Billerud Year-end Report January–December 2022
Key highlights Q4: *Organic* and currency neutral sales growth of 14% *Solid operating cash flow and strong balance sheet *Shift towards softer demand and declining sentiment. Quarterly data Q4: *Net sales increased by 79% to SEK 11,971 million (6,688), whereof Billerud North America accounted for SEK 4,004 million *Operating profit was SEK 1,353 million (418), including items impacting comparability of SEK -52 million (-177) *Net profit was SEK 940 million (320). Comments by the CEO: Full-year performance 2022 has been excellent. Organic and currency neutral sales growth for the year was 16%. The EBITDA margin was 19% and earnings per share increased from SEK 7.2 to SEK 20.1. The Board of Directors proposes an approximately 75% increase of dividend to SEK 7.5 per share.