2022 USPS Promotions

Developing a strategy for future campaigns can feel overwhelming—we get it. Staring at a white wall is how it usually starts. Well, how about first looking at where you can save money?

In 2011, the USPS introduced the marketing mail promotions program, in which they discount a percentage of postage on any campaign that meets the requirements. The purpose is to encourage marketers to integrate different technologies with mail to engage audiences and strengthen the relevance of direct mail. After ten years now, it’s been proven successful.

Of course, the promotions have evolved over the last few years and brought forward incentives that reward interactive experiences and technologies designed to further engage and extend the consumer’s mail experience. In many cases, we’ve seen a strong lift in response and the discount can actually offset the cost of implementing the technologies.

This year, we see terrific opportunities for our clients to test new ways to win. Depending on your brand and goals, some strategies make more sense than others.
more at source: https://specialtyprintcomm.com/blog/2022-usps-promotions/

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