BillerudKorsnäs Interim Report January–June 2021
Strong sales growth continued throughout the second quarter, driven by volume growth, product mix and higher prices. Sales volumes increased compared to the same period last year despite different timing in the maintenance schedule. Profitability continued to strengthen with excellent cash flow delivery in the second quarter. Halfway into 2021, we experienced strong demand and a good sales momentum for all our product segments. *Net sales grew by 6% to SEK 6 504 million (6 156) Excluding currency effects net sales grew by 9% *Adjusted EBITDA* increased by 14% to SEK 883 million (774) *Operating profit amounted to SEK 404 million (245) *Net profit was SEK 311 million (202) *Earnings per share amounted to SEK 1.50 (0.98)