Rare endangered amphibian spotted at Klabin’s conservation unit
Klabin, Brazil's largest paper producer and exporter, has registered for the first time at its State Natural Heritage Private Reserve (RPPN) called the Serra da Farofa Complex, the environmental conservation and preservation unit maintained by the company in the state of Santa Catarina, the beautiful and delicate glass frog, a rare and endangered amphibian. The Vitreorana uranoscopa species, which measures between 19 and 25 mm, is typically found in the Southern Atlantic Forest of Brazil and belongs to the Centrolenidae family.Its population is small and inhabits preserved fragments of riparian forests, laying eggs on the leaves that hang over the creeks during the breeding season. The unique features of this species are its translucent body and the sound it emits, which is similar to a spoon knocking on a crystal glass and which enabled its discovery. click Read More below for additional detail