Smurfit Kappa launches additional TopClip packing system designed for smaller brands
Smurfit Kappa announced the launch of a new packing system for its sustainable TopClip product, a paper-based replacement for plastic shrink wrap that bundles beverage multi-packs. This packing system, which is designed for smaller businesses and brands, comes after the launch of their high speed machine with KHS last year. This now completes the portfolio of Smurfit Kappa's end to end solutions for TopClip, ensuring it is suitable for beverage companies of all sizes. The launch of this new packing solution, and the implementation by Czech beer brewer Pivovar Clock, sees the packaging company selected to supply their innovative and sustainable paper-based TopClip for 500ml cans. A modern and creative brewery, Pivovar Clock are noted within the industry for their early adoption of sustainable technology. The brewer uses the latest steam technology and local ingredients to produce their beer.