New FSC Forest Stewardship Standard for Peru

FSC is pleased to announce the official publication of the new FSC Forest Stewardship Standard for Peru, which covers all categories of Management Units in natural forests and plantations, including small and low intensity managed forests, as well as Non-Timber Forest Products. This standard, effective October 15, 2024, not only focuses on productive management, but also encompasses conservation management and forest restoration.

Peru, being a country rich in natural forests, has a territory where almost 60% is covered by forests (Ministry of Environment (MINAM), 2024), covering a total area of 82,543,385 hectares as of 2019. These forests include Amazonian forests (94.2%), dry forests (4.7%) and Andean forests (1.1%), with a diversity of 42 types of forests on the coast, highlands and jungle, each with its own unique richness. These ecosystems are fundamental to Peru and the world, providing invaluable benefits such as natural resources, water and food, as well as playing a crucial role in stabilizing the climate and environment. They are also the home and livelihood of indigenous communities, representing a great potential for the development of sustainable productive initiatives that generate well-being for the people who live in them.
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