Logistics and transportation are essential to most companies. Virtually everything we use or own has been moved somewhere, whether as a raw commodity, finished goods—like paper and other FSC products—or in interim stages along the way.
According to the 2017 Commodity Flow Survey, paper manufacturers shipped over 164 million tons of product. Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification ensures that products come from responsibly managed forests…and SmartWay helps companies learn how to move their products in the most efficient, responsible way.
EPA’s global sustainability program, SmartWay, has developed strategies and tools to help organizations make their freight operations more efficient, while reducing harmful pollution. FSC has joined SmartWay as a SmartWay Affiliate, to raise awareness of the impact of its members’ transportation footprint and to encourage its members to include freight operations in their sustainability efforts.
As a SmartWay Partner you have:
•Access to EPA benchmarking tools that measure fuel use and emissions and generate reports that are useful in planning and improving your environmental performance over time
•Access to information on how to improve freight operations through webinars, peer-to-peer interaction, technical bulletins, best practices documents, strategies
•An enhanced company image by being part of a global sustainability/supply chain program
•Opportunities for public recognition as a sustainability leader to customers, shareholders and other stakeholders for those with outstanding environmental performance
More detail at https://us.fsc.org/en-us/newsroom/newsletter/id/1086