Windsor Mill’s Circular Economy Reduces Waste
You’ve heard about ecosystems: the way all living things in a given area interact with each other and their environment. There’s a similar concept in sustainability called “industrial ecology,” which is the notion that industrial processes benefit from mimicking the closed-loop efficiency, or circular economy, of a natural ecosystem. Here at Domtar, we’re focusing on building circular economies at each of our mills. Our Plymouth and Marlboro mills, for example, produce nutrient-balanced fertilizers for agricultural crops. And now, our Windsor Mill is closing its sustainability loop by giving back to the 400,000 acres of forestlands that support its operations. André Gravel, Windsor Mill’s fiber manager, says it’s all about rethinking waste. “The point is to stop talking about waste and instead talk about how you can make something out of what used to be waste,” he says. “There’s much more than one way to do that, but the idea is circularity.” Click Read More below for additional information.