South Carolina Department of Education Selects HMH’s Into Reading for K-5 Palmetto Literacy Project Schools
Learning technology company HMH announced that the South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) has approved HMH Into Reading™ as a curriculum option for the K-5 Palmetto Literacy Project (PLP) Schools. The K–5 Palmetto Literacy Project schools are a group of 265 schools across the state with a special focus on ensuring all students are reading on grade level. PLP schools will have the ability to purchase the recommended literacy programs using Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds to implement in 2022. The PLP review committee found that Into Reading is grounded in science of reading research and shows strong alignment to the five essential science of reading concepts, including phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. The review also showed that Into Reading’s instructional design aligns with Scarborough’s Reading Rope and has explicit, research-based foundational skills instruction that integrate listening, speaking, reading and writing.