Ask Congress to Stop Postage Hikes
Dear ACMA member or friend of the ACMA: Please play an important role by urging key Congressional committee members to intervene and stop Postmaster Louis DeJoy from continuing these punishing twice-a-year postal rate hikes. The July 9th increase was the third in the past 12 months. The action we're asking of you is fairly simple and easy, but requires two key steps: 1. The ACMA is a flagship member of the Keep Us Posted campaign, headed by former Kansas Congressman Kevin Yoder. Just use this platform to ask Congress to stop these rate hikes. 2. We have hand-selected you (and likely, a colleague or two from your company whom we also know) because your headquarters, your other facilities, or clusters of your employees are in districts of Congressional members who serve on the House Oversight Committee, the key committee that oversees the USPS. Please see the list below and use the Keep Us Posted letter as a template to write the appropriate representative separately from item 1 above. Send your letter by email to the contact listed below each Congressional member.