AAA Daily Fuel Gauge Report for Friday, 11/11/22
National Average Price for Regular Unleaded Current: $3.794; Month Ago: $3.923; Year Ago: $3.417. National Average Price for Diesel Current: $5.368; Month Ago: $5.122; Year Ago: $3.643.
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Key Currency Exchange Rates for Friday, 12/17/21
American Dollar to Canadian Dollar = 0.779917; American Dollar to Chinese Yuan = 0.156866; American Dollar to Euro = 1.132344; American Dollar to Japanese Yen = 0.008827; American Dollar to Mexican Peso = 0.048175.
Washington Sets its Sights on Ocean Shipping
A silver lining in the global economy's post-pandemic supply-chain challenges has been policymakers' heightened attention to long-term issues hampering our domestic freight transportation networks. While shuttered Asian factories, chip shortages and other emerging chokepoints are newer problems particular to COVID-19 shutdowns, they’ve shed light on broader, systemic issues that have long impacted American trucking companies and their ability to keep the supply chain turning. Many of those issues emanate from our maritime ports, where abusive business practices by a cartel of foreign-owned ocean shipping companies have fleeced American trucking companies and U.S. consumers to the tune of billions of dollars. Fortunately, both Congress and the Biden Administration are aligned on the goal of increasing marketplace fairness in our ports and eliminating anti-competitive behavior that's enabled ocean carriers to reap record profits at the expense of truckers and consumers.