CVG Joins the Pack4Good Initiative
The movement to save the world’s Ancient and Endangered Forests from ending up as take-out containers, shoe boxes, or other paper packaging just got kicked up a notch. Crown Van Gelder is thrilled to join a cadre of companies in the Pack4Good [and Canopy Planet] in committing to eliminate controversial forest fibre from our packaging, while exploring Next Generation Solutions for packaging made from alternative sources. Crown Van Gelder’s papers are 99% bio based; pulp sourced from sustainably managed forests, sugar beet pulp, starch, natural pigments and surface water. Only a few auxiliary materials, colouring agents and glues are not bio based; natural gas is used as an energy source in the manufacturing process. After two years of research in 2020 Crown Van Gelder developed Crown Native with the Dutch agricultural cooperative Cosun Beet Company as a strategic partner. The agricultural process residue from Cosun’s production process, beet pulp, forms a valuable resource for the paper and Crown Van Gelder succeeded in creating paper with 20% beet pulp, thus achieving environmental gains in several areas.