audio was down 47.9% coming in at $1.2 million.
Much more at: https://publishers.org/news/aap-april-2022-statshot-report-publishing-industry-down-2-3-year-to-date-and-12-6-for-april/