Holmen’s Interim Report January-March 2022
*Operating profit for January–March 2022 was SEK 1 883 million (January–March 2021: 849). Operating profit includes net SEK +266 million related to the damaged turbine at Workington, which is being treated as an item affecting comparability. Excluding the item affecting comparability, operating profit increased by SEK 768 million to SEK 1 617 million because of higher selling prices for paper and wood products. *Compared with the fourth quarter, operating profit excluding the item affecting comparability increased by SEK 432 million, mainly due to price increases for paper and increased deliveries of wood products. Profit for the fourth quarter included just over SEK +200 million from the sale of a British forest property. *Profit after tax for January–March amounted to SEK 1 483 million (675), which corresponds to earnings per share of SEK 9.2 (4.2).